// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to // produce the type library (chrome_tab.tlb) and marshalling code. #include "olectl.h" import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl"; [ object, uuid(FB243E4B-8AC2-4840-95F2-91B9AF9CFF10), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("IChromeFrame Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IChromeFrame : IDispatch { [propget, id(1)] HRESULT src([out, retval] BSTR* src); [propput, id(1)] HRESULT src([in] BSTR src); [id(3)] HRESULT postMessage([in] BSTR message, [in, optional] VARIANT target); [id(4), propget] HRESULT onload([out, retval] VARIANT* onload_handler); [id(4), propput] HRESULT onload([in] VARIANT onload_handler); [propget, id(5)] HRESULT onloaderror([out, retval] VARIANT* onerror_handler); [propput, id(5)] HRESULT onloaderror([in] VARIANT onerror_handler); [propget, id(6)] HRESULT onmessage([out, retval] VARIANT* onmessage_handler); [propput, id(6)] HRESULT onmessage([in] VARIANT onmessage_handler); [propget, id(DISPID_READYSTATE)] HRESULT readyState([out, retval] long* ready_state); [id(7)] HRESULT addEventListener([in] BSTR event_type, [in] IDispatch* listener, [in, optional] VARIANT use_capture); [id(8)] HRESULT removeEventListener([in] BSTR event_type, [in] IDispatch* listener, [in, optional] VARIANT use_capture); [propget, id(9)] HRESULT version([out, retval] BSTR* version); [id(10), hidden] // This method is available only when the control is in privileged mode. HRESULT postPrivateMessage([in] BSTR message, [in] BSTR origin, [in] BSTR target); [propget, id(11)] HRESULT useChromeNetwork([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pVal); [propput, id(11)] HRESULT useChromeNetwork([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal); [id(12), hidden] // This method is available only when the control is in privileged mode. HRESULT installExtension([in] BSTR crx_path); [id(13), hidden] // This method is available only when the control is in privileged mode. HRESULT loadExtension([in] BSTR extension_path); [id(14), hidden] // This method is available only when the control is in privileged mode. HRESULT getEnabledExtensions(); [id(15)] // This method bootstraps the BHO if it is not already loaded. HRESULT registerBhoIfNeeded(); }; [ object, uuid(851bedec-4b2c-4959-abc0-a53403117257), local, // This interface should never be marshaled. hidden, ] // Internal implementation interface. Not intended as an API. May change // frequently, don't treat this as frozen. interface IChromeFrameInternal : IUnknown { // This method is available only when the control is in privileged mode. HRESULT getSessionId([out, retval] int* session_id); }; [ object, uuid(8AD52429-3CE0-4883-BC69-2DFA055D20D4), oleautomation, nonextensible, hidden, ] interface IChromeFramePrivileged : IUnknown { // If the host returns false for wants_privileged, the control // won't enable privileged mode. HRESULT GetWantsPrivileged([out] boolean *wants_privileged); // Extra arguments to supply to the Chrome instance. Returns S_FALSE when // no extra arguments are needed. Always sets the output string to non-NULL. HRESULT GetChromeExtraArguments([out] BSTR *args); // The profile name we want to use. HRESULT GetChromeProfileName([out] BSTR *profile_name); // The comma-separated list of extension API functions you wish to automate. // Return S_FALSE to leave the default, which is to not automate any // functions. HRESULT GetExtensionApisToAutomate([out] BSTR *extension_apis); // Called when an automation version mismatch occurs. Returns S_OK if // a dialog should be showed to the user by this CF instance, S_FALSE if // not. HRESULT ShouldShowVersionMismatchDialog(); }; // Expose this service to the ChromeFrame control to trigger privileged // mode. If the control is in privileged mode, it will forward messages // to the onmessage handler irrespective of origin. cpp_quote("#define SID_ChromeFramePrivileged __uuidof(IChromeFramePrivileged)") typedef enum { CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONLOAD = 1, CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONLOADERROR, CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONMESSAGE, CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONPRIVATEMESSAGE, CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONEXTENSIONREADY, CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONGETENABLEDEXTENSIONSCOMPLETE, CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONCHANNELERROR, CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONCLOSE, CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONREADYSTATECHANGED = DISPID_READYSTATECHANGE, } ChromeFrameEventDispId; [ uuid(6F2664E1-FF6E-488A-BCD1-F4CA6001DFCC), version(1.0), helpstring("ChromeTab 1.0 Type Library") ] library ChromeTabLib { importlib("stdole2.tlb"); [uuid(388B5D64-CE67-415b-9B0F-745C56E868E7)] dispinterface DIChromeFrameEvents { properties: // None. methods: [id(CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONLOAD)] void onload(); [id(CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONLOADERROR)] void onloaderror(); [id(CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONMESSAGE)] void onmessage([in] IDispatch* event); [id(CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONREADYSTATECHANGED)] void onreadystatechanged(); [id(CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONPRIVATEMESSAGE)] // This event is only fired when the control is in privileged mode. void onprivatemessage([in] IDispatch* event, [in] BSTR target); [id(CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONEXTENSIONREADY)] // This event is only fired when the control is in privileged mode. // response is one of AutomationMsg_ExtensionResponseValues. void onextensionready([in] BSTR path, [in] long response); [id(CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONGETENABLEDEXTENSIONSCOMPLETE)] // This event is only fired when the control is in privileged mode. // extension_paths is an array of BSTRs of the base directories of // enabled extensions. void ongetenabledextensionscomplete([in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) extension_paths); [id(CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONCHANNELERROR)] // This event is fired when there is an error in communication channel with // Chrome and Automation must be reconnected to continue. void onchannelerror(); [id(CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONCLOSE)] // This event is fired when the script inside the page wants to close it. // This is just a notification, there is no way to prevent the script from // closing. void onclose(); }; [uuid(BB1176EE-20DD-41DC-9D1E-AC1335C7BBB0)] coclass HtmlFilter { [default] interface IUnknown; }; [uuid(9875BFAF-B04D-445E-8A69-BE36838CDE3E)] coclass ChromeProtocol { [default] interface IUnknown; }; [uuid(3E1D0E7F-F5E3-44CC-AA6A-C0A637619AB8), control] coclass ChromeActiveDocument { [default] interface IChromeFrame; }; [uuid(E0A900DF-9611-4446-86BD-4B1D47E7DB2A), control] coclass ChromeFrame { [default] interface IChromeFrame; [default, source] dispinterface DIChromeFrameEvents; }; [uuid(ECB3C477-1A0A-44bd-BB57-78F9EFE34FA7)] coclass ChromeFrameBHO { [default] interface IUnknown; }; };