// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/views/hwnd_view_container.h" #include "base/gfx/native_theme.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/win_util.h" #include "chrome/common/gfx/chrome_canvas.h" #include "chrome/common/win_util.h" #include "chrome/views/aero_tooltip_manager.h" #include "chrome/views/accessibility/view_accessibility.h" #include "chrome/views/hwnd_notification_source.h" #include "chrome/views/root_view.h" namespace ChromeViews { static const DWORD kWindowDefaultChildStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; static const DWORD kWindowDefaultStyle = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; static const DWORD kWindowDefaultExStyle = 0; // Property used to link the HWND to its RootView. static const wchar_t* const kRootViewWindowProperty = L"__ROOT_VIEW__"; bool SetRootViewForHWND(HWND hwnd, RootView* root_view) { return ::SetProp(hwnd, kRootViewWindowProperty, root_view) ? true : false; } RootView* GetRootViewForHWND(HWND hwnd) { return reinterpret_cast<RootView*>(::GetProp(hwnd, kRootViewWindowProperty)); } // Used to locate the HWNDViewContainer issuing the current Create. Only valid // for the life of Create. // // This obviously assumes we only create HWNDViewContainers from the same // thread, which is currently the case. static HWNDViewContainer* instance_issuing_create = NULL; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FillLayout FillLayout::FillLayout() { } FillLayout::~FillLayout() { } void FillLayout::Layout(View* host) { CRect bounds; host->GetViewContainer()->GetBounds(&bounds, false); if (host->GetChildViewCount() == 0) return; View* frame_view = host->GetChildViewAt(0); frame_view->SetBounds(CRect(CPoint(0, 0), bounds.Size())); } void FillLayout::GetPreferredSize(View* host, CSize* out) { DCHECK(host->GetChildViewCount() == 1); host->GetChildViewAt(0)->GetPreferredSize(out); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Window class tracking. // static const wchar_t* const HWNDViewContainer::kBaseClassName = L"Chrome_HWNDViewContainer_"; // Window class information used for registering unique windows. struct ClassInfo { UINT style; HICON icon; HICON small_icon; HBRUSH background; explicit ClassInfo(int style) : style(style), icon(NULL), small_icon(NULL), background(NULL) {} // Compares two ClassInfos. Returns true if all members match. bool Equals(const ClassInfo& other) { return (other.style == style && other.icon == icon && other.small_icon == icon && other.background == background); } }; // Represents a registered window class. struct RegisteredClass { RegisteredClass(const ClassInfo& info, const std::wstring& name, ATOM atom) : info(info), name(name), atom(atom) { } // Info used to create the class. ClassInfo info; // The name given to the window. std::wstring name; // The ATOM returned from creating the window. ATOM atom; }; typedef std::list<RegisteredClass> RegisteredClasses; // The list of registered classes. static RegisteredClasses* registered_classes = NULL; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HWNDViewContainer, public HWNDViewContainer::HWNDViewContainer() : tracking_mouse_events_(false), has_capture_(false), current_action_(FA_NONE), toplevel_(false), window_style_(0), window_ex_style_(kWindowDefaultExStyle), layered_(false), layered_alpha_(255), delete_on_destroy_(true), can_update_layered_window_(true), last_mouse_event_was_move_(false), is_mouse_down_(false), class_style_(CS_DBLCLKS), hwnd_(NULL), close_container_factory_(this) { } HWNDViewContainer::~HWNDViewContainer() { MessageLoop::current()->RemoveObserver(this); } void HWNDViewContainer::Init(HWND parent, const gfx::Rect& bounds, bool has_own_focus_manager) { toplevel_ = parent == NULL; if (window_style_ == 0) window_style_ = toplevel_ ? kWindowDefaultStyle : kWindowDefaultChildStyle; // See if the style has been overridden. opaque_ = !(window_ex_style_ & WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); layered_ = !!