// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome_frame/chrome_frame_automation.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/file_version_info.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/singleton.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/sys_info.h" #include "chrome/app/client_util.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths_internal.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h" #include "chrome_frame/chrome_launcher.h" #include "chrome_frame/utils.h" #include "chrome_frame/sync_msg_reply_dispatcher.h" #ifdef NDEBUG int64 kAutomationServerReasonableLaunchDelay = 1000; // in milliseconds #else int64 kAutomationServerReasonableLaunchDelay = 1000 * 10; #endif int kDefaultSendUMADataInterval = 20000; // in milliseconds. static const wchar_t kUmaSendIntervalValue[] = L"UmaSendInterval"; class TabProxyNotificationMessageFilter : public IPC::ChannelProxy::MessageFilter { public: explicit TabProxyNotificationMessageFilter(AutomationHandleTracker* tracker) : tracker_(tracker) { } virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) { if (message.is_reply()) return false; int tab_handle = 0; if (!ChromeFrameDelegateImpl::IsTabMessage(message, &tab_handle)) return false; // Get AddRef-ed pointer to corresponding TabProxy object TabProxy* tab = static_cast<TabProxy*>(tracker_->GetResource(tab_handle)); if (tab) { tab->OnMessageReceived(message); tab->Release(); } return true; } private: AutomationHandleTracker* tracker_; }; class ChromeFrameAutomationProxyImpl::CFMsgDispatcher : public SyncMessageReplyDispatcher { public: CFMsgDispatcher() : SyncMessageReplyDispatcher() {} protected: virtual bool HandleMessageType(const IPC::Message& msg, const MessageSent& origin) { switch (origin.type) { case AutomationMsg_CreateExternalTab::ID: case AutomationMsg_ConnectExternalTab::ID: InvokeCallback<Tuple3<HWND, HWND, int> >(msg, origin); break; case AutomationMsg_NavigateExternalTabAtIndex::ID: case AutomationMsg_NavigateInExternalTab::ID: InvokeCallback<Tuple1<AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues> >(msg, origin); break; case AutomationMsg_InstallExtension::ID: InvokeCallback<Tuple1<AutomationMsg_ExtensionResponseValues> >(msg, origin); break; case AutomationMsg_LoadExpandedExtension::ID: InvokeCallback<Tuple1<AutomationMsg_ExtensionResponseValues> >(msg, origin); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } return true; } }; ChromeFrameAutomationProxyImpl::ChromeFrameAutomationProxyImpl( int launch_timeout) : AutomationProxy(launch_timeout) { sync_ = new CFMsgDispatcher(); // Order of filters is not important. channel_->AddFilter(new TabProxyNotificationMessageFilter(tracker_.get())); channel_->AddFilter(sync_.get()); } ChromeFrameAutomationProxyImpl::~ChromeFrameAutomationProxyImpl() { } void ChromeFrameAutomationProxyImpl::SendAsAsync(IPC::SyncMessage* msg, void* callback, void* key) { sync_->Push(msg, callback, key); channel_->ChannelProxy::Send(msg); } void ChromeFrameAutomationProxyImpl::CancelAsync(void* key) { sync_->Cancel(key); } scoped_refptr<TabProxy> ChromeFrameAutomationProxyImpl::CreateTabProxy( int handle) { DCHECK(tracker_->GetResource(handle) == NULL); return new TabProxy(this, tracker_.get(), handle); } struct LaunchTimeStats { #ifndef NDEBUG LaunchTimeStats() { launch_time_begin_ = base::Time::Now(); } void Dump() { base::TimeDelta launch_time = base::Time::Now() - launch_time_begin_; HISTOGRAM_TIMES("ChromeFrame.AutomationServerLaunchTime", launch_time); const int64 launch_milliseconds = launch_time.InMilliseconds(); if (launch_milliseconds > kAutomationServerReasonableLaunchDelay) { LOG(WARNING) << "Automation server launch took longer than expected: " << launch_milliseconds << " ms."; } } base::Time launch_time_begin_; #else void Dump() {} #endif }; ProxyFactory::ProxyCacheEntry::ProxyCacheEntry(const std::wstring& profile) : proxy(NULL), profile_name(profile), ref_count(1), launch_result(AutomationLaunchResult(-1)) { thread.reset(new base::Thread(WideToASCII(profile_name).c_str())); thread->Start(); } template <> struct RunnableMethodTraits<ProxyFactory> { void RetainCallee(ProxyFactory* obj) {} void ReleaseCallee(ProxyFactory* obj) {} }; ProxyFactory::ProxyFactory() : uma_send_interval_(0) { uma_send_interval_ = GetConfigInt(kDefaultSendUMADataInterval, kUmaSendIntervalValue); } ProxyFactory::~ProxyFactory() { for (size_t i = 0; i < proxies_.container().size(); ++i) { DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(proxies_[i]->thread->thread_handle(), 0); if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != