// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome_frame/test/chrome_frame_ui_test_utils.h"

#include <windows.h>

#include <sstream>
#include <stack>

#include "base/message_loop.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_bstr.h"
#include "gfx/point.h"
#include "gfx/rect.h"
#include "chrome_frame/test/win_event_receiver.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/xulrunner-sdk/win/include/accessibility/AccessibleEventId.h"

namespace chrome_frame_test {

// Timeout for waiting on Chrome to create the accessibility tree for the DOM.
const int kChromeDOMAccessibilityTreeTimeoutMs = 10 * 1000;

// Timeout for waiting on a menu to popup.
const int kMenuPopupTimeoutMs = 10 * 1000;

// AccObject methods
AccObject::AccObject(IAccessible* accessible, int child_id)
    : accessible_(accessible), child_id_(child_id) {
  if (child_id != CHILDID_SELF) {
    ScopedComPtr<IDispatch> dispatch;
    // This class does not support referring to a full MSAA object using the
    // parent object and the child id.
    HRESULT result = accessible_->get_accChild(child_id_, dispatch.Receive());
    if (result != S_FALSE && result != E_NOINTERFACE) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "AccObject created which refers to full MSAA object using "
                    "parent object and child id. This should NOT be done.";
    DCHECK(result == S_FALSE || result == E_NOINTERFACE);

// static
AccObject* AccObject::CreateFromWindow(HWND hwnd) {
  ScopedComPtr<IAccessible> accessible;
  ::AccessibleObjectFromWindow(hwnd, OBJID_CLIENT,
      IID_IAccessible, reinterpret_cast<void**>(accessible.Receive()));
  if (accessible)
    return new AccObject(accessible);
  return NULL;

// static
AccObject* AccObject::CreateFromEvent(HWND hwnd, LONG object_id,
                                      LONG child_id) {
  ScopedComPtr<IAccessible> accessible;
  ScopedVariant acc_child_id;
  ::AccessibleObjectFromEvent(hwnd, object_id, child_id, accessible.Receive(),
  if (accessible && acc_child_id.type() == VT_I4)
    return new AccObject(accessible, V_I4(&acc_child_id));
  return NULL;

// static
AccObject* AccObject::CreateFromDispatch(IDispatch* dispatch) {
  if (dispatch) {
    ScopedComPtr<IAccessible> accessible;
    if (accessible)
      return new AccObject(accessible);
  return NULL;

// static
AccObject* AccObject::CreateFromPoint(int x, int y) {
  ScopedComPtr<IAccessible> accessible;
  ScopedVariant child_id;
  POINT point = {x, y};
  ::AccessibleObjectFromPoint(point, accessible.Receive(), child_id.Receive());
  if (accessible && child_id.type() == VT_I4)
    return new AccObject(accessible, V_I4(&child_id));
  return NULL;

bool AccObject::DoDefaultAction() {
  // Prevent clients from using this method to try to select menu items, which
  // does not work with a locked desktop.
  std::wstring class_name;
  if (GetWindowClassName(&class_name)) {
    DCHECK(class_name != L"#32768") << "Do not use DoDefaultAction with menus";

  HRESULT result = accessible_->accDoDefaultAction(child_id_);
      << "Could not do default action for AccObject: " << GetDescription();
  return SUCCEEDED(result);

bool AccObject::LeftClick() {
  return PostMouseButtonMessages(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONUP);

bool AccObject::RightClick() {
  return PostMouseButtonMessages(WM_RBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONUP);

bool AccObject::Focus() {
      accessible_->accSelect(SELFLAG_TAKEFOCUS, child_id_));

  // Double check that the object actually received focus. In some cases
  // the parent object must have the focus first.
  bool did_focus = false;
  ScopedVariant focused;
  if (SUCCEEDED(accessible_->get_accFocus(focused.Receive()))) {
    if (focused.type() != VT_EMPTY)
      did_focus = true;
  EXPECT_TRUE(did_focus) << "Could not focus AccObject: " << GetDescription();
  return did_focus;

bool AccObject::Select() {
  // SELFLAG_TAKESELECTION needs to be combined with the focus in order to
  // take effect.
  EXPECT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(accessible_->accSelect(selection_flag, child_id_));