(window_ex_style_ & WS_EX_LAYERED); // Force creation of the RootView if it hasn't been created yet. GetRootView(); // Ensures the parent we have been passed is valid, otherwise CreateWindowEx // will fail. if (parent && !::IsWindow(parent)) { NOTREACHED() << "invalid parent window specified."; parent = NULL; } hwnd_ = CreateWindowEx(window_ex_style_, GetWindowClassName().c_str(), L"", window_style_, bounds.x(), bounds.y(), bounds.width(), bounds.height(), parent, NULL, NULL, this); DCHECK(hwnd_); // The window procedure should have set the data for us. DCHECK(win_util::GetWindowUserData(hwnd_) == this); root_view_->OnViewContainerCreated(); if (has_own_focus_manager) { ChromeViews::FocusManager::CreateFocusManager(hwnd_, GetRootView()); } else { // Subclass the window so we get the tab key messages when a view with no // associated native window is focused. FocusManager::InstallFocusSubclass(hwnd_, NULL); } // Sets the RootView as a property, so the automation can introspect windows. SetRootViewForHWND(hwnd_, root_view_.get()); MessageLoop::current()->AddObserver(this); // Windows special DWM window frame requires a special tooltip manager so // that window controls in Chrome windows don't flicker when you move your // mouse over them. See comment in aero_tooltip_manager.h. if (win_util::ShouldUseVistaFrame()) { tooltip_manager_.reset(new AeroTooltipManager(this, GetHWND())); } else { tooltip_manager_.reset(new TooltipManager(this, GetHWND())); } // This message initializes the window so that focus border are shown for // windows. ::SendMessage(GetHWND(), WM_CHANGEUISTATE, MAKELPARAM(UIS_CLEAR, UISF_HIDEFOCUS), 0); // Bug 964884: detach the IME attached to this window. // We should attach IMEs only when we need to input CJK strings. ::ImmAssociateContextEx(GetHWND(), NULL, 0); } void HWNDViewContainer::SetContentsView(View* view) { DCHECK(view && hwnd_) << "Can't be called until after the HWND is created!"; // The ContentsView must be set up _after_ the window is created so that its // ViewContainer pointer is valid. root_view_->SetLayoutManager(new FillLayout); if (root_view_->GetChildViewCount() != 0) root_view_->RemoveAllChildViews(true); root_view_->AddChildView(view); // Manually size the window here to ensure the root view is laid out. RECT wr; GetWindowRect(&wr); ChangeSize(0, CSize(wr.right - wr.left, wr.bottom - wr.top)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ChromeViews::ViewContainer void HWNDViewContainer::GetBounds(CRect *out, bool including_frame) const { if (including_frame) { GetWindowRect(out); } else { GetClientRect(out); POINT p = {0, 0}; ::ClientToScreen(hwnd_, &p); out->left += p.x; out->top += p.y; out->right += p.x; out->bottom += p.y; } } void HWNDViewContainer::MoveToFront(bool should_activate) { int flags = SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE; if (!should_activate) { flags |= SWP_NOACTIVATE; } SetWindowPos(HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, flags); } HWND HWNDViewContainer::GetHWND() const { return hwnd_; } void HWNDViewContainer::PaintNow(const CRect& update_rect) { if (layered_) { PaintLayeredWindow(); } else if (root_view_->NeedsPainting(false) && IsWindow()) { if (!opaque_ && GetParent()) { // We're transparent. Need to force painting to occur from our parent. CRect parent_update_rect = update_rect; POINT location_in_parent = { 0, 0 }; ClientToScreen(hwnd_, &location_in_parent); ::ScreenToClient(GetParent(), &location_in_parent); parent_update_rect.OffsetRect(location_in_parent); ::RedrawWindow(GetParent(), parent_update_rect, NULL, RDW_UPDATENOW | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); } else { RedrawWindow(hwnd_, update_rect, NULL, RDW_UPDATENOW | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); } // As we were created with a style of WS_CLIPCHILDREN redraw requests may // result in an empty paint rect in WM_PAINT (this'll happen if a // child HWND completely contains the update _rect). In such a scenario // RootView would never get a ProcessPaint and always think it needs to // be painted (leading to a steady stream of RedrawWindow requests on every // event). For this reason we tell RootView it doesn't need to paint // here. root_view_->ClearPaintRect(); } } RootView* HWNDViewContainer::GetRootView() { if (!root_view_.get()) { // First time the root view is being asked for, create it now. root_view_.reset(CreateRootView()); } return root_view_.get(); } bool HWNDViewContainer::IsVisible() { return !!::IsWindowVisible(GetHWND()); } bool HWNDViewContainer::IsActive() { return win_util::IsWindowActive(GetHWND()); } TooltipManager* HWNDViewContainer::GetTooltipManager() { return tooltip_manager_.get(); } void HWNDViewContainer::SetLayeredAlpha(BYTE layered_alpha) { layered_alpha_ = layered_alpha; // if (hwnd_) // UpdateWindowFromContents(contents_->getTopPlatformDevice().getBitmapDC()); } static