// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chromeos/disks/disk_mount_manager.h" #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/observer_list.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "chromeos/dbus/dbus_thread_manager.h" namespace chromeos { namespace disks { namespace { const char kDeviceNotFound[] = "Device could not be found"; DiskMountManager* g_disk_mount_manager = NULL; // The DiskMountManager implementation. class DiskMountManagerImpl : public DiskMountManager { public: DiskMountManagerImpl() : weak_ptr_factory_(this) { DBusThreadManager* dbus_thread_manager = DBusThreadManager::Get(); DCHECK(dbus_thread_manager); cros_disks_client_ = dbus_thread_manager->GetCrosDisksClient(); DCHECK(cros_disks_client_); cros_disks_client_->SetMountEventHandler( base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnMountEvent, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); cros_disks_client_->SetMountCompletedHandler( base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnMountCompleted, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); cros_disks_client_->SetFormatCompletedHandler( base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnFormatCompleted, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } virtual ~DiskMountManagerImpl() { STLDeleteContainerPairSecondPointers(disks_.begin(), disks_.end()); } // DiskMountManager override. virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) OVERRIDE { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } // DiskMountManager override. virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) OVERRIDE { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } // DiskMountManager override. virtual void MountPath(const std::string& source_path, const std::string& source_format, const std::string& mount_label, MountType type) OVERRIDE { // Hidden and non-existent devices should not be mounted. if (type == MOUNT_TYPE_DEVICE) { DiskMap::const_iterator it = disks_.find(source_path); if (it == disks_.end() || it->second->is_hidden()) { OnMountCompleted(MOUNT_ERROR_INTERNAL, source_path, type, ""); return; } } cros_disks_client_->Mount( source_path, source_format, mount_label, // When succeeds, OnMountCompleted will be called by // "MountCompleted" signal instead. base::Bind(&base::DoNothing), base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnMountCompleted, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), MOUNT_ERROR_INTERNAL, source_path, type, "")); } // DiskMountManager override. virtual void UnmountPath(const std::string& mount_path, UnmountOptions options, const UnmountPathCallback& callback) OVERRIDE { UnmountChildMounts(mount_path); cros_disks_client_->Unmount(mount_path, options, base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnUnmountPath, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), callback, true, mount_path), base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnUnmountPath, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), callback, false, mount_path)); } // DiskMountManager override. virtual void FormatMountedDevice(const std::string& mount_path) OVERRIDE { MountPointMap::const_iterator mount_point = mount_points_.find(mount_path); if (mount_point == mount_points_.end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Mount point with path \"" << mount_path << "\" not found."; OnFormatCompleted(FORMAT_ERROR_UNKNOWN, mount_path); return; } std::string device_path = mount_point->second.source_path; DiskMap::const_iterator disk = disks_.find(device_path); if (disk == disks_.end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Device with path \"" << device_path << "\" not found."; OnFormatCompleted(FORMAT_ERROR_UNKNOWN, device_path); return; } UnmountPath(disk->second->mount_path(), UNMOUNT_OPTIONS_NONE, base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnUnmountPathForFormat, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), device_path)); } // DiskMountManager override. virtual void UnmountDeviceRecursively( const std::string& device_path, const UnmountDeviceRecursivelyCallbackType& callback) OVERRIDE { std::vector devices_to_unmount; // Get list of all devices to unmount. int device_path_len = device_path.length(); for (DiskMap::iterator it = disks_.begin(); it != disks_.end(); ++it) { if (!it->second->mount_path().empty() && strncmp(device_path.c_str(), it->second->device_path().c_str(), device_path_len) == 0) { devices_to_unmount.push_back(it->second->mount_path()); } } // We should detect at least original device. if (devices_to_unmount.empty()) { if (disks_.find(device_path) == disks_.end()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Unmount recursive request failed for device " << device_path << ", with error: " << kDeviceNotFound; callback.Run(false); return; } // Nothing to unmount. callback.Run(true); return; } // We will send the same callback data object to all Unmount calls and use // it to syncronize callbacks. // Note: this implementation has a potential memory leak issue. For // example if this instance is destructed before all the callbacks for // Unmount are invoked, the memory pointed by |cb_data| will be leaked. // It is because the UnmountDeviceRecursivelyCallbackData keeps how // many times OnUnmountDeviceRecursively callback is called and when // all the callbacks are called, |cb_data| will be deleted in the method. // However destructing the instance before all callback invocations will // cancel all pending callbacks, so that the |cb_data| would never be // deleted. // Fortunately, in the real scenario, the instance will be destructed // only for ShutDown. So, probably the memory would rarely be leaked. // TODO(hidehiko): Fix the issue. UnmountDeviceRecursivelyCallbackData* cb_data = new UnmountDeviceRecursivelyCallbackData( callback, devices_to_unmount.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < devices_to_unmount.size(); ++i) { cros_disks_client_->Unmount( devices_to_unmount[i], UNMOUNT_OPTIONS_NONE, base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnUnmountDeviceRecursively, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), cb_data, true, devices_to_unmount[i]), base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnUnmountDeviceRecursively, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), cb_data, false, devices_to_unmount[i])); } } // DiskMountManager override. virtual void RequestMountInfoRefresh() OVERRIDE { cros_disks_client_->EnumerateAutoMountableDevices( base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnRequestMountInfo, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), base::Bind(&base::DoNothing)); } // DiskMountManager override. virtual const DiskMap& disks() const OVERRIDE { return disks_; } // DiskMountManager override. virtual const Disk* FindDiskBySourcePath(const std::string& source_path) const OVERRIDE { DiskMap::const_iterator disk_it = disks_.find(source_path); return disk_it == disks_.end() ? NULL : disk_it->second; } // DiskMountManager override. virtual const MountPointMap& mount_points() const OVERRIDE { return mount_points_; } // DiskMountManager override. virtual bool AddDiskForTest(Disk* disk) OVERRIDE { if (disks_.find(disk->device_path()) != disks_.end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Attempt to add a duplicate disk"; return false; } disks_.insert(std::make_pair(disk->device_path(), disk)); return true; } // DiskMountManager override. // Corresponding disk should be added to the manager before this is called. virtual bool AddMountPointForTest( const MountPointInfo& mount_point) OVERRIDE { if (mount_points_.find(mount_point.mount_path) != mount_points_.end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Attempt to add a duplicate mount point"; return false; } if (mount_point.mount_type == chromeos::MOUNT_TYPE_DEVICE && disks_.find(mount_point.source_path) == disks_.end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Device mount points must have a disk entry."; return false; } mount_points_.insert(std::make_pair(mount_point.mount_path, mount_point)); return true; } private: struct UnmountDeviceRecursivelyCallbackData { UnmountDeviceRecursivelyCallbackData( const UnmountDeviceRecursivelyCallbackType& in_callback, int in_num_pending_callbacks) : callback(in_callback), num_pending_callbacks(in_num_pending_callbacks) { } const UnmountDeviceRecursivelyCallbackType callback; size_t num_pending_callbacks; }; // Unmounts all mount points whose source path is transitively parented by // |mount_path|. void UnmountChildMounts(const std::string& mount_path_in) { std::string