// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Implementation of ChromeActiveDocument #include "chrome_frame/chrome_active_document.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/scoped_variant_win.h" #include "base/string_tokenizer.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/thread.h" #include "base/thread_local.h" #include "base/trace_event.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/navigation_types.h" #include "chrome/common/page_zoom.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/browser_proxy.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h" #include "chrome_frame/bho.h" #include "chrome_frame/bind_context_info.h" #include "chrome_frame/buggy_bho_handling.h" #include "chrome_frame/crash_reporting/crash_metrics.h" #include "chrome_frame/utils.h" static const wchar_t kUseChromeNetworking[] = L"UseChromeNetworking"; static const wchar_t kHandleTopLevelRequests[] = L"HandleTopLevelRequests"; DEFINE_GUID(CGID_DocHostCmdPriv, 0x000214D4L, 0, 0, 0xC0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x46); base::ThreadLocalPointer g_active_doc_cache; bool g_first_launch_by_process_ = true; const DWORD kIEEncodingIdArray[] = { #define DEFINE_ENCODING_ID_ARRAY(encoding_name, id, chrome_name) encoding_name, INTERNAL_IE_ENCODINGMENU_IDS(DEFINE_ENCODING_ID_ARRAY) #undef DEFINE_ENCODING_ID_ARRAY 0 // The Last data must be 0 to indicate the end of the encoding id array. }; ChromeActiveDocument::ChromeActiveDocument() : first_navigation_(true), is_automation_client_reused_(false), popup_allowed_(false), accelerator_table_(NULL) { TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN("chromeframe.createactivedocument", this, ""); url_fetcher_->set_frame_busting(false); memset(&navigation_info_, 0, sizeof(navigation_info_)); } HRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::FinalConstruct() { // If we have a cached ChromeActiveDocument instance in TLS, then grab // ownership of the cached document's automation client. This is an // optimization to get Chrome active documents to load faster. ChromeActiveDocument* cached_document = g_active_doc_cache.Get(); if (cached_document && cached_document->IsValid()) { DCHECK(automation_client_.get() == NULL); automation_client_.swap(cached_document->automation_client_); DLOG(INFO) << "Reusing automation client instance from " << cached_document; DCHECK(automation_client_.get() != NULL); automation_client_->Reinitialize(this, url_fetcher_.get()); is_automation_client_reused_ = true; } else { // The FinalConstruct implementation in the ChromeFrameActivexBase class // i.e. Base creates an instance of the ChromeFrameAutomationClient class // and initializes it, which would spawn a new Chrome process, etc. // We don't want to be doing this if we have a cached document, whose // automation client instance can be reused. HRESULT hr = BaseActiveX::FinalConstruct(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } bool chrome_network = GetConfigBool(false, kUseChromeNetworking); bool top_level_requests = GetConfigBool(true, kHandleTopLevelRequests); automation_client_->set_use_chrome_network(chrome_network); automation_client_->set_handle_top_level_requests(top_level_requests); find_dialog_.Init(automation_client_.get()); OLECMDF flags = static_cast(OLECMDF_ENABLED | OLECMDF_SUPPORTED); null_group_commands_map_[OLECMDID_PRINT] = flags; null_group_commands_map_[OLECMDID_FIND] = flags; null_group_commands_map_[OLECMDID_CUT] = flags; null_group_commands_map_[OLECMDID_COPY] = flags; null_group_commands_map_[OLECMDID_PASTE] = flags; null_group_commands_map_[OLECMDID_SELECTALL] = flags; null_group_commands_map_[OLECMDID_SAVEAS] = flags; mshtml_group_commands_map_[IDM_BASELINEFONT1] = flags; mshtml_group_commands_map_[IDM_BASELINEFONT2] = flags; mshtml_group_commands_map_[IDM_BASELINEFONT3] = flags; mshtml_group_commands_map_[IDM_BASELINEFONT4] = flags; mshtml_group_commands_map_[IDM_BASELINEFONT5] = flags; HMODULE this_module = reinterpret_cast(&__ImageBase); accelerator_table_ = LoadAccelerators(this_module, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_CHROME_FRAME_IE_FULL_TAB)); DCHECK(accelerator_table_ != NULL); return S_OK; } ChromeActiveDocument::~ChromeActiveDocument() { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__; if (find_dialog_.IsWindow()) find_dialog_.DestroyWindow(); // ChromeFramePlugin BaseActiveX::Uninitialize(); TRACE_EVENT_END("chromeframe.createactivedocument", this, ""); } // Override DoVerb STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::DoVerb(LONG verb, LPMSG msg, IOleClientSite* active_site, LONG index, HWND parent_window, LPCRECT pos) { // IE will try and in-place activate us in some cases. This happens when // the user opens a new IE window with a URL that has us as the DocObject. // Here we refuse to be activated in-place and we will force IE to UIActivate // us. if (OLEIVERB_INPLACEACTIVATE == verb) return