// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "chrome_frame/chrome_frame_automation.h" #include "chrome_frame/chrome_frame_npapi.h" TEST(ChromeFrameNPAPI, DoesNotCrashOnConstruction) { ChromeFrameNPAPI* api = new ChromeFrameNPAPI(); delete api; } // All mocks in the anonymous namespace. namespace { using ::testing::_; using ::testing::Eq; using ::testing::Field; using ::testing::Invoke; using ::testing::Return; using ::testing::StrEq; const char* kMimeType = "application/chromeframe"; // The default profile name is by default derived from the currently // running executable's name. const wchar_t* kDefaultProfileName = L"chrome_frame_unittests"; class MockNPAPI: public ChromeFrameNPAPI { public: MockNPAPI() : mock_automation_client_(NULL) {} MOCK_METHOD0(GetLocation, std::string()); MOCK_METHOD0(GetBrowserIncognitoMode, bool()); MOCK_METHOD1(JavascriptToNPObject, virtual NPObject*(const std::string&)); // Make public for test purposes void OnAutomationServerReady() { ChromeFrameNPAPI::OnAutomationServerReady(); } ChromeFrameAutomationClient* CreateAutomationClient() { return mock_automation_client_; } ChromeFrameAutomationClient* mock_automation_client_; }; class MockAutomationClient: public ChromeFrameAutomationClient { public: MOCK_METHOD2(Initialize, bool(ChromeFrameDelegate*, ChromeFrameLaunchParams*)); }; namespace { MATCHER_P4(LaunchParamEq, version_check, extra, incognito, widget, "Basic check for ChromeFrameLaunchParams") { return arg->version_check() == version_check && arg->extra_arguments().compare(extra) == 0 && arg->incognito() == incognito, arg->widget_mode() == widget; } static const NPIdentifier kOnPrivateMessageId = reinterpret_cast<NPIdentifier>(0x100); static const NPIdentifier kPostPrivateMessageId = reinterpret_cast<NPIdentifier>(0x100); } class MockNetscapeFuncs { public: MockNetscapeFuncs() { CHECK(NULL == current_); current_ = this; } ~MockNetscapeFuncs() { CHECK(this == current_); current_ = NULL; } MOCK_METHOD3(GetValue, NPError(NPP, NPNVariable, void *)); MOCK_METHOD3(GetStringIdentifiers, void(const NPUTF8 **, int32_t, NPIdentifier *)); // NOLINT MOCK_METHOD1(RetainObject, NPObject*(NPObject*)); // NOLINT MOCK_METHOD1(ReleaseObject, void(NPObject*)); // NOLINT static const NPNetscapeFuncs* netscape_funcs() { return &netscape_funcs_; } private: static NPError MockGetValue(NPP instance, NPNVariable variable, void *ret_value) { DCHECK(current_); return current_->GetValue(instance, variable, ret_value); } static void MockGetStringIdentifiers(const NPUTF8 **names, int32_t name_count, NPIdentifier *identifiers) { DCHECK(current_); return current_->GetStringIdentifiers(names, name_count, identifiers); } static NPObject* MockRetainObject(NPObject* obj) { DCHECK(current_); return current_->RetainObject(obj); } static void MockReleaseObject(NPObject* obj) { DCHECK(current_); current_->ReleaseObject(obj); } static MockNetscapeFuncs* current_; static NPNetscapeFuncs netscape_funcs_; }; // Test fixture to allow testing the privileged NPAPI APIs class TestNPAPIPrivilegedApi: public ::testing::Test { public: virtual void SetUp() { memset(&instance, 0, sizeof(instance)); npapi::InitializeBrowserFunctions( const_cast<NPNetscapeFuncs*>(mock_funcs.netscape_funcs())); // Gets owned & destroyed by mock_api (in the // ChromeFramePlugin<T>::Uninitialize() function). mock_automation = new MockAutomationClient; mock_api.mock_automation_client_ = mock_automation; } virtual void TearDown() { // Make sure to uninitialize the mock NPAPI before we uninitialize the // browser function, otherwise we will get a DCHECK in the NPAPI dtor // when it tries to perform the uninitialize there. mock_api.Uninitialize(); npapi::UninitializeBrowserFunctions(); } void SetupPrivilegeTest(bool is_incognito, bool expect_privilege_check, bool is_privileged, const std::wstring& profile_name, const std::wstring& language, const std::wstring& extra_args) { EXPECT_CALL(mock_api, GetLocation()) .WillOnce(Return(std::string("http://www.google.com"))); EXPECT_CALL(mock_api, GetBrowserIncognitoMode()) .WillOnce(Return(is_incognito)); scoped_refptr<ChromeFrameLaunchParams> launch_params( new ChromeFrameLaunchParams(GURL(), GURL(), FilePath(), profile_name, language, extra_args, is_incognito, true, false)); EXPECT_CALL(*mock_automation, Initialize(_, LaunchParamEq(true, extra_args, is_incognito, true))) .WillOnce(Return(true)); } public: MockNetscapeFuncs mock_funcs; MockNPAPI mock_api; MockAutomationClient* mock_automation; NPP_t instance; }; } // namespace