// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/test/ui/ui_test.h" #if defined(OS_POSIX) #include #include #endif #include #include #include "app/sql/connection.h" #include "base/base_switches.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/platform_thread.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/scoped_temp_dir.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/test/test_file_util.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/url_fixer_upper.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/debug_flags.h" #include "chrome/common/logging_chrome.h" #include "chrome/common/json_value_serializer.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_messages.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_proxy.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/browser_proxy.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/javascript_execution_controller.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/window_proxy.h" #include "chrome/test/chrome_process_util.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "base/win_util.h" #endif using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; using base::TimeTicks; // Delay to let browser complete a requested action. static const int kWaitForActionMsec = 2000; static const int kWaitForActionMaxMsec = 15000; // Command execution timeout passed to AutomationProxy. static const int kCommandExecutionTimeout = 25000; // Delay to let the browser shut down before trying more brutal methods. static const int kWaitForTerminateMsec = 15000; // Passed as value of kTestType. static const char kUITestType[] = "ui"; const wchar_t UITestBase::kFailedNoCrashService[] = #if defined(OS_WIN) L"NOTE: This test is expected to fail if crash_service.exe is not " L"running. Start it manually before running this test (see the build " L"output directory)."; #elif defined(OS_LINUX) L"NOTE: This test is expected to fail if breakpad is not built in " L"or if chromium is not running headless (try CHROME_HEADLESS=1)."; #else L"NOTE: Crash service not ported to this platform!"; #endif bool UITestBase::in_process_renderer_ = false; bool UITestBase::no_sandbox_ = false; bool UITestBase::full_memory_dump_ = false; bool UITestBase::safe_plugins_ = false; bool UITestBase::show_error_dialogs_ = true; bool UITestBase::dump_histograms_on_exit_ = false; bool UITestBase::enable_dcheck_ = false; bool UITestBase::silent_dump_on_dcheck_ = false; bool UITestBase::disable_breakpad_ = false; int UITestBase::timeout_ms_ = 10 * 60 * 1000; std::string UITestBase::js_flags_ = ""; std::string UITestBase::log_level_ = ""; // Specify the time (in milliseconds) that the ui_tests should wait before // timing out. This is used to specify longer timeouts when running under Purify // which requires much more time. const char kUiTestTimeout[] = "ui-test-timeout"; const char kUiTestActionTimeout[] = "ui-test-action-timeout"; const char kUiTestActionMaxTimeout[] = "ui-test-action-max-timeout"; const char kUiTestSleepTimeout[] = "ui-test-sleep-timeout"; const char kUiTestTerminateTimeout[] = "ui-test-terminate-timeout"; const char kExtraChromeFlagsSwitch[] = "extra-chrome-flags"; // By default error dialogs are hidden, which makes debugging failures in the // slave process frustrating. By passing this in error dialogs are enabled. const char kEnableErrorDialogs[] = "enable-errdialogs"; // Uncomment this line to have the spawned process wait for the debugger to // attach. This only works on Windows. On posix systems, you can set the // BROWSER_WRAPPER env variable to wrap the browser process. // #define WAIT_FOR_DEBUGGER_ON_OPEN 1 UITestBase::UITestBase() : launch_arguments_(CommandLine::ARGUMENTS_ONLY), expected_errors_(0), expected_crashes_(0), homepage_(chrome::kAboutBlankURL), wait_for_initial_loads_(true), dom_automation_enabled_(false), process_(base::kNullProcessHandle), process_id_(-1), show_window_(false), clear_profile_(true), include_testing_id_(true), enable_file_cookies_(true), profile_type_(UITestBase::DEFAULT_THEME), shutdown_type_(UITestBase::WINDOW_CLOSE), test_start_time_(Time::NowFromSystemTime()), command_execution_timeout_ms_(kCommandExecutionTimeout), action_timeout_ms_(kWaitForActionMsec), action_max_timeout_ms_(kWaitForActionMaxMsec), sleep_timeout_ms_(kWaitForActionMsec), terminate_timeout_ms_(kWaitForTerminateMsec), temp_profile_dir_(new ScopedTempDir()) { PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_APP, &browser_directory_); PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &test_data_directory_); } UITestBase::UITestBase(MessageLoop::Type msg_loop_type) : launch_arguments_(CommandLine::ARGUMENTS_ONLY), expected_errors_(0), expected_crashes_(0), homepage_(chrome::kAboutBlankURL), wait_for_initial_loads_(true), dom_automation_enabled_(false), process_(base::kNullProcessHandle), process_id_(-1), show_window_(false), clear_profile_(true), include_testing_id_(true), enable_file_cookies_(true), profile_type_(UITestBase::DEFAULT_THEME), shutdown_type_(UITestBase::WINDOW_CLOSE), test_start_time_(Time::NowFromSystemTime()), command_execution_timeout_ms_(kCommandExecutionTimeout), action_timeout_ms_(kWaitForActionMsec), action_max_timeout_ms_(kWaitForActionMaxMsec), sleep_timeout_ms_(kWaitForActionMsec), terminate_timeout_ms_(kWaitForTerminateMsec) { PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_APP, &browser_directory_); PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &test_data_directory_); } UITestBase::~UITestBase() { } void