#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ This module is a simple qa tool that installs extensions and tests whether the browser crashes while visiting a list of urls. Usage: python extensions.py -v Note: This assumes that there is a directory of extensions called 'extensions-tool' and that there is a file of newline-separated urls to visit called 'urls.txt' in the data directory. """ import glob import logging import os import sys import pyauto_functional # must be imported before pyauto import pyauto class ExtensionsTest(pyauto.PyUITest): """Test of extensions.""" def Debug(self): """Test method for experimentation. This method is not run automatically. """ while True: raw_input('Interact with the browser and hit to dump history.. ') print '*' * 20 extensions = self.GetExtensionsInfo() import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) pp.pprint(extensions) def _GetInstalledExtensionIds(self): return [extension['id'] for extension in self.GetExtensionsInfo()] def _ReturnCrashingExtensions(self, extensions, group_size, top_urls): """Install the given extensions in groups of group_size and return the group of extensions that crashes (if any). Args: extensions: A list of extensions to install. group_size: The number of extensions to install at one time. top_urls: The list of top urls to visit. Returns: The extensions in the crashing group or None if there is no crash. """ curr_extension = 0 num_extensions = len(extensions) self.RestartBrowser() orig_extension_ids = self._GetInstalledExtensionIds() while curr_extension < num_extensions: logging.debug('New group of %d extensions.' % group_size) group_end = curr_extension + group_size for extension in extensions[curr_extension:group_end]: logging.debug('Installing extension: %s' % extension) self.InstallExtension(pyauto.FilePath(extension), False) for url in top_urls: self.NavigateToURL(url) def _LogAndReturnCrashing(): crashing_extensions = extensions[curr_extension:group_end] logging.debug('Crashing extensions: %s' % crashing_extensions) return crashing_extensions # If the browser has crashed, return the extensions in the failing group. try: num_browser_windows = self.GetBrowserWindowCount() except: return _LogAndReturnCrashing() else: if not num_browser_windows: return _LogAndReturnCrashing() else: # Uninstall all extensions that aren't installed by default. new_extension_ids = [id for id in self._GetInstalledExtensionIds() if id not in orig_extension_ids] for extension_id in new_extension_ids: self.UninstallExtensionById(extension_id) curr_extension = group_end # None of the extensions crashed. return None def ExtensionCrashes(self): """Add top extensions; confirm browser stays up when visiting top urls""" # TODO: provide a way in pyauto to pass args to a test - take these as args extensions_dir = os.path.join(self.DataDir(), 'extensions-tool') urls_file = os.path.join(self.DataDir(), 'urls.txt') assert os.path.exists(extensions_dir), \ 'The dir "%s" must exist' % os.path.abspath(extensions_dir) assert os.path.exists(urls_file), \ 'The file "%s" must exist' % os.path.abspath(urls_file) num_urls_to_visit = 100 extensions_group_size = 20 top_urls = [l.rstrip() for l in open(urls_file).readlines()[:num_urls_to_visit]] failed_extensions = glob.glob(os.path.join(extensions_dir, '*.crx')) group_size = extensions_group_size while(group_size and failed_extensions): failed_extensions = self._ReturnCrashingExtensions( failed_extensions, group_size, top_urls) group_size = group_size // 2 self.assertFalse(failed_extensions, 'Extension(s) in failing group: %s' % failed_extensions) def testGetExtensionPermissions(self): """Ensures we can retrieve the host/api permissions for an extension. This test assumes that the 'Bookmark Manager' extension exists in a fresh profile. """ extensions_info = self.GetExtensionsInfo() bm_exts = [x for x in extensions_info if x['name'] == 'Bookmark Manager'] self.assertTrue(bm_exts, msg='Could not find info for the Bookmark ' 'Manager extension.') ext = bm_exts[0] permissions_host = ext['host_permissions'] self.assertTrue(len(permissions_host) == 2 and 'chrome://favicon/*' in permissions_host and 'chrome://resources/*' in permissions_host, msg='Unexpected host permissions information.') permissions_api = ext['api_permissions'] self.assertTrue(len(permissions_api) == 3 and 'bookmarks' in permissions_api and 'experimental' in permissions_api and 'tabs' in permissions_api, msg='Unexpected host permissions information.') if __name__ == '__main__': pyauto_functional.Main()