// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/test/webdriver/webdriver_session.h" #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/json/json_reader.h" #include "base/json/json_writer.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop_proxy.h" #include "base/process.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/string_split.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "base/test/test_timeouts.h" #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_json_requests.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/value_conversion_util.h" #include "chrome/test/webdriver/webdriver_capabilities_parser.h" #include "chrome/test/webdriver/webdriver_error.h" #include "chrome/test/webdriver/webdriver_key_converter.h" #include "chrome/test/webdriver/webdriver_logging.h" #include "chrome/test/webdriver/webdriver_session_manager.h" #include "chrome/test/webdriver/webdriver_util.h" #include "third_party/webdriver/atoms.h" using automation::kLeftButton; using automation::kMouseDown; using automation::kMouseMove; using automation::kMouseUp; using automation::kNoButton; namespace webdriver { namespace { // This is the minimum version of chrome that supports the new mouse API. const int kNewMouseAPIMinVersion = 1002; } FrameId::FrameId() {} FrameId::FrameId(const WebViewId& view_id, const FramePath& frame_path) : view_id(view_id), frame_path(frame_path) { } Session::Session() : session_log_(new InMemoryLog()), logger_(kAllLogLevel), id_(GenerateRandomID()), current_target_(FrameId(WebViewId(), FramePath())), thread_(id_.c_str()), async_script_timeout_(0), implicit_wait_(0), has_alert_prompt_text_(false), sticky_modifiers_(0), build_no_(0) { SessionManager::GetInstance()->Add(this); logger_.AddHandler(session_log_.get()); if (FileLog::Get()) logger_.AddHandler(FileLog::Get()); } Session::~Session() { SessionManager::GetInstance()->Remove(id_); } Error* Session::Init(const DictionaryValue* capabilities_dict) { if (!thread_.Start()) { delete this; return new Error(kUnknownError, "Cannot start session thread"); } if (!temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir()) { delete this; return new Error( kUnknownError, "Unable to create temp directory for unpacking"); } logger_.Log(kFineLogLevel, "Initializing session with capabilities " + JsonStringifyForDisplay(capabilities_dict)); CapabilitiesParser parser( capabilities_dict, temp_dir_.path(), logger_, &capabilities_); Error* error = parser.Parse(); if (error) { delete this; return error; } logger_.set_min_log_level(capabilities_.log_levels[LogType::kDriver]); Automation::BrowserOptions browser_options; browser_options.command = capabilities_.command; browser_options.channel_id = capabilities_.channel; browser_options.detach_process = capabilities_.detach; browser_options.user_data_dir = capabilities_.profile; if (!capabilities_.no_website_testing_defaults) { browser_options.ignore_certificate_errors = true; } RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Session::InitOnSessionThread, base::Unretained(this), browser_options, &build_no_, &error)); if (!error) error = PostBrowserStartInit(); if (error) Terminate(); return error; } Error* Session::BeforeExecuteCommand() { Error* error = AfterExecuteCommand(); if (!error) { scoped_ptr switch_error(SwitchToTopFrameIfCurrentFrameInvalid()); if (switch_error.get()) { std::string text; scoped_ptr alert_error(GetAlertMessage(&text)); if (alert_error.get()) { // Only return a frame checking error if a modal dialog is not present. // TODO(kkania): This is ugly. Fix. return switch_error.release(); } } } return error; } Error* Session::AfterExecuteCommand() { Error* error = NULL; if (!capabilities_.load_async) { error = WaitForAllViewsToStopLoading(); } return error; } void Session::Terminate() { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Session::TerminateOnSessionThread, base::Unretained(this))); delete this; } Error* Session::ExecuteScript(const FrameId& frame_id, const std::string& script, const ListValue* const args, Value** value) { std::string args_as_json; base::JSONWriter::Write(static_cast(args), &args_as_json); // Every injected script is fed through the executeScript atom. This atom // will catch any errors that are thrown and convert them to the // appropriate JSON structure. std::string jscript = base::StringPrintf( "window.domAutomationController.send((%s).apply(null," "[function(){%s\n},%s,true]));", atoms::asString(atoms::EXECUTE_SCRIPT).c_str(), script.c_str(), args_as_json.c_str()); return ExecuteScriptAndParseValue(frame_id, jscript, value); } Error* Session::ExecuteScript(const std::string& script, const ListValue* const args, Value** value) { return ExecuteScript(current_target_, script, args, value); } Error* Session::ExecuteScriptAndParse(const FrameId& frame_id, const std::string& anonymous_func_script, const std::string& script_name, const ListValue* args, const ValueParser* parser) { scoped_ptr scoped_args(args); scoped_ptr scoped_parser(parser); std::string called_script = base::StringPrintf( "return (%s).apply(null, arguments);", anonymous_func_script.c_str()); Value* unscoped_value = NULL; Error* error = ExecuteScript(frame_id, called_script, args, &unscoped_value); if (error) { error->AddDetails(script_name + " execution failed"); return error; } scoped_ptr value(unscoped_value); std::string error_msg; if (!parser->Parse(value.get())) { error_msg = base::StringPrintf("%s returned invalid value: %s", script_name.c_str(), JsonStringify(value.get()).c_str()); return new Error(kUnknownError, error_msg); } return NULL; } Error* Session::ExecuteAsyncScript(const FrameId& frame_id, const std::string& script, const ListValue* const args, Value** value) { std::string args_as_json; base::JSONWriter::Write(static_cast(args), &args_as_json); int timeout_ms = async_script_timeout(); // Every injected script is fed through the executeScript atom. This atom // will catch any errors that are thrown and convert them to the // appropriate JSON structure. std::string jscript = base::StringPrintf( "(%s).apply(null, [function(){%s},%s,%d,%s,true]);", atoms::asString(atoms::EXECUTE_ASYNC_SCRIPT).c_str(), script.c_str(), args_as_json.c_str(), timeout_ms, "function(result) {window.domAutomationController.send(result);}"); return ExecuteScriptAndParseValue(frame_id, jscript, value); } Error* Session::SendKeys(const