UITestBase::SetUp() { AssertAppNotRunning(L"Please close any other instances " L"of the app before testing."); InitializeTimeouts(); JavaScriptExecutionController::set_timeout(action_max_timeout_ms_); LaunchBrowserAndServer(); } void UITestBase::TearDown() { CloseBrowserAndServer(); // Make sure that we didn't encounter any assertion failures logging::AssertionList assertions; logging::GetFatalAssertions(&assertions); // If there were errors, get all the error strings for display. std::wstring failures = L"The following error(s) occurred in the application during this test:"; if (assertions.size() > expected_errors_) { logging::AssertionList::const_iterator iter = assertions.begin(); for (; iter != assertions.end(); ++iter) { failures.append(L"\n\n"); failures.append(*iter); } } EXPECT_EQ(expected_errors_, assertions.size()) << failures; // Check for crashes during the test FilePath crash_dump_path; PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_CRASH_DUMPS, &crash_dump_path); int actual_crashes = file_util::CountFilesCreatedAfter(crash_dump_path, test_start_time_); #if defined(OS_WIN) // Each crash creates two dump files, so we divide by two here. actual_crashes /= 2; #endif std::wstring error_msg = L"Encountered an unexpected crash in the program during this test."; if (expected_crashes_ > 0 && actual_crashes == 0) { error_msg += L" "; error_msg += kFailedNoCrashService; } EXPECT_EQ(expected_crashes_, actual_crashes) << error_msg; } void UITestBase::set_command_execution_timeout_ms(int timeout) { if (server_.get()) { // automation channel already created. Set its timeout for use by // subsequent automation calls. server_->set_command_execution_timeout_ms(timeout); } command_execution_timeout_ms_ = timeout; LOG(INFO) << "Automation command execution timeout set to " << timeout << " milli secs."; } // Pick up the various test time out values from the command line. void UITestBase::InitializeTimeouts() { const CommandLine& command_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); if (command_line.HasSwitch(kUiTestTimeout)) { std::string timeout_str = command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(kUiTestTimeout); int timeout; base::StringToInt(timeout_str, &timeout); command_execution_timeout_ms_ = std::max(kCommandExecutionTimeout, timeout); } if (command_line.HasSwitch(kUiTestActionTimeout)) { std::string act_str = command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(kUiTestActionTimeout); int act_timeout; base::StringToInt(act_str, &act_timeout); action_timeout_ms_ = std::max(kWaitForActionMsec, act_timeout); } if (command_line.HasSwitch(kUiTestActionMaxTimeout)) { std::string action_max_str = command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(kUiTestActionMaxTimeout); int max_timeout; base::StringToInt(action_max_str, &max_timeout); action_max_timeout_ms_ = std::max(kWaitForActionMaxMsec, max_timeout); } if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(kUiTestSleepTimeout)) { std::string sleep_timeout_str = command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(kUiTestSleepTimeout); int sleep_timeout; base::StringToInt(sleep_timeout_str, &sleep_timeout); sleep_timeout_ms_ = std::max(kWaitForActionMsec, sleep_timeout); } if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(kUiTestTerminateTimeout)) { std::string terminate_timeout_str = command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(kUiTestTerminateTimeout); int terminate_timeout; base::StringToInt(terminate_timeout_str, &terminate_timeout); terminate_timeout_ms_ = std::max(kWaitForActionMsec, terminate_timeout); } } AutomationProxy* UITestBase::CreateAutomationProxy(int execution_timeout) { return new AutomationProxy(execution_timeout, false); } void UITestBase::LaunchBrowserAndServer() { // Set up IPC testing interface server. server_.reset(CreateAutomationProxy(command_execution_timeout_ms_)); const int kTries = 3; for (int i = 0; i < kTries; i++) { if (i > 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Launching browser again, retry #" << i; } LaunchBrowser(launch_arguments_, clear_profile_); AutomationLaunchResult launch_result = server_->WaitForAppLaunch(); if (launch_result == AUTOMATION_SUCCESS) { bool initial_loads_result = false; if (wait_for_initial_loads_) { initial_loads_result = server_->WaitForInitialLoads(); } else { PlatformThread::Sleep(sleep_timeout_ms()); initial_loads_result = true; } if (initial_loads_result) { if (automation()->SetFilteredInet(ShouldFilterInet())) { return; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "SetFilteredInet failed"; } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "WaitForInitialLoadsFailed"; } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "WaitForAppLaunch