// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome_frame/crash_reporting/nt_loader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "chrome_frame/crash_reporting/crash_dll.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace { void AssertIsCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION* critsec) { // Assert on some of the internals of the debug info if it has one. RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG* debug = critsec->DebugInfo; if (debug) { ASSERT_EQ(RTL_CRITSECT_TYPE, debug->Type); ASSERT_EQ(critsec, debug->CriticalSection); } // TODO(siggi): assert on the semaphore handle & object type? } class ScopedEnterCriticalSection { public: explicit ScopedEnterCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION* critsec) : critsec_(critsec) { ::EnterCriticalSection(critsec_); } ~ScopedEnterCriticalSection() { ::LeaveCriticalSection(critsec_); } private: CRITICAL_SECTION* critsec_; }; std::wstring FromUnicodeString(const UNICODE_STRING& str) { return std::wstring(str.Buffer, str.Length / sizeof(str.Buffer[0])); } } // namespace using namespace nt_loader; TEST(NtLoader, OwnsCriticalSection) { // Use of Thread requires an atexit manager. base::AtExitManager at_exit; CRITICAL_SECTION cs = {}; ::InitializeCriticalSection(&cs); EXPECT_FALSE(OwnsCriticalSection(&cs)); // Enter the critsec and assert we own it. { ScopedEnterCriticalSection lock1(&cs); EXPECT_TRUE(OwnsCriticalSection(&cs)); // Re-enter the critsec and assert we own it. ScopedEnterCriticalSection lock2(&cs); EXPECT_TRUE(OwnsCriticalSection(&cs)); } // Should no longer own it. EXPECT_FALSE(OwnsCriticalSection(&cs)); // Make another thread grab it. base::Thread other("Other threads"); ASSERT_TRUE(other.Start()); other.message_loop()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(::EnterCriticalSection, &cs)); ScopedHandle event(::CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)); other.message_loop()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(::SetEvent, event.Get())); ASSERT_EQ(WAIT_OBJECT_0, ::WaitForSingleObject(event.Get(), INFINITE)); // We still shouldn't own it - the other thread does. EXPECT_FALSE(OwnsCriticalSection(&cs)); // And we shouldn't be able to enter it. EXPECT_EQ(0, ::TryEnterCriticalSection(&cs)); // Make the other thread release it. other.message_loop()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(::LeaveCriticalSection, &cs)); other.Stop(); ::DeleteCriticalSection(&cs); } TEST(NtLoader, GetLoaderLock) { CRITICAL_SECTION* loader_lock = GetLoaderLock(); AssertIsCriticalSection(loader_lock); // We should be able to enter and leave the loader's lock without trouble. EnterCriticalSection(loader_lock); LeaveCriticalSection(loader_lock); } TEST(NtLoader, OwnsLoaderLock) { CRITICAL_SECTION* loader_lock = GetLoaderLock(); EXPECT_FALSE(OwnsLoaderLock()); EnterCriticalSection(loader_lock); EXPECT_TRUE(OwnsLoaderLock()); LeaveCriticalSection(loader_lock); EXPECT_FALSE(OwnsLoaderLock()); } TEST(NtLoader, GetLoaderEntry) { // Get all modules in the current process. ScopedHandle snap(::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, ::GetCurrentProcessId())); EXPECT_TRUE(snap.Get() != NULL); // Walk them, while checking we get an entry for each, and that it // contains sane information. MODULEENTRY32 module = { sizeof(module) }; ASSERT_TRUE(::Module32First(snap.Get(), &module)); do { ScopedEnterCriticalSection lock(GetLoaderLock()); nt_loader::LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY* entry = nt_loader::GetLoaderEntry(module.hModule); ASSERT_TRUE(entry != NULL); EXPECT_EQ(module.hModule, reinterpret_cast(entry->DllBase)); EXPECT_STREQ(module.szModule, FromUnicodeString(entry->BaseDllName).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ(module.szExePath, FromUnicodeString(entry->FullDllName).c_str()); ULONG flags = entry->Flags; // All entries should have this flag set. EXPECT_TRUE(flags & LDRP_ENTRY_PROCESSED); if (0 == (flags & LDRP_IMAGE_DLL)) { // TODO(siggi): write a test to assert this holds true for loading // non-DLL, e.g. exe image files. // Dlls have the LDRP_IMAGE_DLL flag set, any module that doesn't // have that flag has to be the main executable. EXPECT_TRUE(module.hModule == ::GetModuleHandle(NULL)); } else { // Since we're not currently loading any modules, all loaded // modules should either have the LDRP_PROCESS_ATTACH_CALLED, // or a NULL entrypoint. if (entry->EntryPoint == NULL) { EXPECT_FALSE(flags & LDRP_PROCESS_ATTACH_CALLED); } else { // Shimeng.dll is an exception to the above, it's loaded // in a special way, see e.g. http://www.alex-ionescu.com/?p=41 // for details. bool is_shimeng = LowerCaseEqualsASCII( FromUnicodeString(entry->BaseDllName), "shimeng.dll"); EXPECT_TRUE(is_shimeng || (flags & LDRP_PROCESS_ATTACH_CALLED)); } } } while (::Module32Next(snap.Get(), &module)); } namespace { typedef void (*ExceptionFunction)(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ex_ptrs); class NtLoaderTest: public testing::Test { public: NtLoaderTest() : veh_id_(NULL), exception_function_(NULL) { EXPECT_EQ(NULL, current_); current_ = this; } ~NtLoaderTest() { EXPECT_TRUE(this == current_); current_ = NULL; } void SetUp() { veh_id_ = ::AddVectoredExceptionHandler(FALSE, &ExceptionHandler); EXPECT_TRUE(veh_id_ != NULL); // Clear the crash DLL environment. ::SetEnvironmentVariable(kCrashOnLoadMode, NULL); ::SetEnvironmentVariable(kCrashOnUnloadMode, NULL); } void TearDown() { if (veh_id_ != NULL) EXPECT_NE(0, ::RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(veh_id_)); // Clear the crash DLL environment. ::SetEnvironmentVariable(kCrashOnLoadMode, NULL); ::SetEnvironmentVariable(kCrashOnUnloadMode, NULL); } void set_exception_function(ExceptionFunction func) { exception_function_ = func; } private: static LONG NTAPI ExceptionHandler(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ex_ptrs){ // Dispatch the exception to any exception function, // but only on the main thread. if (main_thread_ == ::GetCurrentThreadId() && current_ != NULL && current_->exception_function_ != NULL) current_->exception_function_(ex_ptrs); return ExceptionContinueSearch; } void* veh_id_; ExceptionFunction exception_function_; static NtLoaderTest* current_; static DWORD main_thread_; }; NtLoaderTest* NtLoaderTest::current_ = NULL; DWORD NtLoaderTest::main_thread_ = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); } // namespace static int exceptions_handled = 0; static void OnCrashDuringLoadLibrary(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ex_ptrs) { ASSERT_EQ(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION, ex_ptrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode); ASSERT_EQ(2, ex_ptrs->ExceptionRecord->NumberParameters); ASSERT_EQ(EXCEPTION_WRITE_FAULT, ex_ptrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[0]); ASSERT_EQ(kCrashAddress, ex_ptrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1]); // Bump the exceptions count. exceptions_handled++; EXPECT_TRUE(OwnsLoaderLock()); HMODULE crash_dll = ::GetModuleHandle(kCrashDllName); ASSERT_TRUE(crash_dll != NULL); nt_loader::LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY* entry = GetLoaderEntry(crash_dll); ASSERT_TRUE(entry != NULL); ASSERT_EQ(0, entry->Flags & LDRP_PROCESS_ATTACH_CALLED); } TEST_F(NtLoaderTest, CrashOnLoadLibrary) { exceptions_handled = 0; set_exception_function(OnCrashDuringLoadLibrary); // Setup to crash on load. ::SetEnvironmentVariable(kCrashOnLoadMode, L"1"); // And load it. HMODULE module = ::LoadLibrary(kCrashDllName); DWORD err = ::GetLastError(); EXPECT_EQ(NULL, module); EXPECT_EQ(ERROR_NOACCESS, err); EXPECT_EQ(1, exceptions_handled); if (module != NULL) ::FreeLibrary(module); } static void OnCrashDuringUnloadLibrary(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ex_ptrs) { ASSERT_EQ(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION, ex_ptrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode); ASSERT_EQ(2, ex_ptrs->ExceptionRecord->NumberParameters); ASSERT_EQ(EXCEPTION_WRITE_FAULT, ex_ptrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[0]); ASSERT_EQ(kCrashAddress, ex_ptrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1]); // Bump the exceptions count. exceptions_handled++; EXPECT_TRUE(OwnsLoaderLock()); HMODULE crash_dll = ::GetModuleHandle(kCrashDllName); ASSERT_TRUE(crash_dll == NULL); nt_loader::LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY* entry = GetLoaderEntry(crash_dll); ASSERT_TRUE(entry == NULL); } TEST_F(NtLoaderTest, CrashOnUnloadLibrary) { // Setup to crash on unload. ::SetEnvironmentVariable(kCrashOnUnloadMode, L"1"); // And load it. HMODULE module = ::LoadLibrary(kCrashDllName); EXPECT_TRUE(module != NULL); exceptions_handled = 0; set_exception_function(OnCrashDuringUnloadLibrary); // We should crash during unload. if (module != NULL) ::FreeLibrary(module); EXPECT_EQ(1, exceptions_handled); }