// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_FRAME_UTILS_H_ #define CHROME_FRAME_UTILS_H_ #include <atlbase.h> #include <string> #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/logging.h" // utils.h : Various utility functions and classes extern const wchar_t kChromeContentPrefix[]; extern const wchar_t kChromeProtocolPrefix[]; // This function is very similar to the AtlRegisterTypeLib function except // that it takes a parameter that specifies whether to register the typelib // for the current user only or on a machine-wide basis // Refer to the MSDN documentation for AtlRegisterTypeLib for a description of // the arguments HRESULT UtilRegisterTypeLib(HINSTANCE tlb_instance, LPCOLESTR index, bool for_current_user_only); // This function is very similar to the AtlUnRegisterTypeLib function except // that it takes a parameter that specifies whether to unregister the typelib // for the current user only or on a machine-wide basis // Refer to the MSDN documentation for AtlUnRegisterTypeLib for a description // of the arguments HRESULT UtilUnRegisterTypeLib(HINSTANCE tlb_instance, LPCOLESTR index, bool for_current_user_only); HRESULT UtilRegisterTypeLib(LPCWSTR typelib_path, bool for_current_user_only); HRESULT UtilUnRegisterTypeLib(LPCWSTR typelib_path, bool for_current_user_only); HRESULT UtilRegisterTypeLib(ITypeLib* typelib, LPCWSTR typelib_path, LPCWSTR help_dir, bool for_current_user_only); HRESULT UtilUnRegisterTypeLib(ITypeLib* typelib, bool for_current_user_only); // Given an HTML fragment, this function looks for the // <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"> tag and extracts the value of the // "content" attribute // This method will currently return a false positive if the tag appears // inside a string in a <SCRIPT> block. HRESULT UtilGetXUACompatContentValue(const std::wstring& html_string, std::wstring* content_value); // Returns a string from ChromeFrame's string table by resource. Must be // provided with a valid resource id. std::wstring GetResourceString(int resource_id); // Displays a message box indicating that there was a version mismatch between // ChromeFrame and the running instance of Chrome. // server_version is the version of the running instance of Chrome. void DisplayVersionMismatchWarning(HWND parent, const std::string& server_version); // This class provides a base implementation for ATL modules which want to // perform all their registration under HKCU. This class overrides the // RegisterServer and UnregisterServer methods and registers the type libraries // under HKCU (the rest of the registation is made under HKCU by changing the // appropriate .RGS files) template < class BaseAtlModule > class AtlPerUserModule : public BaseAtlModule { public: HRESULT RegisterServer(BOOL reg_typelib = FALSE, const CLSID* clsid = NULL) throw() { HRESULT hr = BaseAtlModule::RegisterServer(FALSE, clsid); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } if (reg_typelib) { hr = UtilRegisterTypeLib(_AtlComModule.m_hInstTypeLib, NULL, false); } return hr; } HRESULT UnregisterServer(BOOL unreg_typelib, const CLSID* clsid = NULL) throw() { HRESULT hr = BaseAtlModule::UnregisterServer(FALSE, clsid); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } if (unreg_typelib) { hr = UtilUnRegisterTypeLib(_AtlComModule.m_hInstTypeLib, NULL, false); } return hr; } }; // Creates a javascript statement for execution from the function name and // arguments passed in. std::string CreateJavascript(const std::string& function_name, const std::string args); // Use to prevent the DLL from being unloaded while there are still living // objects with outstanding references. class AddRefModule { public: AddRefModule(); ~AddRefModule(); }; // Retrieves the executable name of the process hosting us. If // |include_extension| is false, then we strip the extension from the name. std::wstring GetHostProcessName(bool include_extension); typedef enum BrowserType { BROWSER_INVALID = -1, BROWSER_UNKNOWN, BROWSER_IE, BROWSER_FIREFOX, BROWSER_OPERA, }; BrowserType GetBrowserType(); typedef enum IEVersion { IE_INVALID, NON_IE, IE_UNSUPPORTED, IE_6, IE_7, IE_8, }; // To get the IE version when Chrome Frame is hosted in IE. Make sure that // the hosting browser is IE before calling this function, otherwise NON_IE // will be returned. IEVersion GetIEVersion(); // Retrieves the file version from a module handle without extra round trips // to the disk (as happens with