failed: " << launch_result; } // The browser is likely hosed or already down at this point. Do not wait // for it, just kill anything that is still running, preparing a clean // environment for the next retry. CleanupAppProcesses(); } FAIL() << "Failed to launch browser"; } void UITestBase::CloseBrowserAndServer() { QuitBrowser(); CleanupAppProcesses(); // Suppress spammy failures that seem to be occurring when running // the UI tests in single-process mode. // TODO(jhughes): figure out why this is necessary at all, and fix it if (!in_process_renderer_) AssertAppNotRunning(StringPrintf( L"Unable to quit all browser processes. Original PID %d", process_id_)); server_.reset(); // Shut down IPC testing interface. } static CommandLine* CreatePythonCommandLine() { return new CommandLine(FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("python"))); } static CommandLine* CreateHttpServerCommandLine() { FilePath src_path; // Get to 'src' dir. PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &src_path); FilePath script_path(src_path); script_path = script_path.AppendASCII("third_party"); script_path = script_path.AppendASCII("WebKit"); script_path = script_path.AppendASCII("WebKitTools"); script_path = script_path.AppendASCII("Scripts"); script_path = script_path.AppendASCII("new-run-webkit-httpd"); CommandLine* cmd_line = CreatePythonCommandLine(); cmd_line->AppendArgPath(script_path); return cmd_line; } static void RunCommand(const CommandLine& cmd_line) { #if defined(OS_WIN) // For Win32, use this 'version' of base::LaunchApp() with bInheritHandles // parameter to CreateProcess set to TRUE. This is needed in test harness // because it launches all the processes with 'chained' standard i/o pipes. STARTUPINFO startup_info = {0}; startup_info.cb = sizeof(startup_info); PROCESS_INFORMATION process_info; if (!CreateProcess( NULL, const_cast(cmd_line.command_line_string().c_str()), NULL, NULL, TRUE, // Inherit the standard pipes, needed when // running in test harnesses. 0, NULL, NULL, &startup_info, &process_info)) return; // Handles must be closed or they will leak CloseHandle(process_info.hThread); WaitForSingleObject(process_info.hProcess, INFINITE); CloseHandle(process_info.hProcess); #else base::LaunchApp(cmd_line, true, false, NULL); #endif } void UITestBase::StartHttpServer(const FilePath& root_directory) { StartHttpServerWithPort(root_directory, 0); } void UITestBase::StartHttpServerWithPort(const FilePath& root_directory, int port) { scoped_ptr cmd_line(CreateHttpServerCommandLine()); ASSERT_TRUE(cmd_line.get()); cmd_line->AppendSwitchASCII("server", "start"); cmd_line->AppendSwitch("register_cygwin"); cmd_line->AppendSwitchPath("root", root_directory); // For Windows 7, if we start the lighttpd server on the foreground mode, // it will mess up with the command window and cause conhost.exe to crash. To // work around this, we start the http server on the background mode. #if defined(OS_WIN) if (win_util::GetWinVersion() >= win_util::WINVERSION_WIN7) cmd_line->AppendSwitch("run_background"); #endif if (port) cmd_line->AppendSwitchASCII("port", base::IntToString(port)); RunCommand(*cmd_line.get()); } void UITestBase::StopHttpServer() { scoped_ptr cmd_line(CreateHttpServerCommandLine()); ASSERT_TRUE(cmd_line.get()); cmd_line->AppendSwitchASCII("server", "stop"); RunCommand(*cmd_line.get()); } void UITestBase::LaunchBrowser(const CommandLine& arguments, bool clear_profile) { if (clear_profile || !temp_profile_dir_->IsValid()) { temp_profile_dir_.reset(new ScopedTempDir()); ASSERT_TRUE(temp_profile_dir_->CreateUniqueTempDir()); // Update the information about user data directory location on the ui_test // side. Using PathService seems to be the most reliable, consistent way // to do that. ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Override(chrome::DIR_USER_DATA, user_data_dir())); } if (!template_user_data_.empty()) { // Recursively copy the template directory to the user_data_dir. ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::CopyRecursiveDirNoCache( template_user_data_, user_data_dir())); // If we're using the complex theme data, we need to write the // user_data_dir_ to our preferences file. if (profile_type_ == UITestBase::COMPLEX_THEME) { RewritePreferencesFile(user_data_dir()); } // Update the history file to include recent dates. UpdateHistoryDates(); } ASSERT_TRUE(LaunchBrowserHelper(arguments, false, &process_)); process_id_ = base::GetProcId(process_); } bool UITestBase::LaunchAnotherBrowserBlockUntilClosed( const CommandLine& cmdline) { return LaunchBrowserHelper(cmdline, true, NULL); } void UITestBase::QuitBrowser() { if (SESSION_ENDING == shutdown_type_) { TerminateBrowser(); return; } // There's nothing to do here if the browser is not running. if (IsBrowserRunning()) { TimeTicks quit_start = TimeTicks::Now(); EXPECT_TRUE(automation()->SetFilteredInet(false)); if (WINDOW_CLOSE == shutdown_type_) { int window_count = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&window_count)); // Synchronously close all but the last browser window. Closing them // one-by-one may help with stability. while (window_count > 1) { scoped_refptr browser_proxy = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0); EXPECT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get()); if (browser_proxy.get()) { EXPECT_TRUE(browser_proxy->RunCommand(IDC_CLOSE_WINDOW)); EXPECT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&window_count)); } else { break; } } // Close the last window asynchronously, because the browser may // shutdown faster than it will be able to send a synchronous response // to our message. scoped_refptr browser_proxy = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0); EXPECT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get()); if (browser_proxy.get()) { EXPECT_TRUE(browser_proxy->ApplyAccelerator(IDC_CLOSE_WINDOW)); browser_proxy = NULL; } } else if (USER_QUIT == shutdown_type_) { scoped_refptr browser_proxy = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0); EXPECT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get()); if (browser_proxy.get()) { EXPECT_TRUE(browser_proxy->RunCommandAsync(IDC_EXIT)); } } else { NOTREACHED() << "Invalid shutdown type " << shutdown_type_; } // Now, drop the automation IPC channel so that the automation provider in // the browser notices and drops its reference to the browser process. automation()->Disconnect(); // Wait for the browser process to quit. It should quit once all tabs have // been closed. int timeout = terminate_timeout_ms_; #ifdef WAIT_FOR_DEBUGGER_ON_OPEN timeout = 500000; #endif if (!base::WaitForSingleProcess(process_, timeout)) { // We need to force the browser to quit because it didn't quit fast // enough. Take no chance and kill every chrome processes. CleanupAppProcesses(); } browser_quit_time_ = TimeTicks::Now() - quit_start; } // Don't forget to close the handle base::CloseProcessHandle(process_); process_ = base::kNullProcessHandle; process_id_ = -1; } void UITestBase::TerminateBrowser() { if (IsBrowserRunning()) { TimeTicks quit_start = TimeTicks::Now(); EXPECT_TRUE(automation()->SetFilteredInet(false)); #if defined(OS_WIN) scoped_refptr browser(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0)); ASSERT_TRUE(browser.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(browser->TerminateSession()); #endif // defined(OS_WIN) // Now, drop the automation IPC channel so that the automation provider in // the browser notices and drops its reference to the browser process. automation()->Disconnect(); #if defined(OS_POSIX) EXPECT_EQ(kill(process_, SIGTERM), 0); #endif // OS_POSIX // Wait for the browser process to quit. int timeout = terminate_timeout_ms_; #ifdef WAIT_FOR_DEBUGGER_ON_OPEN timeout = 500000; #endif if (!base::WaitForSingleProcess(process_, timeout)) { // We need to force the browser to quit because it didn't quit fast // enough. Take no chance and kill every chrome processes. CleanupAppProcesses(); } browser_quit_time_ = TimeTicks::Now() - quit_start; } // Don't forget to close the handle base::CloseProcessHandle(process_); process_ = base::kNullProcessHandle; process_id_ = -1; } void UITestBase::AssertAppNotRunning(const std::wstring& error_message) { std::wstring final_error_message(error_message); ChromeProcessList processes = GetRunningChromeProcesses(process_id_); if (!processes.empty()) { final_error_message += L" Leftover PIDs: ["; for (ChromeProcessList::const_iterator it = processes.begin(); it != processes.end(); ++it) { final_error_message += StringPrintf(L" %d", *it); } final_error_message += L" ]"; } ASSERT_TRUE(processes.empty()) << final_error_message; } void UITestBase::CleanupAppProcesses() { TerminateAllChromeProcesses(process_id_); } scoped_refptr UITestBase::GetActiveTab(int window_index) { EXPECT_GE(window_index, 0); int window_count = -1; // We have to use EXPECT rather than ASSERT here because ASSERT_* only works // in functions that return void. EXPECT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&window_count)); if (window_count == -1) return NULL; EXPECT_GT(window_count, window_index); scoped_refptr window_proxy(automation()-> GetBrowserWindow(window_index)); EXPECT_TRUE(window_proxy.get()); if (!window_proxy.get()) return NULL; int active_tab_index = -1; EXPECT_TRUE(window_proxy->GetActiveTabIndex(&active_tab_index)); if (active_tab_index == -1) return NULL; return window_proxy->GetTab(active_tab_index); } scoped_refptr UITestBase::GetActiveTab() { scoped_refptr window_proxy(automation()-> GetBrowserWindow(0)); EXPECT_TRUE(window_proxy.get()); if (!window_proxy.get()) return NULL; scoped_refptr tab_proxy = window_proxy->GetActiveTab(); EXPECT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get()); return tab_proxy; } void UITestBase::NavigateToURLAsync(const GURL& url) { scoped_refptr tab_proxy(GetActiveTab()); ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy->NavigateToURLAsync(url)); } void UITestBase::NavigateToURL(const GURL& url) { NavigateToURL(url, 0, GetActiveTabIndex(0)); } void UITestBase::NavigateToURL(const GURL& url, int window_index, int tab_index) { NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(url, 