  // Double check that the object actually received selection.
  bool did_select = false;
  ScopedVariant selected;
  if (SUCCEEDED(accessible_->get_accSelection(selected.Receive()))) {
    if (selected.type() != VT_EMPTY)
      did_select = true;
  EXPECT_TRUE(did_select) << "Could not select AccObject: " << GetDescription();
  return did_select;

bool AccObject::SetValue(const std::wstring& value) {
  base::win::ScopedBstr value_bstr(value.c_str());
  EXPECT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(accessible_->put_accValue(child_id_, value_bstr));

  // Double check that the object's value has actually changed. Some objects'
  // values can not be changed.
  bool did_set_value = false;
  std::wstring actual_value = L"-";
  if (GetValue(&actual_value) && value == actual_value) {
    did_set_value = true;
  EXPECT_TRUE(did_set_value) << "Could not set value for AccObject: "
                             << GetDescription();
  return did_set_value;

bool AccObject::GetName(std::wstring* name) {
  base::win::ScopedBstr name_bstr;
  HRESULT result = accessible_->get_accName(child_id_, name_bstr.Receive());
  if (SUCCEEDED(result))
    name->assign(name_bstr, name_bstr.Length());
  return SUCCEEDED(result);

bool AccObject::GetRoleText(std::wstring* role_text) {
  ScopedVariant role_variant;
  if (SUCCEEDED(accessible_->get_accRole(child_id_, role_variant.Receive()))) {
    if (role_variant.type() == VT_I4) {
      wchar_t role_text_array[50];
      UINT characters = ::GetRoleText(V_I4(&role_variant), role_text_array,
      if (characters) {
        *role_text = role_text_array;
        return true;
      } else {
        DLOG(ERROR) << "GetRoleText failed for role: "
                    << V_I4(&role_variant);
    } else if (role_variant.type() == VT_BSTR) {
      *role_text = V_BSTR(&role_variant);
      return true;
    } else {
      DLOG(ERROR) << "Role was unexpected variant type: "
                  << role_variant.type();
  return false;

bool AccObject::GetValue(std::wstring* value) {
  base::win::ScopedBstr value_bstr;
  HRESULT result = accessible_->get_accValue(child_id_, value_bstr.Receive());
  if (SUCCEEDED(result))
    value->assign(value_bstr, value_bstr.Length());
  return SUCCEEDED(result);

bool AccObject::GetState(int* state) {
  ScopedVariant state_variant;
  if (SUCCEEDED(accessible_->get_accState(child_id_,
                                          state_variant.Receive()))) {
    if (state_variant.type() == VT_I4) {
      *state = V_I4(&state_variant);
      return true;
  return false;

bool AccObject::GetLocation(gfx::Rect* location) {
  long left, top, width, height;  // NOLINT
  HRESULT result = accessible_->accLocation(&left, &top, &width, &height,
  if (SUCCEEDED(result))
    *location = gfx::Rect(left, top, width, height);
  return SUCCEEDED(result);

bool AccObject::GetLocationInClient(gfx::Rect* client_location) {
  gfx::Rect location;
  if (!GetLocation(&location))
    return false;
  HWND container_window = NULL;
  if (!GetWindow(&container_window))
    return false;
  POINT offset = {0, 0};
  if (!::ScreenToClient(container_window, &offset)) {
    DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not convert from screen to client coordinates for "
        << "window containing accessibility object: " << GetDescription();
    return false;
  location.Offset(offset.x, offset.y);
  *client_location = location;
  return true;

AccObject* AccObject::GetParent() {
  if (IsSimpleElement())
    return new AccObject(accessible_);
  ScopedComPtr<IDispatch> dispatch;
  if (FAILED(accessible_->get_accParent(dispatch.Receive())))
    return NULL;
  return AccObject::CreateFromDispatch(dispatch.get());

bool AccObject::GetChildren(RefCountedAccObjectVector* client_objects) {
  int child_count;
  if (!GetChildCount(&child_count)) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get child count of AccObject";
    return false;
  if (child_count == 0)
    return true;