BOOL CALLBACK EnumChildProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM l_param) { RootView* root_view = reinterpret_cast<RootView*>(GetProp(hwnd, kRootViewWindowProperty)); if (root_view) { *reinterpret_cast<RootView**>(l_param) = root_view; return FALSE; // Stop enumerating. } return TRUE; // Keep enumerating. } // static RootView* HWNDViewContainer::FindRootView(HWND hwnd) { RootView* root_view = reinterpret_cast<RootView*>(GetProp(hwnd, kRootViewWindowProperty)); if (root_view) return root_view; // Enumerate all children and check if they have a RootView. EnumChildWindows(hwnd, EnumChildProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&root_view)); return root_view; } void HWNDViewContainer::Close() { // Let's hide ourselves right away. Hide(); if (close_container_factory_.empty()) { // And we delay the close so that if we are called from an ATL callback, // we don't destroy the window before the callback returned (as the caller // may delete ourselves on destroy and the ATL callback would still // dereference us when the callback returns). MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, close_container_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &HWNDViewContainer::CloseNow)); } } void HWNDViewContainer::Hide() { // NOTE: Be careful not to activate any windows here (for example, calling // ShowWindow(SW_HIDE) will automatically activate another window). This // code can be called while a window is being deactivated, and activating // another window will screw up the activation that is already in progress. SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOREPOSITION | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER); } void HWNDViewContainer::CloseNow() { // We may already have been destroyed if the selection resulted in a tab // switch which will have reactivated the browser window and closed us, so // we need to check to see if we're still a window before trying to destroy // ourself. if (IsWindow()) DestroyWindow(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MessageLoop::Observer void HWNDViewContainer::WillProcessMessage(const MSG& msg) { } void HWNDViewContainer::DidProcessMessage(const MSG& msg) { if (root_view_->NeedsPainting(true)) { PaintNow(root_view_->GetScheduledPaintRect()); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FocusTraversable View* HWNDViewContainer::FindNextFocusableView( View* starting_view, bool reverse, Direction direction, bool dont_loop, FocusTraversable** focus_traversable, View** focus_traversable_view) { return root_view_->FindNextFocusableView(starting_view, reverse, direction, dont_loop, focus_traversable, focus_traversable_view); } FocusTraversable* HWNDViewContainer::GetFocusTraversableParent() { // We are a proxy to the root view, so we should be bypassed when traversing // up and as a result this should not be called. NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } void HWNDViewContainer::SetFocusTraversableParent(FocusTraversable* parent) { root_view_->SetFocusTraversableParent(parent); } View* HWNDViewContainer::GetFocusTraversableParentView() { // We are a proxy to the root view, so we should be bypassed when traversing // up and as a result this should not be called. NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } void HWNDViewContainer::SetFocusTraversableParentView(View* parent_view) { root_view_->SetFocusTraversableParentView(parent_view); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Message handlers void HWNDViewContainer::OnCaptureChanged(HWND hwnd) { if (has_capture_) { if (is_mouse_down_) root_view_->ProcessMouseDragCanceled(); is_mouse_down_ = false; has_capture_ = false; } } void HWNDViewContainer::OnClose() { // WARNING: this method is NOT called for all HWNDViewContainers. If you // need to do cleanup code before HWNDViewContainer is destroyed, put it // in OnDestroy. NotificationService::current()->Notify( NOTIFY_WINDOW_CLOSED, Source<HWND>(hwnd_), NotificationService::NoDetails()); Close(); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnDestroy() { root_view_->OnViewContainerDestroyed(); RemoveProp(hwnd_, kRootViewWindowProperty); } LRESULT HWNDViewContainer::OnEraseBkgnd(HDC dc) { // This is needed for magical win32 flicker ju-ju return 1; } LRESULT HWNDViewContainer::OnGetObject(UINT uMsg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) { LRESULT