// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_FRAME_NP_PROXY_SERVICE_H_ #define CHROME_FRAME_NP_PROXY_SERVICE_H_ #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/values.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" // Avoid conflicts with basictypes and the gecko sdk. // (different definitions of uint32). #define NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT #include "chrome_frame/chrome_frame_automation.h" #include "chrome_frame/ns_associate_iid_win.h" #include "chrome_frame/ns_isupports_impl.h" #include "chrome_frame/scoped_ns_ptr_win.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebCore/bridge/npapi.h" #include "third_party/xulrunner-sdk/win/include/xpcom/nsIObserver.h" #include "third_party/xulrunner-sdk/win/include/pref/nsIPrefBranch2.h" #include "third_party/xulrunner-sdk/win/include/pref/nsIPrefService.h" #include "third_party/xulrunner-sdk/win/include/xpcom/nsIServiceManager.h" ASSOCIATE_IID(NS_IOBSERVER_IID_STR, nsIObserver); ASSOCIATE_IID(NS_ISERVICEMANAGER_IID_STR, nsIServiceManager); ASSOCIATE_IID(NS_IPREFSERVICE_IID_STR, nsIPrefService); ASSOCIATE_IID(NS_IPREFBRANCH2_IID_STR, nsIPrefBranch2); class nsIServiceManager; class nsIPrefService; class nsIPrefBranch2; // This class reads in proxy settings from firefox. // TODO(robertshield): The change notification code is currently broken. // Fix it and implement calling back through to the automation proxy with // proxy updates. class NpProxyService : public NsISupportsImplBase<NpProxyService>, public nsIObserver { public: // These values correspond to the integer network.proxy.type preference. enum ProxyConfigType { PROXY_CONFIG_DIRECT, PROXY_CONFIG_MANUAL, PROXY_CONFIG_PAC, PROXY_CONFIG_DIRECT4X, PROXY_CONFIG_WPAD, PROXY_CONFIG_SYSTEM, // use system settings if available, otherwise DIRECT PROXY_CONFIG_LAST }; // nsISupports NS_IMETHODIMP_(nsrefcnt) AddRef(void) { return NsISupportsImplBase<NpProxyService>::AddRef(); } NS_IMETHODIMP_(nsrefcnt) Release(void) { return NsISupportsImplBase<NpProxyService>::Release(); } NS_IMETHOD QueryInterface(REFNSIID iid, void** ptr) { nsresult res = NsISupportsImplBase<NpProxyService>::QueryInterface(iid, ptr); if (NS_FAILED(res) && memcmp(&iid, &__uuidof(nsIObserver), sizeof(nsIID)) == 0) { *ptr = static_cast<nsIObserver*>(this); AddRef(); res = NS_OK; } return res; } // nsIObserver NS_IMETHOD Observe(nsISupports* subject, const char* topic, const PRUnichar* data); NpProxyService(); ~NpProxyService(); virtual bool Initialize(NPP instance, ChromeFrameAutomationClient* automation_client); bool UnInitialize(); // Places the current Firefox settings as a JSON string suitable for posting // over to Chromium into output. Returns true if the settings were correctly // serialized into a JSON string, false otherwise. // TODO(robertshield): I haven't yet nailed down how much of this should go // here and how much should go in the AutomationProxy. Will do that in a // near-future patch. bool GetProxyValueJSONString(std::string* output); private: bool InitializePrefBranch(nsIPrefService* pref_service); bool ReadProxySettings(nsIPrefBranch* pref_branch); std::string GetStringPref(nsIPrefBranch* pref_branch, const char* pref_name); int GetIntPref(nsIPrefBranch* pref_branch, const char* pref_name); bool GetBoolPref(nsIPrefBranch* pref_branch, const char* pref_name); void Reset(); DictionaryValue* BuildProxyValueSet(); ChromeFrameAutomationClient* automation_client_; ScopedNsPtr<nsIServiceManager> service_manager_; ScopedNsPtr<nsIPrefService> pref_service_; ScopedNsPtr<nsIPrefBranch2> observer_pref_branch_; struct ProxyNames { // Proxy type (http, https, ftp, etc...). const char* chrome_scheme; // Firefox preference name of the URL for this proxy type. const char* pref_name; // Firefox preference name for the port for this proxy type. const char* port_pref_name; }; static const ProxyNames kProxyInfo[]; struct ManualProxyEntry { std::string scheme; std::string url; int port; }; typedef std::vector<ManualProxyEntry> ManualProxyList; bool system_config_; bool auto_detect_; bool no_proxy_; int type_; std::string pac_url_; std::string proxy_bypass_list_; ManualProxyList manual_proxies_; }; #endif // CHROME_FRAME_NP_PROXY_SERVICE_H_