// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include #include #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/file_version_info.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/registry.h" #include "base/scoped_comptr_win.h" #include "base/scoped_variant_win.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/thread_local.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/chrome_frame_distribution.h" #include "chrome_frame/extra_system_apis.h" #include "chrome_frame/html_utils.h" #include "chrome_frame/utils.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "grit/chrome_frame_resources.h" // Note that these values are all lower case and are compared to // lower-case-transformed values. const wchar_t kMetaTag[] = L"meta"; const wchar_t kHttpEquivAttribName[] = L"http-equiv"; const wchar_t kContentAttribName[] = L"content"; const wchar_t kXUACompatValue[] = L"x-ua-compatible"; const wchar_t kBodyTag[] = L"body"; const wchar_t kChromeContentPrefix[] = L"chrome="; const wchar_t kChromeProtocolPrefix[] = L"gcf:"; static const wchar_t kChromeFrameConfigKey[] = L"Software\\Google\\ChromeFrame"; static const wchar_t kChromeFrameOptinUrlsKey[] = L"OptinUrls"; static const wchar_t kEnableGCFProtocol[] = L"EnableGCFProtocol"; static const wchar_t kChromeFrameNPAPIKey[] = L"Software\\MozillaPlugins\\@google.com/ChromeFrame,version=1.0"; static const wchar_t kChromeFramePersistNPAPIReg[] = L"PersistNPAPIReg"; // Used to isolate chrome frame builds from google chrome release channels. const wchar_t kChromeFrameOmahaSuffix[] = L"-cf"; const wchar_t kDevChannelName[] = L"-dev"; const wchar_t kChromeAttachExternalTabPrefix[] = L"attach_external_tab"; // Indicates that we are running in a test environment, where execptions, etc // are handled by the chrome test crash server. const wchar_t kChromeFrameHeadlessMode[] = L"ChromeFrameHeadlessMode"; // {1AF32B6C-A3BA-48B9-B24E-8AA9C41F6ECD} static const IID IID_IWebBrowserPriv2IE7 = { 0x1AF32B6C, 0xA3BA, 0x48B9, { 0xB2, 0x4E, 0x8A, 0xA9, 0xC4, 0x1F, 0x6E, 0xCD } }; // {3ED72303-6FFC-4214-BA90-FAF1862DEC8A} static const IID IID_IWebBrowserPriv2IE8 = { 0x3ED72303, 0x6FFC, 0x4214, { 0xBA, 0x90, 0xFA, 0xF1, 0x86, 0x2D, 0xEC, 0x8A } }; // {486F6159-9F3F-4827-82D4-283CEF397733} static const IID IID_IWebBrowserPriv2IE8XP = { 0x486F6159, 0x9F3F, 0x4827, { 0x82, 0xD4, 0x28, 0x3C, 0xEF, 0x39, 0x77, 0x33 } }; // {38339692-0BC9-46CB-8E5C-4677A5C83DD5} static const IID IID_IWebBrowserPriv2IE8XPBeta = { 0x38339692, 0x0BC9, 0x46CB, { 0x8E, 0x5C, 0x46, 0x77, 0xA5, 0xC8, 0x3D, 0xD5 } }; namespace { // A flag used to signal when an active browser instance on the current thread // is loading a Chrome Frame document. There's no reference stored with the // pointer so it should not be dereferenced and used for comparison against a // living instance only. base::LazyInstance > g_tls_browser_for_cf_navigation(base::LINKER_INITIALIZED); } // end anonymous namespace HRESULT UtilRegisterTypeLib(HINSTANCE tlb_instance, LPCOLESTR index, bool for_current_user_only) { CComBSTR path; CComPtr type_lib; HRESULT hr = AtlLoadTypeLib(tlb_instance, index, &path, &type_lib); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = UtilRegisterTypeLib(type_lib, path, NULL, for_current_user_only); } return hr; } HRESULT UtilUnRegisterTypeLib(HINSTANCE tlb_instance, LPCOLESTR index, bool for_current_user_only) { CComBSTR path; CComPtr type_lib; HRESULT hr = AtlLoadTypeLib(tlb_instance, index, &path, &type_lib); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = UtilUnRegisterTypeLib(type_lib, for_current_user_only); } return