// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/task.h"
#include "chrome/views/button.h"
#include "chrome/views/menu.h"

class Timer;

namespace ChromeViews {

// ButtonDropDown
// A button class that when pressed (and held) or pressed (and drag down) will
// display a menu
class ButtonDropDown : public Button {
  explicit ButtonDropDown(Menu::Delegate* menu_delegate);
  virtual ~ButtonDropDown();

  // Returns the MSAA default action of the current view. The string returned
  // describes the default action that will occur when executing
  // IAccessible::DoDefaultAction.
  bool GetAccessibleDefaultAction(std::wstring* action);

  // Returns the MSAA role of the current view. The role is what assistive
  // technologies (ATs) use to determine what behavior to expect from a given
  // control.
  bool GetAccessibleRole(VARIANT* role);

  // Returns the MSAA state of the current view. Sets the input VARIANT
  // appropriately, and returns true if a change was performed successfully.
  // Overriden from View.
  virtual bool GetAccessibleState(VARIANT* state);

  // Overridden from Button
  virtual bool OnMousePressed(const ChromeViews::MouseEvent& e);
  virtual void OnMouseReleased(const ChromeViews::MouseEvent& e,
                               bool canceled);
  virtual bool OnMouseDragged(const ChromeViews::MouseEvent& e);

  // Internal function to show the dropdown menu
  void ShowDropDownMenu(HWND window);

  // Specifies who to delegate populating the menu
  Menu::Delegate* menu_delegate_;

  // Y position of mouse when left mouse button is pressed
  int y_position_on_lbuttondown_;

  // A factory for tasks that show the dropdown context menu for the button.
  ScopedRunnableMethodFactory<ButtonDropDown> show_menu_factory_;


} // namespace