// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome_frame/test/perf/chrome_frame_perftest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/debug/trace_event_win.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/process/kill.h" #include "base/process/launch.h" #include "base/process/process_iterator.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/test/perf_time_logger.h" #include "base/test/test_file_util.h" #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "base/win/event_trace_consumer.h" #include "base/win/event_trace_controller.h" #include "base/win/registry.h" #include "base/win/scoped_bstr.h" #include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h" #include "base/win/scoped_variant.h" #include "chrome/app/image_pre_reader_win.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths_internal.h" #include "chrome/test/base/chrome_process_util.h" #include "chrome/test/ui/ui_perf_test.h" #include "chrome_frame/chrome_tab.h" #include "chrome_frame/test_utils.h" #include "chrome_frame/utils.h" #include "testing/perf/perf_test.h" const wchar_t kSilverlightControlKey[] = L"CLSID\\{DFEAF541-F3E1-4c24-ACAC-99C30715084A}\\InprocServer32"; const wchar_t kFlashControlKey[] = L"CLSID\\{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000}\\InprocServer32"; using base::TimeDelta; using base::TimeTicks; // This class implements an ActiveX container which hosts the ChromeFrame // ActiveX control. It provides hooks which can be implemented by derived // classes for implementing performance measurement, etc. class ChromeFrameActiveXContainer : public CWindowImpl >, public CComObjectRootEx, public IPropertyNotifySink { public: ~ChromeFrameActiveXContainer() { if (m_hWnd) DestroyWindow(); } DECLARE_WND_CLASS_EX(L"ChromeFrameActiveX_container", 0, 0) BEGIN_COM_MAP(ChromeFrameActiveXContainer) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IPropertyNotifySink) END_COM_MAP() BEGIN_MSG_MAP(ChromeFrameActiveXContainer) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_CREATE, OnCreate) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_DESTROY, OnDestroy) END_MSG_MAP() HRESULT OnMessageCallback(const VARIANT* param) { DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__; OnMessageCallbackImpl(param); return S_OK; } HRESULT OnLoadErrorCallback(const VARIANT* param) { DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " " << param->bstrVal; OnLoadErrorCallbackImpl(param); return S_OK; } HRESULT OnLoadCallback(const VARIANT* param) { DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " " << param->bstrVal; OnLoadCallbackImpl(param); return S_OK; } ChromeFrameActiveXContainer() : prop_notify_cookie_(0), onmsg_(this, &ChromeFrameActiveXContainer::OnMessageCallback), onloaderror_(this, &ChromeFrameActiveXContainer::OnLoadErrorCallback), onload_(this, &ChromeFrameActiveXContainer::OnLoadCallback) { } LRESULT OnCreate(UINT , WPARAM , LPARAM , BOOL& ) { chromeview_.Attach(m_hWnd); return 0; } // This will be called twice. // Once from CAxHostWindow::OnDestroy (through DefWindowProc) // and once more from the ATL since CAxHostWindow::OnDestroy claims the // message is not handled. LRESULT OnDestroy(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, BOOL& handled) { // NOLINT if (prop_notify_cookie_) { AtlUnadvise(tab_, IID_IPropertyNotifySink, prop_notify_cookie_); prop_notify_cookie_ = 0; } tab_.Release(); return 0; } virtual void OnFinalMessage(HWND /*hWnd*/) { ::PostQuitMessage(6); } static const wchar_t* GetWndCaption() { return L"ChromeFrame Container"; } // IPropertyNotifySink STDMETHOD(OnRequestEdit)(DISPID disp_id) { OnRequestEditImpl(disp_id); return S_OK; } STDMETHOD(OnChanged)(DISPID disp_id) { if (disp_id != DISPID_READYSTATE) return S_OK; long ready_state; HRESULT hr = tab_->get_readyState(&ready_state); DCHECK(hr == S_OK); OnReadyStateChanged(ready_state); if (ready_state == READYSTATE_COMPLETE) { if (!starting_url_.empty()) { Navigate(starting_url_.c_str()); } else { PostMessage(WM_CLOSE); } } else if (ready_state == READYSTATE_UNINITIALIZED) { DLOG(ERROR) << __FUNCTION__ << " Chrome launch failed."; } return S_OK; } void CreateChromeFrameWindow(const std::string& starting_url) { starting_url_ = starting_url; RECT rc = { 0, 0, 800, 600 }; Create(NULL, rc); DCHECK(m_hWnd); ShowWindow(SW_SHOWDEFAULT); } void CreateControl(bool setup_event_sinks) { HRESULT hr = chromeview_.CreateControl(L"ChromeTab.ChromeFrame"); EXPECT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(hr); hr = chromeview_.QueryControl(tab_.Receive()); EXPECT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(hr); if (setup_event_sinks) SetupEventSinks(); } void Navigate(const char* url) { BeforeNavigateImpl(url); HRESULT hr = tab_->put_src(base::win::ScopedBstr(base::UTF8ToWide(url).c_str())); DCHECK(hr == S_OK) << "Chrome frame NavigateToURL(" << url << base::StringPrintf(L") failed 0x%08X", hr); } void SetupEventSinks() { HRESULT hr = AtlAdvise(tab_, this, IID_IPropertyNotifySink, &prop_notify_cookie_); DCHECK(hr == S_OK) << "AtlAdvice for IPropertyNotifySink failed " << hr; base::win::ScopedVariant onmessage(onmsg_.ToDispatch()); base::win::ScopedVariant onloaderror(onloaderror_.ToDispatch()); base::win::ScopedVariant onload(onload_.ToDispatch()); EXPECT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tab_->put_onmessage(onmessage)); EXPECT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tab_->put_onloaderror(onloaderror)); EXPECT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(tab_->put_onload(onload)); } protected: // These functions are implemented by derived classes for special behavior // like performance measurement, etc. virtual void OnReadyStateChanged(long ready_state) {} virtual void OnRequestEditImpl(DISPID disp_id) {} virtual void OnMessageCallbackImpl(const VARIANT* param) {} virtual void OnLoadCallbackImpl(const VARIANT* param) { PostMessage(WM_CLOSE); } virtual void OnLoadErrorCallbackImpl(const VARIANT* param) { PostMessage(WM_CLOSE); } virtual void BeforeNavigateImpl(const char* url) {} CAxWindow chromeview_; base::win::ScopedComPtr tab_; DWORD prop_notify_cookie_; DispCallback onmsg_; DispCallback onloaderror_; DispCallback