1, window_index, tab_index); } void UITestBase::NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete( const GURL& url, int number_of_navigations) { scoped_refptr tab_proxy(GetActiveTab()); ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get()); EXPECT_EQ(AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS, tab_proxy->NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete( url, number_of_navigations)) << url.spec(); } void UITestBase::NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete( const GURL& url, int number_of_navigations, int window_index, int tab_index) { scoped_refptr window = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(window_index); ASSERT_TRUE(window.get()); scoped_refptr tab_proxy(window->GetTab(tab_index)); ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get()); EXPECT_EQ(AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS, tab_proxy->NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete( url, number_of_navigations)) << url.spec(); } bool UITestBase::WaitForDownloadShelfVisible(BrowserProxy* browser) { return WaitForDownloadShelfVisibilityChange(browser, true); } bool UITestBase::WaitForDownloadShelfInvisible(BrowserProxy* browser) { return WaitForDownloadShelfVisibilityChange(browser, false); } bool UITestBase::WaitForDownloadShelfVisibilityChange(BrowserProxy* browser, bool wait_for_open) { const int kCycles = 10; for (int i = 0; i < kCycles; i++) { // Give it a chance to catch up. bool browser_survived = CrashAwareSleep(sleep_timeout_ms() / kCycles); EXPECT_TRUE(browser_survived); if (!browser_survived) return false; bool visible = !wait_for_open; if (!browser->IsShelfVisible(&visible)) continue; if (visible == wait_for_open) return true; // Got the download shelf. } ADD_FAILURE() << "Timeout reached in WaitForDownloadShelfVisibilityChange"; return false; } bool UITestBase::WaitForFindWindowVisibilityChange(BrowserProxy* browser, bool wait_for_open) { const int kCycles = 10; for (int i = 0; i < kCycles; i++) { bool visible = false; if (!browser->IsFindWindowFullyVisible(&visible)) return false; // Some error. if (visible == wait_for_open) return true; // Find window visibility change complete. // Give it a chance to catch up. bool browser_survived = CrashAwareSleep(sleep_timeout_ms() / kCycles); EXPECT_TRUE(browser_survived); if (!browser_survived) return false; } ADD_FAILURE() << "Timeout reached in WaitForFindWindowVisibilityChange"; return false; } bool UITestBase::WaitForBookmarkBarVisibilityChange(BrowserProxy* browser, bool wait_for_open) { const int kCycles = 10; for (int i = 0; i < kCycles; i++) { bool visible = false; bool animating = true; if (!browser->GetBookmarkBarVisibility(&visible, &animating)) return false; // Some error. if (visible == wait_for_open && !animating) return true; // Bookmark bar visibility change complete. // Give it a chance to catch up. bool browser_survived = CrashAwareSleep(sleep_timeout_ms() / kCycles); EXPECT_TRUE(browser_survived); if (!browser_survived) return false; } ADD_FAILURE() << "Timeout reached in WaitForBookmarkBarVisibilityChange"; return false; } GURL UITestBase::GetActiveTabURL(int window_index) { scoped_refptr tab_proxy(GetActiveTab(window_index)); EXPECT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get()); if (!tab_proxy.get()) return GURL(); GURL url; bool success = tab_proxy->GetCurrentURL(&url); EXPECT_TRUE(success); if (!success) return GURL(); return url; } std::wstring UITestBase::GetActiveTabTitle(int window_index) { std::wstring title; scoped_refptr tab_proxy(GetActiveTab(window_index)); EXPECT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get()); if (!tab_proxy.get()) return title; EXPECT_TRUE(tab_proxy->GetTabTitle(&title)); return title; } int UITestBase::GetActiveTabIndex(int window_index) { scoped_refptr window_proxy(automation()-> GetBrowserWindow(window_index)); EXPECT_TRUE(window_proxy.get()); if (!window_proxy.get()) return -1; int active_tab_index = -1; EXPECT_TRUE(window_proxy->GetActiveTabIndex(&active_tab_index)); return active_tab_index; } bool UITestBase::IsBrowserRunning() { return CrashAwareSleep(0); } bool UITestBase::CrashAwareSleep(int time_out_ms) { return base::CrashAwareSleep(process_, time_out_ms); } int UITestBase::GetBrowserProcessCount() { return GetRunningChromeProcesses(process_id_).size(); } static DictionaryValue* LoadDictionaryValueFromPath(const FilePath& path) { if (path.empty()) return NULL; JSONFileValueSerializer serializer(path); scoped_ptr root_value(serializer.Deserialize(NULL, NULL)); if (!root_value.get() || root_value->GetType() != Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY) return NULL; return static_cast(root_value.release()); } DictionaryValue* UITestBase::GetLocalState() { FilePath local_state_path; PathService::Get(chrome::FILE_LOCAL_STATE, &local_state_path); return LoadDictionaryValueFromPath(local_state_path); } DictionaryValue* UITestBase::GetDefaultProfilePreferences() { FilePath path; PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DATA, &path); path = path.AppendASCII(WideToUTF8(chrome::kNotSignedInProfile)); return LoadDictionaryValueFromPath(path.Append(chrome::kPreferencesFilename)); } int UITestBase::GetTabCount() { return GetTabCount(0); } int UITestBase::GetTabCount(int window_index) { scoped_refptr window( automation()->GetBrowserWindow(window_index)); EXPECT_TRUE(window.get()); if (!window.get()) return 0; int result = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetTabCount(&result)); return result; } bool UITestBase::WaitUntilCookieValue(TabProxy* tab, const GURL& url, const char* cookie_name, int time_out_ms, const char* expected_value) { const int kIntervalMs = 250; const int kMaxIntervals = time_out_ms / kIntervalMs; std::string cookie_value; for (int i = 0; i < kMaxIntervals; ++i) { bool browser_survived = CrashAwareSleep(kIntervalMs); EXPECT_TRUE(browser_survived); if (!browser_survived) return false; EXPECT_TRUE(tab->GetCookieByName(url, cookie_name, &cookie_value)); if (cookie_value == expected_value) return true; } ADD_FAILURE() << "Timeout reached in WaitUntilCookieValue"; return false; } std::string UITestBase::WaitUntilCookieNonEmpty(TabProxy* tab, const GURL& url, const char* cookie_name, int time_out_ms) { const int kIntervalMs = 250; const int kMaxIntervals = time_out_ms / kIntervalMs; for (int i = 0; i < kMaxIntervals; ++i) { bool browser_survived = CrashAwareSleep(kIntervalMs); EXPECT_TRUE(browser_survived); if (!browser_survived) return std::string(); std::string cookie_value; EXPECT_TRUE(tab->GetCookieByName(url, cookie_name, &cookie_value)); if (!cookie_value.empty()) return cookie_value; } ADD_FAILURE() << "Timeout reached in WaitUntilCookieNonEmpty"; return std::string(); } bool UITestBase::WaitUntilJavaScriptCondition(TabProxy* tab, const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& jscript, int time_out_ms) { const int kIntervalMs = 250; const int kMaxIntervals = time_out_ms / kIntervalMs; // Wait until the test signals it has completed. for (int i = 0; i < kMaxIntervals; ++i) { bool browser_survived = CrashAwareSleep(kIntervalMs); EXPECT_TRUE(browser_survived); if (!browser_survived) return false; bool done_value = false; bool success = tab->ExecuteAndExtractBool(frame_xpath, jscript, &done_value); EXPECT_TRUE(success); if (!success) return false; if (done_value) return true; } ADD_FAILURE() << "Timeout reached in WaitUntilJavaScriptCondition"; return false; } void UITestBase::WaitUntilTabCount(int tab_count) { const int kMaxIntervals = 10; const int kIntervalMs = sleep_timeout_ms() / kMaxIntervals; for (int i = 0; i < kMaxIntervals; ++i) { bool browser_survived = CrashAwareSleep(kIntervalMs); EXPECT_TRUE(browser_survived); if (!browser_survived) return; if (GetTabCount() == tab_count) return; } ADD_FAILURE() << "Timeout reached in WaitUntilTabCount"; } FilePath UITestBase::GetDownloadDirectory() { scoped_refptr tab_proxy(GetActiveTab()); EXPECT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get()); if (!tab_proxy.get()) return FilePath(); FilePath download_directory; EXPECT_TRUE(tab_proxy->GetDownloadDirectory(&download_directory)); return download_directory; } void UITestBase::CloseBrowserAsync(BrowserProxy* browser) const { ASSERT_TRUE(server_->Send( new AutomationMsg_CloseBrowserRequestAsync(0, browser->handle()))); } bool UITestBase::CloseBrowser(BrowserProxy* browser, bool* application_closed) const { DCHECK(application_closed); if (!browser->is_valid() || !browser->handle()) return false; bool result = true; bool succeeded = server_->Send(new AutomationMsg_CloseBrowser( 0, browser->handle(), &result, application_closed)); if (!succeeded) return false; if (*application_closed) { // Let's wait until the process dies (if it is not gone already). bool success = base::WaitForSingleProcess(process_, base::kNoTimeout); EXPECT_TRUE(success); } return result; } void UITestBase::WaitForFinish(const std::string &name, const std::string &id, const GURL &url, const std::string& test_complete_cookie, const std::string& expected_cookie_value, const int wait_time) { // The webpage being tested has javascript which sets a cookie // which signals completion of the test. The cookie name is // a concatenation of the test name and the test id. This allows // us to run multiple tests within a single webpage and test // that they all c std::string cookie_name = name; cookie_name.append("."); cookie_name.append(id); cookie_name.append("."); cookie_name.append(test_complete_cookie); scoped_refptr tab(GetActiveTab()); ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get()); std::string cookie_value = WaitUntilCookieNonEmpty(tab.get(), url, cookie_name.c_str(), wait_time); EXPECT_EQ(expected_cookie_value, cookie_value); } bool UITestBase::EvictFileFromSystemCacheWrapper(const FilePath& path) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (file_util::EvictFileFromSystemCache(path)) return true; PlatformThread::Sleep(sleep_timeout_ms() / 10); } return false; } // static void UITestBase::RewritePreferencesFile(const FilePath& user_data_dir) { const FilePath pref_template_path( user_data_dir.AppendASCII("Default").AppendASCII("PreferencesTemplate")); const FilePath pref_path( user_data_dir.AppendASCII("Default").AppendASCII("Preferences")); // Read