// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_FRAME_CHROME_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT_H_ #define CHROME_FRAME_CHROME_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT_H_ #include <atlbase.h> #include <atlcom.h> #include <atlctl.h> #include <map> #include <mshtmcid.h> #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/scoped_comptr_win.h" #include "base/thread.h" #include "chrome_frame/chrome_frame_activex_base.h" #include "chrome_frame/com_type_info_holder.h" #include "chrome_frame/find_dialog.h" #include "chrome_frame/in_place_menu.h" #include "chrome_frame/ole_document_impl.h" #include "chrome_frame/resource.h" #include "chrome_frame/extra_system_apis.h" class Thread; class TabProxy; class ChromeActiveDocument; // A call to IOleCommandTarget::Exec on the webbrowser with this command id // and a command group of CGID_EXPLORER causes IE to finalize the current // travel log entry and move to a new location (pruning any forward entries // if needed) #define INTERNAL_CMDID_FINALIZE_TRAVEL_LOG (38) // To set the lock icon status call IOleCommandTarget::Exec on site with // this command id and a command group of CGID_EXPLORER The in arg is one of // the values: SECURELOCK_SET_UNSECURE, SECURELOCK_SET_MIXED, // SECURELOCK_SET_SECURE128BIT etc declared in shdeprecated.h #define INTERNAL_CMDID_SET_SSL_LOCK (37) // A call to IOleCommandTarget::Exec on the webbrowser with this command id // and a command group of CGID_EXPLORER causes IE to replace the URL in the // current travel log entry #define INTERNAL_CMDID_REPLACE_CURRENT_TRAVEL_LOG_ENTRY_URL (40) #define INTERNAL_IE_CONTEXTMENU_VIEWSOURCE (2139) #ifndef SBCMDID_MIXEDZONE // This command is sent by the frame to allow the document to return the URL // security zone for display. // Please refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa770042(VS.85).aspx // for more information. #define SBCMDID_MIXEDZONE 39 #endif // SBCMDID_MIXEDZONE // This macro should be defined in the public section of the class. #define BEGIN_EXEC_COMMAND_MAP(theClass) \ public: \ HRESULT ProcessExecCommand(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, DWORD command_id, \ DWORD cmd_exec_opt, VARIANT* in_args, \ VARIANT* out_args) { \ HRESULT hr = OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED; \ switch (command_id) { #define EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER(id, handler) \ case id: { \ hr = S_OK; \ handler(cmd_group_guid, command_id, cmd_exec_opt, in_args, out_args); \ break; \ } #define EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER_NO_ARGS(id, handler) \ case id: { \ hr = S_OK; \ handler(); \ break; \ } #define EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER_GENERIC(id, code) \ case id: { \ hr = S_OK; \ code; \ break; \ } #define END_EXEC_COMMAND_MAP() \ default: \ break; \ } \ return hr; \ } // ChromeActiveDocument: Implementation of the Active Document object that is // responsible for rendering pages in Chrome. This object delegates to // Chrome.exe (via the Chrome IPC-based automation mechanism) for the actual // rendering class ATL_NO_VTABLE ChromeActiveDocument : public ChromeFrameActivexBase<ChromeActiveDocument, CLSID_ChromeActiveDocument>, public IOleDocumentImpl<ChromeActiveDocument>, public IOleDocumentViewImpl<ChromeActiveDocument>, public IPersistMoniker, public IOleCommandTarget, public InPlaceMenu<ChromeActiveDocument>, public IWebBrowserEventsUrlService { public: typedef ChromeFrameActivexBase<ChromeActiveDocument, CLSID_ChromeActiveDocument> Base; ChromeActiveDocument(); ~ChromeActiveDocument(); DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID(IDR_CHROMEACTIVEDOCUMENT) BEGIN_COM_MAP(ChromeActiveDocument) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IOleDocument) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IOleDocumentView) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IPersistMoniker) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IOleCommandTarget) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IWebBrowserEventsUrlService) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_CHAIN(Base) END_COM_MAP() BEGIN_MSG_MAP(ChromeActiveDocument) CHAIN_MSG_MAP(Base) END_MSG_MAP() HRESULT FinalConstruct(); #define FORWARD_TAB_COMMAND(id, command) \ EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER_GENERIC(id, GetTabProxy() ? GetTabProxy()->command() : 1) BEGIN_EXEC_COMMAND_MAP(ChromeActiveDocument) EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER_GENERIC(OLECMDID_PRINT, automation_client_->PrintTab()) EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER_NO_ARGS(OLECMDID_FIND, OnFindInPage) EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER_NO_ARGS(IDM_FIND, OnFindInPage) EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER_NO_ARGS(INTERNAL_IE_CONTEXTMENU_VIEWSOURCE, OnViewSource) FORWARD_TAB_COMMAND(OLECMDID_SELECTALL, SelectAll) FORWARD_TAB_COMMAND(OLECMDID_CUT, Cut) FORWARD_TAB_COMMAND(OLECMDID_COPY, Copy) FORWARD_TAB_COMMAND(OLECMDID_PASTE, Paste) FORWARD_TAB_COMMAND(OLECMDID_REFRESH, ReloadAsync) FORWARD_TAB_COMMAND(OLECMDID_STOP, StopAsync) EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER(SBCMDID_MIXEDZONE, OnDetermineSecurityZone) EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER(IDM_BASELINEFONT1, SetPageFontSize) EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER(IDM_BASELINEFONT2, SetPageFontSize) EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER(IDM_BASELINEFONT3, SetPageFontSize) EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER(IDM_BASELINEFONT4, SetPageFontSize) EXEC_COMMAND_HANDLER(IDM_BASELINEFONT5, SetPageFontSize) END_EXEC_COMMAND_MAP() // IPCs