onload_; std::string starting_url_; }; // This class overrides the hooks provided by the ChromeFrameActiveXContainer // class and measures performance at various stages, like initialzation of // the Chrome frame widget, navigation, etc. class ChromeFrameActiveXContainerPerf : public ChromeFrameActiveXContainer { public: ChromeFrameActiveXContainerPerf() {} void CreateControl(bool setup_event_sinks) { perf_initialize_.reset(new base::PerfTimeLogger("Fully initialized")); base::PerfTimeLogger perf_create("Create Control"); HRESULT hr = chromeview_.CreateControl(L"ChromeTab.ChromeFrame"); EXPECT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(hr); hr = chromeview_.QueryControl(tab_.Receive()); EXPECT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(hr); perf_create.Done(); if (setup_event_sinks) SetupEventSinks(); } protected: virtual void OnReadyStateChanged(long ready_state) { // READYSTATE_COMPLETE is fired when the automation server is ready. if (ready_state == READYSTATE_COMPLETE) { perf_initialize_->Done(); } else if (ready_state == READYSTATE_INTERACTIVE) { // Window ready. Currently we never receive this notification because it // is fired before we finish setting up our hosting environment. // This is because of how ATL is written. Moving forward we might // have our own hosting classes and then have more control over when we // set up the prop notify sink. } else { DCHECK(ready_state != READYSTATE_UNINITIALIZED) << "failed to initialize"; } } virtual void OnLoadCallbackImpl(const VARIANT* param) { PostMessage(WM_CLOSE); perf_navigate_->Done(); } virtual void OnLoadErrorCallbackImpl(const VARIANT* param) { PostMessage(WM_CLOSE); perf_navigate_->Done(); } virtual void BeforeNavigateImpl(const char* url ) { std::string test_name = "Navigate "; test_name += url; perf_navigate_.reset(new base::PerfTimeLogger(test_name.c_str())); } scoped_ptr perf_initialize_; scoped_ptr perf_navigate_; }; // This class provides common functionality which can be used for most of the // ChromeFrame/Tab performance tests. class ChromeFramePerfTestBase : public UIPerfTest { public: ChromeFramePerfTestBase() {} protected: scoped_ptr chrome_frame_registrar_; }; class ChromeFrameStartupTest : public ChromeFramePerfTestBase { public: ChromeFrameStartupTest() {} virtual void SetUp() { ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_APP, &dir_app_)); chrome_dll_ = dir_app_.Append(L"chrome.dll"); chrome_exe_ = dir_app_.Append(chrome::kBrowserProcessExecutableName); chrome_frame_dll_ = dir_app_.Append(kChromeFrameDllName); icu_dll_ = dir_app_.Append(L"icudt.dll"); ffmpegsumo_dll_ = dir_app_.Append(L"ffmpegsumo.dll"); } // TODO(iyengar) // This function is similar to the RunStartupTest function used in chrome // startup tests. Refactor into a common implementation. void RunStartupTest(const char* graph, const char* trace, const char* startup_url, bool test_cold, int total_binaries, const base::FilePath binaries_to_evict[], bool important, bool ignore_cache_error) { const int kNumCycles = 20; startup_url_ = startup_url; TimeDelta timings[kNumCycles]; for (int i = 0; i < kNumCycles; ++i) { if (test_cold) { for (int binary_index = 0; binary_index < total_binaries; binary_index++) { bool result = base::EvictFileFromSystemCacheWithRetry( binaries_to_evict[binary_index]); if (!ignore_cache_error) { ASSERT_TRUE(result); } else if (!result) { LOG(ERROR) << GetLastError(); printf("\nFailed to evict file %ls from cache. Not running test\n", binaries_to_evict[binary_index].value().c_str()); return; } } } TimeTicks start_time, end_time; RunStartupTestImpl(&start_time, &end_time); timings[i] = end_time - start_time; CoFreeUnusedLibraries(); // TODO(beng): Can't shut down so quickly. Figure out why, and fix. If we // do, we crash. base::PlatformThread::Sleep(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(50)); } std::string times; for (int i = 0; i < kNumCycles; ++i) base::StringAppendF(×, "%.2f,", timings[i].InMillisecondsF()); perf_test::PrintResultList(graph, "", trace, times, "ms", important); } base::FilePath dir_app_; base::FilePath chrome_dll_; base::FilePath chrome_exe_; base::FilePath chrome_frame_dll_; base::FilePath icu_dll_; base::FilePath ffmpegsumo_dll_; protected: // Individual startup tests should implement this function. virtual void RunStartupTestImpl(TimeTicks* start_time, TimeTicks* end_time) {} // The host is torn down by this function. It should not be used after // this function returns. static void ReleaseHostComReferences(CAxWindow& host) { CComPtr spWinHost; host.QueryHost(&spWinHost); ASSERT_TRUE(spWinHost != NULL); // Hack to get the host to release all interfaces and thus ensure that // the COM server can be unloaded. CAxHostWindow* host_window = static_cast(spWinHost.p); host_window->ReleaseAll(); host.DestroyWindow(); } std::string startup_url_; }; class ChromeFrameStartupTestActiveX : public ChromeFrameStartupTest { public: virtual void SetUp() { // Register the Chrome Frame DLL in the build directory. chrome_frame_registrar_.reset(new ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar( ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar::SYSTEM_LEVEL)); ChromeFrameStartupTest::SetUp(); } protected: virtual void RunStartupTestImpl(TimeTicks* start_time, TimeTicks* end_time) { *start_time = TimeTicks::Now(); SimpleModule module; AtlAxWinInit(); CComObjectStackEx wnd; wnd.CreateChromeFrameWindow(startup_url_); wnd.CreateControl(true); module.RunMessageLoop(); *end_time = TimeTicks::Now(); } }; // This class measures the load time of chrome and chrome frame binaries class ChromeFrameBinariesLoadTest : public ChromeFrameStartupTestActiveX { static const size_t kStepSize = 4 * 1024; public: enum PreReadType { kPreReadNone, kPreReadPartial, kPreReadFull }; ChromeFrameBinariesLoadTest() : pre_read_type_(kPreReadNone), step_size_(kStepSize), bytes_to_read_(0), percentage_to_preread_(25) {} protected: virtual void RunStartupTestImpl(TimeTicks* start_time, TimeTicks* end_time) { *start_time = TimeTicks::Now(); if (pre_read_type_ == kPreReadFull) { EXPECT_TRUE(ImagePreReader::PreReadImage(chrome_exe_.value().c_str(), bytes_to_read_, step_size_)); EXPECT_TRUE(ImagePreReader::PreReadImage(chrome_dll_.value().c_str(), bytes_to_read_, step_size_)); } else