// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chromeos/audio/cras_audio_handler.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "chromeos/audio/audio_devices_pref_handler.h" #include "chromeos/audio/audio_devices_pref_handler_stub.h" #include "chromeos/dbus/dbus_thread_manager.h" using std::max; using std::min; namespace chromeos { namespace { // Default value for unmuting, as a percent in the range [0, 100]. // Used when sound is unmuted, but volume was less than kMuteThresholdPercent. const int kDefaultUnmuteVolumePercent = 4; // Volume value which should be considered as muted in range [0, 100]. const int kMuteThresholdPercent = 1; static CrasAudioHandler* g_cras_audio_handler = NULL; bool IsSameAudioDevice(const AudioDevice& a, const AudioDevice& b) { return a.id == b.id && a.is_input == b.is_input && a.type == b.type && a.device_name == b.device_name; } bool IsInNodeList(uint64_t node_id, const CrasAudioHandler::NodeIdList& id_list) { return std::find(id_list.begin(), id_list.end(), node_id) != id_list.end(); } bool IsNodeInTheList(uint64_t node_id, const AudioNodeList& node_list) { for (size_t i = 0; i < node_list.size(); ++i) { if (node_id == node_list[i].id) return true; } return false; } } // namespace CrasAudioHandler::AudioObserver::AudioObserver() { } CrasAudioHandler::AudioObserver::~AudioObserver() { } void CrasAudioHandler::AudioObserver::OnOutputNodeVolumeChanged( uint64_t /* node_id */, int /* volume */) { } void CrasAudioHandler::AudioObserver::OnInputNodeGainChanged( uint64_t /* node_id */, int /* gain */) { } void CrasAudioHandler::AudioObserver::OnOutputMuteChanged(bool /* mute_on */) { } void CrasAudioHandler::AudioObserver::OnInputMuteChanged(bool /* mute_on */) { } void CrasAudioHandler::AudioObserver::OnAudioNodesChanged() { } void CrasAudioHandler::AudioObserver::OnActiveOutputNodeChanged() { } void CrasAudioHandler::AudioObserver::OnActiveInputNodeChanged() { } // static void CrasAudioHandler::Initialize( scoped_refptr<AudioDevicesPrefHandler> audio_pref_handler) { CHECK(!g_cras_audio_handler); g_cras_audio_handler = new CrasAudioHandler(audio_pref_handler); } // static void CrasAudioHandler::InitializeForTesting() { CHECK(!g_cras_audio_handler); CrasAudioHandler::Initialize(new AudioDevicesPrefHandlerStub()); } // static void CrasAudioHandler::Shutdown() { CHECK(g_cras_audio_handler); delete g_cras_audio_handler; g_cras_audio_handler = NULL; } // static bool CrasAudioHandler::IsInitialized() { return g_cras_audio_handler != NULL; } // static CrasAudioHandler* CrasAudioHandler::Get() { CHECK(g_cras_audio_handler) << "CrasAudioHandler::Get() called before Initialize()."; return g_cras_audio_handler; } void CrasAudioHandler::AddAudioObserver(AudioObserver* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void CrasAudioHandler::RemoveAudioObserver(AudioObserver* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } bool CrasAudioHandler::HasKeyboardMic() { return GetKeyboardMic() != NULL; } bool CrasAudioHandler::IsOutputMuted() { return output_mute_on_; } bool CrasAudioHandler::IsOutputMutedForDevice(uint64_t device_id) { const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(device_id); if (!device) return false; DCHECK(!device->is_input); return audio_pref_handler_->GetMuteValue(*device); } bool CrasAudioHandler::IsOutputVolumeBelowDefaultMuteLevel() { return output_volume_ <= kMuteThresholdPercent; } bool CrasAudioHandler::IsInputMuted() { return input_mute_on_; } bool CrasAudioHandler::IsInputMutedForDevice(uint64_t device_id) { const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(device_id); if (!device) return false; DCHECK(device->is_input); // We don't record input mute state for each device in the prefs, // for any non-active input device, we assume mute is off. if (device->id == active_input_node_id_) return input_mute_on_; return false; } int CrasAudioHandler::GetOutputDefaultVolumeMuteThreshold() { return kMuteThresholdPercent; } int CrasAudioHandler::GetOutputVolumePercent() { return output_volume_; } int CrasAudioHandler::GetOutputVolumePercentForDevice(uint64_t device_id) { if (device_id == active_output_node_id_) { return output_volume_; } else { const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(device_id); return