ElementId& element, const string16& keys) { bool is_displayed = false; Error* error = IsElementDisplayed( current_target_, element, true /* ignore_opacity */, &is_displayed); if (error) return error; if (!is_displayed) return new Error(kElementNotVisible); bool is_enabled = false; error = IsElementEnabled(current_target_, element, &is_enabled); if (error) return error; if (!is_enabled) return new Error(kInvalidElementState); // Focus the target element in order to send keys to it. // First, the currently active element is blurred, if it is different from // the target element. We do not want to blur an element unnecessarily, // because this may cause us to lose the current cursor position in the // element. // Secondly, we focus the target element. // Thirdly, if the target element is newly focused and is a text input, we // set the cursor position at the end. // Fourthly, we check if the new active element is the target element. If not, // we throw an error. // Additional notes: // - |document.activeElement| is the currently focused element, or body if // no element is focused // - Even if |document.hasFocus()| returns true and the active element is // the body, sometimes we still need to focus the body element for send // keys to work. Not sure why // - You cannot focus a descendant of a content editable node // TODO(jleyba): Update this to use the correct atom. const char* kFocusScript = "function(elem) {" " var doc = elem.ownerDocument || elem;" " var prevActiveElem = doc.activeElement;" " if (elem != prevActiveElem && prevActiveElem)" " prevActiveElem.blur();" " elem.focus();" " if (elem != prevActiveElem && elem.value && elem.value.length &&" " elem.setSelectionRange) {" " elem.setSelectionRange(elem.value.length, elem.value.length);" " }" " if (elem != doc.activeElement)" " throw new Error('Failed to send keys because cannot focus element');" "}"; error = ExecuteScriptAndParse(current_target_, kFocusScript, "focusElement", CreateListValueFrom(element), CreateDirectValueParser(kSkipParsing)); if (error) return error; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Session::SendKeysOnSessionThread, base::Unretained(this), keys, true /* release_modifiers */, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::SendKeys(const string16& keys) { Error* error; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Session::SendKeysOnSessionThread, base::Unretained(this), keys, false /* release_modifiers */, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::DragAndDropFilePaths( const Point& location, const std::vector& paths) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::DragAndDropFilePaths, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, location, paths, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::NavigateToURL(const std::string& url) { if (!current_target_.view_id.IsTab()) { return new Error(kUnknownError, "The current target does not support navigation"); } Error* error = NULL; if (capabilities_.load_async) { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::NavigateToURLAsync, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, url, &error)); } else { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::NavigateToURL, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, url, &error)); } return error; } Error* Session::GoForward() { if (!current_target_.view_id.IsTab()) { return new Error(kUnknownError, "The current target does not support navigation"); } Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::GoForward, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::GoBack() { if (!current_target_.view_id.IsTab()) { return new Error(kUnknownError, "The current target does not support navigation"); } Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::GoBack, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::Reload() { if (!current_target_.view_id.IsTab()) { return new Error(kUnknownError, "The current target does not support navigation"); } Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::Reload, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::GetURL(std::string* url) { return ExecuteScriptAndParse(current_target_, "function() { return document.URL }", "getUrl", new ListValue(), CreateDirectValueParser(url)); } Error* Session::GetTitle(std::string* tab_title) { const char* kGetTitleScript = "function() {" " if (document.title)" " return document.title;" " else" " return document.URL;" "}"; return ExecuteScriptAndParse(FrameId(current_target_.view_id, FramePath()), kGetTitleScript, "getTitle", new ListValue(), CreateDirectValueParser(tab_title)); } Error* Session::MouseMoveAndClick(const Point& location, automation::MouseButton button) { Error* error = NULL; if (build_no_ >= kNewMouseAPIMinVersion) { std::vector events; events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent(kMouseMove, kNoButton, location, 0)); events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent(kMouseDown, button, location, 1)); events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent(kMouseUp, button, location, 1)); error = ProcessWebMouseEvents(events); } else { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::MouseClickDeprecated, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, location, button, &error)); } if (!error) mouse_position_ = location; return error; } Error* Session::MouseMove(const Point& location) { Error* error = NULL; if (build_no_ >= kNewMouseAPIMinVersion) { std::vector events; events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent(kMouseMove, kNoButton, location, 0)); error = ProcessWebMouseEvents(events); } else { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::MouseMoveDeprecated, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, location, &error)); } if (!error) mouse_position_ = location; return error; } Error* Session::MouseDrag(const Point& start, const Point& end) { Error* error = NULL; if (build_no_ >= kNewMouseAPIMinVersion) { std::vector events; events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent(kMouseMove, kNoButton, start, 0)); events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent(kMouseDown, kLeftButton, start, 1)); events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent(kMouseMove, kLeftButton, end, 0)); events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent(kMouseUp, kLeftButton, end, 1)); error = ProcessWebMouseEvents(events); } else { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::MouseDragDeprecated, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, start, end, &error)); } if (!error) mouse_position_ = end; return error; } Error* Session::MouseClick(automation::MouseButton button) { if (build_no_ >= kNewMouseAPIMinVersion) { std::vector events; events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent( kMouseDown, button, mouse_position_, 1)); events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent( kMouseUp, button, mouse_position_, 1)); return ProcessWebMouseEvents(events); } else { return MouseMoveAndClick(mouse_position_, button); } } Error* Session::MouseButtonDown() { Error* error = NULL; if (build_no_ >= kNewMouseAPIMinVersion) { std::vector events; events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent( kMouseDown, kLeftButton, mouse_position_, 1)); error = ProcessWebMouseEvents(events); } else { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::MouseButtonDownDeprecated, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, mouse_position_, &error)); } return error; } Error* Session::MouseButtonUp() { Error* error = NULL; if (build_no_ >= kNewMouseAPIMinVersion) { std::vector events; events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent( kMouseUp, kLeftButton, mouse_position_, 1)); error = ProcessWebMouseEvents(events); } else { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::MouseButtonUpDeprecated, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, mouse_position_, &error)); } return error; } Error* Session::MouseDoubleClick() { Error* error = NULL; if (build_no_ >= kNewMouseAPIMinVersion) { std::vector events; events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent( kMouseDown, kLeftButton, mouse_position_, 1)); events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent( kMouseUp, kLeftButton, mouse_position_, 1)); events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent( kMouseDown, kLeftButton, mouse_position_, 2)); events.push_back(CreateWebMouseEvent( kMouseUp, kLeftButton, mouse_position_, 2)); error = ProcessWebMouseEvents(events); } else { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::MouseDoubleClickDeprecated, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, mouse_position_, &error)); } return error; } Error* Session::GetCookies(const std::string& url, ListValue** cookies) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::GetCookies, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), url, cookies, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::DeleteCookie(const std::string& url, const std::string& cookie_name) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::DeleteCookie, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), url, cookie_name, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::SetCookie(const std::string& url, DictionaryValue* cookie_dict) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::SetCookie, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), url, cookie_dict, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::GetViews(std::vector* views) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::GetViews, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), views, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::SwitchToView(const std::string& id_or_name) { Error* error = NULL; bool does_exist = false; WebViewId new_view; StringToWebViewId(id_or_name, &new_view); if (new_view.IsValid()) { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::DoesViewExist, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), new_view, &does_exist, &error)); if (error) return error; } if (!does_exist) { // See if any of the tab window names match |name|. std::vector views; Error* error = GetViews(&views); if (error) return error; for (size_t i = 0; i < views.size(); ++i) { if (!views[i].view_id.IsTab()) continue; std::string window_name; Error* error = ExecuteScriptAndParse( FrameId(views[i].view_id, FramePath()), "function() { return window.name; }", "getWindowName", new ListValue(), CreateDirectValueParser(&window_name)); if (error) return error; if (id_or_name == window_name) { new_view = views[i].view_id; does_exist = true; break; } } } if (!does_exist) return new Error(kNoSuchWindow); frame_elements_.clear(); current_target_ = FrameId(new_view, FramePath()); return NULL; } Error* Session::SwitchToFrameWithNameOrId(const std::string& name_or_id) { std::string script = "function(arg) {" " var xpath = '(/html/body//iframe|/html/frameset/frame)';" " var sub = function(s) { return s.replace(/\\$/g, arg); };" " xpath += sub('[@name=\"$\" or @id=\"$\"]');" " var frame = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, " " XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;" " if (!frame) { return null; }" " xpath = frame.tagName == 'IFRAME' ? '/html/body//iframe'" " : '/html/frameset/frame';" " frame_xpath = xpath + " " sub('[@' + (frame.id == arg ? 'id' : 'name') + '=\"$\"]');" " return [frame, frame_xpath];" "}"; return SwitchToFrameWithJavaScriptLocatedFrame( script, CreateListValueFrom(name_or_id)); } Error* Session::SwitchToFrameWithIndex(int index) { // We cannot simply index into window.frames because we need to know the // tagName of the frameElement. If child frame N is from another domain, then // the following will run afoul of the same origin policy: // window.frames[N].frameElement; // Instead of indexing window.frames, we use a an XPath expression to index // into the list of all IFRAME and FRAME elements on the page - if we find // something, then that XPath expression can be used as the new frame's XPath. std::string script = "function(index) {" " var xpathIndex = '[' + (index + 1) + ']';" " var xpath = '(/html/body//iframe|/html/frameset/frame)' + " " xpathIndex;" " var frame = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, " " XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;" " if (!frame) { return null; }" " frame_xpath = ((frame.tagName == 'IFRAME' ? " " '(/html/body//iframe)' : '/html/frameset/frame') + xpathIndex);" " return [frame, frame_xpath];" "}"; return SwitchToFrameWithJavaScriptLocatedFrame( script, CreateListValueFrom(index)); } Error* Session::SwitchToFrameWithElement(const ElementId& element) { // TODO(jleyba): Extract this, and the other frame switch methods to an atom. std::string script = "function(elem) {" " if (elem.nodeType != 1 || !