if (pre_read_type_ == kPreReadPartial) { EXPECT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImage(chrome_exe_.value().c_str(), percentage_to_preread_, step_size_)); EXPECT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImage(chrome_dll_.value().c_str(), percentage_to_preread_, step_size_)); } HMODULE chrome_exe = LoadLibrary(chrome_exe_.value().c_str()); EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_exe != NULL); HMODULE chrome_dll = LoadLibrary(chrome_dll_.value().c_str()); EXPECT_TRUE(chrome_dll != NULL); *end_time = TimeTicks::Now(); FreeLibrary(chrome_exe); FreeLibrary(chrome_dll); } PreReadType pre_read_type_; size_t bytes_to_read_; size_t step_size_; uint8 percentage_to_preread_; }; // This class provides functionality to run the startup performance test for // the ChromeFrame ActiveX against a reference build. At this point we only run // this test in warm mode. class ChromeFrameStartupTestActiveXReference : public ChromeFrameStartupTestActiveX { public: // override the browser directory to use the reference build instead. virtual void SetUp() { // Register the reference build Chrome Frame DLL. chrome_frame_registrar_.reset(new ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar( ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar::SYSTEM_LEVEL)); chrome_frame_registrar_->RegisterReferenceChromeFrameBuild(); ChromeFrameStartupTest::SetUp(); chrome_frame_dll_ = base::FilePath( chrome_frame_registrar_->GetReferenceChromeFrameDllPath()); DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << chrome_frame_dll_.value(); } virtual void TearDown() { // Reregister the Chrome Frame DLL in the build directory. chrome_frame_registrar_.reset(NULL); } }; // This class provides base functionality to measure ChromeFrame memory // usage. // TODO(iyengar) // Some of the functionality in this class like printing the results, etc // is based on the chrome\test\memory_test.cc. We need to factor out // the common code. class ChromeFrameMemoryTest : public ChromeFramePerfTestBase { // Contains information about the memory consumption of a process. class ProcessMemoryInfo { public: // Default constructor // Added to enable us to add ProcessMemoryInfo instances to a map. ProcessMemoryInfo() : process_id_(0), virtual_size_(0), working_set_size_(0), chrome_browser_process_(false), chrome_frame_memory_test_instance_(NULL) {} ProcessMemoryInfo(base::ProcessId process_id, bool chrome_browser_process, ChromeFrameMemoryTest* memory_test_instance) : process_id_(process_id), virtual_size_(0), working_set_size_(0), chrome_browser_process_(chrome_browser_process), chrome_frame_memory_test_instance_(memory_test_instance) {} bool GetMemoryConsumptionDetails() { base::ProcessHandle process_handle; if (!base::OpenPrivilegedProcessHandle(process_id_, &process_handle)) { NOTREACHED(); } // TODO(sgk): if/when base::ProcessMetrics can return real memory // stats on mac, convert to: // // scoped_ptr process_metrics; // process_metrics.reset( // base::ProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics(process_handle)); scoped_ptr process_metrics; process_metrics.reset( ChromeTestProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics(process_handle)); virtual_size_ = process_metrics->GetPagefileUsage(); working_set_size_ = process_metrics->GetWorkingSetSize(); base::CloseProcessHandle(process_handle); return true; } void Print(const char* test_name) { std::string trace_name(test_name); ASSERT_TRUE(chrome_frame_memory_test_instance_ != NULL); if (chrome_browser_process_) { perf_test::PrintResult("vm_final_browser", "", trace_name + "_vm_b", virtual_size_ / 1024, "KB", false /* not important */); perf_test::PrintResult("ws_final_browser", "", trace_name + "_ws_b", working_set_size_ / 1024, "KB", false /* not important */); } else if (process_id_ == base::GetCurrentProcId()) { perf_test::PrintResult("vm_current_process", "", trace_name + "_vm_c", virtual_size_ / 1024, "KB", false /* not important */); perf_test::PrintResult("ws_current_process", "", trace_name + "_ws_c", working_set_size_ / 1024, "KB", false /* not important */); } printf("\n"); } base::ProcessId process_id_; size_t virtual_size_; size_t working_set_size_; // Set to true if this is the chrome browser process. bool chrome_browser_process_; // A reference to the ChromeFrameMemoryTest instance. Used to print memory // consumption information. ChromeFrameMemoryTest* chrome_frame_memory_test_instance_; }; // This map tracks memory usage for a process. It is keyed on the process // id. typedef std::map ProcessMemoryConsumptionMap; public: ChromeFrameMemoryTest() : current_url_index_(0) { } virtual void SetUp() { // Register the Chrome Frame DLL in the build directory. chrome_frame_registrar_.reset(new ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar( ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar::SYSTEM_LEVEL)); } void RunTest(const char* test_name, char* urls[], int total_urls) { ASSERT_TRUE(urls != NULL); ASSERT_GT(total_urls, 0); // Record the initial CommitCharge. This is a system-wide measurement, // so if other applications are running, they can create variance in this // test. start_commit_charge_ = base::GetSystemCommitCharge(); for (int i = 0; i < total_urls; i++) urls_.push_back(urls[i]); std::string url; GetNextUrl(&url); ASSERT_TRUE(!url.empty()); StartTest(url, test_name); } void OnNavigationSuccess(const VARIANT* param) { ASSERT_TRUE(param != NULL); ASSERT_EQ(VT_BSTR, param->vt); DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " " << param->bstrVal; InitiateNextNavigation(); } void OnNavigationFailure(const VARIANT* param) { ASSERT_TRUE(param != NULL); ASSERT_EQ(VT_BSTR, param->vt); DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " " << param->bstrVal; InitiateNextNavigation(); } protected: bool GetNextUrl(std::string* url) { if (current_url_index_ >= urls_.size()) return false; *url = urls_[current_url_index_++]; return true; } void InitiateNextNavigation() { // Get the memory consumption information for the child processes // of the chrome