hr; } HRESULT UtilRegisterTypeLib(LPCWSTR typelib_path, bool for_current_user_only) { if (NULL == typelib_path) { return E_INVALIDARG; } CComBSTR path; CComPtr type_lib; HRESULT hr = ::LoadTypeLib(typelib_path, &type_lib); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = UtilRegisterTypeLib(type_lib, typelib_path, NULL, for_current_user_only); } return hr; } HRESULT UtilUnRegisterTypeLib(LPCWSTR typelib_path, bool for_current_user_only) { CComPtr type_lib; HRESULT hr = ::LoadTypeLib(typelib_path, &type_lib); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = UtilUnRegisterTypeLib(type_lib, for_current_user_only); } return hr; } HRESULT UtilRegisterTypeLib(ITypeLib* typelib, LPCWSTR typelib_path, LPCWSTR help_dir, bool for_current_user_only) { typedef HRESULT(WINAPI *RegisterTypeLibPrototype)(ITypeLib FAR* type_lib, OLECHAR FAR* full_path, OLECHAR FAR* help_dir); LPCSTR function_name = for_current_user_only ? "RegisterTypeLibForUser" : "RegisterTypeLib"; RegisterTypeLibPrototype reg_tlb = reinterpret_cast( GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(_T("oleaut32.dll")), function_name)); if (NULL == reg_tlb) { return E_FAIL; } return reg_tlb(typelib, const_cast(typelib_path), const_cast(help_dir)); } HRESULT UtilUnRegisterTypeLib(ITypeLib* typelib, bool for_current_user_only) { if (NULL == typelib) { return E_INVALIDARG; } typedef HRESULT(WINAPI *UnRegisterTypeLibPrototype)( REFGUID libID, unsigned short wVerMajor, // NOLINT unsigned short wVerMinor, // NOLINT LCID lcid, SYSKIND syskind); LPCSTR function_name = for_current_user_only ? "UnRegisterTypeLibForUser" : "UnRegisterTypeLib"; UnRegisterTypeLibPrototype unreg_tlb = reinterpret_cast( GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(_T("oleaut32.dll")), function_name)); if (NULL == unreg_tlb) { return E_FAIL; } TLIBATTR* tla = NULL; HRESULT hr = typelib->GetLibAttr(&tla); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = unreg_tlb(tla->guid, tla->wMajorVerNum, tla->wMinorVerNum, tla->lcid, tla->syskind); typelib->ReleaseTLibAttr(tla); } return hr; } bool UtilIsNPAPIPluginRegistered() { std::wstring npapi_key_name(kChromeFrameNPAPIKey); RegKey npapi_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, npapi_key_name.c_str(), KEY_QUERY_VALUE); return npapi_key.Valid(); } bool UtilChangePersistentNPAPIMarker(bool set) { BrowserDistribution* cf_dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution(); std::wstring cf_state_key_path(cf_dist->GetStateKey()); RegKey cf_state_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cf_state_key_path.c_str(), KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE); bool success = false; if (cf_state_key.Valid()) { if (set) { success = cf_state_key.WriteValue(kChromeFramePersistNPAPIReg, 1); } else { // Unfortunately, DeleteValue returns true only if the value // previously existed, so we do a separate existence check to // validate success. cf_state_key.DeleteValue(kChromeFramePersistNPAPIReg); success = !cf_state_key.ValueExists(kChromeFramePersistNPAPIReg); } } return success; } bool UtilIsPersistentNPAPIMarkerSet() { BrowserDistribution* cf_dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution(); std::wstring cf_state_key_path(cf_dist->GetStateKey()); RegKey cf_state_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cf_state_key_path.c_str(), KEY_QUERY_VALUE); bool success = false; if (cf_state_key.Valid()) { DWORD val = 0; if (cf_state_key.ReadValueDW(kChromeFramePersistNPAPIReg, &val)) { success = (val != 0); } } return success; } HRESULT UtilGetXUACompatContentValue(const std::wstring& html_string, std::wstring* content_value) { if (!content_value) { return E_POINTER; } // Fail fast if the string X-UA-Compatible isn't in html_string if (StringToLowerASCII(html_string).find(kXUACompatValue) == std::wstring::npos) { return E_FAIL; } HTMLScanner scanner(html_string.c_str()); // Build the list of meta tags that occur before the body tag is hit. HTMLScanner::StringRangeList tag_list; scanner.GetTagsByName(kMetaTag, &tag_list, kBodyTag); // Search the list of meta tags for one with an http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" // attribute. HTMLScanner::StringRange attribute; std::string search_attribute_ascii(WideToASCII(kXUACompatValue)); HTMLScanner::StringRangeList::const_iterator tag_list_iter(tag_list.begin()); for (; tag_list_iter != tag_list.end(); tag_list_iter++) { if (!tag_list_iter->GetTagAttribute(kHttpEquivAttribName, &attribute)) { continue; } // We found an http-equiv meta tag, check its value using the ascii // case-insensitive comparison method. if (!attribute.LowerCaseEqualsASCII(search_attribute_ascii.c_str())) { continue; } // We found our X-UA-Compatible meta tag so look for and extract // the value of the content attribute. if (!tag_list_iter->GetTagAttribute(kContentAttribName, &attribute)) { continue; } // Found the content string, copy and return. content_value->assign(attribute.Copy()); return S_OK; } return E_FAIL; } std::wstring GetResourceString(int resource_id) { std::wstring resource_string; HMODULE this_module = reinterpret_cast(&__ImageBase); const ATLSTRINGRESOURCEIMAGE* image = AtlGetStringResourceImage( this_module, resource_id); if (image) { resource_string.assign(image->achString, image->nLength); } else { NOTREACHED() << "Unable to find resource id " << resource_id; } return resource_string; } void DisplayVersionMismatchWarning(HWND parent, const std::string& server_version) { // Obtain the current module version. FileVersionInfo* file_version_info = FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfoForCurrentModule(); DCHECK(file_version_info); std::wstring version_string(file_version_info->file_version()); std::wstring wide_server_version; if (server_version.empty()) { wide_server_version = GetResourceString(IDS_VERSIONUNKNOWN); } else { wide_server_version = ASCIIToWide(server_version); } std::wstring title = GetResourceString(IDS_VERSIONMISMATCH_HEADER); std::wstring message; SStringPrintf(&message, GetResourceString(IDS_VERSIONMISMATCH).c_str(), wide_server_version.c_str(), version_string.c_str()); ::MessageBox(parent, message.c_str(), title.c_str(), MB_OK); } std::string CreateJavascript(const std::string& function_name, const std::string args) { std::string script_string = "javascript:"; script_string += function_name + "("; if (!args.empty()) { script_string += "'"; script_string += args; script_string += "'"; } script_string += ")"; return script_string; } AddRefModule::AddRefModule() { // TODO(tommi): Override the module's Lock/Unlock methods to call // npapi::SetValue(NPPVpluginKeepLibraryInMemory) and keep the dll loaded // while the module's refcount is > 0. Only do this when we're being // used as an NPAPI module. _pAtlModule->Lock(); } AddRefModule::~AddRefModule() { _pAtlModule->Unlock(); } namespace { const char kIEImageName[] = "iexplore.exe"; const char kFirefoxImageName[] = "firefox.exe"; const char kOperaImageName[] = "opera.exe"; } // namespace std::wstring GetHostProcessName(bool include_extension) { FilePath