// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chromeos/network/onc/onc_validator.h" #include #include "base/json/json_writer.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chromeos/network/onc/onc_signature.h" namespace chromeos { namespace onc { namespace { // According to the IEEE 802.11 standard the SSID is a series of 0 to 32 octets. const int kMaximumSSIDLengthInBytes = 32; template std::vector toVector(T const (&array)[N]) { return std::vector(array, array + N); } // Copied from policy/configuration_policy_handler.cc. // TODO(pneubeck): move to a common place like base/. std::string ValueTypeToString(base::Value::Type type) { const char* const strings[] = {"null", "boolean", "integer", "double", "string", "binary", "dictionary", "list"}; CHECK(static_cast(type) < arraysize(strings)); return strings[type]; } } // namespace Validator::Validator(bool error_on_unknown_field, bool error_on_wrong_recommended, bool error_on_missing_field, bool managed_onc) : error_on_unknown_field_(error_on_unknown_field), error_on_wrong_recommended_(error_on_wrong_recommended), error_on_missing_field_(error_on_missing_field), managed_onc_(managed_onc), onc_source_(::onc::ONC_SOURCE_NONE) {} Validator::~Validator() {} scoped_ptr Validator::ValidateAndRepairObject( const OncValueSignature* object_signature, const base::DictionaryValue& onc_object, Result* result) { CHECK(object_signature); *result = VALID; error_or_warning_found_ = false; bool error = false; scoped_ptr result_value = MapValue(*object_signature, onc_object, &error); if (error) { *result = INVALID; result_value.reset(); } else if (error_or_warning_found_) { *result = VALID_WITH_WARNINGS; } // The return value should be NULL if, and only if, |result| equals INVALID. DCHECK_EQ(result_value.get() == NULL, *result == INVALID); base::DictionaryValue* result_dict = NULL; if (result_value) { result_value.release()->GetAsDictionary(&result_dict); CHECK(result_dict); } return make_scoped_ptr(result_dict); } scoped_ptr Validator::MapValue(const OncValueSignature& signature, const base::Value& onc_value, bool* error) { if (onc_value.GetType() != signature.onc_type) { LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << "Found value '" << onc_value << "' of type '" << ValueTypeToString(onc_value.GetType()) << "', but type '" << ValueTypeToString(signature.onc_type) << "' is required."; error_or_warning_found_ = *error = true; return scoped_ptr(); } scoped_ptr repaired = Mapper::MapValue(signature, onc_value, error); if (repaired) CHECK_EQ(repaired->GetType(), signature.onc_type); return repaired.Pass(); } scoped_ptr Validator::MapObject( const OncValueSignature& signature, const base::DictionaryValue& onc_object, bool* error) { scoped_ptr repaired(new base::DictionaryValue); bool valid = ValidateObjectDefault(signature, onc_object, repaired.get()); if (valid) { if (&signature == &kToplevelConfigurationSignature) { valid = ValidateToplevelConfiguration(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kNetworkConfigurationSignature) { valid = ValidateNetworkConfiguration(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kEthernetSignature) { valid = ValidateEthernet(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kIPConfigSignature || &signature == &kSavedIPConfigSignature || &signature == &kStaticIPConfigSignature) { valid = ValidateIPConfig(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kWiFiSignature) { valid = ValidateWiFi(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kVPNSignature) { valid = ValidateVPN(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kIPsecSignature) { valid = ValidateIPsec(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kOpenVPNSignature) { valid = ValidateOpenVPN(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kThirdPartyVPNSignature) { valid = ValidateThirdPartyVPN(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kVerifyX509Signature) { valid = ValidateVerifyX509(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kCertificatePatternSignature) { valid = ValidateCertificatePattern(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kProxySettingsSignature) { valid = ValidateProxySettings(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kProxyLocationSignature) { valid = ValidateProxyLocation(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kEAPSignature) { valid = ValidateEAP(repaired.get()); } else if (&signature == &kCertificateSignature) { valid = ValidateCertificate(repaired.get()); } } if (valid) { return repaired.Pass(); } else { DCHECK(error_or_warning_found_); error_or_warning_found_ = *error = true; return scoped_ptr(); } } scoped_ptr Validator::MapField( const std::string& field_name, const OncValueSignature& object_signature, const base::Value& onc_value, bool* found_unknown_field, bool* error) { path_.push_back(field_name); bool current_field_unknown = false; scoped_ptr result = Mapper::MapField( field_name, object_signature, onc_value, ¤t_field_unknown, error); DCHECK_EQ(field_name, path_.back()); path_.pop_back(); if (current_field_unknown) { error_or_warning_found_ = *found_unknown_field = true; std::string message = MessageHeader() + "Field name '" + field_name + "' is unknown."; if (error_on_unknown_field_) LOG(ERROR) << message; else