  Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
  found in the LICENSE file.

// Automation utilities for running the V8 Benchmark as a UI test.

function Automation() {
  this.score = '';
  this.results = {};

Automation.prototype.SetDone = function() {
  document.cookie = '__done=1; path=/';

Automation.prototype.SetScore = function (score) {
  this.score = score;

Automation.prototype.GetScore = function() {
  return this.score;

Automation.prototype.AddResult = function(name, result) {
  this.results[name] = result;

Automation.prototype.GetResults = function() {
  return this.results;

automation = new Automation();