result) // TODO(stoyan): Don't leak proxies on exit. DLOG(ERROR) << "Proxies leaked on exit."; } } void ProxyFactory::GetAutomationServer( LaunchDelegate* delegate, const ChromeFrameLaunchParams& params, void** automation_server_id) { ProxyCacheEntry* entry = NULL; // Find already existing launcher thread for given profile AutoLock lock(lock_); for (size_t i = 0; i < proxies_.container().size(); ++i) { if (!lstrcmpiW(proxies_[i]->profile_name.c_str(), params.profile_name.c_str())) { entry = proxies_[i]; DCHECK(entry->thread.get() != NULL); break; } } if (entry == NULL) { entry = new ProxyCacheEntry(params.profile_name); proxies_.container().push_back(entry); } else { entry->ref_count++; } DCHECK(delegate != NULL); DCHECK(automation_server_id != NULL); *automation_server_id = entry; // Note we always queue request to the launch thread, even if we already // have established proxy object. A simple lock around entry->proxy = proxy // would allow calling LaunchDelegate directly from here if // entry->proxy != NULL. Drawback is that callback may be invoked either in // main thread or in background thread, which may confuse the client. entry->thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &ProxyFactory::CreateProxy, entry, params, delegate)); entry->thread->message_loop()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &ProxyFactory::SendUMAData, entry), uma_send_interval_); } void ProxyFactory::CreateProxy(ProxyFactory::ProxyCacheEntry* entry, const ChromeFrameLaunchParams& params, LaunchDelegate* delegate) { DCHECK(entry->thread->thread_id() == PlatformThread::CurrentId()); if (entry->proxy) { delegate->LaunchComplete(entry->proxy, entry->launch_result); return; } // We *must* create automationproxy in a thread that has message loop, // since SyncChannel::Context construction registers event to be watched // through ObjectWatcher which subscribes for the current thread message loop // destruction notification. // At same time we must destroy/stop the thread from another thread. ChromeFrameAutomationProxyImpl* proxy = new ChromeFrameAutomationProxyImpl( params.automation_server_launch_timeout); // Launch browser scoped_ptr<CommandLine> command_line( chrome_launcher::CreateLaunchCommandLine()); command_line->AppendSwitchWithValue(switches::kAutomationClientChannelID, ASCIIToWide(proxy->channel_id())); // Run Chrome in Chrome Frame mode. In practice, this modifies the paths // and registry keys that Chrome looks in via the BrowserDistribution // mechanism. command_line->AppendSwitch(switches::kChromeFrame); // Chrome Frame never wants Chrome to start up with a First Run UI. command_line->AppendSwitch(switches::kNoFirstRun); // Disable the "Whoa! Chrome has crashed." dialog, because that isn't very // useful for Chrome Frame users. #ifndef NDEBUG command_line->AppendSwitch(switches::kNoErrorDialogs); #endif command_line->AppendSwitch(switches::kEnableRendererAccessibility); // Place the profile directory in // "<chrome_exe_path>\..\User Data\<profile-name>" if (!entry->profile_name.empty()) { FilePath profile_path; if (chrome::GetChromeFrameUserDataDirectory(&profile_path)) { profile_path = profile_path.Append(entry->profile_name); command_line->AppendSwitchWithValue(switches::kUserDataDir, profile_path.value()); } else { // Can't get the profile dir :-( We need one to work, so fail. // We have no code for launch failure. entry->launch_result = AutomationLaunchResult(-1); } } std::wstring command_line_string(command_line->command_line_string()); // If there are any extra arguments, append them to the command line. if (!params.extra_chrome_arguments.empty()) { command_line_string += L' ' + params.extra_chrome_arguments; } automation_server_launch_start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); if (!base::LaunchApp(command_line_string, false, false, NULL)) { // We have no code for launch failure. entry->launch_result = AutomationLaunchResult(-1); } else { // Launch timeout may happen if the new instance tries to communicate // with an existing Chrome instance that is hung and displays msgbox // asking to kill the previous one. This could be easily observed if the // already running Chrome instance is running as high-integrity process // (started with "Run as Administrator" or launched by another high // integrity process) hence our medium-integrity process // cannot