E_NOTIMPL; // Check if we should activate as a docobject or not // (client supports IOleDocumentSite) if (doc_site_) { switch (verb) { case OLEIVERB_SHOW: { ScopedComPtr doc_host_handler; doc_host_handler.QueryFrom(doc_site_); if (doc_host_handler.get()) doc_host_handler->ShowUI(DOCHOSTUITYPE_BROWSE, this, this, NULL, NULL); } case OLEIVERB_OPEN: case OLEIVERB_UIACTIVATE: if (!m_bUIActive) return doc_site_->ActivateMe(NULL); break; } } return IOleObjectImpl::DoVerb(verb, msg, active_site, index, parent_window, pos); } // Override IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl::OnDocWindowActivate STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::OnDocWindowActivate(BOOL activate) { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::TranslateAccelerator(MSG* msg) { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__; if (msg == NULL) return E_POINTER; if (msg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && msg->wParam == VK_TAB) { HWND focus = ::GetFocus(); if (focus != m_hWnd && !::IsChild(m_hWnd, focus)) { // The call to SetFocus triggers a WM_SETFOCUS that makes the base class // set focus to the correct element in Chrome. ::SetFocus(m_hWnd); return S_OK; } } return S_FALSE; } // Override IPersistStorageImpl::IsDirty STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::IsDirty() { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__; return S_FALSE; } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnAutomationServerReady() { BaseActiveX::OnAutomationServerReady(); BaseActiveX::GiveFocusToChrome(true); } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::Load(BOOL fully_avalable, IMoniker* moniker_name, LPBC bind_context, DWORD mode) { if (NULL == moniker_name) return E_INVALIDARG; ScopedComPtr client_site; if (bind_context) { ScopedComPtr site; bind_context->GetObjectParam(SZ_HTML_CLIENTSITE_OBJECTPARAM, site.Receive()); if (site) client_site.QueryFrom(site); } if (client_site) { SetClientSite(client_site); DoQueryService(IID_INewWindowManager, client_site, popup_manager_.Receive()); // See if mshtml parsed the html header for us. If so, we need to // clear the browser service flag that we use to indicate that this // browser instance is navigating to a CF document. ScopedComPtr browser_service; DoQueryService(SID_SShellBrowser, client_site, browser_service.Receive()); if (browser_service) { bool flagged = CheckForCFNavigation(browser_service, true); DLOG_IF(INFO, flagged) << "Cleared flagged browser service"; } } NavigationManager* mgr = NavigationManager::GetThreadInstance(); DLOG_IF(ERROR, !mgr) << "Couldn't get instance of NavigationManager"; std::wstring url; ScopedComPtr info; BindContextInfo::FromBindContext(bind_context, info.Receive()); DCHECK(info); if (info && !info->url().empty()) { url = info->url(); } else { // If the original URL contains an anchor, then the URL queried // from the moniker does not contain the anchor. To workaround // this we retrieve the URL from our BHO. url = GetActualUrlFromMoniker(moniker_name, bind_context, mgr ? mgr->url(): std::wstring()); } ChromeFrameUrl cf_url; if (!cf_url.Parse(url)) { DLOG(WARNING) << __FUNCTION__ << " Failed to parse url:" << url; return E_INVALIDARG; } std::string referrer(mgr ? mgr->referrer() : EmptyString()); // With CTransaction patch we have more robust way to grab the referrer for // each top-level-switch-to-CF request by peeking at our sniffing data // object that lives inside the bind context. if (g_patch_helper.state() == PatchHelper::PATCH_PROTOCOL && info) { scoped_refptr prot_data = info->get_prot_data(); if (prot_data) referrer = prot_data->referrer(); } if (!LaunchUrl(cf_url, referrer)) { DLOG(ERROR) << __FUNCTION__ << " Failed to launch url:" << url; return E_INVALIDARG; } if (!cf_url.is_chrome_protocol() && !cf_url.attach_to_external_tab()) url_fetcher_->SetInfoForUrl(url.c_str(), moniker_name, bind_context); THREAD_SAFE_UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("ChromeFrame.FullTabLaunchType", cf_url.is_chrome_protocol(), 0, 1, 2); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::Save(IMoniker* moniker_name, LPBC bind_context, BOOL remember) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::SaveCompleted(IMoniker* moniker_name, LPBC bind_context) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::GetCurMoniker(IMoniker** moniker_name) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::GetClassID(CLSID* class_id) { if (NULL == class_id) return E_POINTER; *class_id = GetObjectCLSID(); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::QueryStatus(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, ULONG number_of_commands, OLECMD commands[], OLECMDTEXT* command_text) { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__; CommandStatusMap* command_map = NULL; if (cmd_group_guid) { if (IsEqualGUID(*cmd_group_guid, GUID_NULL)) { command_map = &null_group_commands_map_; } else if (IsEqualGUID(*cmd_group_guid, CGID_MSHTML)) { command_map = &mshtml_group_commands_map_; } else if (IsEqualGUID(*cmd_group_guid, CGID_Explorer)) { command_map = &explorer_group_commands_map_; } else if (IsEqualGUID(*cmd_group_guid, CGID_ShellDocView)) { command_map = &shdoc_view_group_commands_map_; } } else { command_map = &null_group_commands_map_; } if (!command_map) { DLOG(INFO) << "unsupported command group: " << GuidToString(*cmd_group_guid); return OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED; } for (ULONG command_index = 0; command_index < number_of_commands; command_index++) { DLOG(INFO) << "Command id = " << commands[command_index].cmdID; CommandStatusMap::iterator index = command_map->find(commands[command_index].cmdID); if (index != command_map->end()) commands[command_index].cmdf = index->second; } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::Exec(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, DWORD command_id, DWORD cmd_exec_opt, VARIANT* in_args, VARIANT* out_args) { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << " Cmd id =" << command_id; // Bail out if we have been uninitialized. if (automation_client_.get() && automation_client_->tab()) { return ProcessExecCommand(cmd_group_guid, command_id, cmd_exec_opt, in_args, out_args); } else if (command_id == OLECMDID_REFRESH && cmd_group_guid == NULL) { // If the automation server has crashed and the user is refreshing the // page, let OnRefreshPage attempt to recover. OnRefreshPage(cmd_group_guid, command_id, cmd_exec_opt, in_args, out_args); } return OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::LoadHistory(IStream* stream, IBindCtx* bind_context) { // Read notes in ChromeActiveDocument::SaveHistory DCHECK(stream); LARGE_INTEGER offset = {0}; ULARGE_INTEGER cur_pos = {0}; STATSTG statstg = {0}; stream->Seek(offset, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &cur_pos); stream->Stat(&statstg, STATFLAG_NONAME); DWORD url_size = statstg.cbSize.LowPart - cur_pos.LowPart; ScopedBstr url_bstr; DWORD bytes_read = 0; stream->Read(url_bstr.AllocateBytes(url_size), url_size, &bytes_read); std::wstring url(url_bstr); ChromeFrameUrl cf_url; if (!cf_url.Parse(url)) { DLOG(WARNING) << __FUNCTION__ << " Failed to parse url:" << url; return E_INVALIDARG; } const std::string& referrer = EmptyString(); if (!LaunchUrl(cf_url, referrer)) { NOTREACHED() << __FUNCTION__ << " Failed to launch url:" << url; return E_INVALIDARG; } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::SaveHistory(IStream* stream) { // TODO(sanjeevr): We need to fetch the entire list of navigation entries // from Chrome and persist it in the stream. And in LoadHistory we need to // pass this list back to Chrome which will recreate the list. This will allow // Back-Forward navigation to anchors to work correctly when we navigate to a // page outside of ChromeFrame and then come back. if (!stream) { NOTREACHED(); return E_INVALIDARG; } LARGE_INTEGER offset = {0}; ULARGE_INTEGER new_pos = {0}; DWORD written = 0; std::wstring url = UTF8ToWide(navigation_info_.url.spec()); return stream->Write(url.c_str(), (url.length() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t), &written); } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::SetPositionCookie(DWORD position_cookie) { if (automation_client_.get()) { int index = static_cast(position_cookie); navigation_info_.navigation_index = index; automation_client_->NavigateToIndex(index); } else { DLOG(WARNING) << "Invalid automation client instance"; } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::GetPositionCookie(DWORD* position_cookie) { if (!position_cookie) return E_INVALIDARG; *position_cookie = navigation_info_.navigation_index; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::GetUrlForEvents(BSTR* url) { if (NULL == url) return E_POINTER; *url = ::SysAllocString(url_); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::GetAddressBarUrl(BSTR* url) { return GetUrlForEvents(url); } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::Reset() { next_privacy_record_ = privacy_info_.privacy_records.begin(); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::GetSize(DWORD* size) { if (!size) return E_POINTER; *size = privacy_info_.privacy_records.size(); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::GetPrivacyImpacted(BOOL* privacy_impacted) { if (!privacy_impacted) return E_POINTER; *privacy_impacted = privacy_info_.privacy_impacted; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ChromeActiveDocument::Next(BSTR* url, BSTR* policy, LONG* reserved, DWORD* flags) { if (!url || !policy || !flags) return E_POINTER; if (next_privacy_record_ == privacy_info_.privacy_records.end()) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS); *url = SysAllocString(next_privacy_record_->first.c_str()); *policy = SysAllocString(next_privacy_record_->second.policy_ref.c_str()); *flags = next_privacy_record_->second.flags; next_privacy_record_++; return S_OK; } HRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::GetInPlaceFrame( IOleInPlaceFrame** in_place_frame) { DCHECK(in_place_frame); if (in_place_frame_) { *in_place_frame = in_place_frame_.get(); (*in_place_frame)->AddRef(); return S_OK; } else { return S_FALSE; } } HRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::IOleObject_SetClientSite( IOleClientSite* client_site) { if (client_site == NULL) { ChromeActiveDocument* cached_document = g_active_doc_cache.Get(); if (cached_document) { DCHECK(this == cached_document); g_active_doc_cache.Set(NULL); cached_document->Release(); } ScopedComPtr doc_host_handler; if (doc_site_) doc_host_handler.QueryFrom(doc_site_); if (doc_host_handler.get()) doc_host_handler->HideUI(); doc_site_.Release(); } if (client_site != m_spClientSite) return BaseActiveX::IOleObject_SetClientSite(client_site); return S_OK; } HRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::ActiveXDocActivate(LONG verb) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; m_bNegotiatedWnd = TRUE; if (!m_bInPlaceActive) { hr = m_spInPlaceSite->CanInPlaceActivate(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; m_spInPlaceSite->OnInPlaceActivate(); } m_bInPlaceActive = TRUE; // get location in the parent window, // as well as some information about the parent ScopedComPtr in_place_ui_window; frame_info_.cb = sizeof(OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO); HWND parent_window = NULL; if (m_spInPlaceSite->GetWindow(&parent_window) == S_OK) { in_place_frame_.Release(); RECT position_rect = {0}; RECT clip_rect = {0}; m_spInPlaceSite->GetWindowContext(in_place_frame_.Receive(), in_place_ui_window.Receive(), &position_rect, &clip_rect, &frame_info_); if (!m_bWndLess) { if (IsWindow()) { ::ShowWindow(m_hWnd, SW_SHOW); SetFocus(); } else { m_hWnd = Create(parent_window, position_rect, 0, 0, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); if (!IsWindow()) { // This might happen if the automation server couldn't be // instantiated. If so, a NOTREACHED() will have already been hit. DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create Ax window"; return AtlHresultFromLastError(); } } SetWindowDimensions(); } SetObjectRects(&position_rect, &clip_rect); } ScopedComPtr in_place_active_object(this); // Gone active by now, take care of UIACTIVATE if (DoesVerbUIActivate(verb)) { if (!m_bUIActive) { m_bUIActive = TRUE; hr = m_spInPlaceSite->OnUIActivate(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // set ourselves up in the host if (in_place_active_object) { if (in_place_frame_) in_place_frame_->SetActiveObject(in_place_active_object, NULL); if (in_place_ui_window) in_place_ui_window->SetActiveObject(in_place_active_object, NULL); } } } m_spClientSite->ShowObject(); return S_OK; } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnNavigationStateChanged(int tab_handle, int flags, const IPC::NavigationInfo& nav_info) { // TODO(joshia): handle INVALIDATE_TAB,INVALIDATE_LOAD etc. DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl << " Flags: " << flags << "Url: " << nav_info.url << ", Title: " << nav_info.title << ", Type: " << nav_info.navigation_type << ", Relative Offset: " << nav_info.relative_offset << ", Index: " << nav_info.navigation_index; UpdateNavigationState(nav_info); } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnUpdateTargetUrl(int tab_handle, const std::wstring& new_target_url) { if (in_place_frame_) in_place_frame_->SetStatusText(new_target_url.c_str()); } bool IsFindAccelerator(const MSG& msg) { // TODO(robertshield): This may not stand up to localization. Fix if this // is the case. return msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN && msg.wParam == 'F' && win_util::IsCtrlPressed() && !(win_util::IsAltPressed() || win_util::IsShiftPressed()); } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnAcceleratorPressed(int tab_handle, const MSG& accel_message) { if (::TranslateAccelerator(m_hWnd, accelerator_table_, const_cast(&accel_message))) return; bool handled_accel = false; if (in_place_frame_ != NULL) { handled_accel = (S_OK == in_place_frame_->TranslateAcceleratorW( const_cast(&accel_message), 0)); } if (!handled_accel) { if (IsFindAccelerator(accel_message)) { // Handle the showing of the find dialog explicitly. OnFindInPage(); } else { BaseActiveX::OnAcceleratorPressed(tab_handle, accel_message); } } else { DLOG(INFO) << "IE handled accel key " << accel_message.wParam; } } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnTabbedOut(int tab_handle, bool reverse) { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__; if (in_place_frame_) { MSG msg = { NULL, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_TAB }; in_place_frame_->TranslateAcceleratorW(&msg, 0); } } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnDidNavigate(int tab_handle, const