#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import logging import os import pyauto_functional # Must be imported before pyauto import pyauto import test_utils class SpecialTabsTest(pyauto.PyUITest): """TestCase for Special Tabs like about:version, chrome://history, etc.""" @staticmethod def GetSpecialAcceleratorTabs(): """Get a dict of accelerators and corresponding tab titles.""" ret = { pyauto.IDC_SHOW_HISTORY: 'History', pyauto.IDC_MANAGE_EXTENSIONS: 'Extensions', pyauto.IDC_SHOW_DOWNLOADS: 'Downloads', } return ret special_url_redirects = { 'about:': 'chrome://version', 'about:about': 'chrome://about', 'about:appcache-internals': 'chrome://appcache-internals', 'about:credits': 'chrome://credits', 'about:dns': 'chrome://dns', 'about:histograms': 'chrome://histograms', 'about:plugins': 'chrome://plugins', 'about:sync': 'chrome://sync-internals', 'about:sync-internals': 'chrome://sync-internals', 'about:version': 'chrome://version', } special_url_tabs = { 'chrome://about': { 'title': 'Chrome URLs' }, 'chrome://appcache-internals': { 'title': 'AppCache Internals' }, 'chrome://blob-internals': { 'title': 'Blob Storage Internals' }, 'chrome://feedback': {}, 'chrome://feedback/#0': { 'title': 'Feedback' }, 'chrome://chrome-urls': { 'title': 'Chrome URLs' }, 'chrome://crashes': { 'title': 'Crashes' }, 'chrome://credits': { 'title': 'Credits' }, 'chrome://downloads': { 'title': 'Downloads' }, 'chrome://dns': { 'title': 'About DNS' }, 'chrome://extensions': { 'title': 'Extensions' }, 'chrome://flags': {}, 'chrome://flash': {}, 'chrome://gpu-internals': {}, 'chrome://help': { 'title': 'Help' }, 'chrome://histograms': { 'title': 'About Histograms' }, 'chrome://history': { 'title': 'History' }, 'chrome://media-internals': { 'title': 'Media Internals' }, 'chrome://memory-redirect': { 'title': 'About Memory' }, 'chrome://net-internals': {}, 'chrome://net-internals/help.html': {}, 'chrome://newtab': { 'title': 'New Tab', 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://plugins': { 'title': 'Plug-ins' }, 'chrome://sessions': { 'title': 'Sessions' }, 'chrome://settings': { 'title': 'Settings' }, 'chrome://settings/autofill': { 'title': 'Settings - Autofill Settings' }, 'chrome://settings/clearBrowserData': { 'title': 'Settings - Clear Browsing Data' }, 'chrome://settings/content': { 'title': 'Settings - Content Settings' }, 'chrome://settings/languages': { 'title': 'Settings - Languages and Input' }, 'chrome://settings/passwords': { 'title': 'Settings - Passwords' }, 'chrome://stats': {}, 'chrome://sync': { 'title': 'Sync Internals' }, 'chrome://sync-internals': { 'title': 'Sync Internals' }, 'chrome://tasks': { 'title': 'Task Manager - Chromium' }, 'chrome://terms': {}, 'chrome://version': { 'title': 'About Version' }, 'chrome://view-http-cache': {}, 'chrome://workers': { 'title': 'Workers' }, } broken_special_url_tabs = { # crashed under debug when invoked from location bar (bug 88223). 'chrome://devtools': { 'CSP': False }, # returns "not available" despite having an URL constant. 'chrome://dialog': { 'CSP': False }, # separate window on mac, PC untested, not implemented elsewhere. 'chrome://ipc': { 'CSP': False }, # race against redirects via meta-refresh. 'chrome://memory': { 'CSP': False }, } chromeos_special_url_tabs = { 'chrome://active-downloads': { 'title': 'Downloads', 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://choose-mobile-network': { 'title': 'undefined', 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://imageburner': { 'title':'Create a Recovery Media', 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://keyboardoverlay': { 'title': 'Keyboard Overlay', 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://login': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://network': { 'title': 'About Network' }, 'chrome://oobe': { 'title': 'undefined', 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://os-credits': { 'title': 'Credits', 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://proxy-settings': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://register': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://sim-unlock': { 'title': 'Enter SIM Card PIN', 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://system': { 'title': 'About System', 'CSP': False }, # OVERRIDE - usually a warning page without CSP (so far). 'chrome://flags': { 'CSP': False }, # OVERRIDE - title and page different on CrOS 'chrome://settings/accounts': { 'title': 'Settings - Users' }, 'chrome://settings/proxy': { 'title': 'Proxy' }, } broken_chromeos_special_url_tabs = { # returns "not available" page on chromeos=1 linux but has an URL constant. 'chrome://activationmessage': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://cloudprintresources': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://cloudprintsetup': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://collected-cookies': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://constrained-test': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://enterprise-enrollment': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://http-auth': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://login-container': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://media-player': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://screenshots': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://slideshow': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://syncresources': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://theme': { 'CSP': False }, # crashes on chromeos=1 on linux, possibly missing real CrOS features. 