browser. ChromeProcessList child_processes = GetBrowserChildren(); ChromeProcessList::iterator index; for (index = child_processes.begin(); index != child_processes.end(); ++index) { AccountProcessMemoryUsage(*index); } // TODO(iyengar): Bug 2953 // Need to verify if this is still true. // The automation crashes periodically if we cycle too quickly. // To make these tests more reliable, slowing them down a bit. Sleep(200); std::string url; bool next_url = GetNextUrl(&url); if (!url.empty()) { NavigateImpl(url); } else { TestCompleted(); } } void PrintResults(const char* test_name) { PrintMemoryUsageInfo(test_name); memory_consumption_map_.clear(); // Added to give the OS some time to flush the used pages for the // chrome processes which would have exited by now. Sleep(200); size_t end_commit_charge = base::GetSystemCommitCharge(); size_t commit_size = (end_commit_charge - start_commit_charge_) * 1024; std::string trace_name(test_name); trace_name.append("_cc"); perf_test::PrintResult("commit_charge", "", trace_name, commit_size / 1024, "KB", true /* important */); printf("\n"); } base::ProcessId chrome_browser_process_id() { base::NamedProcessIterator iter(L"chrome.exe", NULL); const base::ProcessEntry* entry = iter.NextProcessEntry(); if (entry) { return entry->pid(); } return -1; } ChromeProcessList GetBrowserChildren() { ChromeProcessList list = GetRunningChromeProcesses( chrome_browser_process_id()); ChromeProcessList::iterator browser = std::find(list.begin(), list.end(), chrome_browser_process_id()); if (browser != list.end()) { list.erase(browser); } return list; } void AccountProcessMemoryUsage(DWORD process_id) { ProcessMemoryInfo process_memory_info( process_id, process_id == chrome_browser_process_id(), this); ASSERT_TRUE(process_memory_info.GetMemoryConsumptionDetails()); memory_consumption_map_[process_id] = process_memory_info; } void PrintMemoryUsageInfo(const char* test_name) { printf("\n"); std::string trace_name(test_name); ProcessMemoryConsumptionMap::iterator index; size_t total_virtual_size = 0; size_t total_working_set_size = 0; for (index = memory_consumption_map_.begin(); index != memory_consumption_map_.end(); ++index) { ProcessMemoryInfo& memory_info = (*index).second; memory_info.Print(test_name); total_virtual_size += memory_info.virtual_size_; total_working_set_size += memory_info.working_set_size_; } printf("\n"); perf_test::PrintResult("vm_final_total", "", trace_name + "_vm", total_virtual_size / 1024, "KB", false /* not important */); perf_test::PrintResult("ws_final_total", "", trace_name + "_ws", total_working_set_size / 1024, "KB", true /* important */); } // Should never get called. virtual void StartTest(const std::string& url, const std::string& test_name) = 0 { ASSERT_FALSE(false); } // Should never get called. virtual void NavigateImpl(const std::string& url) = 0 { ASSERT_FALSE(false); } virtual void TestCompleted() = 0 { ASSERT_FALSE(false); } // Holds the commit charge in KBytes at the start of the memory test run. size_t start_commit_charge_; // The index of the URL being tested. size_t current_url_index_; // Contains the list of urls against which the tests are run. std::vector urls_; ProcessMemoryConsumptionMap memory_consumption_map_; }; // This class provides functionality to run the memory test against a reference // chrome frame build. class ChromeFrameMemoryTestReference : public ChromeFrameMemoryTest { public: virtual void SetUp() { chrome_frame_registrar_.reset(new ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar( ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar::SYSTEM_LEVEL)); chrome_frame_registrar_->RegisterReferenceChromeFrameBuild(); } virtual void TearDown() { // Reregisters the chrome frame DLL in the build directory. chrome_frame_registrar_.reset(NULL); } }; // This class overrides the hooks provided by the ChromeFrameActiveXContainer // class and calls back into the ChromeFrameMemoryTest object instance, // which measures ChromeFrame memory usage. class ChromeFrameActiveXContainerMemory : public ChromeFrameActiveXContainer { public: ChromeFrameActiveXContainerMemory() : delegate_(NULL) {} ~ChromeFrameActiveXContainerMemory() {} void Initialize(ChromeFrameMemoryTest* delegate) { ASSERT_TRUE(delegate != NULL); delegate_ = delegate; } protected: virtual void OnLoadCallbackImpl(const VARIANT* param) { delegate_->OnNavigationSuccess(param); } virtual void OnLoadErrorCallbackImpl(const VARIANT* param) { delegate_->OnNavigationFailure(param); } ChromeFrameMemoryTest* delegate_; }; // This class runs memory tests against the ChromeFrame ActiveX. template class ChromeFrameActiveXMemoryTest : public MemoryTestBase { public: ChromeFrameActiveXMemoryTest() : chrome_frame_container_(NULL), test_completed_(false) {} ~ChromeFrameActiveXMemoryTest() { } void StartTest(const std::string& url, const std::string& test_name) { ASSERT_TRUE(chrome_frame_container_ == NULL); test_name_ = test_name; SimpleModule module; AtlAxWinInit(); CComObject::CreateInstance( &chrome_frame_container_); chrome_frame_container_->AddRef(); chrome_frame_container_->Initialize(this); chrome_frame_container_->CreateChromeFrameWindow(url.c_str()); chrome_frame_container_->CreateControl(true); module.RunMessageLoop(); chrome_frame_container_->Release(); PrintResults(test_name_.c_str()); CoFreeUnusedLibraries(); base::PlatformThread::Sleep(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(100)); } void NavigateImpl(const std::string& url) { ASSERT_TRUE(chrome_frame_container_ != