#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import re import pyauto_functional import pyauto class MultiprofileTest(pyauto.PyUITest): """Tests for Multi-Profile / Multi-users""" _RESTORE_STARTUP_URL_VALUE = 4 _RESTORE_LASTOPEN_URL_VALUE = 1 _RESTORE_DEFAULT_URL_VALUE = 0 def Debug(self): """Test method for experimentation. This method will not run automatically. """ while True: raw_input('Hit to dump info.. ') self.pprint(self.GetMultiProfileInfo()) def _GetSearchEngineWithKeyword(self, keyword, windex=0): """Get search engine info and return an element that matches keyword. Args: keyword: Search engine keyword field. windex: The window index, default is 0. Returns: A search engine info dict or None. """ match_list = ([x for x in self.GetSearchEngineInfo(windex=windex) if x['keyword'] == keyword]) if match_list: return match_list[0] return None def _SetPreferences(self, dict, windex=0): """Sets preferences settings. Args: _dict: Dictionary of key preferences and its value to be set. windex: The window index, defaults to 0 (the first window). """ for key in dict.iterkeys(): self.SetPrefs(key, dict[key], windex=windex) def _SetStartUpPage(self, url, windex=0): """Set start up page. Args: url: URL of the page to be set as start up page. windex: The window index, default is 0. """ _dict = {pyauto.kURLsToRestoreOnStartup: [url], pyauto.kRestoreOnStartup: self._RESTORE_STARTUP_URL_VALUE} self._SetPreferences(_dict, windex=windex) prefs_info = self.GetPrefsInfo(windex=windex).Prefs( pyauto.kURLsToRestoreOnStartup) self.assertTrue(url in prefs_info) def _SetHomePage(self, url, windex=0): """Create new profile and set home page. Args: url: URL of the page to be set as home page windex: The window index, default is 0. """ _dict = {pyauto.kHomePage: url, pyauto.kHomePageIsNewTabPage: False, pyauto.kShowHomeButton: True, pyauto.kRestoreOnStartup: self._RESTORE_DEFAULT_URL_VALUE} self._SetPreferences(_dict, windex=windex) self.assertTrue(url in self.GetPrefsInfo(windex=windex).Prefs(pyauto.kHomePage)) def _SetSessionRestoreURLs(self, set_restore, windex=0): """Create new profile and set home page. Args: set_restore: Value of action of start up. windex: The window index, default is 0. """ self.NavigateToURL('http://www.google.com/', windex) self.AppendTab(pyauto.GURL('http://news.google.com/'), windex) num_tabs = self.GetTabCount(windex) dict = {pyauto.kRestoreOnStartup: set_restore} self._SetPreferences(dict, windex=windex) def _AddSearchEngine(self, title, keyword, url, windex=0): """Add search engine. Args: title: Name for search engine. keyword: Keyword, used to initiate a custom search from omnibox. url: URL template for this search engine's query. windex: The window index, default is 0. """ self.AddSearchEngine(title, keyword, url, windex=windex) name = self._GetSearchEngineWithKeyword(keyword, windex=windex) self.assertTrue(name) def _AssertStartUpPage(self, url, profile='Default'): """Asserts start up page for given profile. Args: url: URL of the page to be set as start up page profile: The profile name, defaults to 'Default'. """ self.AppendBrowserLaunchSwitch('--profile-directory=' + profile) self.RestartBrowser(clear_profile=False) info = self.GetBrowserInfo() self.assertEqual(url, info['windows'][0]['tabs'][0]['url'].rstrip('/')) self.assertTrue(url in self.GetPrefsInfo().Prefs(pyauto.kURLsToRestoreOnStartup)) def _AssertHomePage(self, url, profile='Default'): """Asserts home page for given profile. Args: url: URL of the page to be set as home page profile: The profile name, defaults to 'Dafault'. """ self.AppendBrowserLaunchSwitch('--profile-directory=' + profile) self.RestartBrowser(clear_profile=False) self.assertTrue(url in self.GetPrefsInfo().Prefs(pyauto.kHomePage)) def _AssertDefaultSearchEngine(self, search_engine, profile='Default'): """Asserts default search engine for given profile. Args: search_engine: Name of default search engine. profile: The profile name, defaults to 'Default'. """ self.AppendBrowserLaunchSwitch('--profile-directory=' + profile) self.RestartBrowser(clear_profile=False) name = self._GetSearchEngineWithKeyword(search_engine) self.assertTrue(name['is_default']) self.SetOmniboxText('test search') self.OmniboxAcceptInput() self.assertTrue(re.search(search_engine, self.GetActiveTabURL().spec())) def _AssertSessionRestore(self, url_list, set_restore, num_tabs=1, profile='Default'): """Asserts urls when session is set to restored or set default. Args: url_list: List of URL to be restored. set_restore: Value of action of start up. num_tabs: Number of tabs to be restored, default is 1. profile: The profile name, defaults to 'Default'. """ self.AppendBrowserLaunchSwitch('--profile-directory=' + profile) self.RestartBrowser(clear_profile=False) self.assertEqual(num_tabs, self.GetTabCount()) self.assertEqual(self.GetPrefsInfo().Prefs(pyauto.kRestoreOnStartup), set_restore) tab_index = 0 while (tab_index < num_tabs): self.ActivateTab(tab_index) self.assertEqual(url_list[tab_index], self.GetActiveTabURL().spec()) tab_index += 1 def testBasic(self): """Multi-profile windows can open.""" self.assertEqual(1, self.GetBrowserWindowCount()) self.assertTrue(self.GetMultiProfileInfo()['enabled'], msg='Multi-profile is not enabled') self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() # Verify multi-profile info. multi_profile = self.GetMultiProfileInfo() self.assertEqual(2, len(multi_profile['profiles'])) new_profile = multi_profile['profiles'][1] self.assertTrue(new_profile['name']) # Verify browser windows. self.assertEqual(2, self.GetBrowserWindowCount(), msg='New browser window did not open') info = self.GetBrowserInfo() new_profile_window = info['windows'][1] self.assertEqual('Profile 1', new_profile_window['profile_path']) self.assertEqual(1, len(new_profile_window['tabs'])) self.assertEqual('chrome://newtab/', new_profile_window['tabs'][0]['url']) def test20NewProfiles(self): """Verify we can create 20 new profiles.""" for index in range(1, 21): self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() multi_profile = self.GetMultiProfileInfo() self.assertEqual(index + 1, len(multi_profile['profiles']), msg='Expected %d profiles after adding %d new users. Got %d' % ( index + 1, index, len(multi_profile['profiles']))) def testStartUpPageOptionInMultiProfile(self): """Test startup page for Multi-profile windows.""" self.assertTrue(self.GetMultiProfileInfo()['enabled'], msg='Multi-profile is not enabled') # Launch browser with new Profile 1, set startup page to 'www.google.com'. self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() self._SetStartUpPage('http://www.google.com', windex=1) # Launch browser with new Profile 2, set startup page to 'www.yahoo.com'. self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() # Verify start up page for Profile 2 is still newtab page. info = self.GetBrowserInfo() self.assertEqual('chrome://newtab/', info['windows'][2]['tabs'][0]['url']) self._SetStartUpPage('http://www.yahoo.com', windex=2) # Exit Profile 1 / Profile 2 self.CloseBrowserWindow(2) self.CloseBrowserWindow(1) # Relaunch Browser with Profile 2, verify startup page. self._AssertStartUpPage('http://www.yahoo.com', profile='Profile 2') # Relaunch Browser with Profile 1, verify startup page. self._AssertStartUpPage('http://www.google.com', profile='Profile 1') def testHomePageOptionMultiProfile(self): """Test Home page for Multi-profile windows.""" self.assertTrue(self.GetMultiProfileInfo()['enabled'], msg='Multi-profile is not enabled') # Launch browser with new Profile 1, set homepage to 'www.google.com'. self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() self._SetHomePage('http://www.google.com', windex=1) # Launch browser with new Profile 2, set homepage to 'www.yahoo.com'. self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() self._SetHomePage('http://www.yahoo.com', windex=2) # Exit Profile 1 / Profile 2 self.CloseBrowserWindow(2) self.CloseBrowserWindow(1) # Relaunch Browser with Profile 2, verify startup page. self._AssertHomePage('http://www.yahoo.com', profile='Profile 2') # Relaunch Browser with Profile 1, verify startup page. self._AssertHomePage('http://www.google.com', profile='Profile 1') def testSessionRestoreInMultiProfile(self): """Test session restore preference for Multi-profile windows.""" self.assertTrue(self.GetMultiProfileInfo()['enabled'], msg='Multi-profile is not enabled') # Launch browser with new Profile 1, set pref to restore session on # startup. self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() self._SetSessionRestoreURLs(self._RESTORE_LASTOPEN_URL_VALUE, windex=1) # Launch browser with new Profile 2, do not set