// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome_frame/http_negotiate.h" #include #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome_frame/bho.h" #include "chrome_frame/exception_barrier.h" #include "chrome_frame/html_utils.h" #include "chrome_frame/urlmon_url_request.h" #include "chrome_frame/urlmon_moniker.h" #include "chrome_frame/utils.h" #include "chrome_frame/vtable_patch_manager.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_util.h" const char kUACompatibleHttpHeader[] = "x-ua-compatible"; // From the latest urlmon.h. Symbol name prepended with LOCAL_ to // avoid conflict (and therefore build errors) for those building with // a newer Windows SDK. // TODO(robertshield): Remove this once we update our SDK version. const int LOCAL_BINDSTATUS_SERVER_MIMETYPEAVAILABLE = 54; static const int kHttpNegotiateBeginningTransactionIndex = 3; BEGIN_VTABLE_PATCHES(IHttpNegotiate) VTABLE_PATCH_ENTRY(kHttpNegotiateBeginningTransactionIndex, HttpNegotiatePatch::BeginningTransaction) END_VTABLE_PATCHES() static const int kBindStatusCallbackStartBindingIndex = 3; BEGIN_VTABLE_PATCHES(IBindStatusCallback) VTABLE_PATCH_ENTRY(kBindStatusCallbackStartBindingIndex, HttpNegotiatePatch::StartBinding) END_VTABLE_PATCHES() static const int kInternetProtocolSinkReportProgressIndex = 4; BEGIN_VTABLE_PATCHES(IInternetProtocolSink) VTABLE_PATCH_ENTRY(kInternetProtocolSinkReportProgressIndex, HttpNegotiatePatch::ReportProgress) END_VTABLE_PATCHES() namespace { class SimpleBindStatusCallback : public CComObjectRootEx, public IBindStatusCallback { public: BEGIN_COM_MAP(SimpleBindStatusCallback) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IBindStatusCallback) END_COM_MAP() // IBindStatusCallback implementation STDMETHOD(OnStartBinding)(DWORD reserved, IBinding* binding) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(GetPriority)(LONG* priority) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(OnLowResource)(DWORD reserved) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(OnProgress)(ULONG progress, ULONG max_progress, ULONG status_code, LPCWSTR status_text) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(OnStopBinding)(HRESULT result, LPCWSTR error) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(GetBindInfo)(DWORD* bind_flags, BINDINFO* bind_info) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(OnDataAvailable)(DWORD flags, DWORD size, FORMATETC* formatetc, STGMEDIUM* storage) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(OnObjectAvailable)(REFIID iid, IUnknown* object) { return E_NOTIMPL; } }; } // end namespace HRESULT GetBrowserServiceFromProtocolSink(IInternetProtocolSink* sink, IBrowserService** browser_service) { DCHECK(browser_service); // When fetching a page for the first time (not cached), we can query the // sink directly for IID_IShellBrowser to get the browser service. HRESULT hr = DoQueryService(IID_IShellBrowser, sink, browser_service); if (FAILED(hr)) { // When the request is being served up from the cache, we have to take // a different route via IID_ITargetFrame2. ScopedComPtr browser2; hr = DoQueryService(IID_ITargetFrame2, sink, browser2.Receive()); if (browser2) { hr = DoQueryService(IID_IShellBrowser, browser2, browser_service); } } return hr; } HttpNegotiatePatch::HttpNegotiatePatch() { } HttpNegotiatePatch::~HttpNegotiatePatch() { } // static bool HttpNegotiatePatch::Initialize() { if (IS_PATCHED(IHttpNegotiate)) { DLOG(WARNING) << __FUNCTION__ << " called more than once."; return true; } // Use our SimpleBindStatusCallback class as we need a temporary object that // implements IBindStatusCallback. CComObjectStackEx request; ScopedComPtr bind_ctx; HRESULT hr = CreateAsyncBindCtx(0, &request, NULL, bind_ctx.Receive()); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)) << "CreateAsyncBindCtx"; if (bind_ctx) { ScopedComPtr bscb_holder; bind_ctx->GetObjectParam(L"_BSCB_Holder_", bscb_holder.Receive()); if (bscb_holder) { hr = PatchHttpNegotiate(bscb_holder); } else { NOTREACHED() << "Failed to get _BSCB_Holder_"; hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } bind_ctx.Release(); } return SUCCEEDED(hr); } // static void HttpNegotiatePatch::Uninitialize() { vtable_patch::UnpatchInterfaceMethods(IHttpNegotiate_PatchInfo); } // static