SendMessage to it with request to activate itself. // TODO(stoyan) AutomationProxy eats Hello message, hence installing // message filter is pointless, we can leverage ObjectWatcher and use // system thread pool to notify us when proxy->AppLaunch event is signaled. LaunchTimeStats launch_stats; // Wait for the automation server launch result, then stash away the // version string it reported. entry->launch_result = proxy->WaitForAppLaunch(); launch_stats.Dump(); base::TimeDelta delta = base::TimeTicks::Now() - automation_server_launch_start_time_; if (entry->launch_result == AUTOMATION_SUCCESS) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("ChromeFrame.AutomationServerLaunchSuccessTime", delta); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("ChromeFrame.AutomationServerLaunchFailedTime", delta); } UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("ChromeFrame.LaunchResult", entry->launch_result, AUTOMATION_SUCCESS, AUTOMATION_CREATE_TAB_FAILED, AUTOMATION_CREATE_TAB_FAILED + 1); } // Finally set the proxy. entry->proxy = proxy; delegate->LaunchComplete(proxy, entry->launch_result); } bool ProxyFactory::ReleaseAutomationServer(void* server_id) { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__; if (!server_id) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } ProxyCacheEntry* entry = reinterpret_cast<ProxyCacheEntry*>(server_id); lock_.Acquire(); Vector::ContainerType::iterator it = std::find(proxies_.container().begin(), proxies_.container().end(), entry); DCHECK(it != proxies_.container().end()); DCHECK(entry->thread->thread_id() != PlatformThread::CurrentId()); if (--entry->ref_count == 0) { proxies_.container().erase(it); } lock_.Release(); // Destroy it. if (entry->ref_count == 0) { entry->thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &ProxyFactory::DestroyProxy, entry)); // Wait until thread exits entry->thread.reset(); DCHECK(entry->proxy == NULL); delete entry; } return true; } void ProxyFactory::DestroyProxy(ProxyCacheEntry* entry) { DCHECK(entry->thread->thread_id() == PlatformThread::CurrentId()); // Send pending UMA data if any. SendUMAData(entry); delete entry->proxy; entry->proxy = NULL; } Singleton<ProxyFactory> g_proxy_factory; void ProxyFactory::SendUMAData(ProxyCacheEntry* proxy_entry) { if (!proxy_entry) { NOTREACHED() << __FUNCTION__ << " Invalid proxy entry"; return; } DCHECK(proxy_entry->thread->thread_id() == PlatformThread::CurrentId()); if (proxy_entry->proxy) { ChromeFrameHistogramSnapshots::HistogramPickledList histograms = chrome_frame_histograms_.GatherAllHistograms(); if (!histograms.empty()) { proxy_entry->proxy->Send( new AutomationMsg_RecordHistograms(0, histograms)); } } else { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << " No proxy available to service the request"; return; } MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &ProxyFactory::SendUMAData, proxy_entry), uma_send_interval_); } template <> struct RunnableMethodTraits<ChromeFrameAutomationClient> { static void RetainCallee(ChromeFrameAutomationClient* obj) {} static void ReleaseCallee(ChromeFrameAutomationClient* obj) {} }; ChromeFrameAutomationClient::ChromeFrameAutomationClient() : chrome_frame_delegate_(NULL), chrome_window_(NULL), tab_window_(NULL), parent_window_(NULL), automation_server_(NULL), automation_server_id_(NULL), ui_thread_id_(NULL), init_state_(UNINITIALIZED), use_chrome_network_(false), proxy_factory_(g_proxy_factory.get()), handle_top_level_requests_(false), tab_handle_(-1), external_tab_cookie_(NULL), navigate_after_initialization_(false) { } ChromeFrameAutomationClient::~ChromeFrameAutomationClient() { // Uninitialize must be called prior to the destructor DCHECK(automation_server_ == NULL); } bool ChromeFrameAutomationClient::Initialize( ChromeFrameDelegate* chrome_frame_delegate, int automation_server_launch_timeout, bool perform_version_check, const std::wstring& profile_name, const std::wstring& extra_chrome_arguments, bool incognito) { DCHECK(!IsWindow()); chrome_frame_delegate_ = chrome_frame_delegate; ui_thread_id_ = PlatformThread::CurrentId(); #ifndef NDEBUG // In debug mode give more time to work with a debugger. if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { // Don't use INFINITE (which is -1) or even MAXINT since we will convert // from milliseconds to microseconds when stored in a base::TimeDelta, // thus * 1000. An hour should be enough. automation_server_launch_timeout = 60 * 60 * 1000; } else { DCHECK_LT(automation_server_launch_timeout, MAXINT / 2000); automation_server_launch_timeout *= 2; } #endif // NDEBUG // Create a window on the UI thread for marshaling messages back and forth // from the IPC thread. This window cannot be a message only window as the // external chrome tab window is created as a child of this window. This // window is eventually reparented to the ActiveX/NPAPI plugin window. if (!Create(GetDesktopWindow(), NULL, NULL, WS_CHILDWINDOW | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } // Mark our state as initializing. We'll reach initialized once // InitializeComplete is called successfully. init_state_ = INITIALIZING; chrome_launch_params_.automation_server_launch_timeout = automation_server_launch_timeout; chrome_launch_params_.profile_name = profile_name; chrome_launch_params_.extra_chrome_arguments = extra_chrome_arguments; chrome_launch_params_.perform_version_check = perform_version_check; chrome_launch_params_.url = navigate_after_initialization_ ? GURL() : url_; chrome_launch_params_.incognito_mode = incognito; proxy_factory_->GetAutomationServer( static_cast<ProxyFactory::LaunchDelegate*>(this), chrome_launch_params_, &automation_server_id_); return true; } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::Uninitialize() { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__; if (init_state_ == UNINITIALIZED) { DLOG(WARNING) << __FUNCTION__ << ": Automation client not initialized"; return; } init_state_ = UNINITIALIZING; // Called from client's FinalRelease() / destructor // ChromeFrameAutomationClient may wait for the initialization (launch) // to complete while Uninitialize is called. // We either have to: // 1) Make ReleaseAutomationServer blocking call (wait until thread exits) // 2) Behave like a COM object i.e. increase module lock count. // Otherwise the DLL may get unloaded while we have running threads. // Unfortunately in NPAPI case we cannot increase module lock count, hence // we stick with blocking/waiting if (tab_.get()) { tab_->RemoveObserver(this); tab_ = NULL; // scoped_refptr::Release } // Clean up any outstanding requests CleanupRequests(); // Wait for the background thread to exit. ReleaseAutomationServer(); // We must destroy the window, since if there are pending tasks // window procedure may be invoked after DLL is unloaded. // Unfortunately pending tasks are leaked. if (m_hWnd) DestroyWindow(); chrome_frame_delegate_ = NULL; init_state_ = UNINITIALIZED; } bool ChromeFrameAutomationClient::InitiateNavigation( const std::string& url, const std::string& referrer, bool is_privileged) { if (url.empty()) return false; GURL parsed_url(url); // Catch invalid URLs early. if (!parsed_url.is_valid() || !IsValidUrlScheme(UTF8ToWide(url), is_privileged)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid URL passed to InitiateNavigation: " << url << " is_privileged=" << is_privileged; return false; } url_ = parsed_url; referrer_ = GURL(referrer); navigate_after_initialization_ = false; if (is_initialized()) { BeginNavigate(url_, referrer_); } else { navigate_after_initialization_ = true; } return true; } bool ChromeFrameAutomationClient::NavigateToIndex(int index) { // Could be NULL if we failed to launch Chrome in LaunchAutomationServer() if (!automation_server_ || !tab_.get() || !tab_->is_valid()) { return false; } DCHECK(::IsWindow(chrome_window_)); IPC::SyncMessage* msg = new AutomationMsg_NavigateExternalTabAtIndex( 0, tab_->handle(), index, NULL); automation_server_->SendAsAsync(msg, NewCallback(this, &ChromeFrameAutomationClient::BeginNavigateCompleted), this); return true; } bool ChromeFrameAutomationClient::ForwardMessageFromExternalHost( const std::string& message, const std::string& origin, const std::string& target) { // Could be NULL if we failed to launch Chrome in LaunchAutomationServer() if (!is_initialized()) return false; tab_->HandleMessageFromExternalHost(message, origin, target); return true; } bool ChromeFrameAutomationClient::SetProxySettings( const std::string& json_encoded_proxy_settings) { if (!is_initialized()) return false; automation_server_->SendProxyConfig(json_encoded_proxy_settings); return true; } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::BeginNavigate(const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer) { // Could be NULL if we failed to launch Chrome in LaunchAutomationServer() if (!automation_server_ || !tab_.get()) { DLOG(WARNING) << "BeginNavigate - can't