exe; if (PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, &exe)) exe = exe.BaseName(); if (!include_extension) { exe = exe.RemoveExtension(); } return exe.ToWStringHack(); } BrowserType GetBrowserType() { static BrowserType browser_type = BROWSER_INVALID; if (browser_type == BROWSER_INVALID) { std::wstring exe(GetHostProcessName(true)); if (!exe.empty()) { std::wstring::const_iterator begin = exe.begin(); std::wstring::const_iterator end = exe.end(); if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(begin, end, kIEImageName)) { browser_type = BROWSER_IE; } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(begin, end, kFirefoxImageName)) { browser_type = BROWSER_FIREFOX; } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(begin, end, kOperaImageName)) { browser_type = BROWSER_OPERA; } else { browser_type = BROWSER_UNKNOWN; } } else { NOTREACHED(); } } return browser_type; } IEVersion GetIEVersion() { static IEVersion ie_version = IE_INVALID; if (ie_version == IE_INVALID) { wchar_t exe_path[MAX_PATH]; HMODULE mod = GetModuleHandle(NULL); GetModuleFileName(mod, exe_path, arraysize(exe_path) - 1); std::wstring exe_name(file_util::GetFilenameFromPath(exe_path)); if (!LowerCaseEqualsASCII(exe_name, kIEImageName)) { ie_version = NON_IE; } else { uint32 high = 0; uint32 low = 0; if (GetModuleVersion(mod, &high, &low)) { switch (HIWORD(high)) { case 6: ie_version = IE_6; break; case 7: ie_version = IE_7; break; default: ie_version = HIWORD(high) >= 8 ? IE_8 : IE_UNSUPPORTED; break; } } else { NOTREACHED() << "Can't get IE version"; } } } return ie_version; } bool IsIEInPrivate() { typedef BOOL (WINAPI* IEIsInPrivateBrowsingPtr)(); bool incognito_mode = false; HMODULE h = GetModuleHandle(L"ieframe.dll"); if (h) { IEIsInPrivateBrowsingPtr IsInPrivate = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(h, "IEIsInPrivateBrowsing")); if (IsInPrivate) { incognito_mode = !!IsInPrivate(); } } return incognito_mode; } HRESULT DoFileDownloadInIE(const wchar_t* url) { DCHECK(url); HMODULE mod = ::GetModuleHandleA("ieframe.dll"); if (!mod) mod = ::GetModuleHandleA("shdocvw.dll"); if (!mod) { NOTREACHED(); return E_UNEXPECTED; } typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* DoFileDownloadFn)(const wchar_t*); DoFileDownloadFn fn = reinterpret_cast( ::GetProcAddress(mod, "DoFileDownload")); DCHECK(fn); return fn ? fn(url) : E_UNEXPECTED; } bool GetModuleVersion(HMODULE module, uint32* high, uint32* low) { DCHECK(module != NULL) << "Please use GetModuleHandle(NULL) to get the process name"; DCHECK(high); bool ok = false; HRSRC res = FindResource(module, reinterpret_cast(VS_VERSION_INFO), RT_VERSION); if (res) { HGLOBAL res_data = LoadResource(module, res); DWORD version_resource_size = SizeofResource(module, res); const void* readonly_resource_data = LockResource(res_data); if (readonly_resource_data && version_resource_size) { // Copy data as VerQueryValue tries to modify the data. This causes // exceptions and heap corruption errors if debugger is attached. scoped_array data(new char[version_resource_size]); memcpy(data.get(), readonly_resource_data, version_resource_size); if (data.get()) { VS_FIXEDFILEINFO* ver_info = NULL; UINT info_size = 0; if (VerQueryValue(data.get(), L"\\", reinterpret_cast(&ver_info), &info_size)) { *high = ver_info->dwFileVersionMS; if (low != NULL) *low = ver_info->dwFileVersionLS; ok = true; } UnlockResource(res_data); } FreeResource(res_data); } } return ok; } namespace { const int kMaxSubmenuDepth = 10; // Copies original_menu and returns