// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chromeos/ime/ibus_keymap.h" #define XK_MISCELLANY #include #include namespace chromeos { namespace input_method { std::string GetIBusKey(int keyval) { // TODO: Ensure all keys are supported. switch (keyval) { case XK_Escape: return "Esc"; case XK_F1: case XF86XK_Back: return "HistoryBack"; case XK_F2: case XF86XK_Forward: return "HistoryForward"; case XK_F3: case XF86XK_Reload: return "BrowserRefresh"; case XK_F4: case XF86XK_LaunchB: return "ChromeOSFullscreen"; // TODO: Check this value case XK_F5: case XF86XK_LaunchA: return "ChromeOSSwitchWindow"; // TODO: Check this value case XK_F6: case XF86XK_MonBrightnessDown: return "BrightnessDown"; case XK_F7: case XF86XK_KbdBrightnessUp: return "BrightnessUp"; case XK_F8: case XF86XK_AudioMute: return "AudioVolumeMute"; case XK_F9: case XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume: return "AudioVolumeDown"; case XK_F10: case XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume: return "AudioVolumeUp"; case XK_BackSpace: return "Backspace"; case XK_Delete: case XK_KP_Delete: return "Delete"; case XK_Tab: return "Tab"; case XK_KP_Enter: case XK_Return: return "Enter"; case XK_Meta_L: return "BrowserSearch"; case XK_Up: case XK_KP_Up: return "Up"; case XK_Down: case XK_KP_Down: return "Down"; case XK_Left: case XK_KP_Left: return "Left"; case XK_Right: case XK_KP_Right: return "Right"; case XK_Page_Up: return "PageUp"; case XK_Page_Down: return "PageDown"; case XK_Home: return "Home"; case XK_End: return "End"; case XK_Shift_L: case XK_Shift_R: return "Shift"; case XK_Alt_L: case XK_Alt_R: return "Alt"; case XK_Control_L: case XK_Control_R: return "Ctrl"; default: { // TODO: Properly support unicode characters. char value[2]; value[0] = keyval; value[1] = '\0'; return value; } } } // We should send KeyCode as string to meet DOM Level 4 event specification // proposal. https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/d4e/raw-file/tip/source_respec.htm // The original spec is 1:1 mapping with USB keycode, but for the Extension IME, // mapping with XKB keycode is sufficient, because it works only on Chrome OS. // We have to have own mapping because We can't use WebKit component in // Extension IME, // TODO(nona): Use if the original spec is introduced. std::string GetIBusKeyCode(uint16 keycode) { switch (keycode) { // Function keys case 0x0009: return "Esc"; case 0x0043: return "F1"; case 0x0044: return "F2"; case 0x0045: return "F3"; case 0x0046: return "F4"; case 0x0047: return "F5"; case 0x0048: return "F6"; case 0x0049: return "F7"; case 0x004a: return "F8"; case 0x004b: return "F9"; case 0x004c: return "F10"; case 0x005f: return "F11"; case 0x0060: return "F12"; // Alphanumeric keys case 0x000a: return "Digit1"; case 0x000b: return "Digit2"; case 0x000c: return "Digit3"; case 0x000d: return "Digit4"; case 0x000e: return "Digit5"; case 0x000f: return "Digit6"; case 0x0010: return "Digit7"; case 0x0011: return "Digit8"; case 0x0012: return "Digit9"; case 0x0013: return "Digit0"; case 0x0014: return "Minus"; case 0x0015: return "Equal"; case 0x0016: return "Backspace"; case 0x0017: return "Tab"; case 0x0018: return "KeyQ"; case 0x0019: return "KeyW"; case 0x001a: return "KeyE"; case 0x001b: return "KeyR"; case 0x001c: return "KeyT"; case 0x001d: return "KeyY"; case 0x001e: return "KeyU"; case 0x001f: return "KeyI"; case 0x0020: return "KeyO"; case 0x0021: return "KeyP"; case 0x0022: return "BracketLeft"; case 0x0023: return "BlacketRight"; case 0x0024: return "Enter"; case 0x0025: return "ControlLeft"; case 0x0026: return "KeyA"; case 0x0027: return "KeyS"; case 0x0028: return "KeyD"; case 0x0029: return "KeyF"; case 0x002a: return "KeyG"; case 0x002b: return "KeyH"; case 0x002c: return "KeyJ"; case 0x002d: return "KeyK"; case 