navigate."; ReportNavigationError(AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR, url_.spec()); return; } DCHECK(::IsWindow(chrome_window_)); if (!tab_->is_valid()) { DLOG(WARNING) << "BeginNavigate - tab isn't valid."; return; } IPC::SyncMessage* msg = new AutomationMsg_NavigateInExternalTab(0, tab_->handle(), url, referrer, NULL); automation_server_->SendAsAsync(msg, NewCallback(this, &ChromeFrameAutomationClient::BeginNavigateCompleted), this); RECT client_rect = {0}; chrome_frame_delegate_->GetBounds(&client_rect); Resize(client_rect.right - client_rect.left, client_rect.bottom - client_rect.top, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER); } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::BeginNavigateCompleted( AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues result) { if (result == AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR) ReportNavigationError(AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR, url_.spec()); } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::FindInPage(const std::wstring& search_string, FindInPageDirection forward, FindInPageCase match_case, bool find_next) { DCHECK(tab_.get()); // What follows is quite similar to TabProxy::FindInPage() but uses // the SyncMessageReplyDispatcher to avoid concerns about blocking // synchronous messages. AutomationMsg_Find_Params params; params.unused = 0; params.search_string = WideToUTF16Hack(search_string); params.find_next = find_next; params.match_case = (match_case == CASE_SENSITIVE); params.forward = (forward == FWD); IPC::SyncMessage* msg = new AutomationMsg_Find(0, tab_->handle(), params, NULL, NULL); automation_server_->SendAsAsync(msg, NULL, this); } // Class that maintains context during the async load/install extension // operation. When done, InstallExtensionComplete is posted back to the UI // thread so that the users of ChromeFrameAutomationClient can be notified. class InstallExtensionContext { public: InstallExtensionContext(ChromeFrameAutomationClient* client, const FilePath& crx_path, void* user_data) : client_(client), crx_path_(crx_path), user_data_(user_data) { } ~InstallExtensionContext() { } void InstallExtensionComplete(AutomationMsg_ExtensionResponseValues res) { client_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(client_.get(), &ChromeFrameAutomationClient::InstallExtensionComplete, crx_path_, user_data_, res)); delete this; } private: scoped_refptr<ChromeFrameAutomationClient> client_; FilePath crx_path_; void* user_data_; }; void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::InstallExtension( const FilePath& crx_path, void* user_data) { if (automation_server_ == NULL) { InstallExtensionComplete(crx_path, user_data, AUTOMATION_MSG_EXTENSION_INSTALL_FAILED); return; } InstallExtensionContext* ctx = new InstallExtensionContext( this, crx_path, user_data); IPC::SyncMessage* msg = new AutomationMsg_InstallExtension(0, crx_path, NULL); // The context will delete itself after it is called. automation_server_->SendAsAsync(msg, NewCallback(ctx, &InstallExtensionContext::InstallExtensionComplete), this); } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::InstallExtensionComplete( const FilePath& crx_path, void* user_data, AutomationMsg_ExtensionResponseValues res) { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), ui_thread_id_); if (chrome_frame_delegate_) { chrome_frame_delegate_->OnExtensionInstalled(crx_path, user_data, res); } } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::LoadExpandedExtension( const FilePath& path, void* user_data) { if (automation_server_ == NULL) { InstallExtensionComplete(path, user_data, AUTOMATION_MSG_EXTENSION_INSTALL_FAILED); return; } InstallExtensionContext* ctx = new InstallExtensionContext( this, path, user_data); IPC::SyncMessage* msg = new AutomationMsg_LoadExpandedExtension(0, path, NULL); // The context will delete itself after it is called. automation_server_->SendAsAsync(msg, NewCallback(ctx, &InstallExtensionContext::InstallExtensionComplete), this); } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::CreateExternalTab() { AutomationLaunchResult launch_result = AUTOMATION_SUCCESS; DCHECK(IsWindow()); DCHECK(automation_server_ != NULL); // TODO(ananta) // We should pass in the referrer for the initial navigation. const IPC::ExternalTabSettings settings = { m_hWnd, gfx::Rect(), WS_CHILD, chrome_launch_params_.incognito_mode, !use_chrome_network_, handle_top_level_requests_, chrome_launch_params_.url, chrome_launch_params_.referrer, }; UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS( "ChromeFrame.HostNetworking", !use_chrome_network_, 