IPC::NavigationInfo& nav_info) { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl << "Url: " << nav_info.url << ", Title: " << nav_info.title << ", Type: " << nav_info.navigation_type << ", Relative Offset: " << nav_info.relative_offset << ", Index: " << nav_info.navigation_index; CrashMetricsReporter::GetInstance()->IncrementMetric( CrashMetricsReporter::CHROME_FRAME_NAVIGATION_COUNT); // This could be NULL if the active document instance is being destroyed. if (!m_spInPlaceSite) { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << "m_spInPlaceSite is NULL. Returning"; return; } UpdateNavigationState(nav_info); } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnCloseTab(int tab_handle) { ScopedComPtr web_browser2; DoQueryService(SID_SWebBrowserApp, m_spClientSite, web_browser2.Receive()); if (web_browser2) web_browser2->Quit(); } void ChromeActiveDocument::UpdateNavigationState( const IPC::NavigationInfo& new_navigation_info) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; bool is_title_changed = (navigation_info_.title != new_navigation_info.title); bool is_ssl_state_changed = (navigation_info_.security_style != new_navigation_info.security_style) || (navigation_info_.displayed_insecure_content != new_navigation_info.displayed_insecure_content) || (navigation_info_.ran_insecure_content != new_navigation_info.ran_insecure_content); if (is_ssl_state_changed) { int lock_status = SECURELOCK_SET_UNSECURE; switch (new_navigation_info.security_style) { case SECURITY_STYLE_AUTHENTICATION_BROKEN: lock_status = SECURELOCK_SET_SECUREUNKNOWNBIT; break; case SECURITY_STYLE_AUTHENTICATED: lock_status = new_navigation_info.displayed_insecure_content ? SECURELOCK_SET_MIXED : SECURELOCK_SET_SECUREUNKNOWNBIT; break; default: break; } ScopedVariant secure_lock_status(lock_status); IEExec(&CGID_ShellDocView, INTERNAL_CMDID_SET_SSL_LOCK, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT, secure_lock_status.AsInput(), NULL); } // Ideally all navigations should come to Chrome Frame so that we can call // BeforeNavigate2 on installed BHOs and give them a chance to cancel the // navigation. However, in practice what happens is as below: // The very first navigation that happens in CF happens via a Load or a // LoadHistory call. In this case, IE already has the correct information for // its travel log as well address bar. For other internal navigations (navs // that only happen within Chrome such as anchor navigations) we need to // update IE's internal state after the fact. In the case of internal // navigations, we notify the BHOs but ignore the should_cancel flag. // Another case where we need to issue BeforeNavigate2 calls is as below:- // We get notified after the fact, when navigations are initiated within // Chrome via window.open calls. These navigations are handled by creating // an external tab container within chrome and then connecting to it from IE. // We still want to update the address bar/history, etc, to ensure that // the special URL used by Chrome to indicate this is updated correctly. ChromeFrameUrl cf_url; bool is_attach_external_tab_url = cf_url.Parse(std::wstring(url_)) && cf_url.attach_to_external_tab(); bool is_internal_navigation = ((new_navigation_info.navigation_index > 0) && (new_navigation_info.navigation_index != navigation_info_.navigation_index)) || is_attach_external_tab_url; if (new_navigation_info.url.is_valid()) url_.Allocate(UTF8ToWide(new_navigation_info.url.spec()).c_str()); if (is_internal_navigation) { ScopedComPtr doc_object_svc; ScopedComPtr web_browser_events_svc; buggy_bho::BuggyBhoTls bad_bho_tls; if (GetConfigBool(true, kEnableBuggyBhoIntercept)) { ScopedComPtr wb2; DoQueryService(SID_SWebBrowserApp, m_spClientSite, wb2.Receive()); if (wb2) { buggy_bho::BuggyBhoTls::PatchBuggyBHOs(wb2); } } DoQueryService(__uuidof(web_browser_events_svc), m_spClientSite, web_browser_events_svc.Receive()); if (!web_browser_events_svc.get()) { DoQueryService(SID_SShellBrowser, m_spClientSite, doc_object_svc.Receive()); } // web_browser_events_svc can be NULL on IE6. if (web_browser_events_svc) { VARIANT_BOOL should_cancel = VARIANT_FALSE; web_browser_events_svc->FireBeforeNavigate2Event(&should_cancel); } // We need to tell IE that we support navigation so that IE will query us // for IPersistHistory and call GetPositionCookie to save our navigation // index. ScopedVariant html_window(static_cast( static_cast(this))); IEExec(&CGID_DocHostCmdPriv, DOCHOST_DOCCANNAVIGATE, 0, html_window.AsInput(), NULL); // We pass the HLNF_INTERNALJUMP flag to INTERNAL_CMDID_FINALIZE_TRAVEL_LOG // since we want to make IE treat all internal navigations within this page // (including anchor navigations and subframe navigations) as anchor // navigations. This will ensure that IE calls GetPositionCookie // to save the current position cookie in the travel log and then call // SetPositionCookie when the user hits Back/Forward to come back here. ScopedVariant