// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chromeos/ime/ime_keyboard_x11.h" namespace chromeos { namespace input_method { namespace { // The delay in milliseconds that we'll wait between checking if // setxkbmap command finished. const int kSetLayoutCommandCheckDelayMs = 100; // The command we use to set the current XKB layout and modifier key mapping. // TODO(yusukes): Use libxkbfile.so instead of the command (crosbug.com/13105) const char kSetxkbmapCommand[] = "/usr/bin/setxkbmap"; // A string for obtaining a mask value for Num Lock. const char kNumLockVirtualModifierString[] = "NumLock"; const char *kISOLevel5ShiftLayoutIds[] = { "ca(multix)", "de(neo)", }; const char *kAltGrLayoutIds[] = { "be", "be", "be", "bg", "bg(phonetic)", "br", "ca", "ca(eng)", "ca(multix)", "ch", "ch(fr)", "cz", "de", "de(neo)", "dk", "ee", "es", "es(cat)", "fi", "fr", "gb(dvorak)", "gb(extd)", "gr", "hr", "il", "it", "latam", "lt", "no", "pl", "pt", "ro", "se", "si", "sk", "tr", "ua", "us(altgr-intl)", "us(intl)", }; // Returns false if |layout_name| contains a bad character. bool CheckLayoutName(const std::string& layout_name) { static const char kValidLayoutNameCharacters[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789()-_"; if (layout_name.empty()) { DVLOG(1) << "Invalid layout_name: " << layout_name; return false; } if (layout_name.find_first_not_of(kValidLayoutNameCharacters) != std::string::npos) { DVLOG(1) << "Invalid layout_name: " << layout_name; return false; } return true; } ImeKeyboardX11::ImeKeyboardX11() : is_running_on_chrome_os_(base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS()), weak_factory_(this) { // X must be already initialized. CHECK(gfx::GetXDisplay()); num_lock_mask_ = GetNumLockMask(); if (is_running_on_chrome_os_) { // Some code seems to assume that Mod2Mask is always assigned to // Num Lock. // // TODO(yusukes): Check the assumption is really okay. If not, // modify the Aura code, and then remove the CHECK below. LOG_IF(ERROR, num_lock_mask_ != Mod2Mask) << "NumLock is not assigned to Mod2Mask. : " << num_lock_mask_; } current_caps_lock_status_ = CapsLockIsEnabled(); // Disable Num Lock on X start up for http://crosbug.com/29169. DisableNumLock(); } ImeKeyboardX11::~ImeKeyboardX11() {}; void ImeKeyboardX11::AddObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void ImeKeyboardX11::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } unsigned int ImeKeyboardX11::GetNumLockMask() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); static const unsigned int kBadMask = 0; unsigned int real_mask = kBadMask; XkbDescPtr xkb_desc = XkbGetKeyboard(gfx::GetXDisplay(), XkbAllComponentsMask, XkbUseCoreKbd); if (!xkb_desc) return kBadMask; if (xkb_desc->dpy && xkb_desc->names) { const std::string string_to_find(kNumLockVirtualModifierString); for (size_t i = 0; i < XkbNumVirtualMods; ++i) { const unsigned int virtual_mod_mask = 1U << i; char* virtual_mod_str_raw_ptr = XGetAtomName(xkb_desc->dpy, xkb_desc->names->vmods[i]); if (!virtual_mod_str_raw_ptr) continue; const std::string virtual_mod_str = virtual_mod_str_raw_ptr; XFree(virtual_mod_str_raw_ptr); if (string_to_find == virtual_mod_str) { if (!XkbVirtualModsToReal(xkb_desc, virtual_mod_mask, &real_mask)) { DVLOG(1) << "XkbVirtualModsToReal failed"; real_mask = kBadMask; // reset the return value, just in case. } break; } } } XkbFreeKeyboard(xkb_desc, 0, True /* free all components */); return real_mask; } void ImeKeyboardX11::SetLockedModifiers(bool caps_lock_enabled) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); // Always turn off num lock. unsigned int affect_mask = num_lock_mask_; unsigned int value_mask = 0; affect_mask |= LockMask; value_mask |= (caps_lock_enabled ? LockMask : 0); current_caps_lock_status_ = caps_lock_enabled; XkbLockModifiers(gfx::GetXDisplay(), XkbUseCoreKbd, affect_mask, value_mask); } bool ImeKeyboardX11::SetLayoutInternal(const std::string& layout_name, bool force) { if (!is_running_on_chrome_os_) { // We should not try to change a layout on Linux or inside ui_tests. Just // return true. return true; } if (!CheckLayoutName(layout_name)) return false; if (!force && (current_layout_name_ == layout_name)) { DVLOG(1) << "The requested layout is already set: " << layout_name; return true; } DVLOG(1) << (force ? "Reapply" : "Set") << " layout: " << layout_name; const bool start_execution = execute_queue_.empty(); // If no setxkbmap command is in flight (i.e. start_execution is true), // start the first one by explicitly calling MaybeExecuteSetLayoutCommand(). // If one or more setxkbmap commands are already in flight, just push the // layout name to the queue. setxkbmap command for the layout will be called // via OnSetLayoutFinish() callback later. execute_queue_.push(layout_name); if (start_execution) MaybeExecuteSetLayoutCommand(); return true; } // Executes 'setxkbmap -layout ...' command asynchronously using a layout name // in the |execute_queue_|. Do nothing if the queue is empty. // TODO(yusukes): Use libxkbfile.so instead of the command (crosbug.com/13105) void ImeKeyboardX11::MaybeExecuteSetLayoutCommand() { if (execute_queue_.empty()) return; const std::string layout_to_set = execute_queue_.front(); std::vector argv; base::ProcessHandle handle = base::kNullProcessHandle; argv.push_back(kSetxkbmapCommand); argv.push_back("-layout"); argv.push_back(layout_to_set); argv.push_back("-synch"); if (!base::LaunchProcess(argv, base::LaunchOptions(), &handle)) { DVLOG(1) << "Failed to execute setxkbmap: " << layout_to_set; execute_queue_ = std::queue(); // clear the queue. return; } PollUntilChildFinish(handle); DVLOG(1) << "ExecuteSetLayoutCommand: " << layout_to_set << ": pid=" << base::GetProcId(handle); } // Delay and loop until child process finishes and call the callback. void ImeKeyboardX11::PollUntilChildFinish(const base::ProcessHandle handle) { int exit_code; DVLOG(1) << "PollUntilChildFinish: poll for pid=" << base::GetProcId(handle); switch (base::GetTerminationStatus(handle, &exit_code)) { case base::TERMINATION_STATUS_STILL_RUNNING: DVLOG(1) << "PollUntilChildFinish: Try waiting again"; base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ImeKeyboardX11::PollUntilChildFinish, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), handle), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kSetLayoutCommandCheckDelayMs)); return; case base::TERMINATION_STATUS_NORMAL_TERMINATION: DVLOG(1) << "PollUntilChildFinish: Child process finished"; OnSetLayoutFinish(); return; case base::TERMINATION_STATUS_ABNORMAL_TERMINATION: DVLOG(1) << "PollUntilChildFinish: Abnormal exit code: " << exit_code; OnSetLayoutFinish(); return; default: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); OnSetLayoutFinish(); return; } } bool ImeKeyboardX11::CapsLockIsEnabled() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); XkbStateRec status; XkbGetState(gfx::GetXDisplay(), XkbUseCoreKbd, &status); return (status.locked_mods & LockMask); } bool ImeKeyboardX11::IsISOLevel5ShiftAvailable() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kISOLevel5ShiftLayoutIds); ++i) { if (current_layout_name_ == kISOLevel5ShiftLayoutIds[i]) return true; } return false; } bool ImeKeyboardX11::IsAltGrAvailable() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kAltGrLayoutIds); ++i) { if (current_layout_name_ == kAltGrLayoutIds[i]) return true; } return false; } bool ImeKeyboardX11::SetAutoRepeatEnabled(bool enabled) { if (enabled) XAutoRepeatOn(gfx::GetXDisplay()); else XAutoRepeatOff(gfx::GetXDisplay()); DVLOG(1) << "Set auto-repeat mode to: " << (enabled ? "on" : "off"); return true; } bool ImeKeyboardX11::SetAutoRepeatRate(const AutoRepeatRate& rate) { DVLOG(1) << "Set auto-repeat rate to: " << rate.initial_delay_in_ms << " ms delay, " << rate.repeat_interval_in_ms << " ms interval"; if (XkbSetAutoRepeatRate(gfx::GetXDisplay(), XkbUseCoreKbd, rate.initial_delay_in_ms, rate.repeat_interval_in_ms) != True) { DVLOG(1) << "Failed to set auto-repeat rate"; return false; } return true; } void ImeKeyboardX11::SetCapsLockEnabled(bool enable_caps_lock) { bool old_state = current_caps_lock_status_; SetLockedModifiers(enable_caps_lock); if (old_state != enable_caps_lock) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(ImeKeyboard::Observer, observers_, OnCapsLockChanged(enable_caps_lock)); } } bool ImeKeyboardX11::SetCurrentKeyboardLayoutByName( const std::string& layout_name) { if (SetLayoutInternal(layout_name, false)) { current_layout_name_ = layout_name; return true; } return false; } bool ImeKeyboardX11::ReapplyCurrentKeyboardLayout() { if (current_layout_name_.empty()) { DVLOG(1) << "Can't reapply XKB layout: layout unknown"; return false; } return SetLayoutInternal(current_layout_name_, true /* force */); } void ImeKeyboardX11::ReapplyCurrentModifierLockStatus() { SetLockedModifiers(current_caps_lock_status_); } void ImeKeyboardX11::DisableNumLock() { SetCapsLockEnabled(current_caps_lock_status_); } void ImeKeyboardX11::OnSetLayoutFinish() { if (execute_queue_.empty()) { DVLOG(1) << "OnSetLayoutFinish: execute_queue_ is empty. " << "base::LaunchProcess failed?"; return; } execute_queue_.pop(); MaybeExecuteSetLayoutCommand(); } } // namespace // static bool ImeKeyboard::GetAutoRepeatEnabledForTesting() { XKeyboardState state = {}; XGetKeyboardControl(gfx::GetXDisplay(), &state); return state.global_auto_repeat != AutoRepeatModeOff; } // static bool ImeKeyboard::GetAutoRepeatRateForTesting(AutoRepeatRate* out_rate) { return XkbGetAutoRepeatRate(gfx::GetXDisplay(), XkbUseCoreKbd, &(out_rate->initial_delay_in_ms), &(out_rate->repeat_interval_in_ms)) == True; } // static bool ImeKeyboard::CheckLayoutNameForTesting(const std::string& layout_name) { return CheckLayoutName(layout_name); } // static ImeKeyboard* ImeKeyboard::Create() { return new ImeKeyboardX11(); } } // namespace input_method } // namespace chromeos