the copy. The caller is responsible for // closing the returned HMENU. This does not currently copy over bitmaps // (e.g. hbmpChecked, hbmpUnchecked or hbmpItem), so checkmarks, radio buttons, // and custom icons won't work. // It also copies over submenus up to a maximum depth of kMaxSubMenuDepth. // // TODO(robertshield): Add support for the bitmap fields if need be. HMENU UtilCloneContextMenuImpl(HMENU original_menu, int depth) { DCHECK(IsMenu(original_menu)); if (depth >= kMaxSubmenuDepth) return NULL; HMENU new_menu = CreatePopupMenu(); int item_count = GetMenuItemCount(original_menu); if (item_count <= 0) { NOTREACHED(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < item_count; i++) { MENUITEMINFO item_info = { 0 }; item_info.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO); item_info.fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_STRING | MIIM_FTYPE | MIIM_STATE | MIIM_DATA | MIIM_SUBMENU | MIIM_CHECKMARKS | MIIM_BITMAP; // Call GetMenuItemInfo a first time to obtain the buffer size for // the label. if (GetMenuItemInfo(original_menu, i, TRUE, &item_info)) { item_info.cch++; // Increment this as per MSDN std::vector buffer(item_info.cch, 0); item_info.dwTypeData = &buffer[0]; // Call GetMenuItemInfo a second time with dwTypeData set to a buffer // of a correct size to get the label. GetMenuItemInfo(original_menu, i, TRUE, &item_info); // Clone any submenus. Within reason. if (item_info.hSubMenu) { HMENU new_submenu = UtilCloneContextMenuImpl(item_info.hSubMenu, depth + 1); item_info.hSubMenu = new_submenu; } // Now insert the item into the new menu. InsertMenuItem(new_menu, i, TRUE, &item_info); } } } return new_menu; } } // namespace HMENU UtilCloneContextMenu(HMENU original_menu) { return UtilCloneContextMenuImpl(original_menu, 0); } std::string ResolveURL(const std::string& document, const std::string& relative) { if (document.empty()) { return GURL(relative).spec(); } else { return GURL(document).Resolve(relative).spec(); } } bool HaveSameOrigin(const std::string& url1, const std::string& url2) { GURL a(url1), b(url2); bool ret; if (a.is_valid() != b.is_valid()) { // Either (but not both) url is invalid, so they can't match. ret = false; } else if (!a.is_valid()) { // Both URLs are invalid (see first check). Just check if the opaque // strings match exactly. ret = url1.compare(url2) == 0; } else if (a.GetOrigin() != b.GetOrigin()) { // The origins don't match. ret = false; } else { // we have a match. ret = true; } return ret; } int GetConfigInt(int default_value, const wchar_t* value_name) { int ret = default_value; RegKey config_key; if (config_key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, kChromeFrameConfigKey, KEY_QUERY_VALUE)) { int value = FALSE; if (config_key.ReadValueDW(value_name, reinterpret_cast(&value))) { ret = value; } } return ret; } bool GetConfigBool(bool default_value, const wchar_t* value_name) { DWORD value = GetConfigInt(default_value, value_name); return (value != FALSE); } bool SetConfigInt(const wchar_t* value_name, int value) { RegKey config_key; if (config_key.Create(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, kChromeFrameConfigKey, KEY_SET_VALUE)) { if (config_key.WriteValue(value_name, value)) { return true; } } return false; } bool SetConfigBool(const wchar_t* value_name, bool value) { return SetConfigInt(value_name, value); } bool DeleteConfigValue(const wchar_t* value_name) { RegKey config_key; if (config_key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, kChromeFrameConfigKey, KEY_WRITE)) { return