// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // This file provides reliablity test which runs under UI test framework. The // test is intended to run within QEMU environment. // // Usage 1: reliability_test // Upon invocation, it visits a hard coded list of sample URLs. This is mainly // used by buildbot, to verify reliability_test itself runs ok. // // Usage 2: reliability_test --site=url --startpage=start --endpage=end [...] // Upon invocation, it visits a list of URLs constructed as // "http://url/page?id=k". (start <= k <= end). // // Usage 3: reliability_test --list=file --startline=start --endline=end [...] // Upon invocation, it visits each of the URLs on line numbers between start // and end, inclusive, stored in the input file. The line number starts from 1. // // If both "--site" and "--list" are provided, the "--site" set of arguments // are ignored. // // Optional Switches: // --iterations=num: goes through the list of URLs constructed in usage 2 or 3 // num times. // --continuousload: continuously visits the list of URLs without restarting // browser for each page load. // --memoryusage: prints out memory usage when visiting each page. // --endurl=url: visits the specified url in the end. // --logfile=filepath: saves the visit log to the specified path. // --nopagedown: won't simulate page down key presses after page load. // --noclearprofile: do not clear profile dir before firing up each time. // --savedebuglog: save Chrome, V8, and test debug log for each page loaded. // --searchdumpsbypid: Look for crash dumps by browser process id. // "crash_dir/pid/" #include #include #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/environment.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/file_version_info.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/i18n/time_formatting.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/prefs/json_pref_store.h" #include "base/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h" #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/test/test_file_util.h" #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/url_fixer_upper.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service_mock_builder.h" #include "chrome/common/automation_messages.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_version_info.h" #include "chrome/common/logging_chrome.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/render_messages.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_proxy.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/browser_proxy.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/window_proxy.h" #include "chrome/test/base/chrome_process_util.h" #include "chrome/test/ui/ui_test.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h" #include "v8/include/v8-testing.h" namespace { // See comments at the beginning of the file for the definition of switches. const char kSiteSwitch[] = "site"; const char kStartPageSwitch[] = "startpage"; const char kEndPageSwitch[] = "endpage"; const char kListSwitch[] = "list"; const char kStartIndexSwitch[] = "startline"; const char kEndIndexSwitch[] = "endline"; const char kIterationSwitch[] = "iterations"; const char kContinuousLoadSwitch[] = "continuousload"; const char kMemoryUsageSwitch[] = "memoryusage"; const char kEndURLSwitch[] = "endurl"; const char kLogFileSwitch[] = "logfile"; const char kNoPageDownSwitch[] = "nopagedown"; const char kNoClearProfileSwitch[] = "noclearprofile"; const char kSaveDebugLogSwitch[] = "savedebuglog"; const char kStressOptSwitch[] = "stress-opt"; const char kStressDeoptSwitch[] = "stress-deopt"; const char kSearchDumpsByPid[] = "search-dumps-by-pid"; const char kDefaultServerUrl[] = "http://urllist.com"; std::string g_server_url; const char kTestPage1[] = "page1.html"; const char kTestPage2[] = "page2.html"; // These are copied from v8 definitions as we cannot include them. const char kV8LogFileSwitch[] = "logfile"; const char kV8LogFileDefaultName[] = "v8.log"; // String name of local chrome dll for looking up file information. const wchar_t kChromeDll[] = L"chrome.dll"; bool g_append_page_id = false; int32 g_start_page; int32 g_end_page; base::FilePath g_url_file_path; int32 g_start_index = 1; int32 g_end_index = kint32max; int32 g_iterations = 1; bool g_memory_usage = false; bool g_continuous_load = false; bool g_browser_existing = false; bool g_page_down = true; bool g_clear_profile = true; std::string g_end_url; base::FilePath g_log_file_path; bool g_save_debug_log = false; base::FilePath g_chrome_log_path; base::FilePath g_v8_log_path; base::FilePath g_test_log_path; bool g_stand_alone = false; bool