#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import logging import os import re import pyauto_functional # Must be imported before pyauto import pyauto import test_utils class PluginsTest(pyauto.PyUITest): """TestCase for Plugins.""" def Debug(self): """Test method for experimentation. This method will not run automatically. """ import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) while True: raw_input('Interact with the browser and hit to list plugins...') pp.pprint(self.GetPluginsInfo().Plugins()) def _ObtainPluginsList(self): """Obtain a list of plugins for each platform. Produces warnings for plugins which are not installed on the machine. Returns: a list of 2-tuple, corresponding to the html file used for test and the name of the plugin """ plugins = [('flash-clicktoplay.html', 'Shockwave Flash'), ('java_new.html', 'Java'),] # common to all platforms if self.IsWin() or self.IsMac(): plugins = plugins + [ ('silverlight_new.html', 'Silverlight'), ('quicktime.html', 'Quicktime'), ('wmp_new.html', 'Windows Media'), ('real.html', 'RealPlayer'), ] out = [] # Emit warnings for plugins that are not installed on the machine and # therefore cannot be tested. plugins_info = self.GetPluginsInfo() for fname, name in plugins: for a_plugin in plugins_info.Plugins(): is_installed = False if re.search(name, a_plugin['name']): is_installed = True break if not is_installed: logging.warn('%s plugin is not installed and cannot be tested' % name) else: out.append((fname, name)) return out def _GetPluginPID(self, plugin_name): """Fetch the pid of the plugin process with name |plugin_name|.""" child_processes = self.GetBrowserInfo()['child_processes'] for x in child_processes: if x['type'] == 'Plug-in' and re.search(plugin_name, x['name']): return x['pid'] return None def _TogglePlugin(self, plugin_name): """Toggle a plugin's status. If enabled, disable it. If disabled, enable it. """ for plugin in self.GetPluginsInfo().Plugins(): if re.search(plugin_name, plugin['name']): if plugin['enabled']: self.DisablePlugin(plugin['path']) else: self.EnablePlugin(plugin['path']) def _IsEnabled(self, plugin_name): """Checks if plugin is enabled.""" for plugin in self.GetPluginsInfo().Plugins(): if re.search(plugin_name, plugin['name']): return plugin['enabled'] def testKillAndReloadAllPlugins(self): """Verify plugin processes and check if they can reload after killing.""" for fname, plugin_name in self._ObtainPluginsList(): if plugin_name == 'Java': # crbug.com/71223 continue url = self.GetFileURLForPath( os.path.join(self.DataDir(), 'plugin', fname)) self.NavigateToURL(url) pid = self._GetPluginPID(plugin_name) self.assertTrue(pid, 'No plugin process for %s' % plugin_name) self.Kill(pid) self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil( lambda: self._GetPluginPID(plugin_name) is None), msg='Expected %s plugin to die after killing' % plugin_name) self.GetBrowserWindow(0).GetTab(0).Reload() self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil( lambda: self._GetPluginPID(plugin_name)), msg='No plugin process for %s after reloading' % plugin_name) # Verify that it's in fact a new process. self.assertNotEqual(pid, self._GetPluginPID(plugin_name), 'Did not get new pid for %s after reloading' % plugin_name) def testDisableEnableAllPlugins(self): """Verify if all the plugins can be disabled and enabled. This is equivalent to testing the enable/disable functionality in chrome://plugins """ for fname, plugin_name in self._ObtainPluginsList(): # Verify initial state self.assertTrue(self._IsEnabled(plugin_name), '%s not enabled initially.' % plugin_name) # Disable self._TogglePlugin(plugin_name) self.assertFalse(self._IsEnabled(plugin_name)) # Attempt to load a page that triggers the plugin and verify that it # indeed could not be loaded. url = self.GetFileURLForPath( os.path.join(self.DataDir(), 'plugin', fname)) self.NavigateToURL(url) self.assertFalse([x for x in self.GetBrowserInfo()['child_processes'] if x['type'] == 'Plug-in' and re.search(plugin_name, x['name'])]) if plugin_name == 'Shockwave Flash': continue # cannot reload file:// flash URL - crbug.com/47249 if plugin_name == 'Java': continue # crbug.com/71223 # Enable self._TogglePlugin(plugin_name) self.GetBrowserWindow(0).GetTab(0).Reload() self.assertTrue([x for x in self.GetBrowserInfo()['child_processes'] if x['type'] == 'Plug-in' and re.search(plugin_name, x['name'])]) self.assertTrue(self._IsEnabled(plugin_name), plugin_name) def testBlockAllPlugins(self): """Verify that all the plugins can be blocked. Verifying by checking that flash plugin was blocked. """ flash_url = self.GetFileURLForPath(os.path.join( self.DataDir(), 'plugin', 'flash-clicktoplay.html')) self.NavigateToURL(flash_url) flash_pid = self._GetPluginPID('Shockwave Flash') self.assertTrue(flash_pid, msg='No plugin process for Shockwave Flash') # Killing the flash process as it takes a while before the plugin # process is terminated even though there are no tabs using it. self.Kill(flash_pid) self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil( lambda: self._GetPluginPID('Shockwave Flash') is None), msg='Expected Shockwave Flash plugin to die after killing') # Set the preference to block all plugins. self.SetPrefs(pyauto.kDefaultContentSettings, {'plugins': 2}) self.GetBrowserWindow(0).GetTab(0).Reload() self.assertFalse(self._GetPluginPID('Shockwave Flash'), msg='Plug-in not blocked.') def testAllowPluginException(self): """Verify that plugins can be allowed on a domain by adding an exception(s).""" # Set the preference to block all plugins. self.SetPrefs(pyauto.kDefaultContentSettings, {'plugins': 2}) flash_url = self.GetFileURLForPath(os.path.join( self.DataDir(), 'plugin', 'flash-clicktoplay.html')) self.NavigateToURL(flash_url) # Check that plugins are blocked. self.assertFalse(self._GetPluginPID('Shockwave Flash'), msg='Plug-in not blocked.') # Add an exception to allow plugins on hulu.com. self.SetPrefs(pyauto.kContentSettingsPatterns, {'[*.]hulu.com': {'plugins': 1}}) self.AppendTab(pyauto.GURL('http://www.hulu.com')) self.assertTrue(self._GetPluginPID('Shockwave Flash'), msg='No plugin process for Shockwave Flash') def testBlockPluginException(self): """Verify that plugins can be blocked on a domain by adding an exception(s).""" url = self.GetHttpURLForDataPath(os.path.join('plugin', 'flash-clicktoplay.html')) self.NavigateToURL(url) # Wait until Shockwave Flash plugin process loads. self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil( lambda: self._GetPluginPID('Shockwave Flash') is not None), msg='No plugin process for Shockwave Flash') self.Kill(self._GetPluginPID('Shockwave Flash')) self.assertTrue(self.WaitUntil( lambda: self._GetPluginPID('Shockwave Flash') is None), msg='Expected Shockwave Flash plugin to die after killing') # Add an exception to block plugins on localhost. self.SetPrefs(pyauto.kContentSettingsPatterns, {'[*.]': {'plugins': 2}}) self.GetBrowserWindow(0).GetTab(0).Reload() self.assertFalse(self._GetPluginPID('Shockwave Flash'), msg='Shockwave Flash Plug-in not blocked.') if __name__ == '__main__': pyauto_functional.Main()