session restore pref. self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() self._SetSessionRestoreURLs(self._RESTORE_DEFAULT_URL_VALUE, windex=2) # Exit Profile 1 / Profile 2 self.CloseBrowserWindow(2) self.CloseBrowserWindow(1) # Relaunch Browser with Profile 1, verify session restores on startup. url_list = ['http://www.google.com/', 'http://news.google.com/'] self._AssertSessionRestore(url_list, self._RESTORE_LASTOPEN_URL_VALUE, num_tabs=2, profile='Profile 1') # Relaunch Browser with Profile 2, verify session does not get restored. url_list = ['chrome://newtab/'] self._AssertSessionRestore(url_list, self._RESTORE_DEFAULT_URL_VALUE, num_tabs=1, profile='Profile 2') def testInstantSearchInMultiProfile(self): """Test instant search for Multi-profile windows.""" self.assertTrue(self.GetMultiProfileInfo()['enabled'], msg='Multi-profile is not enabled') # Launch browser with new Profile 1, enable instant search self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() self.SetPrefs(pyauto.kInstantEnabled, True, windex=1) self.assertTrue(self.GetPrefsInfo(windex=1).Prefs(pyauto.kInstantEnabled)) # Launch browser with new Profile 2. self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() # Exit Profile 1 / Profile 2 self.CloseBrowserWindow(2) self.CloseBrowserWindow(1) # Relaunch Browser with Profile 1, verify instant search is enabled. self.AppendBrowserLaunchSwitch('--profile-directory=Profile 1') self.RestartBrowser(clear_profile=False) self.assertTrue(self.GetPrefsInfo().Prefs(pyauto.kInstantEnabled)) # Relaunch Browser with Profile 2, verify instant search is disabled. self.AppendBrowserLaunchSwitch('--profile-directory=Profile 2') self.RestartBrowser(clear_profile=False) self.assertFalse(self.GetPrefsInfo().Prefs(pyauto.kInstantEnabled)) def testMakeSearchEngineDefaultInMultiprofile(self): """Test adding and making a search engine default for Multi-profiles.""" self.assertTrue(self.GetMultiProfileInfo()['enabled'], msg='Multi-profile is not enabled') # Launch browser with new Profile 1, add search engine to 'Hulu'. self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() self._AddSearchEngine('Hulu', 'hulu.com', 'http://www.hulu.com/search?query=%s&ref=os&src={referrer:source?}', 1) self.MakeSearchEngineDefault('hulu.com', windex=1) # Launch browser with new Profile 2, add search engine to 'Youtube'. self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() self._AddSearchEngine('YouTube Video Search', 'youtube.com', 'http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%s&page={startPage?}'+ '&utm_source=opensearch', 2) self.MakeSearchEngineDefault('youtube.com', windex=2) # Exit Profile 1 / Profile 2 self.CloseBrowserWindow(2) self.CloseBrowserWindow(1) # Relaunch Browser with Profile 1, verify default search engine as 'Hulu'. self._AssertDefaultSearchEngine('hulu.com', profile='Profile 1') # Relaunch Browser with Profile 2, verify default search engine as # 'Youtube'. self._AssertDefaultSearchEngine('youtube.com', profile='Profile 2') def testDeleteSearchEngineInMultiprofile(self): """Test adding then deleting a search engine for Multi-profiles.""" self.assertTrue(self.GetMultiProfileInfo()['enabled'], msg='Multi-profile is not enabled') # Launch browser with new Profile 1, add 'foo.com' as new search engine. self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() self._AddSearchEngine('foo', 'foo.com', 'http://foo/?q=%s', windex=1) # Launch browser with new Profile 2, add 'foo.com' as new search engine. self.OpenNewBrowserWindowWithNewProfile() self._AddSearchEngine('foo', 'foo.com', 'http://foo/?q=%s', windex=2) # Delete search engine 'foo.com' from Profile 1 and exit. self.DeleteSearchEngine('foo.com', windex=1) self.CloseBrowserWindow(2) self.CloseBrowserWindow(1) # Relaunch Browser with Profile 1, verify search engine 'foo.com' # is deleted. self.AppendBrowserLaunchSwitch('--profile-directory=Profile 1') self.RestartBrowser(clear_profile=False) foo = self._GetSearchEngineWithKeyword('foo.com') self.assertFalse(foo) # Relaunch Browser with Profile 2, verify search engine 'foo.com' # is not deleted. self.AppendBrowserLaunchSwitch('--profile-directory=Profile 2') self.RestartBrowser(clear_profile=False) foo = self._GetSearchEngineWithKeyword('foo.com') self.assertTrue(foo) if __name__ == '__main__': pyauto_functional.Main()