// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome_frame/test/chrome_frame_test_utils.h" #include #include #include #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/registry.h" // to find IE and firefox #include "base/scoped_handle.h" #include "base/scoped_comptr_win.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/win_util.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace chrome_frame_test { const wchar_t kIEImageName[] = L"iexplore.exe"; const wchar_t kIEBrokerImageName[] = L"ieuser.exe"; const wchar_t kFirefoxImageName[] = L"firefox.exe"; const wchar_t kOperaImageName[] = L"opera.exe"; const wchar_t kSafariImageName[] = L"safari.exe"; const wchar_t kChromeImageName[] = L"chrome.exe"; bool IsTopLevelWindow(HWND window) { long style = GetWindowLong(window, GWL_STYLE); // NOLINT if (!(style & WS_CHILD)) return true; HWND parent = GetParent(window); if (!parent) return true; if (parent == GetDesktopWindow()) return true; return false; } // Callback function for EnumThreadWindows. BOOL CALLBACK CloseWindowsThreadCallback(HWND hwnd, LPARAM param) { int& count = *reinterpret_cast(param); if (IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { if (IsWindowEnabled(hwnd)) { DWORD results = 0; if (!::SendMessageTimeout(hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE, 0, SMTO_BLOCK, 10000, &results)) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Window hung: " << StringPrintf(L"%08X", hwnd); } count++; } else { DLOG(WARNING) << "Skipping disabled window: " << StringPrintf(L"%08X", hwnd); } } return TRUE; // continue enumeration } // Attempts to close all non-child, visible windows on the given thread. // The return value is the number of visible windows a close request was // sent to. int CloseVisibleTopLevelWindowsOnThread(DWORD thread_id) { int window_close_attempts = 0; EnumThreadWindows(thread_id, CloseWindowsThreadCallback, reinterpret_cast(&window_close_attempts)); return window_close_attempts; } // Enumerates the threads of a process and attempts to close visible non-child // windows on all threads of the process. // The return value is the number of visible windows a close request was // sent to. int CloseVisibleWindowsOnAllThreads(HANDLE process) { DWORD process_id = ::GetProcessId(process); if (process_id == 0) { NOTREACHED(); return 0; } ScopedHandle snapshot(CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0)); if (!snapshot.IsValid()) { NOTREACHED(); return 0; } int window_close_attempts = 0; THREADENTRY32 te = { sizeof(THREADENTRY32) }; if (Thread32First(snapshot, &te)) { do { if (RTL_CONTAINS_FIELD(&te, te.dwSize, th32OwnerProcessID) && te.th32OwnerProcessID == process_id) { window_close_attempts += CloseVisibleTopLevelWindowsOnThread(te.th32ThreadID); } te.dwSize = sizeof(te); } while (Thread32Next(snapshot, &te)); } return window_close_attempts; } class ForegroundHelperWindow : public CWindowImpl { public: BEGIN_MSG_MAP(ForegroundHelperWindow) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_HOTKEY, OnHotKey) END_MSG_MAP() HRESULT SetForeground(HWND window) { DCHECK(::IsWindow(window)); if (NULL == Create(NULL, NULL, NULL, WS_POPUP)) return AtlHresultFromLastError(); static const int hotkey_id = 0x0000baba; SetWindowLongPtr(GWLP_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast(window)); RegisterHotKey(m_hWnd, hotkey_id, 0, VK_F22); MSG msg = {0}; PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE); INPUT hotkey = {0}; hotkey.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; hotkey.ki.wVk = VK_F22; SendInput(1, &hotkey, sizeof(hotkey)); while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); if (WM_HOTKEY == msg.message) break; } UnregisterHotKey(m_hWnd, hotkey_id); DestroyWindow(); return S_OK; } LRESULT OnHotKey(UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp, BOOL& handled) { // NOLINT HWND window = reinterpret_cast(GetWindowLongPtr(GWLP_USERDATA)); SetForegroundWindow(window); return 1; } }; bool ForceSetForegroundWindow(HWND window) { if (GetForegroundWindow() == window) return true; ForegroundHelperWindow foreground_helper_window; HRESULT hr = foreground_helper_window.SetForeground(window); return SUCCEEDED(hr); } struct PidAndWindow { base::ProcessId pid; HWND hwnd; }; BOOL CALLBACK FindWindowInProcessCallback(HWND hwnd, LPARAM param) { PidAndWindow* paw = reinterpret_cast(param); base::ProcessId