internal_navigation(HLNF_INTERNALJUMP); IEExec(&CGID_Explorer, INTERNAL_CMDID_FINALIZE_TRAVEL_LOG, 0, internal_navigation.AsInput(), NULL); // We no longer need to lie to IE. If we lie persistently to IE, then // IE reuses us for new navigations. IEExec(&CGID_DocHostCmdPriv, DOCHOST_DOCCANNAVIGATE, 0, NULL, NULL); if (doc_object_svc) { // Now call the FireNavigateCompleteEvent which makes IE update the text // in the address-bar. doc_object_svc->FireNavigateComplete2(this, 0); doc_object_svc->FireDocumentComplete(this, 0); } else if (web_browser_events_svc) { web_browser_events_svc->FireNavigateComplete2Event(); web_browser_events_svc->FireDocumentCompleteEvent(); } } if (is_title_changed) { ScopedVariant title(new_navigation_info.title.c_str()); IEExec(NULL, OLECMDID_SETTITLE, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, title.AsInput(), NULL); } // It is important that we only update the navigation_info_ after we have // finalized the travel log. This is because IE will ask for information // such as navigation index when the travel log is finalized and we need // supply the old index and not the new one. navigation_info_ = new_navigation_info; // Update the IE zone here. Ideally we would like to do it when the active // document is activated. However that does not work at times as the frame we // get there is not the actual frame which handles the command. IEExec(&CGID_Explorer, SBCMDID_MIXEDZONE, 0, NULL, NULL); } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnFindInPage() { TabProxy* tab = GetTabProxy(); if (tab) { if (!find_dialog_.IsWindow()) find_dialog_.Create(m_hWnd); find_dialog_.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnViewSource() { DCHECK(navigation_info_.url.is_valid()); HostNavigate(GURL(chrome::kViewSourceScheme + std::string(":") + navigation_info_.url.spec()), GURL(), NEW_WINDOW); } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnDetermineSecurityZone(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, DWORD command_id, DWORD cmd_exec_opt, VARIANT* in_args, VARIANT* out_args) { // Always return URLZONE_INTERNET since that is the Chrome's behaviour. // Correct step is to use MapUrlToZone(). if (out_args != NULL) { out_args->vt = VT_UI4; out_args->ulVal = URLZONE_INTERNET; } } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnDisplayPrivacyInfo() { privacy_info_ = url_fetcher_->privacy_info(); Reset(); DoPrivacyDlg(m_hWnd, url_, this, TRUE); } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnGetZoomRange(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, DWORD command_id, DWORD cmd_exec_opt, VARIANT* in_args, VARIANT* out_args) { if (out_args != NULL) { out_args->vt = VT_I4; out_args->lVal = 0; } } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnSetZoomRange(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, DWORD command_id, DWORD cmd_exec_opt, VARIANT* in_args, VARIANT* out_args) { const int kZoomIn = 125; const int kZoomOut = 75; if (in_args && V_VT(in_args) == VT_I4 && IsValid()) { if (in_args->lVal == kZoomIn) { automation_client_->SetZoomLevel(PageZoom::ZOOM_IN); } else if (in_args->lVal == kZoomOut) { automation_client_->SetZoomLevel(PageZoom::ZOOM_OUT); } else { DLOG(WARNING) << "Unsupported zoom level:" << in_args->lVal; } } } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnOpenURL(int tab_handle, const GURL& url_to_open, const GURL& referrer, int open_disposition) { // If the disposition indicates that we should be opening the URL in the // current tab, then we can reuse the ChromeFrameAutomationClient instance // maintained by the current ChromeActiveDocument instance. We cache this // instance so that it can be used by the new ChromeActiveDocument instance // which may be instantiated for handling the new URL. if (open_disposition == CURRENT_TAB) { // Grab a reference to ensure that the document remains valid. AddRef(); g_active_doc_cache.Set(this); } BaseActiveX::OnOpenURL(tab_handle, url_to_open, referrer, open_disposition); } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnAttachExternalTab(int tab_handle, const IPC::AttachExternalTabParams& params) { if (!automation_client_.get()) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Invalid automation client instance"; return; } DWORD flags = 0; if (params.user_gesture) flags = NWMF_USERREQUESTED; else if (popup_allowed_) flags = NWMF_USERALLOWED; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (popup_manager_) { LPCWSTR popup_wnd_url = UTF8ToWide(params.url.spec()).c_str(); hr = popup_manager_->EvaluateNewWindow(popup_wnd_url, NULL, url_, NULL, FALSE, flags, 0); } // Allow popup if (hr == S_OK) { BaseActiveX::OnAttachExternalTab(tab_handle, params); return; } automation_client_->BlockExternalTab(params.cookie); } bool ChromeActiveDocument::PreProcessContextMenu(HMENU menu) { ScopedComPtr browser_service; ScopedComPtr travel_log; GetBrowserServiceAndTravelLog(browser_service.Receive(), travel_log.Receive()); if (!browser_service || !travel_log) return true; EnableMenuItem(menu, IDS_CONTENT_CONTEXT_BACK, MF_BYCOMMAND | (SUCCEEDED(travel_log->GetTravelEntry(browser_service, TLOG_BACK, NULL)) ? MF_ENABLED : MF_DISABLED)); EnableMenuItem(menu, IDS_CONTENT_CONTEXT_FORWARD, MF_BYCOMMAND | (SUCCEEDED(travel_log->GetTravelEntry(browser_service, TLOG_FORE, NULL)) ? MF_ENABLED : MF_DISABLED)); // Call base class (adds 'About' item) return BaseActiveX::PreProcessContextMenu(menu); } bool ChromeActiveDocument::HandleContextMenuCommand(UINT cmd, const IPC::ContextMenuParams& params) { ScopedComPtr web_browser2; DoQueryService(SID_SWebBrowserApp, m_spClientSite, web_browser2.Receive()); if (cmd == IDC_BACK) web_browser2->GoBack(); else if (cmd == IDC_FORWARD) web_browser2->GoForward(); else if (cmd == IDC_RELOAD) web_browser2->Refresh(); else return BaseActiveX::HandleContextMenuCommand(cmd, params); return true; } HRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::IEExec(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, DWORD command_id, DWORD cmd_exec_opt, VARIANT* in_args, VARIANT* out_args) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; ScopedComPtr frame_cmd_target; ScopedComPtr in_place_site(m_spInPlaceSite); if (!in_place_site.get() && m_spClientSite != NULL) in_place_site.QueryFrom(m_spClientSite); if (in_place_site) hr = frame_cmd_target.QueryFrom(in_place_site); if (frame_cmd_target) { hr = frame_cmd_target->Exec(cmd_group_guid, command_id, cmd_exec_opt, in_args, out_args); } return hr; } bool ChromeActiveDocument::LaunchUrl(const ChromeFrameUrl& cf_url, const std::string& referrer) { DCHECK(automation_client_.get() != NULL); DCHECK(!cf_url.gurl().is_empty()); url_.Allocate(UTF8ToWide(cf_url.gurl().spec()).c_str()); if (cf_url.attach_to_external_tab()) { dimensions_ = cf_url.dimensions(); automation_client_->AttachExternalTab(cf_url.cookie()); SetWindowDimensions(); } else if (!automation_client_->InitiateNavigation(cf_url.gurl().spec(), referrer, is_privileged_)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid URL: " << url_; Error(L"Invalid URL"); url_.Reset(); return false; } if (is_automation_client_reused_) return true; automation_client_->SetUrlFetcher(url_fetcher_.get()); return InitializeAutomation(GetHostProcessName(false), L"", IsIEInPrivate(), false, cf_url.gurl(), GURL(referrer)); } HRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::OnRefreshPage(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, DWORD command_id, DWORD cmd_exec_opt, VARIANT* in_args, VARIANT* out_args) { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__; popup_allowed_ = false; if (in_args->vt == VT_I4 && in_args->lVal & OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_PAGEACTION_POPUPWINDOW) { popup_allowed_ = true; // Ask the yellow security band to change the text and icon and to remain // visible. IEExec(&CGID_DocHostCommandHandler, OLECMDID_PAGEACTIONBLOCKED, 0x80000000 | OLECMDIDF_WINDOWSTATE_USERVISIBLE_VALID, NULL, NULL); } TabProxy* tab_proxy = GetTabProxy(); if (tab_proxy) { tab_proxy->ReloadAsync(); } else { DLOG(ERROR) << "No automation proxy"; // The current url request manager (url_fetcher_) has been switched to // a stopping state so we need to reset it and get a new one for the new // automation server. ResetUrlRequestManager(); url_fetcher_->set_frame_busting(false); // And now launch the current URL again. This starts a new server process. DCHECK(navigation_info_.url.is_valid()); ChromeFrameUrl cf_url; cf_url.Parse(UTF8ToWide(navigation_info_.url.spec())); LaunchUrl(cf_url, navigation_info_.referrer.spec()); } return S_OK; } HRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::SetPageFontSize(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, DWORD command_id, DWORD cmd_exec_opt, VARIANT* in_args, VARIANT* out_args) { if (!automation_client_.get()) { NOTREACHED() << "Invalid automation client"; return E_FAIL; } switch (command_id) { case IDM_BASELINEFONT1: automation_client_->SetPageFontSize(SMALLEST_FONT); break; case IDM_BASELINEFONT2: automation_client_->SetPageFontSize(SMALL_FONT); break; case IDM_BASELINEFONT3: automation_client_->SetPageFontSize(MEDIUM_FONT); break; case IDM_BASELINEFONT4: automation_client_->SetPageFontSize(LARGE_FONT); break; case IDM_BASELINEFONT5: automation_client_->SetPageFontSize(LARGEST_FONT); break; default: NOTREACHED() << "Invalid font size command: " << command_id; return E_FAIL; } // Forward the command back to IEFrame with group set to // CGID_ExplorerBarDoc. This is probably needed to update the menu state to // indicate that the font size was set. This currently fails with error // 0x80040104. // TODO(iyengar) // Do some investigation into why this Exec call fails. IEExec(&CGID_ExplorerBarDoc, command_id, cmd_exec_opt, NULL, NULL); return S_OK; } HRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::OnEncodingChange(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, DWORD