HRESULT HttpNegotiatePatch::PatchHttpNegotiate(IUnknown* to_patch) { DCHECK(to_patch); DCHECK_IS_NOT_PATCHED(IHttpNegotiate); ScopedComPtr http; HRESULT hr = http.QueryFrom(to_patch); if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = DoQueryService(IID_IHttpNegotiate, to_patch, http.Receive()); } if (http) { hr = vtable_patch::PatchInterfaceMethods(http, IHttpNegotiate_PatchInfo); DLOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << StringPrintf("HttpNegotiate patch failed 0x%08X", hr); } else { DLOG(WARNING) << StringPrintf("IHttpNegotiate not supported 0x%08X", hr); } // CTransaction patch supports sniffing HTTP headers, so no need of // sniffing inside HttpNegotiatePatch::ReportProgress. if (GetPatchMethod() != PATCH_METHOD_INET_PROTOCOL) { ScopedComPtr bscb; hr = bscb.QueryFrom(to_patch); if (bscb) { hr = vtable_patch::PatchInterfaceMethods(bscb, IBindStatusCallback_PatchInfo); DLOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << StringPrintf("BindStatusCallback patch failed 0x%08X", hr); } else { DLOG(WARNING) << StringPrintf("IBindStatusCallback not supported 0x%08X", hr); } } return hr; } // static HRESULT HttpNegotiatePatch::BeginningTransaction( IHttpNegotiate_BeginningTransaction_Fn original, IHttpNegotiate* me, LPCWSTR url, LPCWSTR headers, DWORD reserved, LPWSTR* additional_headers) { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << " " << url << " headers:\n" << headers; HRESULT hr = original(me, url, headers, reserved, additional_headers); if (FAILED(hr)) { DLOG(WARNING) << __FUNCTION__ << " Delegate returned an error"; return hr; } NavigationManager* mgr = NavigationManager::GetThreadInstance(); if (mgr && mgr->IsTopLevelUrl(url)) { ScopedComPtr browser2; DoQueryService(IID_ITargetFrame2, me, browser2.Receive()); if (browser2) { VARIANT_BOOL is_top_level = VARIANT_FALSE; browser2->get_TopLevelContainer(&is_top_level); if (is_top_level != VARIANT_FALSE) { std::string referrer = FindReferrerFromHeaders(headers, *additional_headers); // When we switch from IE to CF the BeginningTransaction function is // called twice. The first call contains the referrer while the // second call does not. We set the referrer only if the URL in the // navigation manager changes. The URL in the navigation manager // is reset in BeforeNavigate2 if (!referrer.empty()) { DCHECK(mgr->referrer().empty()); mgr->set_referrer(referrer); } } } else { DLOG(INFO) << "No IWebBrowser2"; } } else { DLOG(INFO) << "No NavigationManager"; } static const char kLowerCaseUserAgent[] = "user-agent"; using net::HttpUtil; std::string ascii_headers; if (*additional_headers) { ascii_headers = WideToASCII(*additional_headers); DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << " additional headers: " << ascii_headers; } HttpUtil::HeadersIterator headers_iterator(ascii_headers.begin(), ascii_headers.end(), "\r\n"); std::string user_agent_value; if (headers_iterator.AdvanceTo(kLowerCaseUserAgent)) { user_agent_value = headers_iterator.values(); } else if (headers != NULL) { // See if there's a user-agent header specified in the original headers. std::string original_headers(WideToASCII(headers)); HttpUtil::HeadersIterator original_it(original_headers.begin(), original_headers.end(), "\r\n"); if (original_it.AdvanceTo(kLowerCaseUserAgent)) user_agent_value = original_it.values(); } // Use the default one if none was provided. if (user_agent_value.empty()) user_agent_value = http_utils::GetDefaultUserAgent(); // Now add chromeframe to it. user_agent_value = http_utils::AddChromeFrameToUserAgentValue( user_agent_value); // Build new headers, skip the existing user agent value from // existing headers. std::string new_headers; headers_iterator.Reset(); while (headers_iterator.GetNext()) { std::string name(headers_iterator.name()); if (!LowerCaseEqualsASCII(name, kLowerCaseUserAgent)) { new_headers += name + ": " + headers_iterator.values() + "\r\n"; } } new_headers += "User-Agent: " + user_agent_value; new_headers += "\r\n\r\n"; if (*additional_headers) ::CoTaskMemFree(*additional_headers); *additional_headers = reinterpret_cast(::CoTaskMemAlloc( (new_headers.length() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t))); lstrcpyW(*additional_headers, ASCIIToWide(new_headers).c_str()); return