g_stress_opt = false; bool g_stress_deopt = false; bool g_search_dumps_by_pid = false; void ReportHandler(const std::string& str) { // Ignore report events. } void SetPageRange(const CommandLine& parsed_command_line) { // If calling into this function, we are running as a standalone program. g_stand_alone = true; // Since we use --enable-dcheck for reliability tests, suppress the error // dialog in the test process. logging::SetLogReportHandler(ReportHandler); if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kStartPageSwitch)) { ASSERT_TRUE(parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kEndPageSwitch)); ASSERT_TRUE( base::StringToInt(parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII( kStartPageSwitch), &g_start_page)); ASSERT_TRUE( base::StringToInt(parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII( kEndPageSwitch), &g_end_page)); ASSERT_TRUE(g_start_page > 0 && g_end_page > 0); ASSERT_TRUE(g_start_page < g_end_page); g_append_page_id = true; } else { ASSERT_FALSE(parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kEndPageSwitch)); } if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kSiteSwitch)) { g_server_url = parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(kSiteSwitch); } if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kStartIndexSwitch)) { ASSERT_TRUE( base::StringToInt(parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII( kStartIndexSwitch), &g_start_index)); ASSERT_GT(g_start_index, 0); } if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kEndIndexSwitch)) { ASSERT_TRUE( base::StringToInt(parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII( kEndIndexSwitch), &g_end_index)); ASSERT_GT(g_end_index, 0); } ASSERT_TRUE(g_end_index >= g_start_index); if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kListSwitch)) g_url_file_path = parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValuePath(kListSwitch); if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kIterationSwitch)) { ASSERT_TRUE( base::StringToInt(parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII( kIterationSwitch), &g_iterations)); ASSERT_GT(g_iterations, 0); } if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kMemoryUsageSwitch)) g_memory_usage = true; if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kContinuousLoadSwitch)) g_continuous_load = true; if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kEndURLSwitch)) g_end_url = parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(kEndURLSwitch); if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kLogFileSwitch)) g_log_file_path = parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValuePath(kLogFileSwitch); if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kNoPageDownSwitch)) g_page_down = false; if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kNoClearProfileSwitch)) g_clear_profile = false; if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kSaveDebugLogSwitch)) { g_save_debug_log = true; g_chrome_log_path = logging::GetLogFileName(); // We won't get v8 log unless --no-sandbox is specified. if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kNoSandbox)) { PathService::Get(base::DIR_CURRENT, &g_v8_log_path); g_v8_log_path = g_v8_log_path.AppendASCII(kV8LogFileDefaultName); // The command line switch may override the default v8 log path. if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kJavaScriptFlags)) { CommandLine v8_command_line( parsed_command_line.GetSwitchValuePath(switches::kJavaScriptFlags)); if (v8_command_line.HasSwitch(kV8LogFileSwitch)) { g_v8_log_path = v8_command_line.GetSwitchValuePath(kV8LogFileSwitch); if (!file_util::AbsolutePath(&g_v8_log_path)) g_v8_log_path = base::FilePath(); } } } } if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kStressOptSwitch)) { g_stress_opt = true; } if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kStressDeoptSwitch)) { g_stress_deopt = true; } if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(kSearchDumpsByPid)) { g_search_dumps_by_pid = true; } } class PageLoadTest : public UITest { public: enum NavigationResult { NAVIGATION_ERROR = 0, NAVIGATION_SUCCESS, NAVIGATION_AUTH_NEEDED, NAVIGATION_TIME_OUT, }; typedef struct { // These are results from the test automation that drives Chrome NavigationResult result; int crash_dump_count; // These are stability metrics recorded by Chrome itself bool browser_clean_exit; int browser_launch_count; int page_load_count; int browser_crash_count; int renderer_crash_count; int plugin_crash_count; } NavigationMetrics; PageLoadTest() { show_window_ = true; SetPageRange(*CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()); } void