  RefCountedAccObjectVector objects;
  // Find children using |AccessibleChildren|.
  scoped_array<VARIANT> children(new VARIANT[child_count]);
  long found_child_count;  // NOLINT
  if (FAILED(AccessibleChildren(accessible_, 0L, child_count,
                                &found_child_count))) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get children of accessible object";
    return false;
  if (found_child_count > 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < found_child_count; i++) {
      scoped_refptr<AccObject> obj = CreateFromVariant(this, children[i]);
      if (obj)

  // In some cases, there are more children which can be found only by using
  // the deprecated |accNavigate| method. Many of the menus, such as
  // 'Favorites', cannot be found in IE6 using |AccessibileChildren|. Here we
  // attempt a best effort at finding some remaining children.
  int remaining_child_count = child_count - found_child_count;
  scoped_refptr<AccObject> child_object;
  if (remaining_child_count > 0) {
    GetFromNavigation(NAVDIR_FIRSTCHILD, &child_object);
  while (remaining_child_count > 0 && child_object) {
    // Add to the children list if this child was not found earlier.
    bool already_found = false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i) {
      if (child_object->Equals(objects[i])) {
        already_found = true;
    if (!already_found) {
    scoped_refptr<AccObject> next_child_object;
    child_object->GetFromNavigation(NAVDIR_NEXT, &next_child_object);
    child_object = next_child_object;

  client_objects->insert(client_objects->end(), objects.begin(), objects.end());
  return true;

bool AccObject::GetChildCount(int* child_count) {
  *child_count = 0;
  if (!IsSimpleElement()) {
    long long_child_count;  // NOLINT
    if (FAILED(accessible_->get_accChildCount(&long_child_count)))
      return false;
    *child_count = static_cast<int>(long_child_count);
  return true;

bool AccObject::GetFromNavigation(long navigation_type,
                                  scoped_refptr<AccObject>* object) {
  bool is_child_navigation = navigation_type == NAVDIR_FIRSTCHILD ||
                             navigation_type == NAVDIR_LASTCHILD;
  DCHECK(!is_child_navigation || !IsSimpleElement());
  ScopedVariant object_variant;
  HRESULT result = accessible_->accNavigate(navigation_type,
  if (FAILED(result)) {
    LOG(WARNING) << "Navigation from accessibility object failed";
    return false;
  if (result == S_FALSE || object_variant.type() == VT_EMPTY) {
    // This indicates that there was no accessibility object found by the
    // navigation.
    return true;
  AccObject* navigated_to_object;
  if (!is_child_navigation && !IsSimpleElement()) {
    scoped_refptr<AccObject> parent = GetParent();
    if (!parent.get()) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Could not get parent for accessibiliy navigation";
      return false;
    navigated_to_object = CreateFromVariant(parent, object_variant);
  } else {
    navigated_to_object = CreateFromVariant(this, object_variant);
  if (!navigated_to_object)
    return false;
  *object = navigated_to_object;
  return true;

bool AccObject::GetWindow(HWND* window) {
  return SUCCEEDED(::WindowFromAccessibleObject(accessible_, window)) && window;

bool AccObject::GetWindowClassName(std::wstring* class_name) {
  HWND container_window = NULL;
  if (GetWindow(&container_window)) {
    wchar_t class_arr[MAX_PATH];
    if (::GetClassName(container_window, class_arr, arraysize(class_arr))) {
      *class_name = class_arr;
      return true;
  return false;

bool AccObject::IsSimpleElement() {
  return V_I4(&child_id_) != CHILDID_SELF;

bool AccObject::Equals(AccObject* other) {
  if (other) {
    DCHECK(child_id_.type() == VT_I4 && other->child_id_.type() == VT_I4);
    return accessible_.get() == other->accessible_.get() &&
        V_I4(&child_id_) == V_I4(&other->child_id_);
  return false;

