// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_FRAME_URLMON_MONIKER_BASE_H_ #define CHROME_FRAME_URLMON_MONIKER_BASE_H_ #include <atlbase.h> #include <atlcom.h> // An implementation of IStream (minus IUnknown) that delegates to // another source. Most of the methods contain a NOTREACHED() as the // class is used by the ReadStreamCache class where we don't expect those // calls under normal circumstances. class DelegatingReadStream : public IStream { public: DelegatingReadStream() { } ~DelegatingReadStream() { } void SetDelegate(IStream* delegate) { delegate_ = delegate; } // ISequentialStream. STDMETHOD(Read)(void* pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* read) { return delegate_->Read(pv, cb, read); } STDMETHOD(Write)(const void* pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* written) { NOTREACHED(); return delegate_->Write(pv, cb, written); } // IStream. STDMETHOD(Seek)(LARGE_INTEGER move, DWORD origin, ULARGE_INTEGER* new_pos) { NOTREACHED(); return delegate_->Seek(move, origin, new_pos); } STDMETHOD(SetSize)(ULARGE_INTEGER new_size) { NOTREACHED(); return delegate_->SetSize(new_size); } STDMETHOD(CopyTo)(IStream* stream, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, ULARGE_INTEGER* read, ULARGE_INTEGER* written) { NOTREACHED(); return delegate_->CopyTo(stream, cb, read, written); } STDMETHOD(Commit)(DWORD commit_flags) { NOTREACHED(); return delegate_->Commit(commit_flags); } STDMETHOD(Revert)() { NOTREACHED(); return delegate_->Revert(); } STDMETHOD(LockRegion)(ULARGE_INTEGER offset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD lock_type) { NOTREACHED(); return delegate_->LockRegion(offset, cb, lock_type); } STDMETHOD(UnlockRegion)(ULARGE_INTEGER offset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD lock_type) { NOTREACHED(); return delegate_->UnlockRegion(offset, cb, lock_type); } STDMETHOD(Stat)(STATSTG* stat_stg, DWORD stat_flag) { DCHECK(delegate_); return delegate_->Stat(stat_stg, stat_flag); } STDMETHOD(Clone)(IStream** stream) { NOTREACHED(); return delegate_->Clone(stream); } protected: ScopedComPtr<IStream> delegate_; }; // A very basic implementation of IBinding that forwards all calls // to a delegate. class DelegatingBinding : public IBinding { public: DelegatingBinding() { } ~DelegatingBinding() { } IBinding* delegate() const { return delegate_; } void SetDelegate(IBinding* delegate) { delegate_ = delegate; } STDMETHOD(Abort)() { DCHECK(delegate_); if (!delegate_) return S_OK; return delegate_->Abort(); } STDMETHOD(Suspend)() { DCHECK(delegate_); if (!delegate_) return E_FAIL; return delegate_->Suspend(); } STDMETHOD(Resume)() { DCHECK(delegate_); if (!delegate_) return E_FAIL; return delegate_->Resume(); } STDMETHOD(SetPriority)(LONG priority) { DCHECK(delegate_); if (!delegate_) return E_FAIL; return delegate_->SetPriority(priority); } STDMETHOD(GetPriority)(LONG* priority) { DCHECK(delegate_); if (!delegate_) return E_FAIL; return delegate_->GetPriority(priority); } STDMETHOD(GetBindResult)(CLSID* protocol, DWORD* result_code, LPOLESTR* result, DWORD* reserved) { DCHECK(delegate_); if (!delegate_) return E_FAIL; return delegate_->GetBindResult(protocol, result_code, result, reserved); } protected: ScopedComPtr<IBinding> delegate_; }; #endif // CHROME_FRAME_URLMON_MONIKER_BASE_H_