command_id, DWORD cmd_exec_opt, VARIANT* in_args, VARIANT* out_args) { const struct EncodingMapData { DWORD ie_encoding_id; const char* chrome_encoding_name; } kEncodingTestDatas[] = { #define DEFINE_ENCODING_MAP(encoding_name, id, chrome_name) \ { encoding_name, chrome_name }, INTERNAL_IE_ENCODINGMENU_IDS(DEFINE_ENCODING_MAP) #undef DEFINE_ENCODING_MAP }; if (!automation_client_.get()) { NOTREACHED() << "Invalid automtion client"; return E_FAIL; } // Using ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE in here is because we define the struct // EncodingMapData inside function. const char* chrome_encoding_name = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kEncodingTestDatas); ++i) { const struct EncodingMapData* encoding_data = &kEncodingTestDatas[i]; if (command_id == encoding_data->ie_encoding_id) { chrome_encoding_name = encoding_data->chrome_encoding_name; break; } } // Return E_FAIL when encountering invalid encoding id. if (!chrome_encoding_name) return E_FAIL; TabProxy* tab = GetTabProxy(); if (!tab) { NOTREACHED() << "Can not get TabProxy"; return E_FAIL; } if (chrome_encoding_name) tab->OverrideEncoding(chrome_encoding_name); // Like we did on SetPageFontSize, we may forward the command back to IEFrame // to update the menu state to indicate that which encoding was set. // TODO(iyengar) // Do some investigation into why this Exec call fails. IEExec(&CGID_ExplorerBarDoc, command_id, cmd_exec_opt, NULL, NULL); return S_OK; } void ChromeActiveDocument::OnGoToHistoryEntryOffset(int tab_handle, int offset) { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << " - offset:" << offset; ScopedComPtr browser_service; ScopedComPtr travel_log; GetBrowserServiceAndTravelLog(browser_service.Receive(), travel_log.Receive()); if (browser_service && travel_log) travel_log->Travel(browser_service, offset); } HRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::GetBrowserServiceAndTravelLog( IBrowserService** browser_service, ITravelLog** travel_log) { DCHECK(browser_service || travel_log); ScopedComPtr browser_service_local; HRESULT hr = DoQueryService(SID_SShellBrowser, m_spClientSite, browser_service_local.Receive()); if (!browser_service_local) { NOTREACHED() << "DoQueryService for IBrowserService failed: " << hr; return hr; } if (travel_log) { hr = browser_service_local->GetTravelLog(travel_log); DLOG_IF(INFO, !travel_log) << "browser_service->GetTravelLog failed: " << hr; } if (browser_service) *browser_service = browser_service_local.Detach(); return hr; } LRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::OnForward(WORD notify_code, WORD id, HWND control_window, BOOL& bHandled) { ScopedComPtr web_browser2; DoQueryService(SID_SWebBrowserApp, m_spClientSite, web_browser2.Receive()); DCHECK(web_browser2); if (web_browser2) web_browser2->GoForward(); return 0; } LRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::OnBack(WORD notify_code, WORD id, HWND control_window, BOOL& bHandled) { ScopedComPtr web_browser2; DoQueryService(SID_SWebBrowserApp, m_spClientSite, web_browser2.Receive()); DCHECK(web_browser2); if (web_browser2) web_browser2->GoBack(); return 0; } LRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::OnFirePrivacyChange(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled) { if (!m_spClientSite) return 0; ScopedComPtr web_browser2; DoQueryService(SID_SWebBrowserApp, m_spClientSite, web_browser2.Receive()); if (!web_browser2) { NOTREACHED() << "Failed to retrieve IWebBrowser2 interface."; return 0; } ScopedComPtr shell_browser; DoQueryService(SID_STopLevelBrowser, web_browser2, shell_browser.Receive()); DCHECK(shell_browser.get() != NULL); ScopedComPtr trident_services; trident_services.QueryFrom(shell_browser); if (trident_services) trident_services->FirePrivacyImpactedStateChange(wparam); else NOTREACHED() << "Failed to retrieve IWebBrowser2 interface."; return 0; } LRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::OnShowWindow(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled) { // NO_LINT if (wparam) SetFocus(); return 0; } LRESULT ChromeActiveDocument::OnSetFocus(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL& handled) { // NO_LINT if (!ignore_setfocus_) GiveFocusToChrome(false); return 0; } void ChromeActiveDocument::SetWindowDimensions() { ScopedComPtr web_browser2; DoQueryService(SID_SWebBrowserApp, m_spClientSite, web_browser2.Receive()); if (!web_browser2) return; DLOG(INFO) << "this:" << this; DLOG(INFO) << "dimensions: width:" << dimensions_.width() << "height:" << dimensions_.height(); if (!dimensions_.IsEmpty()) { web_browser2->put_Width(dimensions_.width()); web_browser2->put_Height(dimensions_.height()); web_browser2->put_Left(dimensions_.x()); web_browser2->put_Top(dimensions_.y()); web_browser2->put_MenuBar(VARIANT_FALSE); web_browser2->put_ToolBar(VARIANT_FALSE); dimensions_.set_height(0); dimensions_.set_width(0); } }