// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/views/controls/link.h" #include "app/gfx/chrome_font.h" #include "chrome/views/event.h" namespace views { static HCURSOR g_hand_cursor = NULL; // Default colors used for links. static const SkColor kHighlightedColor = SkColorSetRGB(255, 0x00, 0x00); static const SkColor kNormalColor = SkColorSetRGB(0, 51, 153); static const SkColor kDisabledColor = SkColorSetRGB(0, 0, 0); const char Link::kViewClassName[] = "chrome/views/Link"; Link::Link() : Label(L""), controller_(NULL), highlighted_(false), highlighted_color_(kHighlightedColor), disabled_color_(kDisabledColor), normal_color_(kNormalColor) { Init(); SetFocusable(true); } Link::Link(const std::wstring& title) : Label(title), controller_(NULL), highlighted_(false), highlighted_color_(kHighlightedColor), disabled_color_(kDisabledColor), normal_color_(kNormalColor) { Init(); SetFocusable(true); } void Link::Init() { SetColor(normal_color_); ValidateStyle(); } Link::~Link() { } void Link::SetController(LinkController* controller) { controller_ = controller; } const LinkController* Link::GetController() { return controller_; } std::string Link::GetClassName() const { return kViewClassName; } void Link::SetHighlightedColor(const SkColor& color) { normal_color_ = color; ValidateStyle(); } void Link::SetDisabledColor(const SkColor& color) { disabled_color_ = color; ValidateStyle(); } void Link::SetNormalColor(const SkColor& color) { normal_color_ = color; ValidateStyle(); } bool Link::OnMousePressed(const MouseEvent& e) { if (!enabled_ || (!e.IsLeftMouseButton() && !e.IsMiddleMouseButton())) return false; SetHighlighted(true); return true; } bool Link::OnMouseDragged(const MouseEvent& e) { SetHighlighted(enabled_ && (e.IsLeftMouseButton() || e.IsMiddleMouseButton()) && HitTest(e.location())); return true; } void Link::OnMouseReleased(const MouseEvent& e, bool canceled) { // Change the highlight first just in case this instance is deleted // while calling the controller SetHighlighted(false); if (enabled_ && !canceled && (e.IsLeftMouseButton() || e.IsMiddleMouseButton()) && HitTest(e.location())) { // Focus the link on click. RequestFocus(); if (controller_) controller_->LinkActivated(this, e.GetFlags()); } } bool Link::OnKeyPressed(const KeyEvent& e) { if ((e.GetCharacter() == VK_SPACE) || (e.GetCharacter() == VK_RETURN)) { SetHighlighted(false); // Focus the link on key pressed. RequestFocus(); if (controller_) controller_->LinkActivated(this, e.GetFlags()); return true; } return false; } bool Link::OverrideAccelerator(const Accelerator& accelerator) { return (accelerator.GetKeyCode() == VK_SPACE) || (accelerator.GetKeyCode() == VK_RETURN); } void Link::SetHighlighted(bool f) { if (f != highlighted_) { highlighted_ = f; ValidateStyle(); SchedulePaint(); } } void Link::ValidateStyle() { ChromeFont font = GetFont(); if (enabled_) { if ((font.style() & ChromeFont::UNDERLINED) == 0) { Label::SetFont(font.DeriveFont(0, font.style() | ChromeFont::UNDERLINED)); } } else { if ((font.style() & ChromeFont::UNDERLINED) != 0) { Label::SetFont(font.DeriveFont(0, font.style() & ~ChromeFont::UNDERLINED)); } } if (enabled_) { if (highlighted_) { Label::SetColor(highlighted_color_); } else { Label::SetColor(normal_color_); } } else { Label::SetColor(disabled_color_); } } void Link::SetFont(const ChromeFont& font) { Label::SetFont(font); ValidateStyle(); } void Link::SetEnabled(bool f) { if (f != enabled_) { enabled_ = f; ValidateStyle(); SchedulePaint(); } } HCURSOR Link::GetCursorForPoint(Event::EventType event_type, int x, int y) { if (enabled_) { if (!g_hand_cursor) { g_hand_cursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND); } return g_hand_cursor; } else { return NULL; } } } // namespace views