// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/views/checkbox.h" #include "chrome/common/gfx/chrome_canvas.h" #include "chrome/views/checkbox.h" #include "chrome/views/hwnd_view.h" #include "chrome/views/label.h" // FIXME(ACW) there got be a better way to find out the check box sizes static int kCheckBoxWidth = 13; static int kCheckBoxHeight = 13; static int kCheckBoxToLabel = 4; namespace ChromeViews { // Horizontal focus padding. const int CheckBox::kFocusPaddingHorizontal = 2; const int CheckBox::kFocusPaddingVertical = 1; const char CheckBox::kViewClassName[] = "chrome/views/CheckBox"; CheckBox::CheckBox(const std::wstring& label) : NativeButton(label), is_selected_(false) { // Note: we paint the label as a floating view SetMinSizeFromDLUs(gfx::Size(0, 0)); label_ = new ChromeViews::Label(label); label_->SetHorizontalAlignment(Label::ALIGN_LEFT); } CheckBox::~CheckBox() { delete label_; } void CheckBox::SetMultiLine(bool multi_line) { label_->SetMultiLine(multi_line); } // static int CheckBox::GetTextIndent() { return kCheckBoxWidth + kCheckBoxToLabel + kFocusPaddingHorizontal; } void CheckBox::SetIsSelected(bool f) { if (f != is_selected_) { is_selected_ = f; UpdateNativeButton(); } } bool CheckBox::IsSelected() const { return is_selected_; } std::string CheckBox::GetClassName() const { return kViewClassName; } void CheckBox::Layout() { int label_x = GetTextIndent(); label_->SetBounds(label_x, 0, width() - label_x, height()); if (hwnd_view_) { int first_line_height = label_->GetFont().height(); hwnd_view_->SetBounds(0, ((first_line_height - kCheckBoxHeight) / 2) + 1, kCheckBoxWidth, kCheckBoxHeight); hwnd_view_->UpdateHWNDBounds(); } } void CheckBox::ComputeTextRect(gfx::Rect* out) { CSize s; label_->GetPreferredSize(&s); out->set_x(GetTextIndent()); out->set_y(kFocusPaddingVertical); int new_width = std::min(width() - (kCheckBoxWidth + kCheckBoxToLabel), static_cast<int>(s.cx)); out->set_width(std::max(0, new_width)); out->set_height(s.cy); } void CheckBox::Paint(ChromeCanvas* canvas) { gfx::Rect r; ComputeTextRect(&r); // Paint the focus border if any. if (HasFocus()) canvas->DrawFocusRect(r.x() - kFocusPaddingHorizontal, r.y() - kFocusPaddingVertical, r.width() + kFocusPaddingHorizontal * 2, r.height() + kFocusPaddingVertical * 2); PaintFloatingView(canvas, label_, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); } void CheckBox::SetEnabled(bool enabled) { if (enabled_ == enabled) return; NativeButton::SetEnabled(enabled); label_->SetEnabled(enabled); } HWND CheckBox::CreateNativeControl(HWND parent_container) { HWND r = ::CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TRANSPARENT | GetAdditionalExStyle(), L"BUTTON", L"", WS_CHILD | BS_CHECKBOX | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, width(), height(), parent_container, NULL, NULL, NULL); ConfigureNativeButton(r); return r; } void CheckBox::ConfigureNativeButton(HWND hwnd) { ::SendMessage(hwnd, static_cast<UINT>(BM_SETCHECK), static_cast<WPARAM>(is_selected_ ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED), 0); label_->SetText(GetLabel()); } void CheckBox::GetPreferredSize(CSize *out) { label_->GetPreferredSize(out); out->cy = std::max(static_cast<int>(out->cy + kFocusPaddingVertical * 2), kCheckBoxHeight); out->cx += GetTextIndent() * 2; } LRESULT CheckBox::OnCommand(UINT code, int id, HWND source) { if (code == BN_CLICKED) SetIsSelected(!is_selected_); return NativeButton::OnCommand(code, id, source); } void CheckBox::HighlightButton(bool f) { ::SendMessage(GetNativeControlHWND(), static_cast<UINT>(BM_SETSTATE), static_cast<WPARAM>(f), 0); } bool CheckBox::LabelHitTest(const MouseEvent& event) { CPoint p(event.x(), event.y()); gfx::Rect r; ComputeTextRect(&r); return r.Contains(event.x(), event.y()); } void CheckBox::OnMouseEntered(const MouseEvent& event) { HighlightButton(LabelHitTest(event)); } void CheckBox::OnMouseMoved(const MouseEvent& event) { HighlightButton(LabelHitTest(event)); } void CheckBox::OnMouseExited(const MouseEvent& event) { HighlightButton(false); } bool CheckBox::OnMousePressed(const MouseEvent& event) { HighlightButton(LabelHitTest(event)); return true; } bool CheckBox::OnMouseDragged(const MouseEvent& event) { HighlightButton(LabelHitTest(event)); return true; } void CheckBox::OnMouseReleased(const MouseEvent& event, bool canceled) { HighlightButton(false); if (!canceled && LabelHitTest(event)) OnCommand(BN_CLICKED, 0, GetNativeControlHWND()); } }