static_cast<int>(audio_pref_handler_->GetOutputVolumeValue(device)); } } int CrasAudioHandler::GetInputGainPercent() { return input_gain_; } int CrasAudioHandler::GetInputGainPercentForDevice(uint64_t device_id) { if (device_id == active_input_node_id_) { return input_gain_; } else { const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(device_id); return static_cast<int>(audio_pref_handler_->GetInputGainValue(device)); } } uint64_t CrasAudioHandler::GetPrimaryActiveOutputNode() const { return active_output_node_id_; } uint64_t CrasAudioHandler::GetPrimaryActiveInputNode() const { return active_input_node_id_; } void CrasAudioHandler::GetAudioDevices(AudioDeviceList* device_list) const { device_list->clear(); for (AudioDeviceMap::const_iterator it = audio_devices_.begin(); it != audio_devices_.end(); ++it) device_list->push_back(it->second); } bool CrasAudioHandler::GetPrimaryActiveOutputDevice(AudioDevice* device) const { const AudioDevice* active_device = GetDeviceFromId(active_output_node_id_); if (!active_device || !device) return false; *device = *active_device; return true; } void CrasAudioHandler::SetKeyboardMicActive(bool active) { const AudioDevice* keyboard_mic = GetKeyboardMic(); if (!keyboard_mic) return; // Keyboard mic is invisible to chromeos users. It is always added or removed // as additional active node. DCHECK(active_input_node_id_ && active_input_node_id_ != keyboard_mic->id); if (active) AddActiveNode(keyboard_mic->id, true); else RemoveActiveNodeInternal(keyboard_mic->id, true); } void CrasAudioHandler::AddActiveNode(uint64_t node_id, bool notify) { const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(node_id); if (!device) { VLOG(1) << "AddActiveInputNode: Cannot find device id=" << "0x" << std::hex << node_id; return; } // If there is no primary active device, set |node_id| to primary active node. if ((device->is_input && !active_input_node_id_) || (!device->is_input && !active_output_node_id_)) { SwitchToDevice(*device, notify); return; } AddAdditionalActiveNode(node_id, notify); } void CrasAudioHandler::ChangeActiveNodes(const NodeIdList& new_active_ids) { // Flags for whether there are input or output nodes passed in from // |new_active_ids|. If there are no input nodes passed in, we will not // make any change for input nodes; same for the output nodes. bool request_input_change = false; bool request_output_change = false; // Flags for whether we will actually change active status of input // or output nodes. bool make_input_change = false; bool make_output_change = false; NodeIdList nodes_to_activate; for (size_t i = 0; i < new_active_ids.size(); ++i) { const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(new_active_ids[i]); if (device) { if (device->is_input) request_input_change = true; else request_output_change = true; // If the new active device is already active, keep it as active. if (device->active) continue; nodes_to_activate.push_back(new_active_ids[i]); if (device->is_input) make_input_change = true; else make_output_change = true; } } // Remove all existing active devices that are not in the |new_active_ids| // list. for (AudioDeviceMap::const_iterator it = audio_devices_.begin(); it != audio_devices_.end(); ++it) { AudioDevice device = it->second; // Remove the existing active input or output nodes that are not in the new // active node list if there are new input or output nodes specified. if (device.active) { if ((device.is_input && request_input_change && !IsInNodeList(device.id, new_active_ids))) { make_input_change = true; RemoveActiveNodeInternal(device.id, false); // no notification. } else if (!device.is_input && request_output_change && !IsInNodeList(device.id, new_active_ids)) { make_output_change = true; RemoveActiveNodeInternal(device.id, false); // no notification. } } } // Adds the new active devices. for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes_to_activate.size(); ++i) AddActiveNode(nodes_to_activate[i], false); // no notification. // Notify the active nodes change now. if (make_input_change) NotifyActiveNodeChanged(true); if (make_output_change) NotifyActiveNodeChanged(false); } void CrasAudioHandler::SwapInternalSpeakerLeftRightChannel(bool swap) { for (AudioDeviceMap::const_iterator it = audio_devices_.begin(); it != audio_devices_.end(); ++it) { const AudioDevice& device = it->second; if (!device.is_input && device.type == AUDIO_TYPE_INTERNAL_SPEAKER) { chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetCrasAudioClient()->SwapLeftRight( device.id, swap); break; } } } bool CrasAudioHandler::has_alternative_input() const { return has_alternative_input_; } bool CrasAudioHandler::has_alternative_output() const { return has_alternative_output_; } void CrasAudioHandler::SetOutputVolumePercent(int volume_percent) { // Set all active devices to the same volume. for (AudioDeviceMap::const_iterator it = audio_devices_.begin(); it != audio_devices_.end(); it++) { const AudioDevice& device = it->second; if (!device.is_input && device.active) SetOutputNodeVolumePercent(device.id, volume_percent); } } // TODO: Rename the 'Percent' to something more meaningful. void CrasAudioHandler::SetInputGainPercent(int gain_percent) { // TODO(jennyz): Should we set all input devices' gain to the same level? for (AudioDeviceMap::const_iterator it = audio_devices_.begin(); it != audio_devices_.end(); it++) { const AudioDevice& device = it->second; if (device.is_input && device.active) SetInputNodeGainPercent(active_input_node_id_, gain_percent); } } void CrasAudioHandler::AdjustOutputVolumeByPercent(int adjust_by_percent) { SetOutputVolumePercent(output_volume_ + adjust_by_percent); } void CrasAudioHandler::SetOutputMute(bool mute_on) { if (!SetOutputMuteInternal(mute_on)) return; // Save the mute state for all active output audio devices. for (AudioDeviceMap::const_iterator it = audio_devices_.begin(); it != audio_devices_.end(); it++) { const AudioDevice& device = it->second; if (!device.is_input && device.active) { audio_pref_handler_->SetMuteValue(device, output_mute_on_); } } FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(AudioObserver, observers_, OnOutputMuteChanged(output_mute_on_)); } void CrasAudioHandler::AdjustOutputVolumeToAudibleLevel() { if (output_volume_ <= kMuteThresholdPercent) { // Avoid the situation when sound has been unmuted, but the volume // is set to a very low value, so user still can't hear any sound. SetOutputVolumePercent(kDefaultUnmuteVolumePercent); } } void CrasAudioHandler::SetInputMute(bool mute_on) { SetInputMuteInternal(mute_on); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(AudioObserver, observers_, OnInputMuteChanged(input_mute_on_)); } void CrasAudioHandler::SetActiveOutputNode(uint64_t node_id, bool notify) { chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetCrasAudioClient()-> SetActiveOutputNode(node_id); if (notify) NotifyActiveNodeChanged(false); } void CrasAudioHandler::SetActiveInputNode(uint64_t node_id, bool notify) { chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetCrasAudioClient()-> SetActiveInputNode(node_id); if (notify) NotifyActiveNodeChanged(true); } void CrasAudioHandler::SetVolumeGainPercentForDevice(uint64_t device_id, int value) { const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(device_id); if (!device) return; if (device->is_input) SetInputNodeGainPercent(device_id, value); else SetOutputNodeVolumePercent(device_id, value); } void CrasAudioHandler::SetMuteForDevice(uint64_t device_id, bool mute_on) { if (device_id == active_output_node_id_) { SetOutputMute(mute_on); return; } else if (device_id == active_input_node_id_) { VLOG(1) << "SetMuteForDevice sets active input device id=" << "0x" << std::hex << device_id << " mute=" << mute_on; SetInputMute(mute_on); return; } const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(device_id); // Input device's mute state is not recorded in the pref. crbug.com/365050. if (device && !device->is_input) audio_pref_handler_->SetMuteValue(*device, mute_on); } void CrasAudioHandler::LogErrors() { log_errors_ = true; } CrasAudioHandler::CrasAudioHandler( scoped_refptr<AudioDevicesPrefHandler> audio_pref_handler) : audio_pref_handler_(audio_pref_handler), output_mute_on_(false), input_mute_on_(false), output_volume_(0), input_gain_(0), active_output_node_id_(0), active_input_node_id_(0), has_alternative_input_(false), has_alternative_output_(false), output_mute_locked_(false), log_errors_(false), weak_ptr_factory_(this) { if (!audio_pref_handler.get()) return; // If the DBusThreadManager or the CrasAudioClient aren't available, there // isn't much we can do. This should