/** * @fileoverview This file contains miscellaneous basic functionality. * */ /** * Creates a DOM element with the given tag name in the document of the * owner element. * * @param {String} tagName The name of the tag to create. * @param {Element} owner The intended owner (i.e., parent element) of * the created element. * @param {Point} opt_position The top-left corner of the created element. * @param {Size} opt_size The size of the created element. * @param {Boolean} opt_noAppend Do not append the new element to the owner. * @return {Element} The newly created element node. */ function createElement(tagName, owner, opt_position, opt_size, opt_noAppend) { var element = ownerDocument(owner).createElement(tagName); if (opt_position) { setPosition(element, opt_position); } if (opt_size) { setSize(element, opt_size); } if (owner && !opt_noAppend) { appendChild(owner, element); } return element; } /** * Creates a text node with the given value. * * @param {String} value The text to place in the new node. * @param {Element} owner The owner (i.e., parent element) of the new * text node. * @return {Text} The newly created text node. */ function createTextNode(value, owner) { var element = ownerDocument(owner).createTextNode(value); if (owner) { appendChild(owner, element); } return element; } /** * Returns the document owner of the given element. In particular, * returns window.document if node is null or the browser does not * support ownerDocument. * * @param {Node} node The node whose ownerDocument is required. * @returns {Document|Null} The owner document or null if unsupported. */ function ownerDocument(node) { return (node ? node.ownerDocument : null) || document; } /** * Wrapper function to create CSS units (pixels) string * * @param {Number} numPixels Number of pixels, may be floating point. * @returns {String} Corresponding CSS units string. */ function px(numPixels) { return round(numPixels) + "px"; } /** * Sets the left and top of the given element to the given point. * * @param {Element} element The dom element to manipulate. * @param {Point} point The desired position. */ function setPosition(element, point) { var style = element.style; style.position = "absolute"; style.left = px(point.x); style.top = px(point.y); } /** * Sets the width and height style attributes to the given size. * * @param {Element} element The dom element to manipulate. * @param {Size} size The desired size. */ function setSize(element, size) { var style = element.style; style.width = px(size.width); style.height = px(size.height); } /** * Sets display to none. Doing this as a function saves a few bytes for * the 'style.display' property and the 'none' literal. * * @param {Element} node The dom element to manipulate. */ function displayNone(node) { node.style.display = 'none'; } /** * Sets display to default. * * @param {Element} node The dom element to manipulate. */ function displayDefault(node) { node.style.display = ''; } /** * Appends the given child to the given parent in the DOM * * @param {Element} parent The parent dom element. * @param {Node} child The new child dom node. */ function appendChild(parent, child) { parent.appendChild(child); } /** * Wrapper for the eval() builtin function to evaluate expressions and * obtain their value. It wraps the expression in parentheses such * that object literals are really evaluated to objects. Without the * wrapping, they are evaluated as block, and create syntax * errors. Also protects against other syntax errors in the eval()ed * code and returns null if the eval throws an exception. * * @param {String} expr * @return {Object|Null} */ function jsEval(expr) { try { return eval('[' + expr + '][0]'); } catch (e) { return null; } } /** * Wrapper for the eval() builtin function to execute statements. This * guards against exceptions thrown, but doesn't return a * value. Still, mostly for testability, it returns a boolean to * indicate whether execution was successful. NOTE: * javascript's eval semantics is murky in that it confounds * expression evaluation and statement execution into a single * construct. Cf. jsEval(). * * @param {String} stmt * @return {Boolean} */ function jsExec(stmt) { try { eval(stmt); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } /** * Wrapper for eval with a context. NOTE: The style guide * deprecates eval, so this is the exception that proves the * rule. Notice also that since the value of the expression is * returned rather than assigned to a local variable, one major * objection aganist the use of the with() statement, namely that * properties of the with() target override local variables of the * same name, is void here. * * @param {String} expr * @param {Object} context * @return {Object|Null} */ function jsEvalWith(expr, context) { try { with (context) { return eval('[' + expr + '][0]'); } } catch (e) { return null; } } var DOM_ELEMENT_NODE = 1; var DOM_ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2; var DOM_TEXT_NODE = 3; var DOM_CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4; var