hr; } // static HRESULT HttpNegotiatePatch::StartBinding( IBindStatusCallback_StartBinding_Fn original, IBindStatusCallback* me, DWORD reserved, IBinding* binding) { ScopedComPtr local_binding(binding); ScopedComPtr protocol_sink; HRESULT hr = protocol_sink.QueryFrom(local_binding); if (FAILED(hr) || !protocol_sink) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get IInternetProtocolSink from IBinding: " << hr; } else { if (!IS_PATCHED(IInternetProtocolSink)) { hr = vtable_patch::PatchInterfaceMethods(protocol_sink, IInternetProtocolSink_PatchInfo); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // Now that we've gotten to the protocol sink, // we don't need this patch anymore. HRESULT hr_unpatch = vtable_patch::UnpatchInterfaceMethods( IBindStatusCallback_PatchInfo); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr_unpatch)); } DLOG_IF(WARNING, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to patch IInternetProtocolSink from IBinding: " << hr; } hr = original(me, reserved, binding); return hr; } // static HRESULT HttpNegotiatePatch::ReportProgress( IInternetProtocolSink_ReportProgress_Fn original, IInternetProtocolSink* me, ULONG status_code, LPCWSTR status_text) { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << StringPrintf(" %i %ls", status_code, status_text); bool updated_mime_type = false; if (status_code == BINDSTATUS_MIMETYPEAVAILABLE || status_code == BINDSTATUS_VERIFIEDMIMETYPEAVAILABLE || status_code == LOCAL_BINDSTATUS_SERVER_MIMETYPEAVAILABLE) { DCHECK(lstrlenW(status_text)); bool render_in_chrome_frame = false; bool is_top_level_request = !IsSubFrameRequest(me); // NOTE: After switching over to using the onhttpequiv notification from // mshtml we can expect to see sub frames being created even before the // owning document has completed loading. In particular frames whose // source is about:blank. if (is_top_level_request) { ScopedComPtr browser; GetBrowserServiceFromProtocolSink(me, browser.Receive()); if (browser) { render_in_chrome_frame = CheckForCFNavigation(browser, true); } DLOG_IF(INFO, !render_in_chrome_frame) << " - browser not tagged"; if (!render_in_chrome_frame) { // Check to see if we need to alter the mime type that gets reported // by inspecting the raw header information: ScopedComPtr win_inet_http_info; HRESULT hr = win_inet_http_info.QueryFrom(me); // Try slightly harder if we couldn't QI directly. if (!win_inet_http_info || FAILED(hr)) { hr = DoQueryService(IID_IWinInetHttpInfo, me, win_inet_http_info.Receive()); DLOG_IF(WARNING, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to get IWinInetHttpInfo"; } // Note that it has been observed that getting an IWinInetHttpInfo will // fail if we are loading a page like about:blank that isn't loaded via // wininet. if (win_inet_http_info) { // We have headers: check to see if the server is requesting CF via // the X-UA-Compatible: chrome=1 HTTP header. // TODO(tommi): use HTTP_QUERY_CUSTOM instead of fetching and parsing // all the headers. std::string headers(GetRawHttpHeaders(win_inet_http_info)); net::HttpUtil::HeadersIterator it(headers.begin(), headers.end(), "\r\n"); while (it.GetNext()) { if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(it.name_begin(), it.name_end(), kUACompatibleHttpHeader)) { std::string ua_value(StringToLowerASCII(it.values())); if (ua_value.find("chrome=1") != std::string::npos) { render_in_chrome_frame = true; break; } } } } } } if (render_in_chrome_frame) { if (IsTextHtmlMimeType(status_text)) { DLOG(INFO) << "- changing mime type to " << kChromeMimeType; status_text = kChromeMimeType; updated_mime_type = true; } else { DLOG(INFO) << "- don't want to render " << status_text << " in cf"; } } } if (updated_mime_type) { // Report all crashes in the exception handler as we updated the mime type. // Note that this avoids having the VEH report a crash if an SEH earlier in // the chain handles the exception. ExceptionBarrier barrier; return original(me, status_code, status_text); } else { // Only report exceptions caused within ChromeFrame in this context. ExceptionBarrierReportOnlyModule barrier; return original(me, status_code, status_text); } }