// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome_frame/test/mock_ie_event_sink_test.h" #include #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome_frame/test/mock_ie_event_sink_actions.h" // Needed for CreateFunctor. #define GMOCK_MUTANT_INCLUDE_LATE_OBJECT_BINDING #include "testing/gmock_mutant.h" using testing::_; using testing::Cardinality; using testing::Exactly; using testing::ExpectationSet; using testing::InSequence; using testing::StrCaseEq; namespace chrome_frame_test { // MockIEEventSink methods ExpectationSet MockIEEventSink::ExpectNavigationCardinality( const std::wstring& url, Cardinality before_cardinality, Cardinality complete_cardinality) { ExpectationSet navigation; if (url.empty()) { navigation += EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnBeforeNavigate2(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)) .Times(before_cardinality).RetiresOnSaturation(); } else { navigation += EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnBeforeNavigate2(_, testing::Field(&VARIANT::bstrVal, StrCaseEq(url)), _, _, _, _, _)) .Times(before_cardinality).RetiresOnSaturation(); } // Hack: OnFileDownload may occur zero or once (for reasons not understood) // before each OnNavigateComplete2 which causes problems for tests expecting // things in sequence. To redress this, expectations which allow multiple // calls are split into expect statements expecting exactly one call or at // most one call. // TODO(kkania): Consider avoiding this problem by creating a mock without // the OnFileDownload call or by removing the dependency of some tests on // InSequence. DLOG_IF(WARNING, complete_cardinality.ConservativeUpperBound() > 1000) << "Cardinality upper bound may be too great to be split up into single " << "expect statements. If you do not require this navigation to be in " << "sequence, do not call this method."; int call_count = 0; InSequence expect_in_sequence_for_scope; while (!complete_cardinality.IsSaturatedByCallCount(call_count)) { navigation += EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnFileDownload(_, _)) .Times(testing::AtMost(1)) .RetiresOnSaturation(); Cardinality split_complete_cardinality = testing::Exactly(1); if (complete_cardinality.IsSatisfiedByCallCount(call_count)) split_complete_cardinality = testing::AtMost(1); if (url.empty()) { navigation += EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnNavigateComplete2(_, _)) .Times(split_complete_cardinality) .RetiresOnSaturation(); } else { navigation += EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnNavigateComplete2(_, testing::Field(&VARIANT::bstrVal, StrCaseEq(url)))) .Times(split_complete_cardinality) .RetiresOnSaturation(); } call_count++; } return navigation; } void MockIEEventSink::ExpectNavigation(bool is_cf, const std::wstring& url) { InSequence expect_in_sequence_for_scope; if (is_cf) { ExpectNavigationCardinality(url, Exactly(1), testing::Between(1, 2)); } else { ExpectNavigationCardinality(url, Exactly(1), Exactly(1)); } } void MockIEEventSink::ExpectInPageNavigation(bool is_cf, const std::wstring& url) { InSequence expect_in_sequence_for_scope; if (is_cf && GetInstalledIEVersion() == IE_6) { // OnBeforeNavigation events are not sent for navigation between different // anchors in a CF page in IE6. ExpectNavigationCardinality(url, testing::AtMost(1), testing::Between(1, 2)); } else { ExpectNavigation(is_cf, url); } } void MockIEEventSink::ExpectJavascriptWindowOpenNavigation( bool parent_cf, bool new_window_cf, const std::wstring& url) { DCHECK(!(parent_cf && !new_window_cf)) << "Cannot expect popup to be loaded" " in Internet Explorer if parent window is loaded in Chrome Frame."; if (parent_cf) { InSequence expect_in_sequence_for_scope; ExpectNavigation(IN_CF, L""); ExpectNavigationCardinality(L"", testing::AtMost(1), testing::Between(1, 2)); } else { if (new_window_cf) { ExpectNavigationCardinality(url, testing::AtMost(1), testing::AtMost(1)); // Sometimes an extra load occurs here for some reason. EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnLoad(IN_IE, StrCaseEq(url))) .Times(testing::AtMost(1)); ExpectNavigationCardinality(url, testing::AtMost(1), testing::Between(1, 2)); } else { ExpectNavigation(IN_IE, url); } } } void MockIEEventSink::ExpectNewWindow(MockIEEventSink* new_window_mock) { DCHECK(new_window_mock); EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnNewWindow3(_, _, _, _, _)); EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnNewBrowserWindow(_, _)) .WillOnce(testing::WithArgs<0>(testing::Invoke(testing::CreateFunctor( new_window_mock, &MockIEEventSink::Attach)))); } void MockIEEventSink::ExpectAnyNavigations() { EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnBeforeNavigate2(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)) .Times(testing::AnyNumber()); EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnFileDownload(VARIANT_TRUE, _)) .Times(testing::AnyNumber()); EXPECT_CALL(*this, OnNavigateComplete2(_, _)) .Times(testing::AnyNumber()); } // MockIEEventSinkTest methods MockIEEventSinkTest::MockIEEventSinkTest() : server_mock_(1337, L"", GetTestDataFolder()) { EXPECT_CALL(server_mock_, Get(_, StrCaseEq(L"/favicon.ico"), _)) .WillRepeatedly(SendFast("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found", "")); } void MockIEEventSinkTest::LaunchIEAndNavigate(const std::wstring& url) { LaunchIENavigateAndLoop(url, kChromeFrameLongNavigationTimeoutInSeconds); } void MockIEEventSinkTest::LaunchIENavigateAndLoop(const std::wstring& url, int timeout) { EXPECT_CALL(ie_mock_, OnQuit()) .WillOnce(QUIT_LOOP(loop_)); HRESULT hr = ie_mock_.event_sink()->LaunchIEAndNavigate(url, &ie_mock_); ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(hr); if (hr == S_FALSE) return; ASSERT_TRUE(ie_mock_.event_sink()->web_browser2() != NULL); loop_.RunFor(timeout); } std::wstring MockIEEventSinkTest::GetTestUrl( const std::wstring& relative_path) { return server_mock_.Resolve(relative_path.c_str()); } } // namespace chrome_frame_test