#!/bin/sh # Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Using codesign, sign the application. Inner components are signed as needed, # then the outermost bundle is signed, and everything is verified. set -e if [ $# -ne 3 ] ; then echo "usage: ${0} APP_PATH CODESIGN_KEYCHAIN CODESIGN_ID" >& 2 exit 1 fi APP_PATH="${1}" CODESIGN_KEYCHAIN="${2}" CODESIGN_ID="${3}" # Use custom resource rules for the browser application. BROWSER_APP_RULES="$(dirname "${0}")/app_resource_rules.plist" # An .app bundle to be signed can be signed directly. Normally, signging a # framework bundle requires that each version within be signed individually. # http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/technotes/tn2007/tn2206.html#TNTAG13 # In Chrome's case, the framework bundle is unversioned, so it too can be # signed directly. See copy_framework_unversioned. BROWSER_APP="${APP_PATH}" FRAMEWORK="${BROWSER_APP}/Contents/Versions/@VERSION@/@MAC_PRODUCT_NAME@ Framework.framework" HELPER_APP="${BROWSER_APP}/Contents/Versions/@VERSION@/@MAC_PRODUCT_NAME@ Helper.app" echo "${0}: signing..." # Sign the outer .app last so that its seal includes the signed inner # components. codesign -s "${CODESIGN_ID}" --keychain "${CODESIGN_KEYCHAIN}" "${FRAMEWORK}" codesign -s "${CODESIGN_ID}" --keychain "${CODESIGN_KEYCHAIN}" "${HELPER_APP}" codesign -s "${CODESIGN_ID}" --keychain "${CODESIGN_KEYCHAIN}" \ "${BROWSER_APP}" --resource-rules "${BROWSER_APP_RULES}" # Verify everything to ensure that signing the outer bundle didn't break an # inner bundle. echo "${0}: verifying..." codesign -v "${FRAMEWORK}" codesign -v "${HELPER_APP}" codesign -v "${BROWSER_APP}"