DOM_ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5; var DOM_ENTITY_NODE = 6; var DOM_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7; var DOM_COMMENT_NODE = 8; var DOM_DOCUMENT_NODE = 9; var DOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10; var DOM_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11; var DOM_NOTATION_NODE = 12; /** * Traverses the element nodes in the DOM tree underneath the given * node and finds the first node with elemId, or null if there is no such * element. Traversal is in depth-first order. * * NOTE: The reason this is not combined with the elem() function is * that the implementations are different. * elem() is a wrapper for the built-in document.getElementById() function, * whereas this function performs the traversal itself. * Modifying elem() to take an optional root node is a possibility, * but the in-built function would perform better than using our own traversal. * * @param {Element} node Root element of subtree to traverse. * @param {String} elemId The id of the element to search for. * @return {Element|Null} The corresponding element, or null if not found. */ function nodeGetElementById(node, elemId) { for (var c = node.firstChild; c; c = c.nextSibling) { if (c.id == elemId) { return c; } if (c.nodeType == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE) { var n = arguments.callee.call(this, c, elemId); if (n) { return n; } } } return null; } /** * Get an attribute from the DOM. Simple redirect, exists to compress code. * * @param {Element} node Element to interrogate. * @param {String} name Name of parameter to extract. * @return {String} Resulting attribute. */ function domGetAttribute(node, name) { return node.getAttribute(name); } /** * Set an attribute in the DOM. Simple redirect to compress code. * * @param {Element} node Element to interrogate. * @param {String} name Name of parameter to set. * @param {String} value Set attribute to this value. */ function domSetAttribute(node, name, value) { node.setAttribute(name, value); } /** * Remove an attribute from the DOM. Simple redirect to compress code. * * @param {Element} node Element to interrogate. * @param {String} name Name of parameter to remove. */ function domRemoveAttribute(node, name) { node.removeAttribute(name); } /** * Clone a node in the DOM. * * @param {Node} node Node to clone. * @return {Node} Cloned node. */ function domCloneNode(node) { return node.cloneNode(true); } /** * Return a safe string for the className of a node. * If className is not a string, returns "". * * @param {Element} node DOM element to query. * @return {String} */ function domClassName(node) { return node.className ? "" + node.className : ""; } /** * Adds a class name to the class attribute of the given node. * * @param {Element} node DOM element to modify. * @param {String} className Class name to add. */ function domAddClass(node, className) { var name = domClassName(node); if (name) { var cn = name.split(/\s+/); var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < jsLength(cn); ++i) { if (cn[i] == className) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { cn.push(className); } node.className = cn.join(' '); } else { node.className = className; } } /** * Removes a class name from the class attribute of the given node. * * @param {Element} node DOM element to modify. * @param {String} className Class name to remove. */ function domRemoveClass(node, className) { var c = domClassName(node); if (!c || c.indexOf(className) == -1) { return; } var cn = c.split(/\s+/); for (var i = 0; i < jsLength(cn); ++i) { if (cn[i] == className) { cn.splice(i--, 1); } } node.className = cn.join(' '); } /** * Checks if a node belongs to a style class. * * @param {Element} node DOM element to test. * @param {String} className Class name to check for. * @return {Boolean} Node belongs to style class. */ function domTestClass(node, className) { var cn = domClassName(node).split(/\s+/); for (var i = 0; i < jsLength(cn); ++i) { if (cn[i] == className) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Inserts a new child before a given sibling. * * @param {Node} newChild Node to insert. * @param {Node} oldChild Sibling node. * @return {Node} Reference to new child. */ function domInsertBefore(newChild, oldChild) { return oldChild.parentNode.insertBefore(newChild, oldChild); } /** * Appends a new child to the specified (parent) node. * * @param {Element} node Parent element. * @param {Node} child Child node to append. * @return {Node} Newly appended node. */ function domAppendChild(node, child) { return node.appendChild(child); } /** * Remove a new child from the specified (parent) node. * * @param {Element} node Parent element. * @param {Node} child Child node to remove. * @return {Node} Removed node. */ function domRemoveChild(node, child) { return node.removeChild(child); } /** * Replaces an old child node with a new child node. * * @param {Node} newChild New child to append. * @param {Node} oldChild Old child to remove. * @return {Node} Replaced node. */ function domReplaceChild(newChild, oldChild) { return oldChild.parentNode.replaceChild(newChild, oldChild); } /** * Removes a node from the DOM. * * @param {Node} node The node to remove. * @return {Node} The removed node. */ function domRemoveNode(node) { return domRemoveChild(node.parentNode, node); } /** * Creates a new text node in the given document. * * @param {Document} doc Target document. * @param {String} text Text composing new text node. * @return {Text} Newly constructed text node. */ function domCreateTextNode(doc, text) { return doc.createTextNode(text); } /** * Creates a new node in the given document * * @param {Document} doc Target document. * @param {String} name Name of new element (i.e. the tag name).. * @return {Element} Newly constructed element. */ function domCreateElement(doc, name) { return doc.createElement(name); } /** * Creates a new attribute in the given document. * * @param {Document} doc Target document. * @param {String} name Name of new attribute. * @return {Attr} Newly constructed attribute. */ function domCreateAttribute(doc, name) { return doc.createAttribute(name); } /** * Creates a new comment in the given document. * * @param {Document} doc Target document. * @param {String} text Comment text. * @return {Comment} Newly constructed comment. */ function domCreateComment(doc, text) { return doc.createComment(text); } /** * Creates a document fragment. * * @param {Document} doc Target document. * @return {DocumentFragment} Resulting document fragment node. */ function domCreateDocumentFragment(doc) { return doc.createDocumentFragment(); } /** * Redirect to document.getElementById * * @param {Document} doc Target document. * @param {String} id Id of requested node. * @return {Element|Null} Resulting element. */ function domGetElementById(doc, id) { return doc.getElementById(id); } /** * Redirect to window.setInterval * * @param {Window} win Target window. * @param {Function} fun Callback function. * @param {Number} time Time in milliseconds. * @return {Object} Contract id. */ function windowSetInterval(win, fun, time) { return win.setInterval(fun, time); } /** * Redirect to window.clearInterval * * @param {Window} win Target window. * @param {object} id Contract id. * @return {any} NOTE: Return type unknown? */ function windowClearInterval(win, id) { return win.clearInterval(id); } /** * Determines whether one node is recursively contained in another. * @param parent The parent node. * @param child The node to look for in parent. * @return parent recursively contains child */ function containsNode(parent, child) { while (parent != child && child.parentNode) { child = child.parentNode; } return parent == child; }; /** * @fileoverview This file contains javascript utility functions that * do not depend on anything defined elsewhere. * */ /** * Returns the value of the length property of the given object. Used * to reduce compiled code size. * * @param {Array | String} a The string or array to interrogate. * @return {Number} The value of the length property. */ function jsLength(a) { return a.length; } var min = Math.min; var max = Math.max; var ceil = Math.ceil; var floor = Math.floor; var round = Math.round; var abs = Math.abs; /** * Copies all properties from second object to the first. Modifies to. * * @param {Object} to The target object. * @param {Object} from The source object. */ function copyProperties(to, from) { foreachin(from, function(p) { to[p] = from[p]; }); } /** * Iterates over the array, calling the given function for each * element. * * @param {Array} array * @param {Function} fn */ function foreach(array, fn) { var I = jsLength(array); for (var i = 0; i < I; ++i) { fn(array[i], i); } } /** * Safely iterates over all properties of the given object, calling * the given function for each property. If opt_all isn't true, uses * hasOwnProperty() to assure the property is on the object, not on * its prototype. * * @param {Object} object * @param {Function} fn * @param {Boolean} opt_all If true, also iterates over inherited properties. */ function foreachin(object, fn, opt_all) { for (var i in object) { if (opt_all || !object.hasOwnProperty || object.hasOwnProperty(i)) { fn(i, object[i]); } } } /** * Appends the second array to the first, copying its elements. * Optionally only a slice of the second array is copied. * * @param {Array} a1 Target array (modified). * @param {Array} a2 Source array. * @param {Number} opt_begin Begin of slice of second array (optional). * @param {Number} opt_end End (exclusive) of slice of second array (optional). */ function arrayAppend(a1, a2, opt_begin, opt_end) { var i0 = opt_begin || 0; var i1 = opt_end || jsLength(a2); for (var i = i0; i < i1; ++i) { a1.push(a2[i]); } } /** * Trim whitespace from begin and end of string. * * @see testStringTrim(); * * @param {String} str Input string. * @return {String} Trimmed string. */ function stringTrim(str) { return stringTrimRight(stringTrimLeft(str)); } /** * Trim whitespace from beginning of