reference_result = static_cast<LRESULT>(0L); // Accessibility readers will send an OBJID_CLIENT message if (OBJID_CLIENT == l_param) { // If our MSAA root is already created, reuse that pointer. Otherwise, // create a new one. if (!accessibility_root_) { CComObject<ViewAccessibility>* instance = NULL; HRESULT hr = CComObject<ViewAccessibility>::CreateInstance(&instance); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (!instance) { // Return with failure. return static_cast<LRESULT>(0L); } CComPtr<IAccessible> accessibility_instance(instance); if (!SUCCEEDED(instance->Initialize(root_view_.get()))) { // Return with failure. return static_cast<LRESULT>(0L); } // All is well, assign the temp instance to the class smart pointer accessibility_root_.Attach(accessibility_instance.Detach()); if (!accessibility_root_) { // Return with failure. return static_cast<LRESULT>(0L); } // Notify that an instance of IAccessible was allocated for m_hWnd ::NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE, GetHWND(), OBJID_CLIENT, CHILDID_SELF); } // Create a reference to ViewAccessibility that MSAA will marshall // to the client. reference_result = LresultFromObject(IID_IAccessible, w_param, static_cast<IAccessible*>(accessibility_root_)); } return reference_result; } void HWNDViewContainer::OnKeyDown(TCHAR c, UINT rep_cnt, UINT flags) { KeyEvent event(Event::ET_KEY_PRESSED, c, rep_cnt, flags); root_view_->ProcessKeyEvent(event); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnKeyUp(TCHAR c, UINT rep_cnt, UINT flags) { KeyEvent event(Event::ET_KEY_RELEASED, c, rep_cnt, flags); root_view_->ProcessKeyEvent(event); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnLButtonDown(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { ProcessMousePressed(point, flags | MK_LBUTTON, false); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnLButtonUp(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { ProcessMouseReleased(point, flags | MK_LBUTTON); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { ProcessMousePressed(point, flags | MK_LBUTTON, true); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnMButtonDown(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { ProcessMousePressed(point, flags | MK_MBUTTON, false); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnMButtonUp(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { ProcessMouseReleased(point, flags | MK_MBUTTON); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnMButtonDblClk(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { ProcessMousePressed(point, flags | MK_MBUTTON, true); } LRESULT HWNDViewContainer::OnMouseActivate(HWND window, UINT hittest_code, UINT message) { SetMsgHandled(FALSE); return MA_ACTIVATE; } void HWNDViewContainer::OnMouseMove(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { ProcessMouseMoved(point, flags); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnMouseLeave() { ProcessMouseExited(); } LRESULT HWNDViewContainer::OnMouseWheel(UINT flags, short distance, const CPoint& point) { MouseWheelEvent e(distance, point.x, point.y, Event::ConvertWindowsFlags(flags)); return root_view_->ProcessMouseWheelEvent(e) ? 0 : 1; } LRESULT HWNDViewContainer::OnMouseRange(UINT msg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) { tooltip_manager_->OnMouse(msg, w_param, l_param); SetMsgHandled(FALSE); return 0; } void HWNDViewContainer::OnNCLButtonDblClk(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnNCLButtonDown(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnNCLButtonUp(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } LRESULT HWNDViewContainer::OnNCMouseMove(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { SetMsgHandled(FALSE); return 0; } void HWNDViewContainer::OnNCRButtonDblClk(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnNCRButtonDown(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnNCRButtonUp(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { SetMsgHandled(FALSE); } LRESULT HWNDViewContainer::OnNotify(int w_param, NMHDR* l_param) { // We can be sent this message before the tooltip manager is created, if a // subclass overrides OnCreate and creates some kind of Windows control there // that sends WM_NOTIFY messages. if (tooltip_manager_.get()) { bool handled; LRESULT result = tooltip_manager_->OnNotify(w_param, l_param, &handled); SetMsgHandled(handled); return result; } SetMsgHandled(FALSE); return 