mount_path = mount_path_in; // Let's make sure mount path has trailing slash. if (mount_path[mount_path.length() - 1] != '/') mount_path += '/'; for (MountPointMap::iterator it = mount_points_.begin(); it != mount_points_.end(); ++it) { if (StartsWithASCII(it->second.source_path, mount_path, true /*case sensitive*/)) { // TODO(tbarzic): Handle the case where this fails. UnmountPath(it->second.mount_path, UNMOUNT_OPTIONS_NONE, UnmountPathCallback()); } } } // Callback for UnmountDeviceRecursively. void OnUnmountDeviceRecursively( UnmountDeviceRecursivelyCallbackData* cb_data, bool success, const std::string& mount_path) { if (success) { // Do standard processing for Unmount event. OnUnmountPath(UnmountPathCallback(), true, mount_path); VLOG(1) << mount_path << " unmounted."; } // This is safe as long as all callbacks are called on the same thread as // UnmountDeviceRecursively. cb_data->num_pending_callbacks--; if (cb_data->num_pending_callbacks == 0) { // This code has a problem that the |success| status used here is for the // last "unmount" callback, but not whether all unmounting is succeeded. // TODO(hidehiko): Fix the issue. cb_data->callback.Run(success); delete cb_data; } } // Callback to handle MountCompleted signal and Mount method call failure. void OnMountCompleted(MountError error_code, const std::string& source_path, MountType mount_type, const std::string& mount_path) { MountCondition mount_condition = MOUNT_CONDITION_NONE; if (mount_type == MOUNT_TYPE_DEVICE) { if (error_code == MOUNT_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FILESYSTEM) { mount_condition = MOUNT_CONDITION_UNKNOWN_FILESYSTEM; } if (error_code == MOUNT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FILESYSTEM) { mount_condition = MOUNT_CONDITION_UNSUPPORTED_FILESYSTEM; } } const MountPointInfo mount_info(source_path, mount_path, mount_type, mount_condition); NotifyMountStatusUpdate(MOUNTING, error_code, mount_info); // If the device is corrupted but it's still possible to format it, it will // be fake mounted. if ((error_code == MOUNT_ERROR_NONE || mount_info.mount_condition) && mount_points_.find(mount_info.mount_path) == mount_points_.end()) { mount_points_.insert(MountPointMap::value_type(mount_info.mount_path, mount_info)); } if ((error_code == MOUNT_ERROR_NONE || mount_info.mount_condition) && mount_info.mount_type == MOUNT_TYPE_DEVICE && !mount_info.source_path.empty() && !mount_info.mount_path.empty()) { DiskMap::iterator iter = disks_.find(mount_info.source_path); if (iter == disks_.end()) { // disk might have been removed by now? return; } Disk* disk = iter->second; DCHECK(disk); disk->set_mount_path(mount_info.mount_path); } } // Callback for UnmountPath. void OnUnmountPath(const UnmountPathCallback& callback, bool success, const std::string& mount_path) { MountPointMap::iterator mount_points_it = mount_points_.find(mount_path); if (mount_points_it == mount_points_.end()) { // The path was unmounted, but not as a result of this unmount request, // so return error. if (!callback.is_null()) callback.Run(MOUNT_ERROR_INTERNAL); return; } NotifyMountStatusUpdate( UNMOUNTING, success ? MOUNT_ERROR_NONE : MOUNT_ERROR_INTERNAL, MountPointInfo(mount_points_it->second.source_path, mount_points_it->second.mount_path, mount_points_it->second.mount_type, mount_points_it->second.mount_condition)); std::string path(mount_points_it->second.source_path); if (success) mount_points_.erase(mount_points_it); DiskMap::iterator disk_iter = disks_.find(path); if (disk_iter != disks_.end()) { DCHECK(disk_iter->second); if (success) disk_iter->second->clear_mount_path(); } if (!callback.is_null()) callback.Run(success ? MOUNT_ERROR_NONE : MOUNT_ERROR_INTERNAL); } void OnUnmountPathForFormat(const std::string& device_path, MountError error_code) { if (error_code == MOUNT_ERROR_NONE && disks_.find(device_path) != disks_.end()) { FormatUnmountedDevice(device_path); } else { OnFormatCompleted(FORMAT_ERROR_UNKNOWN, device_path); } } // Starts device formatting. void FormatUnmountedDevice(const std::string& device_path) { DiskMap::const_iterator disk = disks_.find(device_path); DCHECK(disk != disks_.end() && disk->second->mount_path().empty()); const char