#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import simplejson import os import pyauto_functional import pyauto class SQLExecutionError(RuntimeError): """Represents an error that occurs while executing an SQL statement.""" pass class DatabasesTest(pyauto.PyUITest): """Test of Web SQL Databases.""" def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): super(DatabasesTest, self).__init__(methodName) # HTML page used for database testing. self.TEST_PAGE_URL = self.GetFileURLForDataPath( os.path.join('database', 'database_tester.html')) def _ParseAndCheckResultFromTestPage(self, json): """Helper function that parses the message sent from |TEST_PAGE_URL| and checks that it succeeded. Args: json: the message, encoded in JSON, that the test page sent to us Returns: dictionary representing the result from the test page, with format: { 'succeeded': boolean 'errorMsg': optional string 'returnValue': optional any type } Raises: SQLExecutionError if the message contains an error message """ result_dict = simplejson.loads(json) if result_dict['succeeded'] == False: raise SQLExecutionError(result_dict['errorMsg']) return result_dict def _CreateTable(self, tab_index=0, windex=0): """Creates a table in the database. This should only be called once per database. This should be called before attempting to insert, update, delete, or get the records in the database. Defaults to first tab in first window. Args: tab_index: index of the tab that will create the database windex: index of the window containing the tab that will create the database """ json = self.CallJavascriptFunc('createTable', [], tab_index, windex) self._ParseAndCheckResultFromTestPage(json) def _InsertRecord(self, record, tab_index=0, windex=0): """Inserts a record, i.e., a row, into the database. Defaults to first tab in first window. Args: record: string that will be added as a new row in the database tab_index: index of the tab that will insert the record windex: index of the window containing the tab that will insert the record """ json = self.CallJavascriptFunc('insertRecord', [record], tab_index, windex) self._ParseAndCheckResultFromTestPage(json) def _UpdateRecord(self, index, updated_record, tab_index=0, windex=0): """Updates a record, i.e., a row, in the database. Defaults to first tab in first window. Args: index: index of the record to update. Index 0 refers to the oldest item in the database updated_record: string that will be used to update the row in the database tab_index: index of the tab that will update the record windex: index of the window containing the tab that will update the record """ json = self.CallJavascriptFunc( 'updateRecord', [index, updated_record], tab_index, windex) self._ParseAndCheckResultFromTestPage(json) def _DeleteRecord(self, index, tab_index=0, windex=0): """Deletes a record, i.e., a row, from the database. Defaults to first tab in first window. Args: index: index of the record to be deleted. Index 0 refers to the oldest item in the database tab_index: index of the tab that will delete the record windex: index of the window containing the tab that will delete the record """ json = self.CallJavascriptFunc('deleteRecord', [index], tab_index, windex) self._ParseAndCheckResultFromTestPage(json) def _GetRecords(self, tab_index=0, windex=0): """Returns all the records, i.e., rows, in the database. The records are ordererd from oldest to newest. Defaults to first tab in first window. Returns: array of all the records in the database Args: tab_index: index of the tab that will query the database windex: index of the window containing the tab that will query the database """ json = self.CallJavascriptFunc('getRecords', [], tab_index, windex) return self._ParseAndCheckResultFromTestPage(json)['returnValue'] def testInsertRecord(self): """Insert records to the database.""" self.NavigateToURL(self.TEST_PAGE_URL) self._CreateTable() self._InsertRecord('text') self.assertEquals(['text'], self._GetRecords()) self._InsertRecord('text2') self.assertEquals(['text', 