from automation server. virtual void OnNavigationStateChanged(int tab_handle, int flags, const IPC::NavigationInfo& nav_info); virtual void OnUpdateTargetUrl(int tab_handle, const std::wstring& new_target_url); virtual void OnAcceleratorPressed(int tab_handle, const MSG& accel_message); virtual void OnTabbedOut(int tab_handle, bool reverse); virtual void OnDidNavigate(int tab_handle, const IPC::NavigationInfo& nav_info); // Override DoVerb STDMETHOD(DoVerb)(LONG verb, LPMSG msg, IOleClientSite* active_site, LONG index, HWND parent_window, LPCRECT pos); STDMETHOD(InPlaceDeactivate)(void); // Override IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl::OnDocWindowActivate STDMETHOD(OnDocWindowActivate)(BOOL activate); STDMETHOD(TranslateAccelerator)(MSG* msg); // IPersistMoniker methods STDMETHOD(GetClassID)(CLSID* class_id); STDMETHOD(IsDirty)(); STDMETHOD(GetCurMoniker)(IMoniker** moniker_name); STDMETHOD(Load)(BOOL fully_avalable, IMoniker* moniker_name, LPBC bind_context, DWORD mode); STDMETHOD(Save)(IMoniker* moniker_name, LPBC bind_context, BOOL remember); STDMETHOD(SaveCompleted)(IMoniker* moniker_name, LPBC bind_context); // IOleCommandTarget methods STDMETHOD(QueryStatus)(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, ULONG number_of_commands, OLECMD commands[], OLECMDTEXT* command_text); STDMETHOD(Exec)(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, DWORD command_id, DWORD cmd_exec_opt, VARIANT* in_args, VARIANT* out_args); // IWebBrowserEventsUrlService methods STDMETHOD(GetUrlForEvents)(BSTR* url); // ChromeFrameActivexBase overrides HRESULT IOleObject_SetClientSite(IOleClientSite* client_site); HRESULT ActiveXDocActivate(LONG verb); // Callbacks from ChromeFramePlugin<T> bool PreProcessContextMenu(HMENU menu); bool HandleContextMenuCommand(UINT cmd); // Should connections initiated by this class try to block // responses served with the X-Frame-Options header? bool is_frame_busting_enabled(); protected: // ChromeFrameActivexBase overrides virtual void OnOpenURL(int tab_handle, const GURL& url_to_open, int open_disposition); virtual void OnLoad(int tab_handle, const GURL& url); // A helper method that updates our internal navigation state // as well as IE's navigation state (viz Title and current URL). // The navigation_flags is a TabContents::InvalidateTypes enum void UpdateNavigationState(const IPC::NavigationInfo& nav_info); TabProxy* GetTabProxy() const { if (automation_client_.get()) return automation_client_->tab(); return NULL; } // Exec command handlers void OnFindInPage(); void OnViewSource(); void OnDetermineSecurityZone(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, DWORD command_id, DWORD cmd_exec_opt, VARIANT* in_args, VARIANT* out_args); // Call exec on our site's command target HRESULT IEExec(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, DWORD command_id, DWORD cmd_exec_opt, VARIANT* in_args, VARIANT* out_args); bool IsUrlZoneRestricted(const std::wstring& url); // Parses the URL and returns information whether it is a new navigation and // the actual url after stripping out the cf: prefix if any. // This function also checks if the url scheme is valid for navigation within // chrome and whether it is a restricted URL as per IE settings. In either of // these cases it returns false. bool ParseUrl(const std::wstring& url, bool* is_new_navigation, bool* is_chrome_protocol, std::wstring* parsed_url); // Initiates navigation to the URL passed in. // Returns true on success. bool LaunchUrl(const std::wstring& url, bool is_new_navigation); // Handler to set the page font size in Chrome. HRESULT SetPageFontSize(const GUID* cmd_group_guid, DWORD command_id, DWORD cmd_exec_opt, VARIANT* in_args, VARIANT* out_args); protected: typedef std::map<int, bool> EnabledCommandsMap; IPC::NavigationInfo navigation_info_; bool is_doc_object_; // This indicates whether this is the first navigation in this // active document. It is initalize to true and it is set to false // after we get a navigation notification from Chrome bool first_navigation_; // Our find dialog CFFindDialog find_dialog_; // Contains the list of enabled commands ids. EnabledCommandsMap enabled_commands_map_; // Set to true if the automation_client_ member is initialized from // an existing ChromeActiveDocument instance which is going away and // a new ChromeActiveDocument instance is taking its place. bool is_automation_client_reused_; ScopedComPtr<IInternetSecurityManager> security_manager_; public: ScopedComPtr<IOleInPlaceFrame> in_place_frame_; OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO frame_info_; }; OBJECT_ENTRY_AUTO(__uuidof(ChromeActiveDocument), ChromeActiveDocument) #endif // CHROME_FRAME_CHROME_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT_H_