EnsureBrowserAndServer() { if (!g_browser_existing) { LaunchBrowserAndServer(); g_browser_existing = true; } } // Load a URL in a browser tab and perform a couple of page down events. // url_string: The URL to navigate to. Accept URL as std::string here // because the url may also act as a test id and needs to // be logged in its original format even if invalid. // log_file: Log file for test results and possible crash dump // files. This file does not need to be opened in which // case nothing is logged. // metrics_output: Return metrics for the page load. // keep_browser: Set to true if the browser should be kept open after // loading the page. // log_only_errors: Set to true if only errors should be logged otherwise // successful navigations will also be logged. bool NavigateToURLLogResult(const std::string& url_string, std::ofstream& log_file, NavigationMetrics* metrics_output, bool keep_browser, bool log_only_error) { GURL url(url_string); NavigationMetrics metrics = {NAVIGATION_ERROR}; std::ofstream test_log; // Create a test log. g_test_log_path = base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("test_log.log")); test_log.open(g_test_log_path.value().c_str()); // Get the version of Chrome we're running. std::string last_change; #if defined(OS_WIN) // Check file version info for chrome dll. scoped_ptr file_info; file_info.reset( FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfo(base::FilePath(kChromeDll))); last_change = WideToASCII(file_info->last_change()); #elif defined(OS_POSIX) // TODO(fmeawad): On Mac, the version retrieved here belongs to the test // module and not the chrome binary, need to be changed to chrome binary // instead. chrome::VersionInfo version_info; last_change = version_info.LastChange(); #endif // !defined(OS_WIN) test_log << "Last Change: "; test_log << last_change << std::endl; // Log timestamp for test start. base::Time time_now = base::Time::Now(); double time_start = time_now.ToDoubleT(); test_log << "Test Start: "; test_log << base::TimeFormatFriendlyDateAndTime(time_now) << std::endl; // Make sure the browser is running. EnsureBrowserAndServer(); // Log Browser Launched time. time_now = base::Time::Now(); test_log << "browser_launched_seconds="; test_log << (time_now.ToDoubleT() - time_start) << std::endl; // Create crash dump directory with pid. if (g_search_dumps_by_pid) { actual_crash_dumps_dir_path_ = base::FilePath(crash_dumps_dir_path_); ChromeProcessList processes = GetRunningChromeProcesses(browser_process_id()); if (!processes.empty()) actual_crash_dumps_dir_path_ = actual_crash_dumps_dir_path_.AppendASCII( base::Int64ToString(*processes.begin())); } int result = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; // This is essentially what NavigateToURL does except we don't fire // assertion when page loading fails. We log the result instead. { // TabProxy should be released before Browser is closed. scoped_refptr tab_proxy(GetActiveTab()); if (tab_proxy.get()) result = tab_proxy->NavigateToURL(url); if (result == AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS) { if (g_page_down) { // Page down twice. // Sleep for 2 seconds between commands. // This used to be settable but the flag went away. base::TimeDelta sleep_time = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(2); tab_proxy->SimulateKeyPress(ui::VKEY_NEXT); base::PlatformThread::Sleep(sleep_time); tab_proxy->SimulateKeyPress(ui::VKEY_NEXT); base::PlatformThread::Sleep(sleep_time); } } } // Log navigate complete time. time_now = base::Time::Now(); test_log << "navigate_complete_seconds="; test_log << (time_now.ToDoubleT() - time_start) << std::endl; if (!keep_browser) { CloseBrowserAndServer(); g_browser_existing = false; } // Log end of test time. time_now = base::Time::Now(); test_log << "total_duration_seconds="; test_log << (time_now.ToDoubleT() - time_start) << std::endl; // Get navigation result and metrics, and optionally write to the log file // provided. The log format is: // // [chrome_log= // v8_log=] crash_dump= switch (result) { case AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR: metrics.result = NAVIGATION_ERROR; break; case AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS: metrics.result = NAVIGATION_SUCCESS; break; case AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_AUTH_NEEDED: metrics.result = NAVIGATION_AUTH_NEEDED; break; default: metrics.result = NAVIGATION_ERROR; break; } // Get crash dumps - don't delete them if logging. std::vector new_crash_dumps; CollectNewCrashDumps(new_crash_dumps, &metrics, !log_file.is_open()); bool do_log = log_file.is_open() && (!log_only_error || metrics.result != NAVIGATION_SUCCESS || !new_crash_dumps.empty()); if (do_log) { log_file << url_string; switch (metrics.result) { case NAVIGATION_ERROR: log_file << " error"; break; case NAVIGATION_SUCCESS: log_file << " success"; break; case NAVIGATION_AUTH_NEEDED: log_file << " auth_needed"; break; case NAVIGATION_TIME_OUT: log_file << " timeout"; break; default: break; } } #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) // Not used by mac chromebot. // Get stability metrics recorded by Chrome itself. GetStabilityMetrics(&metrics); #endif if (do_log) { log_file << " " << metrics.browser_crash_count \ // The renderer crash count is flaky due to 1183283. // Ignore the count since we also catch crash by // crash_dump_count. << " " << 0 \ << " " << metrics.plugin_crash_count \ << " " << metrics.crash_dump_count; } // Close test log. test_log.close(); if (do_log && g_save_debug_log && !g_continuous_load) SaveDebugLogs(log_file); // Log revision information for Chrome build under test. if (do_log) log_file << " " << "revision=" << last_change; if (do_log) { for (size_t i = 0; i < new_crash_dumps.size(); i++) log_file << " crash_dump=" << new_crash_dumps[i].value().c_str(); } if (do_log) log_file << std::endl; if (metrics_output) *metrics_output = metrics; return do_log; } void NavigateThroughPageID(std::ofstream& log_file) { if (g_append_page_id) { // For usage 2 for (int i = g_start_page; i <= g_end_page; ++i) { const char* server = g_server_url.empty() ? kDefaultServerUrl : g_server_url.c_str(); std::string test_page_url( StringPrintf("%s/page?id=%d", server, i)); NavigateToURLLogResult( test_page_url, log_file, NULL, g_continuous_load, false); } } else { // Don't run if running as a standalone program which is for distributed // testing, to avoid mistakenly hitting web sites with many instances. if (g_stand_alone) return; // For usage 1 NavigationMetrics metrics; // Though it would be nice to test the page down code path in usage 1, // enabling page down adds several seconds to the test and does not seem // worth the tradeoff. It is also potentially disruptive when running the // test in the background as it will send the event to the window that // has focus. g_page_down = false; base::FilePath sample_data_dir = GetSampleDataDir(); base::FilePath test_page_1 = sample_data_dir.AppendASCII(kTestPage1); base::FilePath test_page_2 = sample_data_dir.AppendASCII(kTestPage2); GURL test_url_1 = net::FilePathToFileURL(test_page_1); GURL test_url_2 = net::FilePathToFileURL(test_page_2); // Convert back to string so that all calls to navigate are the same. const std::string test_url_1_string = test_url_1.spec(); const std::string test_url_2_string = test_url_2.spec(); NavigateToURLLogResult( test_url_1_string, log_file, &metrics, g_continuous_load, false); // Verify everything is fine EXPECT_EQ(NAVIGATION_SUCCESS, metrics.result); EXPECT_EQ(0, metrics.crash_dump_count); EXPECT_TRUE(metrics.browser_clean_exit); EXPECT_EQ(1, metrics.browser_launch_count); // Both starting page and test_url_1 are loaded. EXPECT_EQ(2, metrics.page_load_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, metrics.browser_crash_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, metrics.renderer_crash_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, metrics.plugin_crash_count); // Go to "about:crash" NavigateToURLLogResult(chrome::kChromeUICrashURL, log_file, &metrics, g_continuous_load, false); // Found a crash dump EXPECT_EQ(1, metrics.crash_dump_count) << kFailedNoCrashService; // Browser did not crash, and exited cleanly. EXPECT_TRUE(metrics.browser_clean_exit); EXPECT_EQ(1, metrics.browser_launch_count); // Only the renderer should have crashed. EXPECT_EQ(0, metrics.browser_crash_count); EXPECT_EQ(1, metrics.renderer_crash_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, metrics.plugin_crash_count); NavigateToURLLogResult( test_url_2_string, log_file, &metrics, g_continuous_load, false); // The data on previous crash should be cleared and we should get // metrics for a successful page load. EXPECT_EQ(NAVIGATION_SUCCESS, metrics.result); EXPECT_EQ(0, metrics.crash_dump_count); EXPECT_TRUE(metrics.browser_clean_exit); EXPECT_EQ(1, metrics.browser_launch_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, metrics.browser_crash_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, metrics.renderer_crash_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, metrics.plugin_crash_count); // Verify metrics service does what we need when browser process crashes. LaunchBrowserAndServer(); { // TabProxy should be released before