/^i?frame$/i.test(elem.tagName)) {" " console.error('Element is not a frame');" " return null;" " }" " for (var i = 0; i < window.frames.length; i++) {" " if (elem.contentWindow == window.frames[i]) {" " return [elem, '(//iframe|//frame)[' + (i + 1) + ']'];" " }" " }" " console.info('Frame is not connected to this DOM tree');" " return null;" "}"; return SwitchToFrameWithJavaScriptLocatedFrame( script, CreateListValueFrom(element)); } void Session::SwitchToTopFrame() { frame_elements_.clear(); current_target_.frame_path = FramePath(); } Error* Session::SwitchToTopFrameIfCurrentFrameInvalid() { std::vector components; current_target_.frame_path.GetComponents(&components); if (frame_elements_.size() != components.size()) { return new Error(kUnknownError, "Frame element vector out of sync with frame path"); } FramePath frame_path; // Start from the root path and check that each frame element that makes // up the current frame target is valid by executing an empty script. // This code should not execute script in any frame before making sure the // frame element is valid, otherwise the automation hangs until a timeout. for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_elements_.size(); ++i) { FrameId frame_id(current_target_.view_id, frame_path); scoped_ptr error(ExecuteScriptAndParse( frame_id, "function(){ }", "emptyScript", CreateListValueFrom(frame_elements_[i]), CreateDirectValueParser(kSkipParsing))); if (error.get() && error->code() == kStaleElementReference) { SwitchToTopFrame(); } else if (error.get()) { return error.release(); } frame_path = frame_path.Append(components[i]); } return NULL; } Error* Session::CloseWindow() { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::CloseView, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, &error)); if (!error) { std::vector views; scoped_ptr error(GetViews(&views)); if (error.get() || views.empty()) { // The automation connection will soon be closed, if not already, // because we supposedly just closed the last window. Terminate the // session. // TODO(kkania): This will cause us problems if GetWindowIds fails for a // reason other than the channel is disconnected. Look into having // |GetWindowIds| tell us if it just closed the last window. Terminate(); } } return error; } Error* Session::GetWindowBounds(const WebViewId& window, Rect* bounds) { const char* kGetWindowBoundsScript = "function() {" " return {" " 'left': window.screenX," " 'top': window.screenY," " 'width': window.outerWidth," " 'height': window.outerHeight" " }" "}"; return ExecuteScriptAndParse( FrameId(window, FramePath()), kGetWindowBoundsScript, "getWindowBoundsScript", new ListValue(), CreateDirectValueParser(bounds)); } Error* Session::SetWindowBounds( const WebViewId& window, const Rect& bounds) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::SetViewBounds, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), window, bounds, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::GetAlertMessage(std::string* text) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::GetAppModalDialogMessage, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), text, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::SetAlertPromptText(const std::string& alert_prompt_text) { std::string message_text; // Only set the alert prompt text if an alert is actually active. Error* error = GetAlertMessage(&message_text); if (!error) { has_alert_prompt_text_ = true; alert_prompt_text_ = alert_prompt_text; } return error; } Error* Session::AcceptOrDismissAlert(bool accept) { Error* error = NULL; if (accept && has_alert_prompt_text_) { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::AcceptPromptAppModalDialog, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), alert_prompt_text_, &error)); } else { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::AcceptOrDismissAppModalDialog, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), accept, &error)); } has_alert_prompt_text_ = false; return error; } std::string Session::GetBrowserVersion() { std::string version; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::GetBrowserVersion, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), &version)); return version; } Error* Session::CompareBrowserVersion(int client_build_no, int client_patch_no, bool* is_newer_or_equal) { std::string version = GetBrowserVersion(); std::vector split_version; base::SplitString(version, '.', &split_version); if (split_version.size() != 4) { return new Error( kUnknownError, "Browser version has unrecognized format: " + version); } int build_no, patch_no; if (!base::StringToInt(split_version[2], &build_no) || !base::StringToInt(split_version[3], &patch_no)) { return new Error( kUnknownError, "Browser version has unrecognized format: " + version); } if (build_no < client_build_no) *is_newer_or_equal = false; else if (build_no > client_build_no) *is_newer_or_equal = true; else *is_newer_or_equal = patch_no >= client_patch_no; return NULL; } Error* Session::FindElement(const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& root_element, const std::string& locator, const std::string& query, ElementId* element) { std::vector elements; Error* error = FindElementsHelper( frame_id, root_element, locator, query, true, &elements); if (!error) *element = elements[0]; return error; } Error* Session::FindElements(const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& root_element, const std::string& locator, const std::string& query, std::vector* elements) { return FindElementsHelper( frame_id, root_element, locator, query, false, elements); } Error* Session::GetElementLocationInView( const ElementId& element, Point* location) { Size size; Error* error = GetElementSize(current_target_, element, &size); if (error) return error; return GetElementRegionInView( element, Rect(Point(0, 0), size), false /* center */, false /* verify_clickable_at_middle */, location); } Error* Session::GetElementRegionInView( const ElementId& element, const Rect& region, bool center, bool verify_clickable_at_middle, Point* location) { CHECK(element.is_valid()); Point region_offset = region.origin(); Size region_size = region.size(); Error* error = GetElementRegionInViewHelper( current_target_, element, region, center, verify_clickable_at_middle, ®ion_offset); if (error) return error; for (FramePath frame_path = current_target_.frame_path; frame_path.IsSubframe(); frame_path = frame_path.Parent()) { // Find the frame element for the current frame path. FrameId frame_id(current_target_.view_id, frame_path.Parent()); ElementId frame_element; error = FindElement( frame_id, ElementId(""), LocatorType::kXpath, frame_path.BaseName().value(), &frame_element); if (error) { std::string context = base::StringPrintf( "Could not find frame element (%s) in frame (%s)", frame_path.BaseName().value().c_str(), frame_path.Parent().value().c_str()); error->AddDetails(context); return error; } // Modify |region_offset| by the frame's border. int border_left, border_top; error = GetElementBorder( frame_id, frame_element, &border_left, &border_top); if (error) return error; region_offset.Offset(border_left, border_top); error = GetElementRegionInViewHelper( frame_id, frame_element, Rect(region_offset, region_size), center, verify_clickable_at_middle, ®ion_offset); if (error) return error; } *location = region_offset; return NULL; } Error* Session::GetElementSize(const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& element, Size* size) { return ExecuteScriptAndParse( frame_id, atoms::asString(atoms::GET_SIZE), "getSize", CreateListValueFrom(element), CreateDirectValueParser(size)); } Error* Session::GetElementFirstClientRect(const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& element, Rect* rect) { return ExecuteScriptAndParse( frame_id, atoms::asString(atoms::GET_FIRST_CLIENT_RECT), "getFirstClientRect", CreateListValueFrom(element), CreateDirectValueParser(rect)); } Error* Session::GetElementEffectiveStyle( const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& element, const std::string& prop, std::string* value) { return ExecuteScriptAndParse( frame_id, atoms::asString(atoms::GET_EFFECTIVE_STYLE), "getEffectiveStyle", CreateListValueFrom(element, prop), CreateDirectValueParser(value)); } Error* Session::GetElementBorder(const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& element, int* border_left, int* border_top) { std::string border_left_str, border_top_str; Error* error = GetElementEffectiveStyle( frame_id, element, "border-left-width", &border_left_str); if (error) return error; error = GetElementEffectiveStyle( frame_id, element, "border-top-width", &border_top_str); if (error) return error; base::StringToInt(border_left_str, border_left); base::StringToInt(border_top_str, border_top); return NULL; } Error* Session::IsElementDisplayed(const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& element, bool ignore_opacity, bool* is_displayed) { return ExecuteScriptAndParse( frame_id, atoms::asString(atoms::IS_DISPLAYED), "isDisplayed", CreateListValueFrom(element, ignore_opacity), CreateDirectValueParser(is_displayed)); } Error* Session::IsElementEnabled(const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& element, bool* is_enabled) { return ExecuteScriptAndParse( frame_id, atoms::asString(atoms::IS_ENABLED), "isEnabled", CreateListValueFrom(element), CreateDirectValueParser(is_enabled)); } Error* Session::IsOptionElementSelected(const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& element, bool* is_selected) { return ExecuteScriptAndParse( frame_id, atoms::asString(atoms::IS_SELECTED), "isSelected", CreateListValueFrom(element), CreateDirectValueParser(is_selected)); } Error* Session::SetOptionElementSelected(const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& element, bool selected) { // This wrapper ensures the script is started successfully and // allows for an alert to happen when the option selection occurs. // See selenium bug 2671. const char kSetSelectedWrapper[] = "var args = [].slice.apply(arguments);" "args[args.length - 1]();" "return (%s).apply(null, args.slice(0, args.length - 1));"; Value* value = NULL; Error* error = ExecuteAsyncScript( frame_id, base::StringPrintf(kSetSelectedWrapper, atoms::asString(atoms::CLICK).c_str()), CreateListValueFrom(element, selected), &value); scoped_ptr scoped_value(value); return error; } Error* Session::ToggleOptionElement(const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& element) { bool is_selected; Error* error = IsOptionElementSelected(frame_id, element, &is_selected); if (error) return error; return SetOptionElementSelected(frame_id, element, !is_selected); } Error* Session::GetElementTagName(const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& element, std::string* tag_name) { return ExecuteScriptAndParse( frame_id, "function(elem) { return elem.tagName.toLowerCase() }", "getElementTagName", CreateListValueFrom(element), CreateDirectValueParser(tag_name)); } Error* Session::GetClickableLocation(const ElementId& element, Point* location) { bool is_displayed = false; Error* error = IsElementDisplayed( current_target_, element, true /* ignore_opacity */, &is_displayed); if (error) return error; if (!is_displayed) return new Error(kElementNotVisible, "Element must be displayed to click"); // We try 3 methods to determine clickable location. This mostly follows // what FirefoxDriver does. Try the first client rect, then the bounding // client rect, and lastly the size of the element (via closure). // SVG is one case that doesn't have a first client rect. Rect rect; scoped_ptr ignore_error( GetElementFirstClientRect(current_target_, element, &rect)); if (ignore_error.get()) { Rect client_rect; ignore_error.reset(ExecuteScriptAndParse( current_target_, "function(elem) { return elem.getBoundingClientRect() }", "getBoundingClientRect", CreateListValueFrom(element), CreateDirectValueParser(&client_rect))); rect = Rect(0, 0, client_rect.width(), client_rect.height()); } if (ignore_error.get()) { Size size; ignore_error.reset(GetElementSize(current_target_, element, &size)); rect = Rect(0, 0, size.width(), size.height()); } if (ignore_error.get()) { return new Error(kUnknownError, "Unable to determine clickable location of element"); } error = GetElementRegionInView( element, rect, true /* center */, true /* verify_clickable_at_middle */, location); if (error) return error; location->Offset(rect.width() / 2, rect.height() / 2); return NULL; } Error* Session::GetAttribute(const ElementId& element, const std::string& key, Value** value) { return