config_key.DeleteValue(value_name); } return false; } bool IsOptInUrl(const wchar_t* url) { RegKey config_key; if (!config_key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, kChromeFrameConfigKey, KEY_READ)) return false; RegistryValueIterator optin_urls_list(config_key.Handle(), kChromeFrameOptinUrlsKey); while (optin_urls_list.Valid()) { if (MatchPatternWide(url, optin_urls_list.Name())) return true; ++optin_urls_list; } return false; } HRESULT NavigateBrowserToMoniker(IUnknown* browser, IMoniker* moniker, const wchar_t* headers, IBindCtx* bind_ctx, const wchar_t* fragment) { DCHECK(browser); DCHECK(moniker); DCHECK(bind_ctx); ScopedComPtr web_browser2; HRESULT hr = DoQueryService(SID_SWebBrowserApp, browser, web_browser2.Receive()); DCHECK(web_browser2); DLOG_IF(WARNING, FAILED(hr)) << StringPrintf(L"SWebBrowserApp 0x%08X", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // Create a new bind context that's not associated with our callback. // Calling RevokeBindStatusCallback doesn't disassociate the callback with // the bind context in IE7. The returned bind context has the same // implementation of GetRunningObjectTable as the bind context we held which // basically delegates to ole32's GetRunningObjectTable. The object table // is then used to determine if the moniker is already running and via // that mechanism is associated with the same internet request as has already // been issued. // TODO(tommi): See if we can get HlinkSimpleNavigateToMoniker to work // instead. Looks like we'll need to support IHTMLDocument2 (get_URL in // particular), access to IWebBrowser2 etc. // HlinkSimpleNavigateToMoniker(moniker, url, NULL, host, bind_context, // NULL, 0, 0); ScopedComPtr uri_container; hr = uri_container.QueryFrom(moniker); ScopedVariant headers_var; if (headers && headers[0]) headers_var.Set(headers); if (uri_container) { // IE7 and IE8. const IID* interface_ids[] = { &IID_IWebBrowserPriv2IE7, &IID_IWebBrowserPriv2IE8, &IID_IWebBrowserPriv2IE8XP, &IID_IWebBrowserPriv2IE8XPBeta, }; ScopedComPtr browser_priv2; for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(interface_ids) && browser_priv2 == NULL; ++i) { hr = web_browser2.QueryInterface(*interface_ids[i], reinterpret_cast(browser_priv2.Receive())); } DCHECK(browser_priv2); if (browser_priv2) { ScopedComPtr uri_obj; uri_container->GetIUri(uri_obj.Receive()); DCHECK(uri_obj); hr = browser_priv2->NavigateWithBindCtx2(uri_obj, NULL, NULL, NULL, headers_var.AsInput(), bind_ctx, const_cast(fragment)); DLOG_IF(WARNING, FAILED(hr)) << StringPrintf(L"NavigateWithBindCtx2 0x%08X", hr); } } else { // IE6 LPOLESTR url = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = moniker->GetDisplayName(bind_ctx, NULL, &url))) { DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << " " << url; ScopedComPtr browser_priv; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = browser_priv.QueryFrom(web_browser2))) { ScopedVariant var_url(url); hr = browser_priv->NavigateWithBindCtx(var_url.AsInput(), NULL, NULL, NULL, headers_var.AsInput(), bind_ctx, const_cast(fragment)); DLOG_IF(WARNING, FAILED(hr)) << StringPrintf(L"NavigateWithBindCtx 0x%08X", hr); } else { NOTREACHED(); } ::CoTaskMemFree(url); } else { DLOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf("GetDisplayName: 0x%08X", hr); } } return hr; } void MarkBrowserOnThreadForCFNavigation(IBrowserService* browser) { DCHECK(browser != NULL); DCHECK(g_tls_browser_for_cf_navigation.Pointer()->Get() == NULL || g_tls_browser_for_cf_navigation.Pointer()->Get() == browser); g_tls_browser_for_cf_navigation.Pointer()->Set(browser); } bool