'chrome://cryptohome': { 'CSP': False}, 'chrome://mobilesetup': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://print': { 'CSP': False }, 'chrome://tasks': {}, } linux_special_url_tabs = { 'chrome://linux-proxy-config': { 'title': 'Proxy Configuration Help' }, 'chrome://tcmalloc': { 'title': 'About tcmalloc' }, 'chrome://sandbox': { 'title': 'Sandbox Status' }, } broken_linux_special_url_tabs = {} mac_special_url_tabs = { 'chrome://settings/languages': { 'title': 'Settings - Languages' }, } broken_mac_special_url_tabs = {} win_special_url_tabs = { 'chrome://conflicts': {}, } broken_win_special_url_tabs = { # Sync on windows badly broken at the moment. 'chrome://sync': {}, } google_special_url_tabs = { # OVERRIDE - different title for Google Chrome vs. Chromium. 'chrome://terms': { 'title': 'Google Chrome Terms of Service', }, 'chrome://tasks': { 'title': 'Task Manager - Google Chrome' }, } broken_google_special_url_tabs = {} google_chromeos_special_url_tabs = { # OVERRIDE - different title for Google Chrome OS vs. Chromium OS. 'chrome://terms': { 'title': 'Google Chrome OS Terms', }, } broken_google_chromeos_special_url_tabs = {} google_win_special_url_tabs = {} broken_google_win_special_url_tabs = {} google_mac_special_url_tabs = {} broken_google_mac_special_url_tabs = {} google_linux_special_url_tabs = {} broken_google_linux_special_url_tabs = {} def _VerifyAppCacheInternals(self): """Confirm about:appcache-internals contains expected content for Caches. Also confirms that the about page populates Application Caches.""" # Navigate to html page to activate DNS prefetching. self.NavigateToURL('http://static.webvm.net/appcache-test/simple.html') # Wait for page to load and display sucess or fail message. self.WaitUntil( lambda: self.GetDOMValue('document.getElementById("result").innerHTML'), expect_retval='SUCCESS') self.GetBrowserWindow(0).GetTab(0).GoBack() test_utils.StringContentCheck( self, self.GetTabContents(), ['Manifest', 'http://static.webvm.net/appcache-test/resources/simple.manifest'], []) def _VerifyAboutDNS(self): """Confirm about:dns contains expected content related to DNS info. Also confirms that prefetching DNS records propogate.""" # Navigate to a page to activate DNS prefetching. self.NavigateToURL('http://www.google.com') self.GetBrowserWindow(0).GetTab(0).GoBack() test_utils.StringContentCheck(self, self.GetTabContents(), ['Host name', 'How long ago', 'Motivation'], []) def _GetPlatformSpecialURLTabs(self): tabs = self.special_url_tabs.copy() broken_tabs = self.broken_special_url_tabs.copy() if self.IsChromeOS(): tabs.update(self.chromeos_special_url_tabs) broken_tabs.update(self.broken_chromeos_special_url_tabs) elif self.IsLinux(): tabs.update(self.linux_special_url_tabs) broken_tabs.update(self.broken_linux_special_url_tabs) elif self.IsMac(): tabs.update(self.mac_special_url_tabs) broken_tabs.update(self.broken_mac_special_url_tabs) elif self.IsWin(): tabs.update(self.win_special_url_tabs) broken_tabs.update(self.broken_win_special_url_tabs) for key, value in broken_tabs.iteritems(): if key in tabs: del tabs[key] broken_tabs = {} if self.GetBrowserInfo()['properties']['branding'] == 'Google Chrome': tabs.update(self.google_special_url_tabs) broken_tabs.update(self.broken_google_special_url_tabs) if self.IsChromeOS(): tabs.update(self.google_chromeos_special_url_tabs) broken_tabs.update(self.broken_google_chromeos_special_url_tabs) elif self.IsLinux(): tabs.update(self.google_linux_special_url_tabs) broken_tabs.update(self.broken_google_linux_special_url_tabs) elif self.IsMac(): tabs.update(self.google_mac_special_url_tabs) broken_tabs.update(self.broken_google_mac_special_url_tabs) elif self.IsWin(): tabs.update(self.google_win_special_url_tabs) broken_tabs.update(self.broken_google_win_special_url_tabs) for key, value in broken_tabs.iteritems(): if key in tabs: del tabs[key] return tabs def testSpecialURLRedirects(self): """Test that older about: URLs are implemented by newer chrome:// URLs. The location bar may not get updated in all cases, so checking the tab URL is misleading, instead check for the same contents as the chrome:// page.""" tabs = self._GetPlatformSpecialURLTabs() for url, redirect in self.special_url_redirects.iteritems(): if redirect in tabs: logging.debug('Testing redirect from %s to %s.' % (url, redirect)) self.NavigateToURL(url) self.assertEqual(self.special_url_tabs[redirect]['title'], self.GetActiveTabTitle()) def testSpecialURLTabs(self): """Test special tabs created by URLs like chrome://downloads, chrome://settings/extensionSettings, chrome://history etc. Also ensures they specify content-security-policy and not inline scripts for those pages that are expected to do so. Patches which break this test by including new inline javascript are security vulnerabilities and should be reverted.""" tabs = self._GetPlatformSpecialURLTabs() for url, properties in tabs.iteritems(): logging.debug('Testing URL %s.' % url) self.NavigateToURL(url) expected_title = 'title' in properties and properties['title'] or url actual_title = self.GetActiveTabTitle() logging.debug(' %s title was %s (%s)' % (url, actual_title, expected_title == actual_title)) self.assertEqual(expected_title, actual_title) include_list = [] exclude_list = [] no_csp = 'CSP' in properties and not properties['CSP'] if no_csp: exclude_list.extend(['X-WebKit-CSP']) else: exclude_list.extend(['