#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import os import pyauto_functional # Must be imported before pyauto import pyauto from chromeos.power_strip import PowerStrip class ChromeosBattery(pyauto.PyUITest): """Tests ChromeOS Battery Status. Preconditions: 1) Device under test (DUT) is connected to the LAN via an Ethernet-to-USB adapter plugged into one of its USB ports. 2) AC power cable is connected to the DUT, and plugged into the IP controlled Power Switch, outlet #4, located in the lab. 3) Battery is installed in the DUT, and battery is not fully discharged. 4) Tester should have physical access to the power switch. Note about time calculation: When AC power is turned off or on, the battery will take from 2 to 60 seconds to calculate the time remaining to empty or full. While calculating, the keys 'battery_time_to_full' and 'battery_time_to_empty' are absent. """ _BATTERY_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(pyauto.PyUITest.DataDir(), 'pyauto_private', 'chromeos', 'power', 'battery_testbed_config') def setUp(self): pyauto.PyUITest.setUp(self) self.InitPowerStrip() def tearDown(self): # Leave AC power ON so battery does not discharge between tests self._power_strip.PowerOn(self._outlet_battery_full) pyauto.PyUITest.tearDown(self) def InitPowerStrip(self): assert os.path.exists(ChromeosBattery._BATTERY_CONFIG_FILE), \ 'Power Strip configuration file does not exist.' power_config = pyauto.PyUITest.EvalDataFrom( ChromeosBattery._BATTERY_CONFIG_FILE) self._power_strip = PowerStrip(power_config['strip_ip']) self._outlet_battery_full = (power_config['configs'] ['battery_full'] ['outlet_id']) def WaitUntilBatteryState(self, ac_power_on, time_key): assert self.WaitUntil(lambda: self.BatteryPowerAndChargeStateAgree( ac_power_on, time_key), timeout=60, retry_sleep=1), \ 'Battery charge/discharge time was not calculated.' return def BatteryPowerAndChargeStateAgree(self, ac_power_on, time_key): battery_status = self.GetBatteryInfo() return (battery_status.get('line_power_on') == ac_power_on and time_key in battery_status) def testBatteryChargesWhenACisOn(self): """Calculate battery time to full when AC is ON""" # Apply AC power to chromebook with battery. self._power_strip.PowerOn(self._outlet_battery_full) # Get info about charging battery self.WaitUntilBatteryState(True,'battery_time_to_full') battery_status = self.GetBatteryInfo() self.assertTrue(battery_status.get('battery_is_present'), msg='Battery is not present.') self.assertTrue(battery_status.get('line_power_on'), msg='Line power is off.') self.assertTrue(battery_status.get('battery_time_to_full') >= 0, msg='Battery charge time is negative.') def testBatteryDischargesWhenACisOff(self): """Calculate battery time to empty when AC is OFF""" self._power_strip.PowerOff(self._outlet_battery_full) # Get info about discharging battery self.WaitUntilBatteryState(False,'battery_time_to_empty') battery_status = self.GetBatteryInfo() self.assertTrue(battery_status.get('battery_is_present'), msg='Battery is not present.') self.assertFalse(battery_status.get('line_power_on'), msg='Line power is on.') self.assertTrue(battery_status.get('battery_time_to_empty') >= 0, msg='Battery discharge time is negative.') def testBatteryTimesAreDifferent(self): """Time to full and time to empty should be different""" # Turn AC Power ON self._power_strip.PowerOn(self._outlet_battery_full) # Get charging battery time to full self.WaitUntilBatteryState(True,'battery_time_to_full') battery_status = self.GetBatteryInfo() time_to_full = battery_status.get('battery_time_to_full') # Turn AC Power OFF self._power_strip.PowerOff(self._outlet_battery_full) # Get discharging battery time to empty self.WaitUntilBatteryState(False,'battery_time_to_empty') battery_status = self.GetBatteryInfo() time_to_empty = battery_status.get('battery_time_to_empty') # Compare charge to discharge time """Confirm that time to full and time to empty are not returning the same value, but that the values are different (e.g., both are not zero).""" self.assertNotEqual(time_to_full, time_to_empty, msg='Battery time to full equals time to empty. ' 'Though very unlikely, this is not impossible. ' 'If test failed falsely, Kris owes Scott a beer.') if __name__ == '__main__': pyauto_functional.Main()