0, 1, 2); UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS( "ChromeFrame.HandleTopLevelRequests", handle_top_level_requests_, 0, 1, 2); IPC::SyncMessage* message = new AutomationMsg_CreateExternalTab(0, settings, NULL, NULL, NULL); automation_server_->SendAsAsync(message, NewCallback(this, &ChromeFrameAutomationClient::CreateExternalTabComplete), this); } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::CreateExternalTabComplete(HWND chrome_window, HWND tab_window, int tab_handle) { if (!automation_server_) { // If we receive this notification while shutting down, do nothing. DLOG(ERROR) << "CreateExternalTabComplete called when automation server " << "was null!"; return; } AutomationLaunchResult launch_result = AUTOMATION_SUCCESS; if (tab_handle == 0 || !::IsWindow(chrome_window)) { launch_result = AUTOMATION_CREATE_TAB_FAILED; } else { chrome_window_ = chrome_window; tab_window_ = tab_window; tab_ = automation_server_->CreateTabProxy(tab_handle); tab_->AddObserver(this); tab_handle_ = tab_handle; } PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &ChromeFrameAutomationClient::InitializeComplete, launch_result)); } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::SetEnableExtensionAutomation( const std::vector<std::string>& functions_enabled) { if (!is_initialized()) return; // We are doing initialization, so there is no need to reset extension // automation, only to set it. Also, we want to avoid resetting extension // automation that some other automation client has set up. Therefore only // send the message if we are going to enable automation of some functions. if (functions_enabled.size() > 0) { tab_->SetEnableExtensionAutomation(functions_enabled); } } // Invoked in launch background thread. void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::LaunchComplete( ChromeFrameAutomationProxy* proxy, AutomationLaunchResult result) { // If we're shutting down we don't keep a pointer to the automation server. if (init_state_ != UNINITIALIZING) { DCHECK(init_state_ == INITIALIZING); automation_server_ = proxy; } else { DLOG(INFO) << "Not storing automation server pointer due to shutting down"; } if (result == AUTOMATION_SUCCESS) { // NOTE: A potential problem here is that Uninitialize() may just have // been called so we need to be careful and check the automation_server_ // pointer. if (automation_server_ != NULL) { // If we have a valid tab_handle here it means that we are attaching to // an existing ExternalTabContainer instance, in which case we don't // want to create an external tab instance in Chrome. if (external_tab_cookie_ == NULL) { // Continue with Initialization - Create external tab CreateExternalTab(); } else { // Send a notification to Chrome that we are ready to connect to the // ExternalTab. IPC::SyncMessage* message = new AutomationMsg_ConnectExternalTab(0, external_tab_cookie_, NULL, NULL, NULL); automation_server_->SendAsAsync(message, NewCallback(this, &ChromeFrameAutomationClient::CreateExternalTabComplete), this); } } } else { // Launch failed. Note, we cannot delete proxy here. PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &ChromeFrameAutomationClient::InitializeComplete, result)); } } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::InitializeComplete( AutomationLaunchResult result) { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), ui_thread_id_); std::string version = automation_server_->server_version(); if (result != AUTOMATION_SUCCESS) { DLOG(WARNING) << "InitializeComplete: failure " << result; ReleaseAutomationServer(); } else { init_state_ = INITIALIZED; // If the host already have a window, ask Chrome to re-parent. if (parent_window_) SetParentWindow(parent_window_); // If host specified destination URL - navigate. Apparently we do not use // accelerator table. if (navigate_after_initialization_) { BeginNavigate(url_, referrer_); } } if (chrome_frame_delegate_) { if (result == AUTOMATION_SUCCESS) { chrome_frame_delegate_->OnAutomationServerReady(); } else { chrome_frame_delegate_->OnAutomationServerLaunchFailed(result, version); } } } // This is invoked in channel's background thread. // Cannot call any method of the activex/npapi here since they are STA // kind of beings. // By default we marshal the IPC message to the main/GUI thread and from there // we safely invoke