CheckForCFNavigation(IBrowserService* browser, bool clear_flag) { DCHECK(browser); bool ret = (g_tls_browser_for_cf_navigation.Pointer()->Get() == browser); if (ret && clear_flag) g_tls_browser_for_cf_navigation.Pointer()->Set(NULL); return ret; } bool IsValidUrlScheme(const std::wstring& url, bool is_privileged) { if (url.empty()) return false; GURL crack_url(url); if (crack_url.SchemeIs(chrome::kHttpScheme) || crack_url.SchemeIs(chrome::kHttpsScheme) || crack_url.SchemeIs(chrome::kAboutScheme)) return true; // Additional checking for view-source. Allow only http and https // URLs in view source. if (crack_url.SchemeIs(chrome::kViewSourceScheme)) { GURL sub_url(crack_url.path()); if (sub_url.SchemeIs(chrome::kHttpScheme) || sub_url.SchemeIs(chrome::kHttpsScheme)) return true; else return false; } if (is_privileged && (crack_url.SchemeIs(chrome::kDataScheme) || crack_url.SchemeIs(chrome::kExtensionScheme))) return true; if (StartsWith(url, kChromeAttachExternalTabPrefix, false)) return true; return false; } std::string GetRawHttpHeaders(IWinInetHttpInfo* info) { DCHECK(info); std::string buffer; DWORD size = 0; DWORD flags = 0; DWORD reserved = 0; HRESULT hr = info->QueryInfo(HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, NULL, &size, &flags, &reserved); if (!size) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to query HTTP headers size. Error: " << hr; } else { buffer.resize(size + 1); hr = info->QueryInfo(HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, &buffer[0], &size, &flags, &reserved); if (FAILED(hr)) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to query HTTP headers. Error: " << hr; } } return buffer; } bool IsSubFrameRequest(IUnknown* service_provider) { DCHECK(service_provider); // We need to be able to get at an IWebBrowser2 if we are to decide whether // this request originates from a non-top-level frame. ScopedComPtr web_browser; HRESULT hr = DoQueryService(IID_ITargetFrame2, service_provider, web_browser.Receive()); bool is_sub_frame_request = false; if (web_browser) { // Now check to see if we are in a sub-frame. ScopedComPtr current_frame, parent_frame; hr = DoQueryService(IID_IHTMLWindow2, service_provider, current_frame.Receive()); if (current_frame) { // Only the top level window will return self when get_parent is called. current_frame->get_parent(parent_frame.Receive()); if (parent_frame != current_frame) { DLOG(INFO) << "Sub frame detected"; is_sub_frame_request = true; } } } else { DLOG(INFO) << "IsSubFrameRequest - no IWebBrowser2"; is_sub_frame_request = true; } return is_sub_frame_request; } bool IsHeadlessMode() { bool headless = GetConfigBool(false, kChromeFrameHeadlessMode); return headless; } std::wstring GetActualUrlFromMoniker(IMoniker* moniker, IBindCtx* bind_context, const std::wstring& bho_url) { CComHeapPtr display_name; moniker->GetDisplayName(bind_context, NULL, &display_name); std::wstring moniker_url = display_name; GURL parsed_url(WideToUTF8(bho_url)); if (!parsed_url.has_ref()) return moniker_url; if (StartsWith(bho_url, moniker_url, false) && bho_url[moniker_url.length()] == L'#') return bho_url; return moniker_url; } bool IsTopLevelWindow(HWND window) { long style = GetWindowLong(window, GWL_STYLE); // NOLINT if (!(style & WS_CHILD)) return true; HWND parent = GetParent(window); return !parent || (parent == GetDesktopWindow()); } std::wstring GuidToString(const GUID& guid) { std::wstring ret; ::StringFromGUID2(guid, WriteInto(&ret, 39), 39); return ret; }