kFormatVFAT[] = "vfat"; cros_disks_client_->Format( device_path, kFormatVFAT, base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnFormatStarted, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), device_path), base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnFormatCompleted, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), FORMAT_ERROR_UNKNOWN, device_path)); } // Callback for Format. void OnFormatStarted(const std::string& device_path) { NotifyFormatStatusUpdate(FORMAT_STARTED, FORMAT_ERROR_NONE, device_path); } // Callback to handle FormatCompleted signal and Format method call failure. void OnFormatCompleted(FormatError error_code, const std::string& device_path) { NotifyFormatStatusUpdate(FORMAT_COMPLETED, error_code, device_path); } // Callbcak for GetDeviceProperties. void OnGetDeviceProperties(const DiskInfo& disk_info) { // TODO(zelidrag): Find a better way to filter these out before we // fetch the properties: // Ignore disks coming from the device we booted the system from. if (disk_info.on_boot_device()) return; LOG(WARNING) << "Found disk " << disk_info.device_path(); // Delete previous disk info for this path: bool is_new = true; DiskMap::iterator iter = disks_.find(disk_info.device_path()); if (iter != disks_.end()) { delete iter->second; disks_.erase(iter); is_new = false; } Disk* disk = new Disk(disk_info.device_path(), disk_info.mount_path(), disk_info.system_path(), disk_info.file_path(), disk_info.label(), disk_info.drive_label(), disk_info.vendor_id(), disk_info.vendor_name(), disk_info.product_id(), disk_info.product_name(), disk_info.uuid(), FindSystemPathPrefix(disk_info.system_path()), disk_info.device_type(), disk_info.total_size_in_bytes(), disk_info.is_drive(), disk_info.is_read_only(), disk_info.has_media(), disk_info.on_boot_device(), disk_info.is_hidden()); disks_.insert(std::make_pair(disk_info.device_path(), disk)); NotifyDiskStatusUpdate(is_new ? DISK_ADDED : DISK_CHANGED, disk); } // Callbcak for RequestMountInfo. void OnRequestMountInfo(const std::vector& devices) { std::set current_device_set; if (!devices.empty()) { // Initiate properties fetch for all removable disks, for (size_t i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++) { current_device_set.insert(devices[i]); // Initiate disk property retrieval for each relevant device path. cros_disks_client_->GetDeviceProperties( devices[i], base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnGetDeviceProperties, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), base::Bind(&base::DoNothing)); } } // Search and remove disks that are no longer present. for (DiskMap::iterator iter = disks_.begin(); iter != disks_.end(); ) { if (current_device_set.find(iter->first) == current_device_set.end()) { Disk* disk = iter->second; NotifyDiskStatusUpdate(DISK_REMOVED, disk); delete iter->second; disks_.erase(iter++); } else { ++iter; } } } // Callback to handle mount event signals. void OnMountEvent(MountEventType event, const std::string& device_path_arg) { // Take a copy of the argument so we can modify it below. std::string device_path = device_path_arg; switch (event) { case CROS_DISKS_DISK_ADDED: { cros_disks_client_->GetDeviceProperties( device_path, base::Bind(&DiskMountManagerImpl::OnGetDeviceProperties, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), base::Bind(&base::DoNothing)); break; } case CROS_DISKS_DISK_REMOVED: { // Search and remove disks that are no longer present. DiskMountManager::DiskMap::iterator iter = disks_.find(device_path); if (iter != disks_.end()) { Disk* disk = iter->second; NotifyDiskStatusUpdate(DISK_REMOVED, disk); delete iter->second; disks_.erase(iter); } break; } case CROS_DISKS_DEVICE_ADDED: { system_path_prefixes_.insert(device_path); NotifyDeviceStatusUpdate(DEVICE_ADDED, device_path); break; } case CROS_DISKS_DEVICE_REMOVED: { system_path_prefixes_.erase(device_path); NotifyDeviceStatusUpdate(DEVICE_REMOVED, device_path); break; } case CROS_DISKS_DEVICE_SCANNED: { NotifyDeviceStatusUpdate(DEVICE_SCANNED, device_path); break; } default: { LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown event: " << event; } } } // Notifies all observers about disk status update. void NotifyDiskStatusUpdate(DiskEvent event, const Disk* disk) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnDiskEvent(event, disk)); } // Notifies all observers about device status