std::wstring AccObject::GetDescription() {
  std::wstring name = L"-", role_text = L"-", value = L"-";
  if (GetName(&name))
    name = L"'" + name + L"'";
  if (GetRoleText(&role_text))
    role_text = L"'" + role_text + L"'";
  if (GetValue(&value))
    value = L"'" + value + L"'";
  int state = 0;
  return base::StringPrintf(L"[%ls, %ls, %ls, 0x%x]", name.c_str(),
                            role_text.c_str(), value.c_str(), state);

std::wstring AccObject::GetTree() {
  std::wostringstream string_stream;
  string_stream << L"Accessibility object tree:" << std::endl;
  string_stream << L"[name, role_text, value, state]" << std::endl;

  std::stack<std::pair<scoped_refptr<AccObject>, int> > pairs;
  pairs.push(std::make_pair(this, 0));
  while (!pairs.empty()) {
    scoped_refptr<AccObject> object = pairs.top().first;
    int depth = pairs.top().second;

    for (int i = 0; i < depth; ++i)
      string_stream << L"    ";
    string_stream << object->GetDescription() << std::endl;

    RefCountedAccObjectVector children;
    if (object->GetChildren(&children)) {
      for (int i = static_cast<int>(children.size()) - 1; i >= 0; --i)
        pairs.push(std::make_pair(children[i], depth + 1));
  return string_stream.str();

// static
AccObject* AccObject::CreateFromVariant(AccObject* object,
                                        const VARIANT& variant) {
  IAccessible* accessible = object->accessible_;
  if (V_VT(&variant) == VT_I4) {
    // According to MSDN, a server is allowed to return a full Accessibility
    // object using the parent object and the child id. If get_accChild is
    // called with the id, the server must return the actual IAccessible
    // interface. Do that here to get an actual IAccessible interface if
    // possible, since this class operates under the assumption that if the
    // child id is not CHILDID_SELF, the object is a simple element. See the
    // DCHECK in the constructor.
    ScopedComPtr<IDispatch> dispatch;
    HRESULT result = accessible->get_accChild(variant,
    if (result == S_FALSE || result == E_NOINTERFACE) {
      // The object in question really is a simple element.
      return new AccObject(accessible, V_I4(&variant));
    } else if (SUCCEEDED(result)) {
      // The object in question was actually a full object.
      return CreateFromDispatch(dispatch.get());
    LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to determine if child id refers to a full "
                  << "object. Error: " << result << std::endl
                  << "Parent object: " << WideToUTF8(object->GetDescription())
                  << std::endl << "Child ID: " << V_I4(&variant);
    return NULL;
  } else if (V_VT(&variant) == VT_DISPATCH) {
    return CreateFromDispatch(V_DISPATCH(&variant));
  LOG(WARNING) << "Unrecognizable child type";
  return NULL;

bool AccObject::PostMouseButtonMessages(int button_up, int button_down) {
 std::wstring class_name;
  if (!GetWindowClassName(&class_name)) {
    DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not get class name of window for accessibility "
                << "object: " << GetDescription();
    return false;
  gfx::Rect location;
  if (class_name == L"#32768") {
    // For some reason, it seems that menus expect screen coordinates.
    if (!GetLocation(&location))
      return false;
  } else {
    if (!GetLocationInClient(&location))
      return false;
  HWND container_window;
  if (!GetWindow(&container_window))
    return false;

  gfx::Point center = location.CenterPoint();
  LPARAM coordinates = (center.y() << 16) | center.x();
  ::PostMessage(container_window, button_up, 0, coordinates);
  ::PostMessage(container_window, button_down, 0, coordinates);
  return true;