chrome_frame_delegate_->OnMessageReceived(msg). void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::OnMessageReceived(TabProxy* tab, const IPC::Message& msg) { DCHECK(tab == tab_.get()); // Early check to avoid needless marshaling if (chrome_frame_delegate_ == NULL) return; CallDelegate(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(chrome_frame_delegate_, &ChromeFrameDelegate::OnMessageReceived, msg)); } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::ReportNavigationError( AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues error_code, const std::string& url) { CallDelegate(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(chrome_frame_delegate_, &ChromeFrameDelegate::OnLoadFailed, error_code, url)); } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::Resize(int width, int height, int flags) { if (tab_.get() && ::IsWindow(chrome_window())) { SetWindowPos(HWND_TOP, 0, 0, width, height, flags); tab_->Reposition(chrome_window(), HWND_TOP, 0, 0, width, height, flags, m_hWnd); } } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::SetParentWindow(HWND parent_window) { parent_window_ = parent_window; // If we're done with the initialization step, go ahead if (is_initialized()) { if (parent_window == NULL) { // Hide and reparent the automation window. This window will get // reparented to the new ActiveX/Active document window when it gets // created. ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); SetParent(GetDesktopWindow()); } else { if (!::IsWindow(chrome_window())) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Invalid Chrome Window handle in SetParentWindow"; return; } if (!SetParent(parent_window)) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to set parent window for automation window. " << "Error = " << GetLastError(); return; } RECT parent_client_rect = {0}; ::GetClientRect(parent_window, &parent_client_rect); int width = parent_client_rect.right - parent_client_rect.left; int height = parent_client_rect.bottom - parent_client_rect.top; Resize(width, height, SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER); } } } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::ReleaseAutomationServer() { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__; if (automation_server_id_) { // Cache the server id and clear the automation_server_id_ before // calling ReleaseAutomationServer. The reason we do this is that // we must cancel pending messages before we release the automation server. // Furthermore, while ReleaseAutomationServer is running, we could get // a callback to LaunchComplete which is where we normally get our pointer // to the automation server and there we check the server id for NULLness // and do nothing if it is NULL. void* server_id = automation_server_id_; automation_server_id_ = NULL; if (automation_server_) { // Make sure to clean up any pending sync messages before we go away. automation_server_->CancelAsync(this); automation_server_ = NULL; } proxy_factory_->ReleaseAutomationServer(server_id); // automation_server_ must not have been set to non NULL. // (if this regresses, start by looking at LaunchComplete()). DCHECK(automation_server_ == NULL); } else { DCHECK(automation_server_ == NULL); } } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::SendContextMenuCommandToChromeFrame( int selected_command) { DCHECK(tab_ != NULL); tab_->SendContextMenuCommand(selected_command); } std::wstring ChromeFrameAutomationClient::GetVersion() const { static FileVersionInfo* version_info = FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfoForCurrentModule(); std::wstring version; if (version_info) version = version_info->product_version(); return version; } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::CallDelegate( const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, Task* delegate_task ) { delegate_task->SetBirthPlace(from_here); PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &ChromeFrameAutomationClient::CallDelegateImpl, delegate_task)); } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::CallDelegateImpl(Task* delegate_task) { if (chrome_frame_delegate_) { // task's object should be == chrome_frame_delegate_ delegate_task->Run(); } delete delegate_task; } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::Print(HDC print_dc, const RECT& print_bounds) { if (!tab_window_) { NOTREACHED(); return; } HDC window_dc = ::GetDC(tab_window_); BitBlt(print_dc, print_bounds.left, print_bounds.top, print_bounds.right - print_bounds.left, print_bounds.bottom - print_bounds.top, window_dc, print_bounds.left, print_bounds.top, SRCCOPY); ::ReleaseDC(tab_window_, window_dc); } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::PrintTab() { tab_->PrintAsync(); } // IPC:Message::Sender implementation bool ChromeFrameAutomationClient::Send(IPC::Message* msg) { if (automation_server_) { return automation_server_->Send(msg); } return false; } bool ChromeFrameAutomationClient::AddRequest(PluginUrlRequest* request) { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), ui_thread_id_); if (!request) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } #ifndef NDEBUG RequestMap::const_iterator it = request_map_.find(request->id()); scoped_refptr<PluginUrlRequest> other(request_map_.end() == it ? NULL : (*it).second); DCHECK(other.get() == NULL); #endif request_map_[request->id()] = request; return true; } bool ChromeFrameAutomationClient::ReadRequest( int request_id, int bytes_to_read) { bool result = false; PluginUrlRequest* request = LookupRequest(request_id); if (request) result = request->Read(bytes_to_read); return result; } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::RemoveRequest(PluginUrlRequest* request) { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), ui_thread_id_); // We check if the request pointer passed in is actually present in the map // before going ahead and deleting it. This avoids the issue where we would // incorrectly delete a different request with the same request id. if (IsValidRequest(request)) { request_map_.erase(request->id()); } } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::RemoveRequest(int request_id, bool abort) { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), ui_thread_id_); PluginUrlRequest* request = LookupRequest(request_id); if (request) { if (abort) { // The request object will get removed asynchronously. request->Stop(); } else { request_map_.erase(request_id); } } } PluginUrlRequest* ChromeFrameAutomationClient::LookupRequest( int request_id) const { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), ui_thread_id_); PluginUrlRequest* request = NULL; RequestMap::const_iterator it = request_map_.find(request_id); if (request_map_.end() != it) request = (*it).second; return request; } bool ChromeFrameAutomationClient::IsValidRequest( PluginUrlRequest* request) const { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), ui_thread_id_); bool is_valid = false; // if request is invalid then request->id() won't work // hence perform reverse map lookup for validity of the // request pointer. if (request) { for (RequestMap::const_iterator it = request_map_.begin(); it != request_map_.end(); it++) { if (request == (*it).second) { is_valid = true; break; } } } return is_valid; } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::CleanupRequests() { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), ui_thread_id_); std::vector<scoped_refptr<PluginUrlRequest> > request_list; // We copy the pending requests into a temporary vector as the Stop // function in the request could also try to delete the request from // the request map and the iterator could end up being invalid. RequestMap::iterator index = request_map_.begin(); while (index != request_map_.end()) { PluginUrlRequest* request = (*index).second; DCHECK(request != NULL); request_list.push_back(request); index++; } request_map_.clear(); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < request_list.size(); ++index) { request_list[index]->Stop(); } } bool ChromeFrameAutomationClient::Reinitialize( ChromeFrameDelegate* delegate) { if (!tab_.get() || !::IsWindow(chrome_window_)) { NOTREACHED(); DLOG(WARNING) << "ChromeFrameAutomationClient instance reused " << "with invalid tab"; return false; } if (!delegate) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } CleanupRequests(); chrome_frame_delegate_ = delegate; SetParentWindow(NULL); return true; } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::AttachExternalTab( intptr_t external_tab_cookie) { DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<TabProxy*>(NULL), tab_.get()); DCHECK_EQ(-1, tab_handle_); external_tab_cookie_ = external_tab_cookie; } void ChromeFrameAutomationClient::SetPageFontSize( enum AutomationPageFontSize font_size) { if (font_size < SMALLEST_FONT || font_size > LARGEST_FONT) { NOTREACHED() << "Invalid font size specified : " << font_size; return; } Send(new AutomationMsg_SetPageFontSize(0, tab_handle_, font_size)); }