in preferences template. std::string pref_string; EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(pref_template_path, &pref_string)); string16 format_string = ASCIIToUTF16(pref_string); // Make sure temp directory has the proper format for writing to prefs file. #if defined(OS_POSIX) std::wstring user_data_dir_w(ASCIIToWide(user_data_dir.value())); #elif defined(OS_WIN) std::wstring user_data_dir_w(user_data_dir.value()); // In Windows, the FilePath will write '\' for the path separators; change // these to a separator that won't trigger escapes. std::replace(user_data_dir_w.begin(), user_data_dir_w.end(), '\\', '/'); #endif // Rewrite prefs file. std::vector subst; subst.push_back(WideToUTF16(user_data_dir_w)); const std::string prefs_string = UTF16ToASCII(ReplaceStringPlaceholders(format_string, subst, NULL)); EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::WriteFile(pref_path, prefs_string.c_str(), prefs_string.size())); file_util::EvictFileFromSystemCache(pref_path); } FilePath UITestBase::user_data_dir() const { EXPECT_TRUE(temp_profile_dir_->IsValid()); return temp_profile_dir_->path(); } // static FilePath UITestBase::ComputeTypicalUserDataSource(ProfileType profile_type) { FilePath source_history_file; EXPECT_TRUE(PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &source_history_file)); source_history_file = source_history_file.AppendASCII("profiles"); switch (profile_type) { case UITestBase::DEFAULT_THEME: source_history_file = source_history_file.AppendASCII("typical_history"); break; case UITestBase::COMPLEX_THEME: source_history_file = source_history_file.AppendASCII("complex_theme"); break; case UITestBase::NATIVE_THEME: source_history_file = source_history_file.AppendASCII("gtk_theme"); break; case UITestBase::CUSTOM_FRAME: source_history_file = source_history_file.AppendASCII("custom_frame"); break; case UITestBase::CUSTOM_FRAME_NATIVE_THEME: source_history_file = source_history_file.AppendASCII("custom_frame_gtk_theme"); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } return source_history_file; } void UITestBase::WaitForGeneratedFileAndCheck( const FilePath& generated_file, const FilePath& original_file, bool compare_files, bool need_equal, bool delete_generated_file) { // Check whether the target file has been generated. base::PlatformFileInfo previous, current; bool exist = false; const int kCycles = 20; for (int i = 0; i < kCycles; ++i) { if (exist) { file_util::GetFileInfo(generated_file, ¤t); if (current.size == previous.size) break; previous = current; } else if (file_util::PathExists(generated_file)) { file_util::GetFileInfo(generated_file, &previous); exist = true; } PlatformThread::Sleep(sleep_timeout_ms() / kCycles); } EXPECT_TRUE(exist); if (compare_files) { // Check whether the generated file is equal with original file according to // parameter: need_equal. int64 generated_file_size = 0; int64 original_file_size = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::GetFileSize(generated_file, &generated_file_size)); EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::GetFileSize(original_file, &original_file_size)); if (need_equal) { EXPECT_EQ(generated_file_size, original_file_size); EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ContentsEqual(generated_file, original_file)); } else { EXPECT_NE(generated_file_size, original_file_size); EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::ContentsEqual(generated_file, original_file)); } } if (delete_generated_file) EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::DieFileDie(generated_file, false)); } bool UITestBase::LaunchBrowserHelper(const CommandLine& arguments, bool wait, base::ProcessHandle* process) { FilePath command = browser_directory_.Append( FilePath::FromWStringHack(chrome::kBrowserProcessExecutablePath)); CommandLine command_line(command); // Add any explicit command line flags passed to the process. CommandLine::StringType extra_chrome_flags = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueNative( kExtraChromeFlagsSwitch); if (!extra_chrome_flags.empty()) { // Split by spaces and append to command line std::vector flags; SplitString(extra_chrome_flags, ' ', &flags); for (size_t i = 0; i < flags.size(); ++i) command_line.AppendArgNative(flags[i]); } // No first-run dialogs, please. command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kNoFirstRun); // No default browser check, it would create an info-bar (if we are not the // default browser) that could conflicts with some tests expectations. command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kNoDefaultBrowserCheck); // This is a UI test. command_line.AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kTestType, kUITestType); // Tell the browser to use a temporary directory just for this test. command_line.AppendSwitchPath(switches::kUserDataDir, user_data_dir()); // We need cookies on file:// for things like the page cycler. if (enable_file_cookies_) command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kEnableFileCookies); if (dom_automation_enabled_) command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kDomAutomationController); if (include_testing_id_) { command_line.AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kTestingChannelID, server_->channel_id()); } if (!show_error_dialogs_ && !CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(kEnableErrorDialogs)) { command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kNoErrorDialogs); } if (in_process_renderer_) command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kSingleProcess); if (no_sandbox_) command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kNoSandbox); if (full_memory_dump_) command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kFullMemoryCrashReport); if (safe_plugins_) command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kSafePlugins); if (enable_dcheck_) command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kEnableDCHECK); if (silent_dump_on_dcheck_) command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kSilentDumpOnDCHECK); if (disable_breakpad_) command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kDisableBreakpad); if (!homepage_.empty()) command_line.AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kHomePage, homepage_); // Don't try to fetch web resources during UI testing. command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kDisableWebResources); if (!js_flags_.empty()) command_line.AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kJavaScriptFlags, js_flags_); if (!log_level_.empty()) command_line.AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kLoggingLevel, log_level_); command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kMetricsRecordingOnly); if (!CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(kEnableErrorDialogs)) command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kEnableLogging); if (dump_histograms_on_exit_) command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kDumpHistogramsOnExit); #ifdef WAIT_FOR_DEBUGGER_ON_OPEN command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kDebugOnStart); #endif if (!ui_test_name_.empty()) command_line.AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kTestName, ui_test_name_); // The tests assume that file:// URIs can freely access other file:// URIs. command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kAllowFileAccessFromFiles); // Disable TabCloseableStateWatcher for tests. command_line.AppendSwitch(switches::kDisableTabCloseableStateWatcher); DebugFlags::ProcessDebugFlags( &command_line, ChildProcessInfo::UNKNOWN_PROCESS, false); command_line.AppendArguments(arguments, false); // TODO(phajdan.jr): Only run it for "main" browser launch. browser_launch_time_ = TimeTicks::Now(); #if defined(OS_WIN) bool started = base::LaunchApp(command_line, wait, !show_window_, process); #elif defined(OS_POSIX) // Sometimes one needs to run the browser under a special environment // (e.g. valgrind) without also running the test harness (e.g. python) // under the special environment. Provide a way to wrap the browser // commandline with a special prefix to invoke the special environment. const char* browser_wrapper = getenv("BROWSER_WRAPPER"); if (browser_wrapper) { command_line.PrependWrapper(browser_wrapper); LOG(INFO) << "BROWSER_WRAPPER was set, prefixing command_line with " << browser_wrapper; } bool started = base::LaunchApp(command_line.argv(), server_->fds_to_map(), wait, process); #endif return started; } void UITestBase::UpdateHistoryDates() { // Migrate the times in the segment_usage table to yesterday so we get // actual thumbnails on the NTP. sql::Connection db; FilePath history = user_data_dir().AppendASCII("Default").AppendASCII("History"); // Not all test profiles have a history file. if (!file_util::PathExists(history)) return; ASSERT_TRUE(db.Open(history)); Time yesterday = Time::Now() - TimeDelta::FromDays(1); std::string yesterday_str = base::Int64ToString(yesterday.ToInternalValue()); std::string query = StringPrintf( "UPDATE segment_usage " "SET time_slot = %s " "WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM segment_usage WHERE time_slot > 0);", yesterday_str.c_str()); ASSERT_TRUE(db.Execute(query.c_str())); db.Close(); file_util::EvictFileFromSystemCache(history); } void UITestBase::SetBrowserDirectory(const FilePath& dir) { browser_directory_ = dir; } // UITest methods void UITest::SetUp() { // Pass the test case name to chrome.exe on the command line to help with // parsing Purify output. const testing::TestInfo* const test_info = testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info(); if (test_info) { set_ui_test_name(test_info->test_case_name() + std::string(".") + test_info->name()); } UITestBase::SetUp(); PlatformTest::SetUp(); } void UITest::TearDown() { UITestBase::TearDown(); PlatformTest::TearDown(); } AutomationProxy* UITest::CreateAutomationProxy(int execution_timeout) { // Make the AutomationProxy disconnect the channel on the first error, // so that we avoid spending a lot of time in timeouts. The browser is likely // hosed if we hit those errors. return new AutomationProxy(execution_timeout, true); }