#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import os import time import pyauto_functional # Must be imported before pyauto import pyauto import test_utils class HistoryTest(pyauto.PyUITest): """TestCase for History.""" def testBasic(self): url = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('title2.html') title = 'Title Of Awesomeness' self.NavigateToURL(url) history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual(1, len(history)) self.assertEqual(title, history[0]['title']) self.assertEqual(url, history[0]['url']) def Debug(self): """Test method for experimentation. This method will not run automatically. """ while True: raw_input('Interact with the browser and hit to dump history.. ') print '*' * 20 history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) pp.pprint(history) def testHistoryPersists(self): """Verify that history persists after session restart.""" assert not self.GetHistoryInfo().History(), 'Expecting clean history.' url = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('title2.html') title = 'Title Of Awesomeness' self.NavigateToURL(url) history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual(1, len(history)) self.assertEqual(title, history[0]['title']) self.assertEqual(url, history[0]['url']) self.RestartBrowser(clear_profile=False) # Verify that history persists. history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual(1, len(history)) self.assertEqual(title, history[0]['title']) self.assertEqual(url, history[0]['url']) def testInvalidURLNoHistory(self): """Invalid URLs should not go in history.""" assert not self.GetHistoryInfo().History(), 'Expecting clean history.' urls = [ self.GetFileURLForPath('some_non-existing_path'), self.GetFileURLForPath('another_non-existing_path'), ] for url in urls: if not url.startswith('file://'): logging.warn('Using %s. Might depend on how dns failures are handled' 'on the network' % url) self.NavigateToURL(url) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.GetHistoryInfo().History())) def testNewTabNoHistory(self): """New tab page - chrome://newtab/ should not show up in history.""" assert not self.GetHistoryInfo().History(), 'Expecting clean history.' self.AppendTab(pyauto.GURL('chrome://newtab/')) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.GetHistoryInfo().History())) def testIncognitoNoHistory(self): """Incognito browsing should not show up in history.""" assert not self.GetHistoryInfo().History(), 'Expecting clean history.' url = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('title2.html') self.RunCommand(pyauto.IDC_NEW_INCOGNITO_WINDOW) self.NavigateToURL(url, 1, 0) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.GetHistoryInfo().History())) def testStarredBookmarkInHistory(self): """Verify "starred" URLs in history.""" url = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('title2.html') title = 'Title Of Awesomeness' self.NavigateToURL(url) # Should not be starred in history yet. history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual(1, len(history)) self.assertFalse(history[0]['starred']) # Bookmark the URL. bookmarks = self.GetBookmarkModel() bar_id = bookmarks.BookmarkBar()['id'] self.AddBookmarkURL(bar_id, 0, title, url) # Should be starred now. history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual(1, len(history)) self.assertTrue(history[0]['starred']) # Remove bookmark. bookmarks = self.GetBookmarkModel() node = bookmarks.FindByTitle(title) self.assertTrue(node) id = node[0]['id'] self.RemoveBookmark(id) # Should not be starred anymore. history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual(1, len(history)) self.assertFalse(history[0]['starred']) def testNavigateMultiTimes(self): """Multiple navigations to the same url should have a single history.""" assert not self.GetHistoryInfo().History(), 'Expecting clean history.' url = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('title2.html') for i in range(5): self.NavigateToURL(url) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.GetHistoryInfo().History())) def testMultiTabsWindowsHistory(self): """Verify history with multiple windows and tabs.""" assert not self.GetHistoryInfo().History(), 'Expecting clean history.' urls = [] for name in ['title2.html', 'title1.html', 'title3.html', 'simple.html']: urls.append(self.GetFileURLForDataPath(name)) num_urls = len(urls) assert num_urls == 4, 'Need 4 urls' self.NavigateToURL(urls[0], 0, 0) # window 0, tab 0 self.OpenNewBrowserWindow(True) self.AppendTab(pyauto.GURL(urls[1]), 0) # window 0, tab 1 self.AppendTab(pyauto.GURL(urls[2]), 1) # window 1 self.AppendTab(pyauto.GURL(urls[3]), 1) # window 1 history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual(num_urls, len(history)) # The history should be ordered most recent first. for i in range(num_urls): self.assertEqual(urls[-1 - i], history[i]['url']) def testDownloadNoHistory(self): """Downloaded URLs should not show up in history.""" zip_file = 'a_zip_file.zip' assert not self.GetHistoryInfo().History(), 'Expecting clean history.' test_utils.DownloadFileFromDownloadsDataDir(self, zip_file) test_utils.RemoveDownloadedTestFile(self, zip_file) # We shouldn't have any history history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual(0, len(history)) def testRedirectHistory(self): """HTTP meta-refresh redirects should have separate history entries.""" assert not self.GetHistoryInfo().History(), 'Expecting clean history.' file_url = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('History', 'redirector.html') landing_url = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('History', 'landing.html') tab = self.GetBrowserWindow(0).GetTab(0) tab.NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(pyauto.GURL(file_url), 2) self.assertEqual(landing_url, self.GetActiveTabURL().spec()) # We should have two history items history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual(2, len(history)) self.assertEqual(landing_url, history[0]['url']) def testForge(self): """Brief test of forging history items. Note the history system can tweak values (e.g. lower-case a URL or append an '/' on it) so be careful with exact comparison. """ assert not self.GetHistoryInfo().History(), 'Expecting clean history.' # Minimal interface self.AddHistoryItem({'url': 'http://ZOINKS'}) history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual(1, len(history)) self.assertTrue('zoinks' in history[0]['url']) # yes it gets lower-cased. # Python's time might be slightly off (~10 ms) from Chrome's time (on win). # time.time() on win counts in 1ms steps whereas it's 1us on linux. # So give the new history item some time separation, so that we can rely # on the history ordering. def _GetTimeLaterThan(tm): y = time.time() if y - tm < 0.5: # 0.5s should be an acceptable separation return 0.5 + y new_time = _GetTimeLaterThan(history[0]['time']) # Full interface (specify both title and url) self.AddHistoryItem({'title': 'Google', 'url': 'http://www.google.com', 'time': new_time}) # Expect a second item history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual(2, len(history)) # And make sure our forged item is there. self.assertEqual('Google', history[0]['title']) self.assertTrue('google.com' in history[0]['url']) self.assertTrue(abs(new_time - history[0]['time']) < 1.0) def testHttpsHistory(self): """Verify a site using https protocol shows up within history.""" https_url = 'https://encrypted.google.com/' url_title = 'Google' self.NavigateToURL(https_url) history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual(len(history), 1) self.assertEqual(url_title, history[0]['title']) self.assertEqual(https_url, history[0]['url']) def testFtpHistory(self): """Verify a site using ftp protocol shows up within history.""" ftp_url = 'ftp://ftp.kernel.org/' ftp_title = 'Index of /' self.NavigateToURL(ftp_url) history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual(len(history), 1) self.assertEqual(ftp_title, history[0]['title']) self.assertEqual(ftp_url, history[0]['url']) def _CheckHistory(self, title, url, length, index=0): """Verify that the current history matches expectations. Verify that history item has the given title and url and that length of history list is as expected. Args: title: Expected title of given web page. url: Expected address of given web page. length: Expected length of history list. index: Position of item we want to check in history list. """ history = self.GetHistoryInfo().History() self.assertEqual( length, len(history), msg='History length: expected = %d, actual = %d.' % (length, len(history))) self.assertEqual( title, history[index]['title'], msg='Title: expected = %s, actual = %s.' % (title, history[index]['title'])) self.assertEqual( url, history[index]['url'], msg='URL: expected = %s, actual = %s.' % (url, history[index]['url'])) def _NavigateAndCheckHistory(self, title, page, length): """Navigate to a page, then verify the history. Args: title: Title of given web page. page: Filename of given web page. length: Length of history list. """ url = self.GetFileURLForDataPath(page) self.NavigateToURL(url) self._CheckHistory(title, url, length) def testNavigateBringPageToTop(self): """Verify that navigation brings current page to top of history list.""" self._NavigateAndCheckHistory('Title Of Awesomeness', 'title2.html', 1) self._NavigateAndCheckHistory('Title Of More Awesomeness', 'title3.html', 2) def testReloadBringPageToTop(self): """Verify that reloading a page brings it to top of history list.""" url1 = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('title2.html') title1 = 'Title Of Awesomeness' self._NavigateAndCheckHistory(title1, 'title2.html', 1) url2 = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('title3.html') title2 = 'Title Of More Awesomeness' self.AppendTab(pyauto.GURL(url2)) self._CheckHistory(title2, url2, 2) self.ActivateTab(0) self.ReloadActiveTab() self._CheckHistory(title1, url1, 2) def testBackForwardBringPageToTop(self): """Verify that back/forward brings current page to top of history list.""" url1 = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('title2.html') title1 = 'Title Of Awesomeness' self._NavigateAndCheckHistory(title1, 'title2.html', 1) url2 = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('title3.html') title2 = 'Title Of More Awesomeness' self._NavigateAndCheckHistory(title2, 'title3.html', 2) tab = self.GetBrowserWindow(0).GetTab(0) tab.GoBack() self._CheckHistory(title1, url1, 2) tab.GoForward() self._CheckHistory(title2, url2, 2) def testAppendTabAddPage(self): """Verify that opening a new tab adds that page to history.""" self._NavigateAndCheckHistory('Title Of Awesomeness', 'title2.html', 1) url2 = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('title3.html') title2 = 'Title Of More Awesomeness' self.AppendTab(pyauto.GURL(url2)) self._CheckHistory(title2, url2, 2) def testOpenWindowAddPage(self): """Verify that opening new window to a page adds the page to history.""" self._NavigateAndCheckHistory('Title Of Awesomeness', 'title2.html', 1) url2 = self.GetFileURLForDataPath('title3.html') title2 = 'Title Of More Awesomeness' self.OpenNewBrowserWindow(True) self.NavigateToURL(url2, 1) self._CheckHistory(title2, url2, 2) if __name__ == '__main__': pyauto_functional.Main()