Browser is closed. scoped_refptr tab_proxy(GetActiveTab()); EXPECT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get()); if (tab_proxy.get()) { EXPECT_EQ(AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS, tab_proxy->NavigateToURL(GURL(test_url_1))); } } // Kill browser process. base::ProcessHandle browser_process = process(); base::KillProcess(browser_process, 0, false); GetStabilityMetrics(&metrics); // This is not a clean shutdown. EXPECT_FALSE(metrics.browser_clean_exit); EXPECT_EQ(1, metrics.browser_crash_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, metrics.renderer_crash_count); EXPECT_EQ(0, metrics.plugin_crash_count); // Relaunch browser so UITest does not fire assertion during TearDown. LaunchBrowserAndServer(); } } // For usage 3 void NavigateThroughURLList(std::ofstream& log_file) { std::ifstream file(g_url_file_path.value().c_str()); ASSERT_TRUE(file.is_open()); for (int line_index = 1; line_index <= g_end_index && !file.eof(); ++line_index) { std::string url_str; std::getline(file, url_str); if (file.fail()) break; if (g_start_index <= line_index) { if (g_stress_opt || g_stress_deopt) { // Make sure the browser is running to communicate the stress // setting. EnsureBrowserAndServer(); v8::Testing::StressType stress_type = g_stress_opt ? v8::Testing::kStressTypeOpt : v8::Testing::kStressTypeDeopt; scoped_refptr tab_proxy(GetActiveTab()); if (tab_proxy.get()) { tab_proxy->JavaScriptStressTestControl( kJavaScriptStressTestSetStressRunType, stress_type); } bool success = true; // Load each page a number of times and keep the same browser open // for these loads. This loop will end if an error is encountered // during one of the loads and the error logged. for (int i = 0; i < v8::Testing::GetStressRuns() && success; i++) { bool last_load = (i == (v8::Testing::GetStressRuns() - 1)); bool keep_browser = !last_load || g_continuous_load; bool log_only_error = !last_load; NavigationMetrics metrics; scoped_refptr tab_proxy(GetActiveTab()); if (tab_proxy.get()) { tab_proxy->JavaScriptStressTestControl( kJavaScriptStressTestPrepareStressRun, i); } bool did_log_error; did_log_error = NavigateToURLLogResult(url_str, log_file, &metrics, keep_browser, log_only_error); success = metrics.result == NAVIGATION_SUCCESS && !did_log_error; } } else { NavigateToURLLogResult( url_str, log_file, NULL, g_continuous_load, false); } } } file.close(); } protected: // Call the base class's SetUp method and initialize our own class members. virtual void SetUp() { // Set UI Test members before setting up browser. clear_profile_ = g_clear_profile; UITest::SetUp(); g_browser_existing = true; // If 'BREAKPAD_DUMP_LOCATION' environment variable is set, use it instead. scoped_ptr env(base::Environment::Create()); std::string alternate_minidump_location; if (env->GetVar("BREAKPAD_DUMP_LOCATION", &alternate_minidump_location)) { crash_dumps_dir_path_ = base::FilePath::FromUTF8Unsafe( alternate_minidump_location); } else { PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_CRASH_DUMPS, &crash_dumps_dir_path_); } file_util::FileEnumerator enumerator(crash_dumps_dir_path_, false, // not recursive file_util::FileEnumerator::FILES); for (base::FilePath path = enumerator.Next(); !path.value().empty(); path = enumerator.Next()) { if (path.MatchesExtension(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".dmp"))) crash_dumps_[path.BaseName()] = true; } } base::FilePath ConstructSavedDebugLogPath( const base::FilePath& debug_log_path, int index) { std::string suffix("_"); suffix.append(base::IntToString(index)); return debug_log_path.InsertBeforeExtensionASCII(suffix); } void SaveDebugLog(const base::FilePath& log_path, const std::wstring& log_id, std::ofstream& log_file, int index) { if (!log_path.empty()) { base::FilePath saved_log_file_path = ConstructSavedDebugLogPath(log_path, index); if (file_util::Move(log_path, saved_log_file_path)) { log_file << " " << log_id << "=" << saved_log_file_path.value(); } } } // Rename the chrome and v8 debug log files if existing, and save the file // paths in the log_file provided. void SaveDebugLogs(std::ofstream& log_file) { static int url_count = 1; SaveDebugLog(g_chrome_log_path, L"chrome_log", log_file, url_count); SaveDebugLog(g_v8_log_path, L"v8_log", log_file, url_count); SaveDebugLog(g_test_log_path, L"test_log", log_file, url_count); url_count++; } // Delete a crash dump file. void DeleteCrashDump(base::FilePath crash_dump_file_name) { base::FilePath crash_dump_file_path(crash_dumps_dir_path_); crash_dump_file_path = crash_dump_file_path.Append(crash_dump_file_name); base::FilePath crash_text_file_path = crash_dump_file_path.ReplaceExtension(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("txt")); ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::DieFileDie(crash_dump_file_path, false)); ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::DieFileDie(crash_text_file_path, false)); } bool HasNewCrashDumps() { file_util::FileEnumerator enumerator(actual_crash_dumps_dir_path_, false, // not recursive file_util::FileEnumerator::FILES); for (base::FilePath path = enumerator.Next(); !path.value().empty(); path = enumerator.Next()) { if (path.MatchesExtension(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".dmp")) && !crash_dumps_[path.BaseName()]) { return true; } } return false; } // Check whether there are new .dmp files. Return the list and optionally // delete them afterwards. void CollectNewCrashDumps(std::vector& new_crash_dumps, NavigationMetrics* metrics, bool delete_dumps) { int num_dumps = 0; file_util::FileEnumerator enumerator(actual_crash_dumps_dir_path_, false, // not recursive file_util::FileEnumerator::FILES); for (base::FilePath path = enumerator.Next(); !path.value().empty(); path = enumerator.Next()) { if (path.MatchesExtension(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".dmp")) && !crash_dumps_[path.BaseName()]) { crash_dumps_[path.BaseName()] = true; base::FilePath crash_dump_file_path(actual_crash_dumps_dir_path_); crash_dump_file_path = crash_dump_file_path.Append(path.BaseName()); new_crash_dumps.push_back(crash_dump_file_path); if (delete_dumps) DeleteCrashDump(path.BaseName()); num_dumps++; } } if (metrics) metrics->crash_dump_count = num_dumps; } // Get a PrefService whose contents correspond to the Local State file // that was saved by the app as it closed. The caller takes ownership of the // returned PrefService object. PrefService* GetLocalState(PrefRegistry* registry) { base::FilePath path = user_data_dir().Append(chrome::kLocalStateFilename); PrefServiceMockBuilder builder; builder.WithUserFilePrefs(path, MessageLoop::current()->message_loop_proxy()); return builder.Create(registry); } void GetStabilityMetrics(NavigationMetrics* metrics) { if (!metrics) return; scoped_refptr registry = new PrefRegistrySimple(); registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kStabilityExitedCleanly, false); registry->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kStabilityLaunchCount, -1); registry->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kStabilityPageLoadCount, -1); registry->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kStabilityCrashCount, 0); registry->RegisterIntegerPref(prefs::kStabilityRendererCrashCount, 0); scoped_ptr local_state(GetLocalState(registry)); if (!local_state.get()) return; metrics->browser_clean_exit = local_state->GetBoolean(prefs::kStabilityExitedCleanly); metrics->browser_launch_count = local_state->GetInteger(prefs::kStabilityLaunchCount); metrics->page_load_count = local_state->GetInteger(prefs::kStabilityPageLoadCount); metrics->browser_crash_count = local_state->GetInteger(prefs::kStabilityCrashCount); metrics->renderer_crash_count = local_state->GetInteger(prefs::kStabilityRendererCrashCount); // TODO(huanr) metrics->plugin_crash_count = 0; if (!metrics->browser_clean_exit) metrics->browser_crash_count++; } base::FilePath GetSampleDataDir() { base::FilePath test_dir; PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &test_dir); test_dir = test_dir.AppendASCII("reliability"); test_dir = test_dir.AppendASCII("sample_pages"); return test_dir; } // The pathname of Chrome's crash dumps directory. base::FilePath crash_dumps_dir_path_; // The actual crash dumps directory that will be used. base::FilePath actual_crash_dumps_dir_path_; // The set of all the crash dumps we have seen. Each crash generates a // .dmp and a .txt file in the crash dumps directory. We only store the // .dmp files in this set. // // The set is implemented as a std::map. The key is the file name, and // the value is false (the file is not in the set) or true (the file is // in the set). The initial value for any key in std::map is 0 (false), // which in this case means a new file is not in the set initially, // exactly the semantics we want. std::map crash_dumps_; }; TEST_F(PageLoadTest, Reliability) { std::ofstream log_file; if (!g_log_file_path.empty()) { log_file.open(g_log_file_path.value().c_str()); } for (int k = 0; k < g_iterations; ++k) { if (g_url_file_path.empty()) { NavigateThroughPageID(log_file); } else { NavigateThroughURLList(log_file); } } if (!g_end_url.empty()) { NavigateToURLLogResult( g_end_url, log_file, NULL, g_continuous_load, false); } log_file.close(); } } // namespace