only happen when running tests. if (!chromeos::DBusThreadManager::IsInitialized() || !chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get() || !chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetCrasAudioClient()) return; chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetCrasAudioClient()->AddObserver(this); audio_pref_handler_->AddAudioPrefObserver(this); if (chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetSessionManagerClient()) { chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetSessionManagerClient()-> AddObserver(this); } InitializeAudioState(); } CrasAudioHandler::~CrasAudioHandler() { if (!chromeos::DBusThreadManager::IsInitialized() || !chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get() || !chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetCrasAudioClient()) return; chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetCrasAudioClient()-> RemoveObserver(this); chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetSessionManagerClient()-> RemoveObserver(this); if (audio_pref_handler_.get()) audio_pref_handler_->RemoveAudioPrefObserver(this); audio_pref_handler_ = NULL; } void CrasAudioHandler::AudioClientRestarted() { // Make sure the logging is enabled in case cras server // restarts after crashing. LogErrors(); InitializeAudioState(); } void CrasAudioHandler::NodesChanged() { // Refresh audio nodes data. GetNodes(); } void CrasAudioHandler::ActiveOutputNodeChanged(uint64_t node_id) { if (active_output_node_id_ == node_id) return; // Active audio output device should always be changed by chrome. // During system boot, cras may change active input to unknown device 0x1, // we don't need to log it, since it is not an valid device. if (GetDeviceFromId(node_id)) { LOG_IF(WARNING, log_errors_) << "Active output node changed unexpectedly by system node_id=" << "0x" << std::hex << node_id; } } void CrasAudioHandler::ActiveInputNodeChanged(uint64_t node_id) { if (active_input_node_id_ == node_id) return; // Active audio input device should always be changed by chrome. // During system boot, cras may change active input to unknown device 0x2, // we don't need to log it, since it is not an valid device. if (GetDeviceFromId(node_id)) { LOG_IF(WARNING, log_errors_) << "Active input node changed unexpectedly by system node_id=" << "0x" << std::hex << node_id; } } void CrasAudioHandler::OnAudioPolicyPrefChanged() { ApplyAudioPolicy(); } void CrasAudioHandler::EmitLoginPromptVisibleCalled() { // Enable logging after cras server is started, which will be after // EmitLoginPromptVisible. LogErrors(); } const AudioDevice* CrasAudioHandler::GetDeviceFromId(uint64_t device_id) const { AudioDeviceMap::const_iterator it = audio_devices_.find(device_id); if (it == audio_devices_.end()) return NULL; return &(it->second); } const AudioDevice* CrasAudioHandler::GetKeyboardMic() const { for (AudioDeviceMap::const_iterator it = audio_devices_.begin(); it != audio_devices_.end(); it++) { if (it->second.is_input && it->second.type == AUDIO_TYPE_KEYBOARD_MIC) return &(it->second); } return NULL; } void CrasAudioHandler::SetupAudioInputState() { // Set the initial audio state to the ones read from audio prefs. const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(active_input_node_id_); if (!device) { LOG_IF(ERROR, log_errors_) << "Can't set up audio state for unknown input device id =" << "0x" << std::hex << active_input_node_id_; return; } input_gain_ = audio_pref_handler_->GetInputGainValue(device); VLOG(1) << "SetupAudioInputState for active device id=" << "0x" << std::hex << device->id << " mute=" << input_mute_on_; SetInputMuteInternal(input_mute_on_); // TODO(rkc,jennyz): Set input gain once we decide on how to store // the gain values since the range and step are both device specific. } void CrasAudioHandler::SetupAudioOutputState() { const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(active_output_node_id_); if (!device) { LOG_IF(ERROR, log_errors_) << "Can't set up audio state for unknown output device id =" << "0x" << std::hex << active_output_node_id_; return; } DCHECK(!device->is_input); output_mute_on_ = audio_pref_handler_->GetMuteValue(*device); output_volume_ = audio_pref_handler_->GetOutputVolumeValue(device); SetOutputMuteInternal(output_mute_on_); SetOutputNodeVolume(active_output_node_id_, output_volume_); } // This