'text2'], self._GetRecords()) def testUpdateRecord(self): """Update records in the database.""" self.NavigateToURL(self.TEST_PAGE_URL) self._CreateTable() # Update the first record. self._InsertRecord('text') self._UpdateRecord(0, '0') records = self._GetRecords() self.assertEquals(1, len(records)) self.assertEquals('0', records[0]) # Update the middle record. self._InsertRecord('1') self._InsertRecord('2') self._UpdateRecord(1, '1000') self.assertEquals(['0', '1000', '2'], self._GetRecords()) def testDeleteRecord(self): """Delete records in the database.""" self.NavigateToURL(self.TEST_PAGE_URL) self._CreateTable() # Delete the first and only record. self._InsertRecord('text') self._DeleteRecord(0) self.assertFalse(self._GetRecords()) # Delete the middle record. self._InsertRecord('0') self._InsertRecord('1') self._InsertRecord('2') self._DeleteRecord(1) self.assertEquals(['0', '2'], self._GetRecords()) def testDeleteNonexistentRow(self): """Attempts to delete a nonexistent row in the table.""" self.NavigateToURL(self.TEST_PAGE_URL) self._CreateTable() self._InsertRecord('text') did_throw_exception = False try: self._DeleteRecord(1) except: did_throw_exception = True self.assertTrue(did_throw_exception) self.assertEquals(['text'], self._GetRecords()) def testDatabaseOperations(self): """Insert, update, and delete records in the database.""" self.NavigateToURL(self.TEST_PAGE_URL) self._CreateTable() for i in range(10): self._InsertRecord(str(i)) records = self._GetRecords() self.assertEqual([str(i) for i in range(10)], records) for i in range(10): self._UpdateRecord(i, str(i * i)) records = self._GetRecords() self.assertEqual([str(i * i) for i in range(10)], records) for i in range(10): self._DeleteRecord(0) self.assertEqual(0, len(self._GetRecords())) def testReloadActiveTab(self): """Create records in the database and verify they persist after reload.""" self.NavigateToURL(self.TEST_PAGE_URL) self._CreateTable() self._InsertRecord('text') self.ReloadActiveTab() self.assertEquals(['text'], self._GetRecords()) def testIncognitoCannotReadRegularDatabase(self): """Attempt to read a database created in a regular browser from an incognito browser. """ self.NavigateToURL(self.TEST_PAGE_URL) self._CreateTable() self._InsertRecord('text') self.RunCommand(pyauto.IDC_NEW_INCOGNITO_WINDOW) self.NavigateToURL(self.TEST_PAGE_URL, 1, 0) can_read_regular_database = False try: # |_GetRecords| should throw an error because the table does not exist. if len(self._GetRecords(windex=1)) == 1: can_read_regular_database = True except SQLExecutionError: pass self.assertFalse(can_read_regular_database) self._CreateTable(windex=1) self.assertEqual(0, len(self._GetRecords(windex=1))) def testRegularCannotReadIncognitoDatabase(self): """Attempt to read a database created in an incognito browser from a regular browser. """ self.RunCommand(pyauto.IDC_NEW_INCOGNITO_WINDOW) self.NavigateToURL(self.TEST_PAGE_URL, 1, 0) self._CreateTable(windex=1) self._InsertRecord('text', windex=1) # Verify a regular browser cannot read the incognito database. self.NavigateToURL(self.TEST_PAGE_URL) can_read_incognito_database = False try: # |_GetRecords| should throw an error because the table does not exist. if len(self._GetRecords()) == 1: can_read_incognito_database = True except SQLExecutionError: pass self.assertFalse(can_read_incognito_database) def testDbModificationPersistInSecondTab(self): """Verify DB changes within first tab are present in the second tab.""" self.NavigateToURL(self.TEST_PAGE_URL) self._CreateTable() self._InsertRecord('text') self.AppendTab(pyauto.GURL(self.TEST_PAGE_URL)) self._UpdateRecord(0, '0', tab_index=0) tab1_records = self._GetRecords(tab_index=0) tab2_records = self._GetRecords(tab_index=1) self.assertEquals(1, len(tab1_records)) self.assertEquals('0', tab1_records[0]) self.assertEquals(1, len(tab2_records)) self.assertEquals(tab1_records[0], tab2_records[0]) if __name__ == '__main__': pyauto_functional.Main()