// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chromeos/network/network_event_log.h" #include "base/i18n/time_formatting.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" namespace chromeos { namespace network_event_log { namespace { struct LogEntry { LogEntry(const std::string& module, const std::string& event, const std::string& description); std::string ToString() const; std::string module; std::string event; std::string description; base::Time time; int count; }; LogEntry::LogEntry(const std::string& module, const std::string& event, const std::string& description) : module(module), event(event), description(description), time(base::Time::Now()), count(1) { } std::string LogEntry::ToString() const { std::string line; line += "[" + UTF16ToUTF8(base::TimeFormatShortDateAndTime(time)) + "]"; line += " " + module + ":" + event; if (!description.empty()) line += ": " + description; if (count > 1) line += StringPrintf(" (%d)", count); line += "\n"; return line; } typedef std::deque LogEntryList; class NetworkEventLog { public: NetworkEventLog() {} ~NetworkEventLog() {} void AddEntry(const std::string& module, const std::string& event, const std::string& description); std::string GetAsString(StringOrder order, size_t max_events); private: LogEntryList entries_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NetworkEventLog); }; void NetworkEventLog::AddEntry(const std::string& module, const std::string& event, const std::string& description) { if (!entries_.empty()) { LogEntry& last = entries_.back(); if (last.module == module && last.event == event && last.description == description) { // Update count and time for identical events to avoid log spam. ++last.count; last.time = base::Time::Now(); return; } } if (entries_.size() >= kMaxNetworkEventLogEntries) entries_.pop_front(); LogEntry entry(module, event, description); entries_.push_back(entry); VLOG(2) << entry.ToString(); } std::string NetworkEventLog::GetAsString(StringOrder order, size_t max_events) { if (entries_.empty()) return "No Log Entries."; std::string result; if (order == OLDEST_FIRST) { size_t offset = 0; if (max_events > 0 && max_events < entries_.size()) offset = entries_.size() - max_events; for (LogEntryList::const_iterator iter = entries_.begin() + offset; iter != entries_.end(); ++iter) { result += (*iter).ToString(); } } else { size_t nlines = 0; // Iterate backwards through the list to show the most recent entries first. for (LogEntryList::const_reverse_iterator riter = entries_.rbegin(); riter != entries_.rend(); ++riter) { result += (*riter).ToString(); if (max_events > 0 && ++nlines >= max_events) break; } } return result; } } // namespace NetworkEventLog* g_network_event_log = NULL; const size_t kMaxNetworkEventLogEntries = 1000; void Initialize() { if (g_network_event_log) delete g_network_event_log; // reset log g_network_event_log = new NetworkEventLog(); } void Shutdown() { delete g_network_event_log; g_network_event_log = NULL; } bool IsInitialized() { return g_network_event_log != NULL; } void AddEntry(const std::string& module, const std::string& event, const std::string& description) { if (!g_network_event_log) return; g_network_event_log->AddEntry(module, event, description); } std::string GetAsString(StringOrder order, size_t max_events) { if (!g_network_event_log) return "NetworkEventLog not intitialized."; return g_network_event_log->GetAsString(order, max_events); } } // namespace network_event_log } // namespace chromeos