the regular GetFileVersionInfo API). // // @param module A handle to the module for which to retrieve the version info. // @param high On successful return holds the most significant part of the // file version. Must be non-null. // @param low On successful return holds the least significant part of the // file version. May be NULL. // @returns true if the version info was successfully retrieved. bool GetModuleVersion(HMODULE module, uint32* high, uint32* low); // Return if the IEXPLORE is in private mode. The IEIsInPrivateBrowsing() checks // whether current process is IEXPLORE. bool IsIEInPrivate(); // Creates a copy of a menu. We need this when original menu comes from // a process with higher integrity. HMENU UtilCloneContextMenu(HMENU original_menu); // Uses GURL internally to append 'relative' to 'document' std::string ResolveURL(const std::string& document, const std::string& relative); // Returns true iff the two urls have the same scheme, same host and same port. bool HaveSameOrigin(const std::string& url1, const std::string& url2); // Get a boolean configuration value from registry. bool GetConfigBool(bool default_value, const wchar_t* value_name); // Gets an integer configuration value from the registry. int GetConfigInt(int default_value, const wchar_t* value_name); // Check if this url is opting into Chrome Frame based on static settings. bool IsOptInUrl(const wchar_t* url); // A shortcut for QueryService template <typename T> HRESULT DoQueryService(const IID& service_id, IUnknown* unk, T** service) { DCHECK(service); if (!unk) return E_INVALIDARG; ScopedComPtr<IServiceProvider> service_provider; HRESULT hr = service_provider.QueryFrom(unk); if (!service_provider) return hr; return service_provider->QueryService(service_id, service); } // Get url (display name) from a moniker, |bind_context| is optional HRESULT GetUrlFromMoniker(IMoniker* moniker, IBindCtx* bind_context, std::wstring* url); // Returns true if the URL passed in is something which can be handled by // Chrome. If this function returns false then we should fail the navigation. // When is_privileged is true, chrome extension URLs will be considered valid. bool IsValidUrlScheme(const std::wstring& url, bool is_privileged); // This returns the base directory in which to store user profiles. bool GetUserProfileBaseDirectory(std::wstring* path); // See COM_INTERFACE_BLIND_DELEGATE below for details. template <class T> STDMETHODIMP CheckOutgoingInterface(void* obj, REFIID iid, void** ret, DWORD cookie) { T* instance = reinterpret_cast<T*>(obj); HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; IUnknown* delegate = instance ? instance->delegate() : NULL; if (delegate) { hr = delegate->QueryInterface(iid, ret); #if !defined(NDEBUG) if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { wchar_t iid_string[64] = {0}; StringFromGUID2(iid, iid_string, arraysize(iid_string)); DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << " Giving out wrapped interface: " << iid_string; } #endif } return hr; } // See COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IF_DELEGATE_SUPPORTS below for details. template <class T> STDMETHODIMP QueryInterfaceIfDelegateSupports(void* obj, REFIID iid, void** ret, DWORD cookie) { HRESULT hr = E_NOINTERFACE; T* instance = reinterpret_cast<T*>(obj); IUnknown* delegate = instance ? instance->delegate() : NULL; if (delegate) { ScopedComPtr<IUnknown> original; hr = delegate->QueryInterface(iid, reinterpret_cast<void**>(original.Receive())); if (original) { IUnknown* supported_interface = reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>( reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(obj) + cookie); supported_interface->AddRef(); *ret = supported_interface; hr = S_OK; } } return hr; } // Same as COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY but relies on the class to implement a // delegate() method that returns a pointer to the delegated COM object. #define COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IF_DELEGATE_SUPPORTS(x) \ COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_FUNC(_ATL_IIDOF(x), \ offsetofclass(x, _ComMapClass), \ QueryInterfaceIfDelegateSupports<_ComMapClass>) // Queries the delegated COM object for an interface, bypassing the wrapper. #define COM_INTERFACE_BLIND_DELEGATE() \ COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_FUNC_BLIND(0, CheckOutgoingInterface<_ComMapClass>) #endif // CHROME_FRAME_UTILS_H_