ExecuteScriptAndParse( current_target_, atoms::asString(atoms::GET_ATTRIBUTE), "getAttribute", CreateListValueFrom(element, key), CreateDirectValueParser(value)); } Error* Session::WaitForAllViewsToStopLoading() { if (!automation_.get()) return NULL; logger_.Log(kFinerLogLevel, "Waiting for all views to stop loading..."); Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::WaitForAllViewsToStopLoading, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), &error)); logger_.Log(kFinerLogLevel, "Done waiting for all views to stop loading"); return error; } Error* Session::InstallExtensionDeprecated(const FilePath& path) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::InstallExtensionDeprecated, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), path, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::InstallExtension( const FilePath& path, std::string* extension_id) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::InstallExtension, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), path, extension_id, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::GetExtensionsInfo(base::ListValue* extensions_list) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::GetExtensionsInfo, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), extensions_list, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::IsPageActionVisible( const WebViewId& tab_id, const std::string& extension_id, bool* is_visible) { if (!tab_id.IsTab()) { return new Error( kUnknownError, "The current target does not support page actions. Switch to a tab."); } Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::IsPageActionVisible, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), tab_id, extension_id, is_visible, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::SetExtensionState( const std::string& extension_id, bool enable) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::SetExtensionState, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), extension_id, enable, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::ClickExtensionButton( const std::string& extension_id, bool browser_action) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::ClickExtensionButton, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), extension_id, browser_action, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::UninstallExtension(const std::string& extension_id) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::UninstallExtension, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), extension_id, &error)); return error; } Error* Session::SetPreference( const std::string& pref, bool is_user_pref, base::Value* value) { Error* error = NULL; if (is_user_pref) { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::SetPreference, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), pref, value, &error)); if (error) error->AddDetails("Failed to set user pref '" + pref + "'"); } else { RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::SetLocalStatePreference, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), pref, value, &error)); if (error) error->AddDetails("Failed to set local state pref '" + pref + "'"); } return error; } base::ListValue* Session::GetLog() const { return session_log_->entries_list()->DeepCopy(); } Error* Session::GetBrowserConnectionState(bool* online) { return ExecuteScriptAndParse( current_target_, atoms::asString(atoms::IS_ONLINE), "isOnline", new ListValue(), CreateDirectValueParser(online)); } Error* Session::GetAppCacheStatus(int* status) { return ExecuteScriptAndParse( current_target_, atoms::asString(atoms::GET_APPCACHE_STATUS), "getAppcacheStatus", new ListValue(), CreateDirectValueParser(status)); } Error* Session::GetStorageSize(StorageType type, int* size) { std::string js = atoms::asString( type == kLocalStorageType ? atoms::GET_LOCAL_STORAGE_SIZE : atoms::GET_SESSION_STORAGE_SIZE); return ExecuteScriptAndParse( current_target_, js, "getStorageSize", new ListValue(), CreateDirectValueParser(size)); } Error* Session::SetStorageItem(StorageType type, const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { std::string js = atoms::asString( type == kLocalStorageType ? atoms::SET_LOCAL_STORAGE_ITEM : atoms::SET_SESSION_STORAGE_ITEM); return ExecuteScriptAndParse( current_target_, js, "setStorageItem", CreateListValueFrom(key, value), CreateDirectValueParser(kSkipParsing)); } Error* Session::ClearStorage(StorageType type) { std::string js = atoms::asString( type == kLocalStorageType ? atoms::CLEAR_LOCAL_STORAGE : atoms::CLEAR_SESSION_STORAGE); return ExecuteScriptAndParse( current_target_, js, "clearStorage", new ListValue(), CreateDirectValueParser(kSkipParsing)); } Error* Session::GetStorageKeys(StorageType type, ListValue** keys) { std::string js = atoms::asString( type == kLocalStorageType ? atoms::GET_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEYS : atoms::GET_SESSION_STORAGE_KEYS); return ExecuteScriptAndParse( current_target_, js, "getStorageKeys", new ListValue(), CreateDirectValueParser(keys)); } Error* Session::GetStorageItem(StorageType type, const std::string& key, std::string* value) { std::string js = atoms::asString( type == kLocalStorageType ? atoms::GET_LOCAL_STORAGE_ITEM : atoms::GET_SESSION_STORAGE_ITEM); return ExecuteScriptAndParse( current_target_, js, "getStorageItem", CreateListValueFrom(key), CreateDirectValueParser(value)); } Error* Session::RemoveStorageItem(StorageType type, const std::string& key, std::string* value) { std::string js = atoms::asString( type == kLocalStorageType ? atoms::REMOVE_LOCAL_STORAGE_ITEM : atoms::REMOVE_SESSION_STORAGE_ITEM); return ExecuteScriptAndParse( current_target_, js, "removeStorageItem", CreateListValueFrom(key), CreateDirectValueParser(value)); } const std::string& Session::id() const { return id_; } const FrameId& Session::current_target() const { return current_target_; } void Session::set_async_script_timeout(int timeout_ms) { async_script_timeout_ = timeout_ms; } int Session::async_script_timeout() const { return async_script_timeout_; } void Session::set_implicit_wait(int timeout_ms) { implicit_wait_ = timeout_ms; } int Session::implicit_wait() const { return implicit_wait_; } const Point& Session::get_mouse_position() const { return mouse_position_; } const Logger& Session::logger() const { return logger_; } const FilePath& Session::temp_dir() const { return temp_dir_.path(); } const