// AccObjectMatcher methods
AccObjectMatcher::AccObjectMatcher(const std::wstring& name,
                                   const std::wstring& role_text,
                                   const std::wstring& value)
    : name_(name), role_text_(role_text), value_(value) {

bool AccObjectMatcher::FindHelper(AccObject* object,
                                  scoped_refptr<AccObject>* match) const {
  if (DoesMatch(object)) {
    *match = object;
  } else {
    // Try to match the children of |object|.
    AccObject::RefCountedAccObjectVector children;
    if (!object->GetChildren(&children)) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get children of AccObject";
      return false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) {
      if (!FindHelper(children[i], match)) {
        return false;
      if (*match)
  return true;

bool AccObjectMatcher::Find(AccObject* object,
                            scoped_refptr<AccObject>* match) const {
  *match = NULL;
  return FindHelper(object, match);

bool AccObjectMatcher::FindInWindow(HWND hwnd,
                                    scoped_refptr<AccObject>* match) const {
  scoped_refptr<AccObject> object(AccObject::CreateFromWindow(hwnd));
  if (!object) {
    VLOG(1) << "Failed to get accessible object from window";
    return false;
  return Find(object.get(), match);

bool AccObjectMatcher::DoesMatch(AccObject* object) const {
  bool does_match = true;
  std::wstring name, role_text, value;
  if (name_.length()) {
    does_match = MatchPattern(name, name_);
  if (does_match && role_text_.length()) {
    does_match = MatchPattern(role_text, role_text_);
  if (does_match && value_.length()) {
    does_match = MatchPattern(value, value_);
  return does_match;

std::wstring AccObjectMatcher::GetDescription() const {
  std::wostringstream ss;
  ss << L"[";
  if (name_.length())
    ss << L"Name: '" << name_ << L"', ";
  if (role_text_.length())
    ss << L"Role: '" << role_text_ << L"', ";
  if (value_.length())
    ss << L"Value: '" << value_ << L"'";
  ss << L"]";
  return ss.str();

// AccEventObserver methods
    : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(event_handler_(new EventHandler(this))),
      is_watching_(false) {
  event_receiver_.SetListenerForEvents(this, EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPSTART,

AccEventObserver::~AccEventObserver() {
  event_handler_->observer_ = NULL;

void AccEventObserver::WatchForOneValueChange(const AccObjectMatcher& matcher) {
  is_watching_ = true;
  watching_for_matcher_ = matcher;

void AccEventObserver::OnEventReceived(DWORD event,
                                       HWND hwnd,
                                       LONG object_id,
                                       LONG child_id) {
  // Process events in a separate task to stop reentrancy problems.
      NewRunnableMethod(event_handler_.get(), &EventHandler::Handle,
                        event, hwnd, object_id, child_id));

// AccEventObserver::EventHandler methods
AccEventObserver::EventHandler::EventHandler(AccEventObserver* observer)
    : observer_(observer) {

void AccEventObserver::EventHandler::Handle(DWORD event,
                                            HWND hwnd,
                                            LONG object_id,
                                            LONG child_id) {
  if (!observer_)
  switch (event) {
      if (observer_->is_watching_) {
        scoped_refptr<AccObject> object(
            AccObject::CreateFromEvent(hwnd, object_id, child_id));
        if (object) {
          if (observer_->watching_for_matcher_.DoesMatch(object.get())) {
            // Stop watching before calling OnAccValueChange in case the
            // client invokes our watch method during the call.
            observer_->is_watching_ = false;
            std::wstring new_value;
            if (object->GetValue(&new_value)) {
              observer_->OnAccValueChange(hwnd, object.get(), new_value);

// Other methods
bool FindAccObjectInWindow(HWND hwnd, const AccObjectMatcher& matcher,
                           scoped_refptr<AccObject>* object) {
  EXPECT_TRUE(matcher.FindInWindow(hwnd, object));
  EXPECT_TRUE(*object) << "Element not found for matcher: "
        << matcher.GetDescription();
  if (!*object)
  return *object;

void DumpAccessibilityTreeForWindow(HWND hwnd) {
  scoped_refptr<AccObject> object(AccObject::CreateFromWindow(hwnd));
  if (object)
    std::wcout << object->GetTree();
    std::cout << "Could not get IAccessible for window" << std::endl;

bool IsDesktopUnlocked() {
  HDESK desk = ::OpenInputDesktop(0, FALSE, DESKTOP_SWITCHDESKTOP);
  if (desk)
  return desk;

}  // namespace chrome_frame_test