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE(!url.empty()); chrome_frame_container_->Navigate(url.c_str()); } void TestCompleted() { // This can get called multiple times if the last url results in a // redirect. if (!test_completed_) { // Measure memory usage for the browser process. AccountProcessMemoryUsage(chrome_browser_process_id()); // Measure memory usage for the current process. AccountProcessMemoryUsage(GetCurrentProcessId()); test_completed_ = true; EXPECT_TRUE(PostMessage(static_cast(*chrome_frame_container_), WM_CLOSE, 0, 0)); } } protected: CComObject* chrome_frame_container_; std::string test_name_; bool test_completed_; }; // This class runs tests to measure chrome frame creation only. This will help // track overall page load performance with chrome frame instances. class ChromeFrameCreationTest : public ChromeFrameStartupTest { protected: virtual void RunStartupTestImpl(TimeTicks* start_time, TimeTicks* end_time) { SimpleModule module; AtlAxWinInit(); CComObjectStackEx wnd; wnd.CreateChromeFrameWindow(startup_url_); *start_time = TimeTicks::Now(); wnd.CreateControl(false); *end_time = TimeTicks::Now(); } }; // This class provides functionality to run the chrome frame // performance test against a reference build. class ChromeFrameCreationTestReference : public ChromeFrameCreationTest { public: // override the browser directory to use the reference build instead. virtual void SetUp() { chrome_frame_registrar_.reset(new ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar( ScopedChromeFrameRegistrar::SYSTEM_LEVEL)); chrome_frame_registrar_->RegisterReferenceChromeFrameBuild(); ChromeFrameStartupTest::SetUp(); } virtual void TearDown() { chrome_frame_registrar_.reset(NULL); } }; // This class measures the creation time for Flash, which would be used // as a baseline to measure chrome frame creation performance. class FlashCreationTest : public ChromeFrameStartupTest { protected: virtual void RunStartupTestImpl(TimeTicks* start_time, TimeTicks* end_time) { SimpleModule module; AtlAxWinInit(); CAxWindow host; RECT rc = {0, 0, 800, 600}; host.Create(NULL, rc, NULL, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE); EXPECT_TRUE(host.m_hWnd != NULL); *start_time = TimeTicks::Now(); HRESULT hr = host.CreateControl(L"ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"); EXPECT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(hr); *end_time = TimeTicks::Now(); ReleaseHostComReferences(host); } }; // This class measures the creation time for Silverlight, which would be used // as a baseline to measure chrome frame creation performance. class SilverlightCreationTest : public ChromeFrameStartupTest { protected: virtual void RunStartupTestImpl(TimeTicks* start_time, TimeTicks* end_time) { SimpleModule module; AtlAxWinInit(); CAxWindow host; RECT rc = {0, 0, 800, 600}; host.Create(NULL, rc, NULL, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE); EXPECT_TRUE(host.m_hWnd != NULL); *start_time = TimeTicks::Now(); HRESULT hr = host.CreateControl(L"AgControl.AgControl"); EXPECT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(hr); *end_time = TimeTicks::Now(); ReleaseHostComReferences(host); } }; // TODO(rogerm): Flesh out the *PreReadImage* tests to validate an observed // change in paging behaviour between raw loading and pre-reading. // TODO(rogerm): Add checks to the *PreReadImage* tests to validate the // handling of invalid pe files and paths as input. TEST(ImagePreReader, PreReadImage) { base::FilePath current_exe; ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, ¤t_exe)); int64 file_size_64 = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(base::GetFileSize(current_exe, &file_size_64)); ASSERT_TRUE(file_size_64 < std::numeric_limits::max()); size_t file_size = static_cast(file_size_64); const wchar_t* module_path = current_exe.value().c_str(); const size_t kStepSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PreReadImage(module_path, 0, kStepSize)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PreReadImage(module_path, file_size / 4, kStepSize)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PreReadImage(module_path, file_size / 2, kStepSize)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PreReadImage(module_path, file_size, kStepSize)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PreReadImage(module_path, file_size * 2, kStepSize)); } TEST(ImagePreReader, PartialPreReadImage) { base::FilePath current_exe; ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, ¤t_exe)); const wchar_t* module_path = current_exe.value().c_str(); const size_t kStepSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImage(module_path, 0, kStepSize)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImage(module_path, 25, kStepSize)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImage(module_path, 50, kStepSize)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImage(module_path, 100, kStepSize)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImage(module_path, 150, kStepSize)); } TEST(ImagePreReader, PartialPreReadImageOnDisk) { base::FilePath current_exe; ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, ¤t_exe)); const wchar_t* module_path = current_exe.value().c_str(); const size_t kChunkSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImageOnDisk(module_path, 0, kChunkSize)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImageOnDisk(module_path, 25, kChunkSize)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImageOnDisk(module_path, 50, kChunkSize)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImageOnDisk(module_path, 100, kChunkSize)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImageOnDisk(module_path, 150, kChunkSize)); } TEST(ImagePreReader, PartialPreReadImageInMemory) { base::FilePath current_exe; ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, ¤t_exe)); const wchar_t* module_path = current_exe.value().c_str(); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImageInMemory(module_path, 0)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImageInMemory(module_path, 25)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImageInMemory(module_path, 50)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImageInMemory(module_path, 100)); ASSERT_TRUE( ImagePreReader::PartialPreReadImageInMemory(module_path, 150)); } TEST(ChromeFramePerf, DISABLED_HostActiveX) { // TODO(stoyan): Create a low integrity level thread && perform the test there SimpleModule module; AtlAxWinInit(); CComObjectStackEx wnd; wnd.CreateChromeFrameWindow("http://www.google.com"); wnd.CreateControl(true); module.RunMessageLoop(); } TEST(ChromeFramePerf, DISABLED_HostActiveXInvalidURL) { // TODO(stoyan): Create a low integrity level thread && perform the test there SimpleModule module; AtlAxWinInit(); CComObjectStackEx