# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Extended WebDriver interface that uses helper extension. This file is makeshift and should eventually be switched over to using the new ChromeDriver python interface. However, as that is not quite ready, this class simply installs a helper extension and executes scripts in the background page to access extension APIs. This may end up being merged with chrome/test/ext_auto, if they accomplish similar enough purposes. For now, integration with that is a bit premature. """ import os from selenium import webdriver _CHROME_GET_VIEW_HANDLES = 'chrome.getViewHandles' _EXTENSION = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'ext_auto') class Chrome(webdriver.Remote): """Extended WebDriver interface that uses helper extension.""" def __init__(self, url, desired_capabilities, options=None): """Initializes Chrome object. If both desired_capabilities and options have the same settings, the settings from options will be used. Args: url: The URL of the ChromeDriver Service. desired_capabilities: Chrome capabilities dictionary. options: chrome_options.ChromeOptions object. Settings in options will overwrite settings in desired_capabilities. Raises: RuntimeError: Unable to find helper extension. """ if options is not None: desired_capabilities.update(options.GetCapabilities()) switches = desired_capabilities.get('chrome.switches', []) switches += ['--load-extension=' + _EXTENSION] desired_capabilities['chrome.switches'] = switches super(Chrome, self).__init__(url, desired_capabilities) custom_commands = { _CHROME_GET_VIEW_HANDLES: ('GET', '/session/$sessionId/chrome/views'), } self.command_executor._commands.update(custom_commands) views = self.execute(_CHROME_GET_VIEW_HANDLES)['value'] self.set_script_timeout(30) # TODO(kkania): Make this configurable. for view in views: if view.get('extension_id') == 'aapnijgdinlhnhlmodcfapnahmbfebeb': self._extension = view['handle'] break else: raise RuntimeError('Unable to find helper extension') def _execute_extension_command(self, name, params={}): """Executes an extension command. When Chrome is started, a helper extension is loaded which provides a simple synchronous API for manipulating Chrome via the extension APIs. Communication with the extension is accomplished by executing a script in the background page of the extension which calls the 'executeCommand' function with the name of the command, a parameter dictionary, and a callback function that can be used to signal when the command is finished and potentially send a return value. """ old_window = self.current_window_handle self.switch_to_window(self._extension) self.execute_async_script( 'executeCommand.apply(null, arguments)', name, params) self.switch_to_window(old_window) def create_tab(self, url=None): """Creates a new tab with the given URL and switches to it. If no URL is provided, the homepage will be used. """ params = {} if url is not None: params['url'] = url self._execute_extension_command('createTab', params) self.switch_to_window(self.window_handles[-1]) def create_blank_tab(self): """Creates a new blank tab and switches to it.""" self.create_tab('about:blank')