0x002e: return "KeyL"; case 0x002f: return "Semicolon"; case 0x0030: return "Quote"; case 0x0031: return "BackQuote"; case 0x0032: return "ShiftLeft"; case 0x0033: return "Backslash"; case 0x0034: return "KeyZ"; case 0x0035: return "KeyX"; case 0x0036: return "KeyC"; case 0x0037: return "KeyV"; case 0x0038: return "KeyB"; case 0x0039: return "KeyN"; case 0x003a: return "KeyM"; case 0x003b: return "Comma"; case 0x003c: return "Period"; case 0x003d: return "Slash"; case 0x003e: return "ShiftRight"; case 0x003f: return "NumpadMultiply"; case 0x0040: return "AltLeft"; case 0x0041: return "Space"; case 0x0042: return "CapsLock"; case 0x004d: return "NumLock"; case 0x004e: return "ScrollLock"; case 0x005e: return "IntlBackslash"; case 0x0064: return "Convert"; case 0x0065: return "KanaMode"; case 0x0066: return "NoConvert"; case 0x0069: return "ControlRight"; case 0x006c: return "AltRight"; case 0x0082: return "HangulMode"; case 0x0083: return "Hanja"; case 0x0085: return "OSLeft"; case 0x0086: return "OSRight"; case 0x0087: return "ContextMenu"; case 0x0061: return "IntlRo"; case 0x0084: return "IntlYen"; // Control pad keys case 0x006b: return "PrintScreen"; case 0x0070: return "PageUp"; case 0x0073: return "End"; case 0x0076: return "Insert"; case 0x0077: return "Delete"; case 0x006e: return "Home"; case 0x0075: return "PageDown"; case 0x0079: return "VolumeMute"; case 0x007a: return "VolumeDown"; case 0x007b: return "VolumeUp"; case 0x007c: return "Power"; case 0x007f: return "Pause"; case 0x0092: return "Help"; // Arrow pad keys case 0x006f: return "ArrowUp"; case 0x0071: return "ArrowLeft"; case 0x0072: return "ArrowRight"; case 0x0074: return "ArrowDown"; // Numpad keys case 0x005a: return "Numpad0"; case 0x0057: return "Numpad1"; case 0x0058: return "Numpad2"; case 0x0059: return "Numpad3"; case 0x0053: return "Numpad4"; case 0x0054: return "Numpad5"; case 0x0055: return "Numpad6"; case 0x004f: return "Numpad7"; case 0x0050: return "Numpad8"; case 0x0051: return "Numpad9"; case 0x0052: return "NumpadSubtract"; case 0x0056: return "NumpadAdd"; case 0x005b: return "NumpadDecimal"; case 0x0068: return "NumpadEnter"; case 0x006a: return "NumpadDivide"; case 0x00bb: return "NumpadParentLeft"; case 0x00bc: return "NumpadParentRight"; // Unsupported keys // No entry in specification. case 0x0062: return ""; // UsbKeyCode: 0x070092(LANG3) case 0x0063: return ""; // UsbKeyCode: 0x070093(LANG4) case 0x007d: return ""; // UsbKeyCode: 0x070067(Num_=) case 0x007e: return ""; // UsbkeyCode: 0x0700d7(Num_+-) case 0x0081: return ""; // UsbKeyCode: 0x0700dc(NumpadDecimal) case 0x0088: return ""; // UsbKeyCode: 0x07009b(Cancel) case 0x0089: return ""; // UsbKeyCode: 0x070079(Again) case 0x008b: return ""; // UsbKeyCode: 0x07007a(Undo) case 0x008d: return ""; // UsbKeyCode: 0x07007c(Copy) case 0x008f: return ""; // UsbKeyCode: 0x07007d(Paste) case 0x0090: return ""; // UsbKeyCode: 0x07007e(Find) case 0x0091: return ""; // UsbKeyCode: 0x07007b(Cut) case 0x0093: return ""; // UsbKeyCode: 0x070076(Menu) // USB Usage Page 0x01: Generic Desktop Page case 0x0094: return ""; // 0x0C page: AL_Calculator case 0x0096: return ""; // 0x01 page: SystemSleep case 0x0097: return ""; // 0x01 page: SystemWakeUp // USB Usage Page 0x0c: Consumer Page case 0x0098: return ""; // AL_FileBrowser (Explorer)"; case 0x00a4: return ""; // AC_Bookmarks (Favorites)"; case 0x00a5: return ""; // AL_LocalMachineBrowser"; case 0x00a6: return ""; // AC_Back"; case 0x00a7: return ""; // AC_Forward"; case 0x00b5: return ""; // AC_Refresh (Reload)"; case 0x00ef: return ""; // AC_Send"; case 0x00f0: return ""; // AC_Reply"; case 0x00f1: return ""; // AC_ForwardMsg (MailForward)"; case 0x00f3: return ""; // AL_Documents"; default: return ""; } } } // namespace input_method } // namespace chromeos