sets up the state of an additional active node. void CrasAudioHandler::SetupAdditionalActiveAudioNodeState(uint64_t node_id) { const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(node_id); if (!device) { VLOG(1) << "Can't set up audio state for unknown device id =" << "0x" << std::hex << node_id; return; } DCHECK(node_id != active_output_node_id_ && node_id != active_input_node_id_); // Note: The mute state is a system wide state, we don't set mute per device, // but just keep the mute state consistent for the active node in prefs. // The output volume should be set to the same value for all active output // devices. For input devices, we don't restore their gain value so far. // TODO(jennyz): crbug.com/417418, track the status for the decison if // we should persist input gain value in prefs. if (!device->is_input) { audio_pref_handler_->SetMuteValue(*device, IsOutputMuted()); SetOutputNodeVolumePercent(node_id, GetOutputVolumePercent()); } } void CrasAudioHandler::InitializeAudioState() { ApplyAudioPolicy(); GetNodes(); } void CrasAudioHandler::ApplyAudioPolicy() { output_mute_locked_ = false; if (!audio_pref_handler_->GetAudioOutputAllowedValue()) { // Mute the device, but do not update the preference. SetOutputMuteInternal(true); output_mute_locked_ = true; } else { // Restore the mute state. const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(active_output_node_id_); if (device) SetOutputMuteInternal(audio_pref_handler_->GetMuteValue(*device)); } // Policy for audio input is handled by kAudioCaptureAllowed in the Chrome // media system. } void CrasAudioHandler::SetOutputNodeVolume(uint64_t node_id, int volume) { chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetCrasAudioClient()-> SetOutputNodeVolume(node_id, volume); } void CrasAudioHandler::SetOutputNodeVolumePercent(uint64_t node_id, int volume_percent) { const AudioDevice* device = this->GetDeviceFromId(node_id); if (!device || device->is_input) return; volume_percent = min(max(volume_percent, 0), 100); if (volume_percent <= kMuteThresholdPercent) volume_percent = 0; if (node_id == active_output_node_id_) output_volume_ = volume_percent; audio_pref_handler_->SetVolumeGainValue(*device, volume_percent); if (device->active) { SetOutputNodeVolume(node_id, volume_percent); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(AudioObserver, observers_, OnOutputNodeVolumeChanged(node_id, volume_percent)); } } bool CrasAudioHandler::SetOutputMuteInternal(bool mute_on) { if (output_mute_locked_) return false; output_mute_on_ = mute_on; chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetCrasAudioClient()-> SetOutputUserMute(mute_on); return true; } void CrasAudioHandler::SetInputNodeGain(uint64_t node_id, int gain) { chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetCrasAudioClient()-> SetInputNodeGain(node_id, gain); } void CrasAudioHandler::SetInputNodeGainPercent(uint64_t node_id, int gain_percent) { const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(node_id); if (!device || !device->is_input) return; // NOTE: We do not sanitize input gain values since the range is completely // dependent on the device. if (active_input_node_id_ == node_id) input_gain_ = gain_percent; audio_pref_handler_->SetVolumeGainValue(*device, gain_percent); if (device->active) { SetInputNodeGain(node_id, gain_percent); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(AudioObserver, observers_, OnInputNodeGainChanged(node_id, gain_percent)); } } void CrasAudioHandler::SetInputMuteInternal(bool mute_on) { input_mute_on_ = mute_on; chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetCrasAudioClient()-> SetInputMute(mute_on); } void CrasAudioHandler::GetNodes() { chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetCrasAudioClient()->GetNodes( base::Bind(&CrasAudioHandler::HandleGetNodes, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), base::Bind(&CrasAudioHandler::HandleGetNodesError, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } bool CrasAudioHandler::ChangeActiveDevice(const AudioDevice& new_active_device, uint64_t* current_active_node_id) { // If the device we want to switch to is already the current active device, // do nothing. if (new_active_device.active && new_active_device.id == *current_active_node_id) { return false; } // Reset all other input or output devices' active status. The active audio // device from the previous user session can be remembered by cras, but not // in chrome. see crbug.com/273271. for (AudioDeviceMap::iterator it = audio_devices_.begin(); it != audio_devices_.end(); ++it) { if (it->second.is_input == new_active_device.is_input && it->second.id != new_active_device.id) it->second.active = false; } // Set the current active input/output device to the new_active_device. *current_active_node_id = new_active_device.id; audio_devices_[*current_active_node_id].active = true; return true; } bool CrasAudioHandler::NonActiveDeviceUnplugged(size_t old_devices_size, size_t new_devices_size, uint64_t current_active_node) { return (new_devices_size < old_devices_size && GetDeviceFromId(current_active_node)); } void CrasAudioHandler::SwitchToDevice(const AudioDevice& device, bool notify) { if (device.is_input) { if (!ChangeActiveDevice(device, &active_input_node_id_)) return; SetupAudioInputState(); SetActiveInputNode(active_input_node_id_, notify); } else { if (!ChangeActiveDevice(device, &active_output_node_id_)) return; SetupAudioOutputState(); SetActiveOutputNode(active_output_node_id_, notify); } } bool CrasAudioHandler::HasDeviceChange(const AudioNodeList& new_nodes, bool is_input, AudioNodeList* new_discovered) { size_t num_old_devices = 0; size_t num_new_devices = 0; for (AudioDeviceMap::const_iterator it = audio_devices_.begin(); it != audio_devices_.end(); ++it) { if (is_input == it->second.is_input) ++num_old_devices; } bool new_or_changed_device = false; new_discovered->clear(); for (AudioNodeList::const_iterator it = new_nodes.begin(); it != new_nodes.end(); ++it) { if (is_input == it->is_input) { ++num_new_devices; // Look to see if the new device not in the old device list. AudioDevice device(*it); DeviceStatus status = CheckDeviceStatus(device); if (status == NEW_DEVICE) new_discovered->push_back(*it); if (status == NEW_DEVICE || status == CHANGED_DEVICE) { new_or_changed_device = true; } } } return new_or_changed_device || (num_old_devices != num_new_devices); } CrasAudioHandler::DeviceStatus CrasAudioHandler::CheckDeviceStatus( const AudioDevice& device) { const AudioDevice* device_found = GetDeviceFromId(device.id); if (!device_found) return NEW_DEVICE; if (!IsSameAudioDevice(device, *device_found)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Different Audio devices with same id:" << " new device: " << device.ToString() << " old device: " << device_found->ToString(); return CHANGED_DEVICE; } else if (device.active != device_found->active) { return CHANGED_DEVICE; } return OLD_DEVICE; } void CrasAudioHandler::NotifyActiveNodeChanged(bool is_input) { if (is_input) FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(AudioObserver, observers_, OnActiveInputNodeChanged()); else FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(AudioObserver, observers_, OnActiveOutputNodeChanged()); } void CrasAudioHandler::UpdateDevicesAndSwitchActive( const AudioNodeList& nodes) { size_t old_output_device_size = 0; size_t old_input_device_size = 0; for (AudioDeviceMap::const_iterator it = audio_devices_.begin(); it != audio_devices_.end(); ++it) { if (it->second.is_input) ++old_input_device_size; else ++old_output_device_size; } AudioNodeList hotplug_output_nodes; AudioNodeList hotplug_input_nodes; bool output_devices_changed = HasDeviceChange(nodes, false, &hotplug_output_nodes); bool input_devices_changed = HasDeviceChange(nodes, true, &hotplug_input_nodes); audio_devices_.clear(); has_alternative_input_ = false; has_alternative_output_ = false; while (!input_devices_pq_.empty()) input_devices_pq_.pop(); while (!output_devices_pq_.empty()) output_devices_pq_.pop(); size_t new_output_device_size = 0; size_t new_input_device_size = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) { AudioDevice device(nodes[i]); audio_devices_[device.id] = device; if (!has_alternative_input_ && device.is_input && device.type != AUDIO_TYPE_INTERNAL_MIC && device.type != AUDIO_TYPE_KEYBOARD_MIC) { has_alternative_input_ = true; } else if (!has_alternative_output_ && !device.is_input && device.type != AUDIO_TYPE_INTERNAL_SPEAKER) { has_alternative_output_ = true; } if (device.is_input) { input_devices_pq_.push(device); ++new_input_device_size; } else { output_devices_pq_.push(device); ++new_output_device_size; } } // If the previous active device is removed from the new node list, // or changed to inactive by cras, reset active_output_node_id_. // See crbug.com/478968. const AudioDevice* active_output = GetDeviceFromId(active_output_node_id_); if (!active_output || !active_output->active) active_output_node_id_ = 0; const AudioDevice* active_input = GetDeviceFromId(active_input_node_id_); if (!active_input || !active_input->active) active_input_node_id_ = 0; // If audio nodes change is caused by unplugging some non-active audio // devices, the previously set active audio device will stay active. // Otherwise, switch to a new active audio device according to their priority. if (input_devices_changed && !NonActiveDeviceUnplugged(old_input_device_size, new_input_device_size, active_input_node_id_)) { // Some devices like chromeboxes don't have the internal audio input. In // that case the active input node id should be reset. if (input_devices_pq_.empty()) { active_input_node_id_ = 0; NotifyActiveNodeChanged(true); } else { // If user has hot plugged a new node, we should change to the active // device to the new node if it has the highest priority; otherwise, // we should keep the existing active node chosen by user. // For all other cases, we will choose the node with highest priority. if (!active_input_node_id_ || hotplug_input_nodes.empty() || IsNodeInTheList(input_devices_pq_.top().id, hotplug_input_nodes)) { SwitchToDevice(input_devices_pq_.top(), true); } } } if (output_devices_changed && !NonActiveDeviceUnplugged(old_output_device_size, new_output_device_size, active_output_node_id_)) { // This is really unlikely to happen because all ChromeOS devices have the // internal audio output. if (output_devices_pq_.empty()) { active_output_node_id_ = 0; NotifyActiveNodeChanged(false); } else { // ditto input node case. if (!active_output_node_id_ || hotplug_output_nodes.empty() || IsNodeInTheList(output_devices_pq_.top().id, hotplug_output_nodes)) { SwitchToDevice(output_devices_pq_.top(), true); } } } } void CrasAudioHandler::HandleGetNodes(const chromeos::AudioNodeList& node_list, bool success) { if (!success) { LOG_IF(ERROR, log_errors_) << "Failed to retrieve audio nodes data"; return; } UpdateDevicesAndSwitchActive(node_list); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(AudioObserver, observers_, OnAudioNodesChanged()); } void CrasAudioHandler::HandleGetNodesError(const std::string& error_name, const std::string& error_msg) { LOG_IF(ERROR, log_errors_) << "Failed to call GetNodes: " << error_name << ": " << error_msg; } void CrasAudioHandler::AddAdditionalActiveNode(uint64_t node_id, bool notify) { const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(node_id); if (!device) { VLOG(1) << "AddActiveInputNode: Cannot find device id=" << "0x" << std::hex << node_id; return; } audio_devices_[node_id].active = true; SetupAdditionalActiveAudioNodeState(node_id); if (device->is_input) { DCHECK(node_id != active_input_node_id_); chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get() ->GetCrasAudioClient() ->AddActiveInputNode(node_id); if (notify) NotifyActiveNodeChanged(true); } else { DCHECK(node_id != active_output_node_id_); chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get() ->GetCrasAudioClient() ->AddActiveOutputNode(node_id); if (notify) NotifyActiveNodeChanged(false); } } void CrasAudioHandler::RemoveActiveNodeInternal(uint64_t node_id, bool notify) { const AudioDevice* device = GetDeviceFromId(node_id); if (!device) { VLOG(1) << "RemoveActiveInputNode: Cannot find device id=" << "0x" << std::hex << node_id; return; } audio_devices_[node_id].active = false; if (device->is_input) { if (node_id == active_input_node_id_) active_input_node_id_ = 0; chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get() ->GetCrasAudioClient() ->RemoveActiveInputNode(node_id); if (notify) NotifyActiveNodeChanged(true); } else { if (node_id == active_output_node_id_) active_output_node_id_ = 0; chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get() ->GetCrasAudioClient() ->RemoveActiveOutputNode(node_id); if (notify) NotifyActiveNodeChanged(false); } } } // namespace chromeos