pid; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid); if (pid == paw->pid && IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { paw->hwnd = hwnd; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } bool EnsureProcessInForeground(base::ProcessId process_id) { HWND hwnd = GetForegroundWindow(); base::ProcessId current_foreground_pid = 0; DWORD active_thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, ¤t_foreground_pid); if (current_foreground_pid == process_id) return true; PidAndWindow paw = { process_id }; EnumWindows(FindWindowInProcessCallback, reinterpret_cast(&paw)); if (!IsWindow(paw.hwnd)) { DLOG(ERROR) << "failed to find process window"; return false; } bool ret = ForceSetForegroundWindow(paw.hwnd); DLOG_IF(ERROR, !ret) << "ForceSetForegroundWindow: " << ret; return ret; } // Iterates through all the characters in the string and simulates // keyboard input. The input goes to the currently active application. bool SendString(const wchar_t* string) { DCHECK(string != NULL); INPUT input[2] = {0}; input[0].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; input[0].ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_UNICODE; // to avoid shift, etc. input[1] = input[0]; input[1].ki.dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; for (const wchar_t* p = string; *p; p++) { input[0].ki.wScan = input[1].ki.wScan = *p; SendInput(2, input, sizeof(INPUT)); } return true; } void SendVirtualKey(int16 key) { INPUT input = { INPUT_KEYBOARD }; input.ki.wVk = key; SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(input)); input.ki.dwFlags = KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(input)); } void SendChar(char c) { SendVirtualKey(VkKeyScanA(c)); } void SendString(const char* s) { while (*s) { SendChar(*s); s++; } } // Sends a keystroke to the currently active application with optional // modifiers set. bool SendMnemonic(WORD mnemonic_char, bool shift_pressed, bool control_pressed, bool alt_pressed) { INPUT special_keys[3] = {0}; for (int index = 0; index < arraysize(special_keys); ++index) { special_keys[index].type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; special_keys[index].ki.dwFlags = 0; } int num_special_keys = 0; if (shift_pressed) { special_keys[num_special_keys].ki.wVk = VK_SHIFT; num_special_keys++; } if (control_pressed) { special_keys[num_special_keys].ki.wVk = VK_CONTROL; num_special_keys++; } if (alt_pressed) { special_keys[num_special_keys].ki.wVk = VK_MENU; num_special_keys++; } // Depress the modifiers. SendInput(num_special_keys, special_keys, sizeof(INPUT)); Sleep(100); INPUT mnemonic = {0}; mnemonic.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD; mnemonic.ki.wVk = mnemonic_char; // Depress and release the mnemonic. SendInput(1, &mnemonic, sizeof(INPUT)); Sleep(100); mnemonic.ki.dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; SendInput(1, &mnemonic, sizeof(INPUT)); Sleep(100); // Now release the modifiers. for (int index = 0; index < num_special_keys; index++) { special_keys[index].ki.dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; } SendInput(num_special_keys, special_keys, sizeof(INPUT)); Sleep(100); return true; } std::wstring GetExecutableAppPath(const std::wstring& file) { std::wstring kAppPathsKey = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\"; std::wstring app_path; RegKey key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (kAppPathsKey + file).c_str()); if (key.Handle()) { key.ReadValue(NULL, &app_path); } return app_path; } std::wstring FormatCommandForApp(const std::wstring& exe_name, const std::wstring& argument) { std::wstring reg_path(StringPrintf(L"Applications\\%ls\\shell\\open\\command", exe_name.c_str())); RegKey key(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, reg_path.c_str()); std::wstring command; if (key.Handle()) { key.ReadValue(NULL, &command); int found = command.find(L"%1"); if (found >= 0) { command.replace(found, 2, argument); } } return command; } base::ProcessHandle LaunchExecutable(const std::wstring& executable, const std::wstring& argument) { base::ProcessHandle process = NULL; std::wstring path = GetExecutableAppPath(executable); if (path.empty()) { path = FormatCommandForApp(executable, argument); if (path.empty()) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find executable: " << executable; } else { CommandLine cmdline = CommandLine::FromString(path); base::LaunchApp(cmdline, false, false, &process); } } else { CommandLine cmdline((FilePath(path))); cmdline.AppendLooseValue(argument); base::LaunchApp(cmdline, false, false, &process); } return process; } base::ProcessHandle LaunchFirefox(const std::wstring& url) { return LaunchExecutable(kFirefoxImageName, url); } base::ProcessHandle LaunchSafari(const std::wstring& url) { return LaunchExecutable(kSafariImageName, url); } base::ProcessHandle LaunchChrome(const std::wstring& url) { return LaunchExecutable(kChromeImageName, StringPrintf(L"--%ls ", switches::kNoFirstRun) + url); } base::ProcessHandle LaunchOpera(const std::wstring& url) { // NOTE: For Opera tests to work it must be configured to start up with // a blank page. There is an command line switch, -nosession, that's supposed // to avoid opening up the previous session, but that switch is not working. // TODO(tommi): Include a special ini file (opera6.ini) for opera and launch // with our required settings. This file is by default stored here: // "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile\opera6.ini" return LaunchExecutable(kOperaImageName, url); } base::ProcessHandle LaunchIEOnVista(const std::wstring& url) { typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* IELaunchURLPtr)( const wchar_t* url, PROCESS_INFORMATION *pi, VOID *info); IELaunchURLPtr launch; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = {0}; IELAUNCHURLINFO info = {sizeof info, 0}; HMODULE h = LoadLibrary(L"ieframe.dll"); if (!h) return NULL; launch = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(h, "IELaunchURL")); HRESULT hr = launch(url.c_str(), &pi, &info); FreeLibrary(h); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) CloseHandle(pi.hThread); return pi.hProcess; } base::ProcessHandle LaunchIE(const std::wstring& url) { if (win_util::GetWinVersion() >= win_util::WINVERSION_VISTA) { return LaunchIEOnVista(url); } else { return LaunchExecutable(kIEImageName, url); } } int CloseAllIEWindows() { int ret = 0; ScopedComPtr windows; HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(ShellWindows), NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IShellWindows, reinterpret_cast(windows.Receive())); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { long count = 0; // NOLINT windows->get_Count(&count); VARIANT i = { VT_I4 }; for (i.lVal = 0; i.lVal < count; ++i.lVal) { ScopedComPtr folder; windows->Item(i, folder.Receive()); if (folder != NULL) { ScopedComPtr browser; if (SUCCEEDED(browser.QueryFrom(folder))) { browser->Quit(); ++ret; } } } } return ret; } void ShowChromeFrameContextMenuTask() { static const int kChromeFrameContextMenuTimeout = 500; HWND renderer_window = GetChromeRendererWindow(); EXPECT_TRUE(IsWindow(renderer_window)); // Bring up the context menu in the Chrome renderer window. PostMessage(renderer_window, WM_RBUTTONDOWN, MK_RBUTTON, MAKELPARAM(50, 50)); PostMessage(renderer_window, WM_RBUTTONUP, MK_RBUTTON, MAKELPARAM(50, 50)); MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(SelectAboutChromeFrame), kChromeFrameContextMenuTimeout); } void ShowChromeFrameContextMenu() { static const int kContextMenuDelay = 5000; MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(ShowChromeFrameContextMenuTask), kContextMenuDelay); } void SelectAboutChromeFrame() { // Send a key up message to enable the About chrome frame option to be // selected followed by a return to select it. chrome_frame_test::SendVirtualKey(VK_UP); chrome_frame_test::SendVirtualKey(VK_RETURN); } BOOL CALLBACK FindChromeRendererWindowProc( HWND window, LPARAM lParam) { HWND* target_window = reinterpret_cast(lParam); wchar_t class_name[MAX_PATH] = {0}; GetClassName(window, class_name, arraysize(class_name)); if (!_wcsicmp(class_name, L"Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND")) { *target_window = window; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK EnumHostBrowserWindowProc( HWND window, LPARAM lParam) { EnumChildWindows(window, FindChromeRendererWindowProc, lParam); HWND* target_window = reinterpret_cast(lParam); if (IsWindow(*target_window)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } HWND GetChromeRendererWindow() { HWND chrome_window = NULL; EnumWindows(EnumHostBrowserWindowProc, reinterpret_cast(&chrome_window)); return chrome_window; } } // namespace chrome_frame_test