// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This class implements a simplified and much stripped down version of
// Chrome's app/resource_bundle machinery. It notably avoids unwanted
// dependencies on things like Skia.


#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"

namespace ui {
class DataPack;
}  // namespace ui

class SimpleResourceLoader {

  static SimpleResourceLoader* GetInstance();

  // Returns the language tag for the active language.
  static std::wstring GetLanguage();

  // Helper method to return the string resource identified by message_id
  // from the currently loaded locale dll.
  static std::wstring Get(int message_id);

  // Retrieves the HINSTANCE of the loaded module handle. May be NULL if a
  // resource DLL could not be loaded.
  HMODULE GetResourceModuleHandle();

  // Retrieves the preferred languages for the current thread, adding them to
  // |language_tags|.
  static void GetPreferredLanguages(std::vector<std::wstring>* language_tags);

  // Populates |locales_path| with the path to the "Locales" directory.
  static void DetermineLocalesDirectory(FilePath* locales_path);

  // Returns false if |language_tag| is malformed.
  static bool IsValidLanguageTag(const std::wstring& language_tag);


  // Finds the most-preferred resource dll and language pack for the laguages
  // in |language_tags|
  // in |locales_path|.
  // Returns true on success with a handle to the DLL that was loaded in
  // |dll_handle|, the data pack in |data_pack| and the locale language in
  // the |language| parameter.
  static bool LoadLocalePack(const std::vector<std::wstring>& language_tags,
                             const FilePath& locales_path,
                             HMODULE* dll_handle,
                             ui::DataPack** data_pack,
                             std::wstring* language);

  // Returns the string resource identified by message_id from the currently
  // loaded locale dll.
  std::wstring GetLocalizedResource(int message_id);

  friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<SimpleResourceLoader>;

  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SimpleResourceLoaderTest, LoadLocaleDll);

  std::wstring language_;
  ui::DataPack* data_pack_;

  HINSTANCE locale_dll_handle_;