Capabilities& Session::capabilities() const { return capabilities_; } void Session::RunSessionTask(const base::Closure& task) { base::WaitableEvent done_event(false, false); thread_.message_loop_proxy()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &Session::RunClosureOnSessionThread, base::Unretained(this), task, &done_event)); done_event.Wait(); } void Session::RunClosureOnSessionThread(const base::Closure& task, base::WaitableEvent* done_event) { task.Run(); done_event->Signal(); } void Session::InitOnSessionThread(const Automation::BrowserOptions& options, int* build_no, Error** error) { automation_.reset(new Automation(logger_)); automation_->Init(options, build_no, error); if (*error) return; std::vector views; automation_->GetViews(&views, error); if (*error) return; if (views.empty()) { *error = new Error(kUnknownError, "No view ids after initialization"); return; } current_target_ = FrameId(views[0].view_id, FramePath()); } void Session::TerminateOnSessionThread() { if (automation_.get()) automation_->Terminate(); automation_.reset(); } Error* Session::ExecuteScriptAndParseValue(const FrameId& frame_id, const std::string& script, Value** script_result) { std::string response_json; Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::ExecuteScript, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), frame_id.view_id, frame_id.frame_path, script, &response_json, &error)); if (error) return error; scoped_ptr value(base::JSONReader::ReadAndReturnError( response_json, true, NULL, NULL)); if (!value.get()) return new Error(kUnknownError, "Failed to parse script result"); if (value->GetType() != Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY) return new Error(kUnknownError, "Execute script returned non-dict: " + JsonStringify(value.get())); DictionaryValue* result_dict = static_cast(value.get()); int status; if (!result_dict->GetInteger("status", &status)) return new Error(kUnknownError, "Execute script did not return status: " + JsonStringify(result_dict)); ErrorCode code = static_cast(status); if (code != kSuccess) { DictionaryValue* error_dict; std::string error_msg; if (result_dict->GetDictionary("value", &error_dict)) error_dict->GetString("message", &error_msg); if (error_msg.empty()) error_msg = "Script failed with error code: " + base::IntToString(code); return new Error(code, error_msg); } Value* tmp; if (result_dict->Get("value", &tmp)) { *script_result= tmp->DeepCopy(); } else { // "value" was not defined in the returned dictionary; set to null. *script_result= Value::CreateNullValue(); } return NULL; } void Session::SendKeysOnSessionThread(const string16& keys, bool release_modifiers, Error** error) { std::vector key_events; std::string error_msg; if (!ConvertKeysToWebKeyEvents(keys, logger_, release_modifiers, &sticky_modifiers_, &key_events, &error_msg)) { *error = new Error(kUnknownError, error_msg); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < key_events.size(); ++i) { if (capabilities_.native_events) { // The automation provider will generate up/down events for us, we // only need to call it once as compared to the WebKeyEvent method. // Hence we filter events by their types, keeping only rawkeydown. if (key_events[i].type != automation::kRawKeyDownType) continue; automation_->SendNativeKeyEvent( current_target_.view_id, key_events[i].key_code, key_events[i].modifiers, error); } else { automation_->SendWebKeyEvent( current_target_.view_id, key_events[i], error); } if (*error) { std::string details = base::StringPrintf( "Failed to send key event. Event details:\n" "Type: %d, KeyCode: %d, UnmodifiedText: %s, ModifiedText: %s, " "Modifiers: %d", key_events[i].type, key_events[i].key_code, key_events[i].unmodified_text.c_str(), key_events[i].modified_text.c_str(), key_events[i].modifiers); (*error)->AddDetails(details); return; } } } Error* Session::ProcessWebMouseEvents( const std::vector& events) { for (size_t i = 0; i < events.size(); ++i) { Error* error = NULL; RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::SendWebMouseEvent, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, events[i], &error)); if (error) return error; mouse_position_ = Point(events[i].x, events[i].y); } return NULL; } WebMouseEvent Session::CreateWebMouseEvent( automation::MouseEventType type, automation::MouseButton button, const Point& point, int click_count) { return WebMouseEvent(type, button, point.rounded_x(), point.rounded_y(), click_count, sticky_modifiers_); } Error* Session::SwitchToFrameWithJavaScriptLocatedFrame( const std::string& script, ListValue* args) { class SwitchFrameValueParser : public ValueParser { public: SwitchFrameValueParser( bool* found_frame, ElementId* frame, std::string* xpath) : found_frame_(found_frame), frame_(frame), xpath_(xpath) { } virtual ~SwitchFrameValueParser() { } virtual bool Parse(base::Value* value) const OVERRIDE { if (value->IsType(Value::TYPE_NULL)) { *found_frame_ = false; return true; } ListValue* list; if (!value->GetAsList(&list)) return false; *found_frame_ = true; return SetFromListValue(list, frame_, xpath_); } private: bool* found_frame_; ElementId* frame_; std::string* xpath_; }; bool found_frame; ElementId new_frame_element; std::string xpath; Error* error = ExecuteScriptAndParse( current_target_, script, "switchFrame", args, new SwitchFrameValueParser(&found_frame, &new_frame_element, &xpath)); if (error) return error; if (!found_frame) return new Error(kNoSuchFrame); frame_elements_.push_back(new_frame_element); current_target_.frame_path = current_target_.frame_path.Append(xpath); return NULL; } Error* Session::FindElementsHelper(const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& root_element, const std::string& locator, const std::string& query, bool find_one, std::vector* elements) { CHECK(root_element.is_valid()); base::Time start_time = base::Time::Now(); while (true) { std::vector temp_elements; Error* error = ExecuteFindElementScriptAndParse( frame_id, root_element, locator, query, find_one, &temp_elements); if (error) return error; if (temp_elements.size() > 0u) { elements->swap(temp_elements); break; } if ((base::Time::Now() - start_time).InMilliseconds() > implicit_wait_) { if (find_one) return new Error(kNoSuchElement); break; } base::PlatformThread::Sleep(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(50)); } return