0; } void HWNDViewContainer::OnPaint(HDC dc) { root_view_->OnPaint(GetHWND()); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnRButtonDown(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { ProcessMousePressed(point, flags | MK_RBUTTON, false); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnRButtonUp(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { ProcessMouseReleased(point, flags | MK_RBUTTON); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnRButtonDblClk(UINT flags, const CPoint& point) { ProcessMousePressed(point, flags | MK_RBUTTON, true); } LRESULT HWNDViewContainer::OnSettingChange(UINT msg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) { if (toplevel_) { SetMsgHandled(FALSE); if (w_param != SPI_SETWORKAREA) return 0; // Return value is effectively ignored in atlwin.h. AdjustWindowToFitScreenSize(); SetMsgHandled(TRUE); } // Don't care, overridden by interested subclasses return 0; } void HWNDViewContainer::OnSize(UINT param, const CSize& size) { ChangeSize(param, size); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnThemeChanged() { // Notify NativeTheme. gfx::NativeTheme::instance()->CloseHandles(); } void HWNDViewContainer::OnFinalMessage(HWND window) { if (delete_on_destroy_) delete this; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HWNDViewContainer, protected void HWNDViewContainer::TrackMouseEvents() { // Begin tracking mouse events for this HWND so that we get WM_MOUSELEAVE // when the user moves the mouse outside this HWND's bounds. if (!tracking_mouse_events_) { TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme; tme.cbSize = sizeof(tme); tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; tme.hwndTrack = GetHWND(); tme.dwHoverTime = 0; TrackMouseEvent(&tme); tracking_mouse_events_ = true; } } bool HWNDViewContainer::ProcessMousePressed(const CPoint& point, UINT flags, bool dbl_click) { last_mouse_event_was_move_ = false; MouseEvent mouse_pressed(Event::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED, point.x, point.y, (dbl_click ? MouseEvent::EF_IS_DOUBLE_CLICK : 0) | Event::ConvertWindowsFlags(flags)); if (root_view_->OnMousePressed(mouse_pressed)) { is_mouse_down_ = true; if (!has_capture_) { SetCapture(); has_capture_ = true; current_action_ = FA_FORWARDING; } return true; } return false; } void HWNDViewContainer::ProcessMouseDragged(const CPoint& point, UINT flags) { last_mouse_event_was_move_ = false; MouseEvent mouse_drag(Event::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED, point.x, point.y, Event::ConvertWindowsFlags(flags)); root_view_->OnMouseDragged(mouse_drag); } void HWNDViewContainer::ProcessMouseReleased(const CPoint& point, UINT flags) { last_mouse_event_was_move_ = false; MouseEvent mouse_up(Event::ET_MOUSE_RELEASED, point.x, point.y, Event::ConvertWindowsFlags(flags)); // Release the capture first, that way we don't get confused if // OnMouseReleased blocks. if (has_capture_ && ReleaseCaptureOnMouseReleased()) { has_capture_ = false; current_action_ = FA_NONE; ReleaseCapture(); } is_mouse_down_ = false; root_view_->OnMouseReleased(mouse_up, false); } void HWNDViewContainer::ProcessMouseMoved(const CPoint &point, UINT flags) { // Windows only fires WM_MOUSELEAVE events if the application begins // "tracking" mouse events for a given HWND during WM_MOUSEMOVE events. // We need to call |TrackMouseEvents| to listen for WM_MOUSELEAVE. if (!has_capture_) TrackMouseEvents(); if (has_capture_ && is_mouse_down_) { ProcessMouseDragged(point, flags); } else { CPoint screen_loc = point; View::ConvertPointToScreen(root_view_.get(), &screen_loc); if (last_mouse_event_was_move_ && last_mouse_move_x_ == screen_loc.x && last_mouse_move_y_ == screen_loc.y) { // Don't generate a mouse event for the same location as the last. return; } last_mouse_move_x_ = screen_loc.x; last_mouse_move_y_ = screen_loc.y; last_mouse_event_was_move_ = true; MouseEvent mouse_move(Event::ET_MOUSE_MOVED, point.x, point.y, Event::ConvertWindowsFlags(flags)); root_view_->OnMouseMoved(mouse_move); } } void HWNDViewContainer::ProcessMouseExited() { last_mouse_event_was_move_ = false; root_view_->ProcessOnMouseExited(); // Reset our tracking flag so that future mouse movement over this // HWNDViewContainer results in a new tracking session. tracking_mouse_events_ = false; } void HWNDViewContainer::AdjustWindowToFitScreenSize() { // Desktop size has changed. Make sure