wnd; wnd.CreateChromeFrameWindow("http://non-existent-domain.org/"); wnd.CreateControl(true); module.RunMessageLoop(); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameStartupTestActiveX, PerfWarm) { RunStartupTest("warm", "t", "about:blank", false /* cold */, 0, NULL, true /* important */, false); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameBinariesLoadTest, PerfWarm) { RunStartupTest("binary_load_warm", "t", "", false /* cold */, 0, NULL, true /* important */, false); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameStartupTestActiveX, PerfCold) { SetConfigInt(L"PreRead", 0); base::FilePath binaries_to_evict[] = { ffmpegsumo_dll_, chrome_exe_, chrome_dll_, chrome_frame_dll_ }; RunStartupTest("cold", "t", "about:blank", true /* cold */, arraysize(binaries_to_evict), binaries_to_evict, false /* not important */, false); DeleteConfigValue(L"PreRead"); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameStartupTestActiveX, PerfColdPreRead) { SetConfigInt(L"PreRead", 1); base::FilePath binaries_to_evict[] = { ffmpegsumo_dll_, chrome_exe_, chrome_dll_, chrome_frame_dll_ }; RunStartupTest("cold_preread", "t", "about:blank", true /* cold */, arraysize(binaries_to_evict), binaries_to_evict, false /* not important */, false); DeleteConfigValue(L"PreRead"); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameBinariesLoadTest, PerfCold) { base::FilePath binaries_to_evict[] = {chrome_exe_, chrome_dll_}; RunStartupTest("binary_load_cold", "t", "", true /* cold */, arraysize(binaries_to_evict), binaries_to_evict, false /* not important */, false); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameBinariesLoadTest, PerfColdPreRead) { base::FilePath binaries_to_evict[] = {chrome_exe_, chrome_dll_}; pre_read_type_ = kPreReadFull; RunStartupTest("binary_load_cold_preread", "t", "", true /* cold */, arraysize(binaries_to_evict), binaries_to_evict, false /* not important */, false); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameBinariesLoadTest, PerfColdPartialPreRead15) { base::FilePath binaries_to_evict[] = {chrome_exe_, chrome_dll_}; pre_read_type_ = kPreReadPartial; percentage_to_preread_ = 15; RunStartupTest("binary_load_cold_partial_preread", "t", "", true /* cold */, arraysize(binaries_to_evict), binaries_to_evict, false /* not important */, false); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameBinariesLoadTest, PerfColdPartialPreRead25) { base::FilePath binaries_to_evict[] = {chrome_exe_, chrome_dll_}; pre_read_type_ = kPreReadPartial; percentage_to_preread_ = 25; RunStartupTest("binary_load_cold_partial_preread", "t", "", true /* cold */, arraysize(binaries_to_evict), binaries_to_evict, false /* not important */, false); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameBinariesLoadTest, PerfColdPartialPreRead40) { base::FilePath binaries_to_evict[] = {chrome_exe_, chrome_dll_}; pre_read_type_ = kPreReadPartial; percentage_to_preread_ = 40; RunStartupTest("binary_load_cold_partial_preread", "t", "", true /* cold */, arraysize(binaries_to_evict), binaries_to_evict, false /* not important */, false); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameStartupTestActiveXReference, PerfWarm) { RunStartupTest("warm", "t_ref", "about:blank", false /* cold */, 0, NULL, true /* important */, false); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameStartupTestActiveX, PerfChromeFrameInitializationWarm) { RunStartupTest("ChromeFrame_init_warm", "t", "", false /* cold */, 0, NULL, true /* important */, false); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameStartupTestActiveX, PerfChromeFrameInitializationCold) { base::FilePath binaries_to_evict[] = {chrome_frame_dll_}; RunStartupTest("ChromeFrame_init_cold", "t", "", true /* cold */, arraysize(binaries_to_evict), binaries_to_evict, false /* not important */, false); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameStartupTestActiveXReference, PerfChromeFrameInitializationWarm) { RunStartupTest("ChromeFrame_init_warm", "t_ref", "", false /* cold */, 0, NULL, true /* important */, false); } typedef ChromeFrameActiveXMemoryTest RegularChromeFrameActiveXMemoryTest; TEST_F(RegularChromeFrameActiveXMemoryTest, MemoryTestAboutBlank) { char *urls[] = {"about:blank"}; RunTest("memory_about_blank", urls, arraysize(urls)); } // TODO(iyengar) // Revisit why the chrome frame dll does not unload correctly when this test is // run. // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=47812 TEST_F(RegularChromeFrameActiveXMemoryTest, DISABLED_MemoryTestUrls) { // TODO(iyengar) // We should use static pages to measure memory usage. char *urls[] = { "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN2HAroA12w", "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmLJDrsaJmk&feature=channel" }; RunTest("memory", urls, arraysize(urls)); } typedef ChromeFrameActiveXMemoryTest ReferenceBuildChromeFrameActiveXMemoryTest; // Disabled to investigate why the chrome frame dll does not unload while // running this test. // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=47812 TEST_F(ReferenceBuildChromeFrameActiveXMemoryTest, DISABLED_MemoryTestAboutBlank) { char *urls[] = {"about:blank"}; RunTest("memory_about_blank_reference", urls, arraysize(urls)); } // TODO(iyengar) // Revisit why the chrome frame dll does not unload correctly when this test is // run. TEST_F(ReferenceBuildChromeFrameActiveXMemoryTest, DISABLED_MemoryTestUrls) { // TODO(iyengar) // We should use static pages to measure memory usage. char *urls[] = { "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN2HAroA12w", "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmLJDrsaJmk&feature=channel" }; RunTest("memory_reference", urls, arraysize(urls)); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameCreationTest, PerfWarm) { RunStartupTest("creation_warm", "t", "", false /* cold */, 0, NULL, true /* important */, false); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameCreationTestReference, PerfWarm) { RunStartupTest("creation_warm", "t_ref", "about:blank", false /* cold */, 0, NULL, true /* not important */, false); } TEST_F(FlashCreationTest, DISABLED_PerfWarm) { RunStartupTest("creation_warm", "t_flash", "", false /* cold */, 0, NULL, true /* not important */, false); } TEST_F(SilverlightCreationTest, DISABLED_PerfWarm) { RunStartupTest("creation_warm", "t_silverlight", "", false /* cold */, 0, NULL, false /* not important */, false); } TEST_F(ChromeFrameCreationTest, PerfCold) { base::FilePath binaries_to_evict[] = {chrome_frame_dll_}; RunStartupTest("creation_cold", "t", "", true /* cold */, arraysize(binaries_to_evict), binaries_to_evict, true /* important */, false); } // Attempt to evict the Flash control can fail on the buildbot as the dll // is marked read only. The test run is aborted if we fail to evict the file // from the cache. This could also fail if the Flash control is in use. // On Vista this could fail because of UAC TEST_F(FlashCreationTest, PerfCold) { base::win::RegKey flash_key(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, kFlashControlKey, KEY_READ); std::wstring plugin_path; ASSERT_EQ(ERROR_SUCCESS, flash_key.ReadValue(L"", &plugin_path)); ASSERT_FALSE(plugin_path.empty()); base::FilePath flash_path = base::FilePath(plugin_path); base::FilePath binaries_to_evict[] = {flash_path}; RunStartupTest("creation_cold", "t_flash", "", true /* cold */, arraysize(binaries_to_evict), binaries_to_evict, false/* important */, true); } // This test would fail on Vista due to UAC or if the Silverlight control is // in use. The test run is aborted if we fail to evict the file from the cache. // Disabling this test as the Silverlight dll does not seem to get unloaded // correctly causing the attempt to evict the dll from the system cache to // fail. TEST_F(SilverlightCreationTest, DISABLED_PerfCold) { base::win::RegKey silverlight_key(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, kSilverlightControlKey, KEY_READ); std::wstring plugin_path; ASSERT_EQ(ERROR_SUCCESS, silverlight_key.ReadValue(L"", &plugin_path)); ASSERT_FALSE(plugin_path.empty()); base::FilePath silverlight_path = base::FilePath(plugin_path); base::FilePath binaries_to_evict[] = {silverlight_path}; RunStartupTest("creation_cold", "t_silverlight", "", true /* cold */, arraysize(binaries_to_evict), binaries_to_evict, false /* important */, true); } namespace { // Derive from this class in order to receive custom events traced // via TRACE_EVENT_XXXX macros from ChromeFrame/Chrome. class TracedEvents { public: virtual void OnTraceEventBegin(EVENT_TRACE* event) {} virtual void OnTraceEventEnd(EVENT_TRACE* event) {} virtual void OnTraceEventInstant(EVENT_TRACE* event) {} }; // For the time being we pass to delegate only base::kTraceEventClass32 // events i.e. these generated by TRACE_EVENT_XXXX macros. // We may need to add kernel provider and pass Process Start/Exit events etc, // but for the time being we stick with base::kChromeTraceProviderName // provider only. class EtwConsumer : public base::win::EtwTraceConsumerBase { public: EtwConsumer() { set_delegate(NULL); } ~EtwConsumer() { set_delegate(NULL); } void set_delegate(TracedEvents* delegate) { delegate_ = delegate; } static void ProcessEvent(EVENT_TRACE* event) { DCHECK(delegate_); if (event->Header.Guid != base::debug::kTraceEventClass32) return; if (event->Header.Class.Version != 0) return; switch (event->Header.Class.Type) { case base::debug::kTraceEventTypeBegin: delegate_->OnTraceEventBegin(event); break; case base::debug::kTraceEventTypeEnd: delegate_->OnTraceEventEnd(event); break; case base::debug::kTraceEventTypeInstant: delegate_->OnTraceEventInstant(event); break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } static TracedEvents* delegate_; }; TracedEvents* EtwConsumer::delegate_ = NULL; }; // namespace class EtwPerfSession { public: EtwPerfSession() { } ~EtwPerfSession() { base::DeleteFile(etl_log_file_, false); } void Start() { // To ensure there is no session leftover from crashes, previous runs, etc. base::win::EtwTraceProperties ignore; base::win::EtwTraceController::Stop(L"cf_perf", &ignore); ASSERT_TRUE(base::CreateTemporaryFile(&etl_log_file_)); ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(controller_.StartFileSession(L"cf_perf", etl_log_file_.value().c_str(), false)); ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(controller_.EnableProvider( base::debug::kChromeTraceProviderName, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, ~(base::debug::CAPTURE_STACK_TRACE))); } HRESULT Stop() { return controller_.Stop(NULL); } void AnalyzeOutput(TracedEvents* delegate) { EtwConsumer consumer; consumer.set_delegate(delegate); consumer.OpenFileSession(etl_log_file_.value().c_str()); consumer.Consume(); consumer.Close(); } base::FilePath etl_log_file_; base::win::EtwTraceController controller_; }; // Base class for the tracing event helper classes. class MonitorTraceBase { public: static bool IsMatchingEvent(EVENT_TRACE* event, const base::StringPiece& event_to_compare) { return event->MofLength > event_to_compare.size() && (memcmp(event_to_compare.data(), event->MofData, event_to_compare.size() + 1) == 0); } bool is_valid() const { return !start_.is_null() && !end_.is_null() && start_ <= end_; } base::TimeDelta duration() const { return end_ - start_; } base::Time start_; base::Time end_; }; // This class measures the time between begin and end events of a particular // type. class MonitorTracePair : public MonitorTraceBase, public TracedEvents { public: MonitorTracePair() : event_(NULL) { } void set_interesting_event(const char* event) { event_ = event; } virtual void OnTraceEventBegin(EVENT_TRACE* event) { if (IsMatchingEvent(event, event_)) { EXPECT_TRUE(start_.is_null()); start_ = base::Time::FromFileTime( reinterpret_cast(event->Header.TimeStamp)); } } virtual void OnTraceEventEnd(EVENT_TRACE* event) { if (IsMatchingEvent(event, event_)) { EXPECT_FALSE(start_.is_null()); EXPECT_TRUE(end_.is_null()); end_ = base::Time::FromFileTime( reinterpret_cast(event->Header.TimeStamp)); } } base::StringPiece event_; }; // This class measures the time between two events. class MonitorTraceBetweenEventPair : public MonitorTraceBase, public TracedEvents { public: MonitorTraceBetweenEventPair() : event_end_(NULL), event_start_(NULL) { } void set_start_event(const char* event) { event_start_ = event; } void set_end_event(const char* event) { event_end_ = event; } virtual void OnTraceEventBegin(EVENT_TRACE* event) { if (IsMatchingEvent(event, event_start_)) { EXPECT_TRUE(start_.is_null()); EXPECT_TRUE(end_.is_null()); start_ = base::Time::FromFileTime( reinterpret_cast(event->Header.TimeStamp)); } else if (IsMatchingEvent(event, event_end_)) { EXPECT_FALSE(start_.is_null()); EXPECT_TRUE(end_.is_null()); end_ = base::Time::FromFileTime( reinterpret_cast(event->Header.TimeStamp)); } } virtual void OnTraceEventEnd(EVENT_TRACE* event) {} base::StringPiece event_start_; base::StringPiece event_end_; }; // The very same as UIPerfTest::PrintResultXXXX without the need to // create an UIPerfTest instance. void PrintResultsImpl(const std::string& measurement, const std::string& modifier, const std::string& trace, const std::string& values, const std::string& prefix, const std::string& suffix, const std::string& units, bool important) { // <*>RESULT : = // <*>RESULT : = {, } // <*>RESULT : = [,value,value,...,] printf("%sRESULT %s%s: %s= %s%s%s %s\n", important ? "*" : "", measurement.c_str(), modifier.c_str(), trace.c_str(), prefix.c_str(), values.c_str(), suffix.c_str(), units.c_str()); } void PrintResultList(const std::string& measurement, const std::string& modifier, const std::string& trace, const std::string& values, const std::string& units, bool important) { PrintResultsImpl(measurement, modifier, trace, values, "[", "]", units, important); } bool RunSingleTestOutOfProc(const std::string& test_name) { base::FilePath path; if (!PathService::Get(base::DIR_EXE, &path)) return false; path = path.Append(L"chrome_frame_tests.exe"); CommandLine cmd_line(path); // Always enable disabled tests. This method is not called with disabled // tests unless this flag was specified to the browser test executable. cmd_line.AppendSwitch("gtest_also_run_disabled_tests"); cmd_line.AppendSwitchASCII("gtest_filter", test_name); base::ProcessHandle process_handle; if (!base::LaunchProcess(cmd_line, base::LaunchOptions(), &process_handle)) return false; base::TimeDelta test_terminate_timeout = base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(1); int exit_code = 0; if (!base::WaitForExitCodeWithTimeout(process_handle, &exit_code, test_terminate_timeout)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Test timeout (" << test_terminate_timeout.InMilliseconds() << " ms) exceeded for " << test_name; exit_code = -1; // Set a non-zero exit code to signal a failure. // Ensure that the process terminates. base::KillProcess(process_handle, -1, true); } base::CloseProcessHandle(process_handle); return exit_code == 0; } template void PrintPerfTestResults(const Monitor* monitor, int num_cycles, const char* result_name) { std::string times; for (int i = 0; i < num_cycles; ++i) { ASSERT_TRUE(monitor[i].is_valid()); base::StringAppendF(×, "%.2f,", monitor[i].duration().InMillisecondsF()); } PrintResultList(result_name, "", "t", times, "ms", false); } TEST(TestAsPerfTest, MetaTag_createproxy) { const int kNumCycles = 10; MonitorTracePair create_proxy_monitor[kNumCycles]; MonitorTraceBetweenEventPair browser_main_start_monitor[kNumCycles]; MonitorTraceBetweenEventPair browser_main_loop_monitor[kNumCycles]; MonitorTraceBetweenEventPair automation_provider_start_monitor[kNumCycles]; MonitorTraceBetweenEventPair automation_provider_connect_monitor[kNumCycles]; MonitorTracePair external_tab_navigate_monitor[kNumCycles]; MonitorTracePair pre_read_chrome_monitor[kNumCycles]; MonitorTraceBetweenEventPair renderer_main_monitor[kNumCycles]; for (int i = 0; i < kNumCycles; ++i) { EtwPerfSession perf_session; ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(perf_session.Start()); ASSERT_TRUE(RunSingleTestOutOfProc( "ChromeFrameTestWithWebServer.FullTabModeIE_MetaTag")); // Since we cannot have array of objects with a non-default constructor, // dedicated method is used to initialize watched event. create_proxy_monitor[i].set_interesting_event("chromeframe.createproxy"); browser_main_start_monitor[i].set_start_event("chromeframe.createproxy"); browser_main_start_monitor[i].set_end_event("BrowserMain"); browser_main_loop_monitor[i].set_start_event("BrowserMain"); browser_main_loop_monitor[i].set_end_event("BrowserMain:MESSAGE_LOOP"); automation_provider_start_monitor[i].set_start_event("BrowserMain"); automation_provider_start_monitor[i].set_end_event( "AutomationProvider::AutomationProvider"); automation_provider_connect_monitor[i].set_start_event( "AutomationProvider::AutomationProvider"); automation_provider_connect_monitor[i].set_end_event( "AutomationProvider::InitializeChannel"); external_tab_navigate_monitor[i].set_interesting_event( "ExternalTabContainerWin::Navigate"); renderer_main_monitor[i].set_start_event( "ExternalTabContainerWin::Navigate"); renderer_main_monitor[i].set_end_event("RendererMain"); pre_read_chrome_monitor[i].set_interesting_event("PreReadImage"); ASSERT_HRESULT_SUCCEEDED(perf_session.Stop()); perf_session.AnalyzeOutput(&create_proxy_monitor[i]); perf_session.AnalyzeOutput(&browser_main_start_monitor[i]); perf_session.AnalyzeOutput(&browser_main_loop_monitor[i]); perf_session.AnalyzeOutput(&automation_provider_start_monitor[i]); perf_session.AnalyzeOutput(&automation_provider_connect_monitor[i]); perf_session.AnalyzeOutput(&external_tab_navigate_monitor[i]); perf_session.AnalyzeOutput(&pre_read_chrome_monitor[i]); perf_session.AnalyzeOutput(&renderer_main_monitor[i]); } // Print results PrintPerfTestResults(create_proxy_monitor, kNumCycles, "createproxy"); PrintPerfTestResults(browser_main_start_monitor, kNumCycles, "browserstart"); PrintPerfTestResults(browser_main_loop_monitor, kNumCycles, "browserloop"); PrintPerfTestResults(automation_provider_start_monitor, kNumCycles, "automationproviderstart"); PrintPerfTestResults(automation_provider_connect_monitor, kNumCycles, "automationproviderconnect"); PrintPerfTestResults(external_tab_navigate_monitor, kNumCycles, "externaltabnavigate"); PrintPerfTestResults(renderer_main_monitor, kNumCycles, "beginrenderermain"); #ifdef NDEBUG PrintPerfTestResults(pre_read_chrome_monitor, kNumCycles, "PreReadImage"); #endif // NDEBUG }