NULL; } Error* Session::ExecuteFindElementScriptAndParse( const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& root_element, const std::string& locator, const std::string& query, bool find_one, std::vector* elements) { CHECK(root_element.is_valid()); class FindElementsParser : public ValueParser { public: explicit FindElementsParser(std::vector* elements) : elements_(elements) { } virtual ~FindElementsParser() { } virtual bool Parse(base::Value* value) const OVERRIDE { if (!value->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST)) return false; ListValue* list = static_cast(value); for (size_t i = 0; i < list->GetSize(); ++i) { ElementId element; Value* element_value = NULL; if (!list->Get(i, &element_value)) return false; if (!SetFromValue(element_value, &element)) return false; elements_->push_back(element); } return true; } private: std::vector* elements_; }; class FindElementParser : public ValueParser { public: explicit FindElementParser(std::vector* elements) : elements_(elements) { } virtual ~FindElementParser() { } virtual bool Parse(base::Value* value) const OVERRIDE { if (value->IsType(Value::TYPE_NULL)) return true; ElementId element; bool set = SetFromValue(value, &element); if (set) elements_->push_back(element); return set; } private: std::vector* elements_; }; DictionaryValue locator_dict; locator_dict.SetString(locator, query); std::vector temp_elements; Error* error = NULL; if (find_one) { error = ExecuteScriptAndParse( frame_id, atoms::asString(atoms::FIND_ELEMENT), "findElement", CreateListValueFrom(&locator_dict, root_element), new FindElementParser(&temp_elements)); } else { error = ExecuteScriptAndParse( frame_id, atoms::asString(atoms::FIND_ELEMENTS), "findElements", CreateListValueFrom(&locator_dict, root_element), new FindElementsParser(&temp_elements)); } if (!error) elements->swap(temp_elements); return error; } Error* Session::VerifyElementIsClickable( const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& element, const Point& location) { class IsElementClickableParser : public ValueParser { public: IsElementClickableParser(bool* clickable, std::string* message) : clickable_(clickable), message_(message) { } virtual ~IsElementClickableParser() { } virtual bool Parse(base::Value* value) const OVERRIDE { if (!value->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) return false; DictionaryValue* dict = static_cast(value); dict->GetString("message", message_); return dict->GetBoolean("clickable", clickable_); } private: bool* clickable_; std::string* message_; }; bool clickable; std::string message; Error* error = ExecuteScriptAndParse( frame_id, atoms::asString(atoms::IS_ELEMENT_CLICKABLE), "isElementClickable", CreateListValueFrom(element, location), new IsElementClickableParser(&clickable, &message)); if (error) return error; if (!clickable) { if (message.empty()) message = "element is not clickable"; return new Error(kUnknownError, message); } if (message.length()) { logger_.Log(kWarningLogLevel, message); } return NULL; } Error* Session::GetElementRegionInViewHelper( const FrameId& frame_id, const ElementId& element, const Rect& region, bool center, bool verify_clickable_at_middle, Point* location) { Point temp_location; Error* error = ExecuteScriptAndParse( frame_id, atoms::asString(atoms::GET_LOCATION_IN_VIEW), "getLocationInView", CreateListValueFrom(element, center, region), CreateDirectValueParser(&temp_location)); if (verify_clickable_at_middle) { Point middle_point = temp_location; middle_point.Offset(region.width() / 2, region.height() / 2); error = VerifyElementIsClickable(frame_id, element, middle_point); if (error) return error; } *location = temp_location; return NULL; } Error* Session::GetScreenShot(std::string* png) { if (!current_target_.view_id.IsTab()) { return new Error(kUnknownError, "The current target does not support screenshot"); } Error* error = NULL; ScopedTempDir screenshots_dir; if (!screenshots_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir()) { return new Error(kUnknownError, "Could not create temp directory for screenshot"); } FilePath path = screenshots_dir.path().AppendASCII("screen"); RunSessionTask(base::Bind( &Automation::CaptureEntirePageAsPNG, base::Unretained(automation_.get()), current_target_.view_id, path, &error)); if (error) return error; if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(path, png)) return new Error(kUnknownError, "Could not read screenshot file"); return NULL; } Error* Session::PostBrowserStartInit() { Error* error = NULL; if (!capabilities_.no_website_testing_defaults) error = InitForWebsiteTesting(); if (!error) error = SetPrefs(); if (error) return error; // Install extensions. for (size_t i = 0; i < capabilities_.extensions.size(); ++i) { error = InstallExtensionDeprecated(capabilities_.extensions[i]); if (error) return error; } return NULL; } Error* Session::InitForWebsiteTesting() { bool has_prefs_api = false; // Don't set these prefs for Chrome 14 and below. // TODO(kkania): Remove this when Chrome 14 is unsupported. Error* error = CompareBrowserVersion(874, 0, &has_prefs_api); if (error || !has_prefs_api) return error; // Disable checking for SSL certificate revocation. error = SetPreference( "ssl.rev_checking.enabled", false /* is_user_pref */, Value::CreateBooleanValue(false)); if (error) return error; // Allow certain content by default. const int kAllowContent = 1; DictionaryValue* default_content_settings = new DictionaryValue(); default_content_settings->SetInteger("geolocation", kAllowContent); default_content_settings->SetInteger("notifications", kAllowContent); return SetPreference( "profile.default_content_settings", true /* is_user_pref */, default_content_settings); } Error* Session::SetPrefs() { DictionaryValue::key_iterator iter = capabilities_.prefs->begin_keys(); for (; iter != capabilities_.prefs->end_keys(); ++iter) { Value* value; capabilities_.prefs->GetWithoutPathExpansion(*iter, &value); Error* error = SetPreference(*iter, true /* is_user_pref */, value->DeepCopy()); if (error) return error; } iter = capabilities_.local_state->begin_keys(); for (; iter != capabilities_.local_state->end_keys(); ++iter) { Value* value; capabilities_.local_state->GetWithoutPathExpansion(*iter, &value); Error* error = SetPreference(*iter, false /* is_user_pref */, value->DeepCopy()); if (error) return error; } return NULL; } } // namespace webdriver