string. * * @see testStringTrimLeft(); * * @param {String} str Input string. * @return {String} Trimmed string. */ function stringTrimLeft(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+/, ""); } /** * Trim whitespace from end of string. * * @see testStringTrimRight(); * * @param {String} str Input string. * @return {String} Trimmed string. */ function stringTrimRight(str) { return str.replace(/\s+$/, ""); } /** * Jscompiler wrapper for parseInt() with base 10. * * @param {String} s String repersentation of a number. * * @return {Number} The integer contained in s, converted on base 10. */ function parseInt10(s) { return parseInt(s, 10); } /** * @fileoverview A simple formatter to project JavaScript data into * HTML templates. The template is edited in place. I.e. in order to * instantiate a template, clone it from the DOM first, and then * process the cloned template. This allows for updating of templates: * If the templates is processed again, changed values are merely * updated. * * NOTE: IE DOM doesn't have importNode(). * * NOTE: The property name "length" must not be used in input * data, see comment in jstSelect_(). */ /** * Names of jstemplate attributes. These attributes are attached to * normal HTML elements and bind expression context data to the HTML * fragment that is used as template. */ var ATT_select = 'jsselect'; var ATT_instance = 'jsinstance'; var ATT_display = 'jsdisplay'; var ATT_values = 'jsvalues'; var ATT_eval = 'jseval'; var ATT_transclude = 'transclude'; var ATT_content = 'jscontent'; /** * Names of special variables defined by the jstemplate evaluation * context. These can be used in js expression in jstemplate * attributes. */ var VAR_index = '$index'; var VAR_this = '$this'; /** * Context for processing a jstemplate. The context contains a context * object, whose properties can be referred to in jstemplate * expressions, and it holds the locally defined variables. * * @param {Object} opt_data The context object. Null if no context. * * @param {Object} opt_parent The parent context, from which local * variables are inherited. Normally the context object of the parent * context is the object whose property the parent object is. Null for the * context of the root object. * * @constructor */ function JsExprContext(opt_data, opt_parent) { var me = this; /** * The local context of the input data in which the jstemplate * expressions are evaluated. Notice that this is usually an Object, * but it can also be a scalar value (and then still the expression * $this can be used to refer to it). Notice this can be a scalar * value, including undefined. * * @type {Object} */ me.data_ = opt_data; /** * The context for variable definitions in which the jstemplate * expressions are evaluated. Other than for the local context, * which replaces the parent context, variable definitions of the * parent are inherited. The special variable $this points to data_. * * @type {Object} */ me.vars_ = {}; if (opt_parent) { copyProperties(me.vars_, opt_parent.vars_); } this.vars_[VAR_this] = me.data_; } /** * Evaluates the given expression in the context of the current * context object and the current local variables. * * @param {String} expr A javascript expression. * * @param {Element} template DOM node of the template. * * @return The value of that expression. */ JsExprContext.prototype.jseval = function(expr, template) { with (this.vars_) { with (this.data_) { try { return (function() { return eval('[' + expr + '][0]'); }).call(template); } catch (e) { return null; } } } } /** * Clones the current context for a new context object. The cloned * context has the data object as its context object and the current * context as its parent context. It also sets the $index variable to * the given value. This value usually is the position of the data * object in a list for which a template is instantiated multiply. * * @param {Object} data The new context object. * * @param {Number} index Position of the new context when multiply * instantiated. (See implementation of jstSelect().) * * @return {JsExprContext} */ JsExprContext.prototype.clone = function(data, index) { var ret = new JsExprContext(data, this); ret.setVariable(VAR_index, index); if (this.resolver_) { ret.setSubTemplateResolver(this.resolver_); } return ret; } /** * Binds a local variable to the given value. If set from jstemplate * jsvalue expressions, variable names must start with $, but in the * API they only have to be valid javascript identifier. * * @param {String} name * * @param {Object} value */ JsExprContext.prototype.setVariable = function(name, value) { this.vars_[name] = value; } /** * Sets the function used to resolve the values of the transclude * attribute into DOM nodes. By default, this is jstGetTemplate(). The * value set here is inherited by clones of this context. * * @param {Function} resolver The function used to resolve transclude * ids into a DOM node of a subtemplate. The DOM node returned by this * function will be inserted into the template instance being * processed. Thus, the resolver function must instantiate the * subtemplate as necessary. */ JsExprContext.prototype.setSubTemplateResolver = function(resolver) { this.resolver_ = resolver; } /** * Resolves a sub template from an id. Used to process the transclude * attribute. If a resolver function was set using * setSubTemplateResolver(), it will be used, otherwise * jstGetTemplate(). * * @param {String} id The id of the sub template. * * @return {Node} The root DOM node of the sub template, for direct * insertion into the currently processed template instance. */ JsExprContext.prototype.getSubTemplate = function(id) { return (this.resolver_ || jstGetTemplate).call(this, id); } /** * HTML template processor. Data values are bound to HTML templates * using the attributes transclude, jsselect, jsdisplay, jscontent, * jsvalues. The template is modifed in place. The values of those * attributes are JavaScript expressions that are evaluated in the * context of the data object fragment. * * @param {JsExprContext} context Context created from the input data * object. * * @param {Element} template DOM node of the template. This will be * processed in place. After processing, it will still be a valid * template that, if processed again with the same data, will remain * unchanged. */ function jstProcess(context, template) { var processor = new JstProcessor(); processor.run_([ processor, processor.jstProcess_, context, template ]); } /** * Internal class used by jstemplates to maintain context. * NOTE: This is necessary to process deep templates in Safari * which has a relatively shallow stack. * @class */ function JstProcessor() { } /** * Runs the state machine, beginning with function "start". * * @param {Array} start The first function to run, in the form * [object, method, args ...] */ JstProcessor.prototype.run_ = function(start) { var me = this; me.queue_ = [ start ]; while (jsLength(me.queue_)) { var f = me.queue_.shift(); f[1].apply(f[0], f.slice(2)); } } /** * Appends a function to be called later. * Analogous to calling that function on a subsequent line, or a subsequent * iteration of a loop. * * @param {Array} f A function in the form [object, method, args ...] */ JstProcessor.prototype.enqueue_ = function(f) { this.queue_.push(f); } /** * Implements internals of jstProcess. * * @param {JsExprContext} context * * @param {Element} template */ JstProcessor.prototype.jstProcess_ = function(context, template) { var me = this; var transclude = domGetAttribute(template, ATT_transclude); if (transclude) { var tr = context.getSubTemplate(transclude); if (tr) { domReplaceChild(tr, template); me.enqueue_([ me, me.jstProcess_, context, tr ]); } else { domRemoveNode(template); } return; } var select = domGetAttribute(template, ATT_select); if (select) { me.jstSelect_(context, template, select); return; } var display = domGetAttribute(template, ATT_display); if (display) { if (!context.jseval(display, template)) { displayNone(template); return; } displayDefault(template); } var values = domGetAttribute(template, ATT_values); if (values) { me.jstValues_(context, template, values); } var expressions = domGetAttribute(template, ATT_eval); if (expressions) { foreach(expressions.split(/\s*;\s*/), function(expression) { expression = stringTrim(expression); if (jsLength(expression)) { context.jseval(expression, template); } }); } var content = domGetAttribute(template, ATT_content); if (content) { me.jstContent_(context, template, content); } else { var childnodes = []; for (var i = 0; i < jsLength(template.childNodes); ++i) { if (template.childNodes[i].nodeType == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE) { me.enqueue_( [ me, me.jstProcess_, context, template.childNodes[i] ]); } } } } /** * Implements the jsselect attribute: evalutes the value of the * jsselect attribute in the current context, with the current * variable bindings (see JsExprContext.jseval()). If the value is an * array, the current template node is multiplied once for every * element in the array, with the array element being the context * object. If the array is empty, or the value is undefined, then the * current template node is dropped. If the value is not an array, * then it is just made the context object. * * @param {JsExprContext} context The current evaluation context. * * @param {Element} template The currently processed node of the template. * * @param {String} select The javascript expression to evaluate. * * @param {Function} process The function to continue processing with. */ JstProcessor.prototype.jstSelect_ = function(context, template, select) { var me = this; var value = context.jseval(select, template); domRemoveAttribute(template, ATT_select); var instance = domGetAttribute(template, ATT_instance); var instance_last = false; if (instance) { if (instance.charAt(0) == '*') { instance = parseInt10(instance.substr(1)); instance_last = true; } else { instance = parseInt10(instance); } } var multiple = (value !