we're still on screen. CRect wr; GetWindowRect(&wr); HMONITOR hmon = MonitorFromRect(&wr, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); if (!hmon) { // No monitor available. return; } MONITORINFO mi; mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); GetMonitorInfo(hmon, &mi); gfx::Rect window_rect(wr); gfx::Rect monitor_rect(mi.rcWork); gfx::Rect new_window_rect = window_rect.AdjustToFit(monitor_rect); if (!new_window_rect.Equals(window_rect)) { // New position differs from last, resize window. ::SetWindowPos(GetHWND(), 0, new_window_rect.x(), new_window_rect.y(), new_window_rect.width(), new_window_rect.height(), SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER); } } void HWNDViewContainer::ChangeSize(UINT size_param, const CSize& size) { CRect rect; if (layered_) { GetWindowRect(&rect); SizeContents(rect); } else { GetClientRect(&rect); } // Resizing changes the size of the view hierarchy and thus forces a // complete relayout. root_view_->SetBounds(CRect(CPoint(0,0), rect.Size())); root_view_->Layout(); root_view_->SchedulePaint(); if (layered_) PaintNow(rect); } RootView* HWNDViewContainer::CreateRootView() { return new RootView(this); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HWNDViewContainer, private: void HWNDViewContainer::SizeContents(const CRect& window_rect) { contents_.reset(new ChromeCanvas(window_rect.Width(), window_rect.Height(), false)); } void HWNDViewContainer::PaintLayeredWindow() { // Painting monkeys with our cliprect, so we need to save it so that the // call to UpdateLayeredWindow updates the entire window, not just the // cliprect. contents_->save(SkCanvas::kClip_SaveFlag); CRect dirty_rect = root_view_->GetScheduledPaintRect(); contents_->ClipRectInt( dirty_rect.left, dirty_rect.top, dirty_rect.Width(), dirty_rect.Height()); root_view_->ProcessPaint(contents_.get()); contents_->restore(); UpdateWindowFromContents(contents_->getTopPlatformDevice().getBitmapDC()); } void HWNDViewContainer::UpdateWindowFromContents(HDC dib_dc) { DCHECK(layered_); if (can_update_layered_window_) { CRect wr; GetWindowRect(&wr); CSize size(wr.right - wr.left, wr.bottom - wr.top); CPoint zero_origin(0, 0); CPoint window_position = wr.TopLeft(); BLENDFUNCTION blend = {AC_SRC_OVER, 0, layered_alpha_, AC_SRC_ALPHA}; ::UpdateLayeredWindow( hwnd_, NULL, &window_position, &size, dib_dc, &zero_origin, RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), &blend, ULW_ALPHA); } } std::wstring HWNDViewContainer::GetWindowClassName() { if (!registered_classes) registered_classes = new RegisteredClasses(); ClassInfo class_info(initial_class_style()); for (RegisteredClasses::iterator i = registered_classes->begin(); i != registered_classes->end(); ++i) { if (class_info.Equals(i->info)) return i->name; } // No class found, need to register one. static int registered_count = 0; std::wstring name = std::wstring(kBaseClassName) + IntToWString(registered_count++); WNDCLASSEX class_ex; class_ex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); class_ex.style = class_info.style; class_ex.lpfnWndProc = &HWNDViewContainer::WndProc; class_ex.cbClsExtra = 0; class_ex.cbWndExtra = 0; class_ex.hInstance = NULL; class_ex.hIcon = class_info.icon; class_ex.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); class_ex.hbrBackground = reinterpret_cast<HBRUSH>(class_info.background + 1); class_ex.lpszMenuName = NULL; class_ex.lpszClassName = name.c_str(); class_ex.hIconSm = class_info.small_icon; ATOM atom = RegisterClassEx(&class_ex); DCHECK(atom); RegisteredClass registered_class(class_info, name, atom); registered_classes->push_back(registered_class); return name; } // static LRESULT CALLBACK HWNDViewContainer::WndProc(HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) { if (message == WM_NCCREATE) { CREATESTRUCT* cs = reinterpret_cast<CREATESTRUCT*>(l_param); HWNDViewContainer* vc = reinterpret_cast<HWNDViewContainer*>(cs->lpCreateParams); DCHECK(vc); win_util::SetWindowUserData(window, vc); vc->hwnd_ = window; return TRUE; } HWNDViewContainer* vc = reinterpret_cast<HWNDViewContainer*>( win_util::GetWindowUserData(window)); if (!vc) return 0; LRESULT result = 0; if (!vc->ProcessWindowMessage(window, message, w_param, l_param, result)) result = DefWindowProc(window, message, w_param, l_param); if (message == WM_NCDESTROY) { vc->hwnd_ = NULL; vc->OnFinalMessage(window); } return result; } } // namespace ChromeViews