update. void NotifyDeviceStatusUpdate(DeviceEvent event, const std::string& device_path) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnDeviceEvent(event, device_path)); } // Notifies all observers about mount completion. void NotifyMountStatusUpdate(MountEvent event, MountError error_code, const MountPointInfo& mount_info) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnMountEvent(event, error_code, mount_info)); } void NotifyFormatStatusUpdate(FormatEvent event, FormatError error_code, const std::string& device_path) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnFormatEvent(event, error_code, device_path)); } // Finds system path prefix from |system_path|. const std::string& FindSystemPathPrefix(const std::string& system_path) { if (system_path.empty()) return base::EmptyString(); for (SystemPathPrefixSet::const_iterator it = system_path_prefixes_.begin(); it != system_path_prefixes_.end(); ++it) { const std::string& prefix = *it; if (StartsWithASCII(system_path, prefix, true)) return prefix; } return base::EmptyString(); } // Mount event change observers. ObserverList observers_; CrosDisksClient* cros_disks_client_; // The list of disks found. DiskMountManager::DiskMap disks_; DiskMountManager::MountPointMap mount_points_; typedef std::set SystemPathPrefixSet; SystemPathPrefixSet system_path_prefixes_; base::WeakPtrFactory weak_ptr_factory_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DiskMountManagerImpl); }; } // namespace DiskMountManager::Disk::Disk(const std::string& device_path, const std::string& mount_path, const std::string& system_path, const std::string& file_path, const std::string& device_label, const std::string& drive_label, const std::string& vendor_id, const std::string& vendor_name, const std::string& product_id, const std::string& product_name, const std::string& fs_uuid, const std::string& system_path_prefix, DeviceType device_type, uint64 total_size_in_bytes, bool is_parent, bool is_read_only, bool has_media, bool on_boot_device, bool is_hidden) : device_path_(device_path), mount_path_(mount_path), system_path_(system_path), file_path_(file_path), device_label_(device_label), drive_label_(drive_label), vendor_id_(vendor_id), vendor_name_(vendor_name), product_id_(product_id), product_name_(product_name), fs_uuid_(fs_uuid), system_path_prefix_(system_path_prefix), device_type_(device_type), total_size_in_bytes_(total_size_in_bytes), is_parent_(is_parent), is_read_only_(is_read_only), has_media_(has_media), on_boot_device_(on_boot_device), is_hidden_(is_hidden) { } DiskMountManager::Disk::~Disk() {} bool DiskMountManager::AddDiskForTest(Disk* disk) { return false; } bool DiskMountManager::AddMountPointForTest(const MountPointInfo& mount_point) { return false; } // static std::string DiskMountManager::MountConditionToString(MountCondition condition) { switch (condition) { case MOUNT_CONDITION_NONE: return ""; case MOUNT_CONDITION_UNKNOWN_FILESYSTEM: return "unknown_filesystem"; case MOUNT_CONDITION_UNSUPPORTED_FILESYSTEM: return "unsupported_filesystem"; default: NOTREACHED(); } return ""; } // static std::string DiskMountManager::DeviceTypeToString(DeviceType type) { switch (type) { case DEVICE_TYPE_USB: return "usb"; case DEVICE_TYPE_SD: return "sd"; case DEVICE_TYPE_OPTICAL_DISC: return "optical"; case DEVICE_TYPE_MOBILE: return "mobile"; default: return "unknown"; } } // static void DiskMountManager::Initialize() { if (g_disk_mount_manager) { LOG(WARNING) << "DiskMountManager was already initialized"; return; } g_disk_mount_manager = new DiskMountManagerImpl(); VLOG(1) << "DiskMountManager initialized"; } // static void DiskMountManager::InitializeForTesting( DiskMountManager* disk_mount_manager) { if (g_disk_mount_manager) { LOG(WARNING) << "DiskMountManager was already initialized"; return; } g_disk_mount_manager = disk_mount_manager; VLOG(1) << "DiskMountManager initialized"; } // static void DiskMountManager::Shutdown() { if (!g_disk_mount_manager) { LOG(WARNING) << "DiskMountManager::Shutdown() called with NULL manager"; return; } delete g_disk_mount_manager; g_disk_mount_manager = NULL; VLOG(1) << "DiskMountManager Shutdown completed"; } // static DiskMountManager* DiskMountManager::GetInstance() { return g_disk_mount_manager; } } // namespace disks } // namespace chromeos