== null && typeof value == 'object' && typeof value.length == 'number'); var multiple_empty = (multiple && value.length == 0); if (multiple) { if (multiple_empty) { if (!instance) { domSetAttribute(template, ATT_select, select); domSetAttribute(template, ATT_instance, '*0'); displayNone(template); } else { domRemoveNode(template); } } else { displayDefault(template); if (instance === null || instance === "" || instance === undefined || (instance_last && instance < jsLength(value) - 1)) { var templatenodes = []; var instances_start = instance || 0; for (var i = instances_start + 1; i < jsLength(value); ++i) { var node = domCloneNode(template); templatenodes.push(node); domInsertBefore(node, template); } templatenodes.push(template); for (var i = 0; i < jsLength(templatenodes); ++i) { var ii = i + instances_start; var v = value[ii]; var t = templatenodes[i]; me.enqueue_([ me, me.jstProcess_, context.clone(v, ii), t ]); var instanceStr = (ii == jsLength(value) - 1 ? '*' : '') + ii; me.enqueue_( [ null, postProcessMultiple_, t, select, instanceStr ]); } } else if (instance < jsLength(value)) { var v = value[instance]; me.enqueue_( [me, me.jstProcess_, context.clone(v, instance), template]); var instanceStr = (instance == jsLength(value) - 1 ? '*' : '') + instance; me.enqueue_( [ null, postProcessMultiple_, template, select, instanceStr ]); } else { domRemoveNode(template); } } } else { if (value == null) { domSetAttribute(template, ATT_select, select); displayNone(template); } else { me.enqueue_( [ me, me.jstProcess_, context.clone(value, 0), template ]); me.enqueue_( [ null, postProcessSingle_, template, select ]); } } } /** * Sets ATT_select and ATT_instance following recursion to jstProcess. * * @param {Element} template The template * * @param {String} select The jsselect string * * @param {String} instanceStr The new value for the jsinstance attribute */ function postProcessMultiple_(template, select, instanceStr) { domSetAttribute(template, ATT_select, select); domSetAttribute(template, ATT_instance, instanceStr); } /** * Sets ATT_select and makes the element visible following recursion to * jstProcess. * * @param {Element} template The template * * @param {String} select The jsselect string */ function postProcessSingle_(template, select) { domSetAttribute(template, ATT_select, select); displayDefault(template); } /** * Implements the jsvalues attribute: evaluates each of the values and * assigns them to variables in the current context (if the name * starts with '$', javascript properties of the current template node * (if the name starts with '.'), or DOM attributes of the current * template node (otherwise). Since DOM attribute values are always * strings, the value is coerced to string in the latter case, * otherwise it's the uncoerced javascript value. * * @param {JsExprContext} context Current evaluation context. * * @param {Element} template Currently processed template node. * * @param {String} valuesStr Value of the jsvalues attribute to be * processed. */ JstProcessor.prototype.jstValues_ = function(context, template, valuesStr) { var values = valuesStr.split(/\s*;\s*/); for (var i = 0; i < jsLength(values); ++i) { var colon = values[i].indexOf(':'); if (colon < 0) { continue; } var label = stringTrim(values[i].substr(0, colon)); var value = context.jseval(values[i].substr(colon + 1), template); if (label.charAt(0) == '$') { context.setVariable(label, value); } else if (label.charAt(0) == '.') { template[label.substr(1)] = value; } else if (label) { if (typeof value == 'boolean') { if (value) { domSetAttribute(template, label, label); } else { domRemoveAttribute(template, label); } } else { domSetAttribute(template, label, '' + value); } } } } /** * Implements the jscontent attribute. Evalutes the expression in * jscontent in the current context and with the current variables, * and assigns its string value to the content of the current template * node. * * @param {JsExprContext} context Current evaluation context. * * @param {Element} template Currently processed template node. * * @param {String} content Value of the jscontent attribute to be * processed. */ JstProcessor.prototype.jstContent_ = function(context, template, content) { var value = '' + context.jseval(content, template); if (template.innerHTML == value) { return; } while (template.firstChild) { domRemoveNode(template.firstChild); } var t = domCreateTextNode(ownerDocument(template), value); domAppendChild(template, t); } /** * Helps to implement the transclude attribute, and is the initial * call to get hold of a template from its ID. * * @param {String} name The ID of the HTML element used as template. * * @returns {Element} The DOM node of the template. (Only element * nodes can be found by ID, hence it's a Element.) */ function jstGetTemplate(name) { var section = domGetElementById(document, name); if (section) { var ret = domCloneNode(section); domRemoveAttribute(ret, 'id'); return ret; } else { return null; } } window['jstGetTemplate'] = jstGetTemplate; window['jstProcess'] = jstProcess; window['JsExprContext'] = JsExprContext;