LOG(WARNING) << message; } return result.Pass(); } scoped_ptr Validator::MapArray( const OncValueSignature& array_signature, const base::ListValue& onc_array, bool* nested_error) { bool nested_error_in_current_array = false; scoped_ptr result = Mapper::MapArray( array_signature, onc_array, &nested_error_in_current_array); // Drop individual networks and certificates instead of rejecting all of // the configuration. if (nested_error_in_current_array && &array_signature != &kNetworkConfigurationListSignature && &array_signature != &kCertificateListSignature) { *nested_error = nested_error_in_current_array; } return result.Pass(); } scoped_ptr Validator::MapEntry(int index, const OncValueSignature& signature, const base::Value& onc_value, bool* error) { std::string str = base::IntToString(index); path_.push_back(str); scoped_ptr result = Mapper::MapEntry(index, signature, onc_value, error); DCHECK_EQ(str, path_.back()); path_.pop_back(); return result.Pass(); } bool Validator::ValidateObjectDefault(const OncValueSignature& signature, const base::DictionaryValue& onc_object, base::DictionaryValue* result) { bool found_unknown_field = false; bool nested_error_occured = false; MapFields(signature, onc_object, &found_unknown_field, &nested_error_occured, result); if (found_unknown_field && error_on_unknown_field_) { DVLOG(1) << "Unknown field names are errors: Aborting."; return false; } if (nested_error_occured) return false; return ValidateRecommendedField(signature, result); } bool Validator::ValidateRecommendedField( const OncValueSignature& object_signature, base::DictionaryValue* result) { CHECK(result); scoped_ptr recommended_value; // This remove passes ownership to |recommended_value|. if (!result->RemoveWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::kRecommended, &recommended_value)) { return true; } base::ListValue* recommended_list = nullptr; recommended_value->GetAsList(&recommended_list); DCHECK(recommended_list); // The types of field values are already verified. if (!managed_onc_) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; LOG(WARNING) << MessageHeader() << "Found the field '" << ::onc::kRecommended << "' in an unmanaged ONC. Removing it."; return true; } scoped_ptr repaired_recommended(new base::ListValue); for (const base::Value* entry : *recommended_list) { std::string field_name; if (!entry->GetAsString(&field_name)) { NOTREACHED(); // The types of field values are already verified. continue; } const OncFieldSignature* field_signature = GetFieldSignature(object_signature, field_name); bool found_error = false; std::string error_cause; if (!field_signature) { found_error = true; error_cause = "unknown"; } else if (field_signature->value_signature->onc_type == base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY) { found_error = true; error_cause = "dictionary-typed"; } if (found_error) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; path_.push_back(::onc::kRecommended); std::string message = MessageHeader() + "The " + error_cause + " field '" + field_name + "' cannot be recommended."; path_.pop_back(); if (error_on_wrong_recommended_) { LOG(ERROR) << message; return false; } else { LOG(WARNING) << message; continue; } } repaired_recommended->AppendString(field_name); } result->Set(::onc::kRecommended, repaired_recommended.release()); return true; } bool Validator::ValidateClientCertFields(bool allow_cert_type_none, base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::client_cert; const char* const kValidCertTypes[] = {kRef, kPattern}; std::vector valid_cert_types(toVector(kValidCertTypes)); if (allow_cert_type_none) valid_cert_types.push_back(kClientCertTypeNone); if (FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue(*result, kClientCertType, valid_cert_types)) return false; std::string cert_type; result->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(kClientCertType, &cert_type); if (IsCertPatternInDevicePolicy(cert_type)) return false; bool all_required_exist = true; if (cert_type == kPattern) all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kClientCertPattern); else if (cert_type == kRef) all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kClientCertRef); return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } namespace { std::string JoinStringRange(const std::vector& strings, const std::string& separator) { std::vector string_vector; std::copy(strings.begin(), strings.end(), std::back_inserter(string_vector)); return base::JoinString(string_vector, separator); } } // namespace bool Validator::FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue( const base::DictionaryValue& object, const std::string& field_name, const std::vector& valid_values) { std::string actual_value; if (!object.GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(field_name, &actual_value)) return false; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = valid_values.begin(); it != valid_values.end(); ++it) { if (actual_value == *it) return false; } error_or_warning_found_ = true; std::string valid_values_str = "[" + JoinStringRange(valid_values, ", ") + "]"; path_.push_back(field_name); LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << "Found value '" << actual_value << "', but expected one of the values " << valid_values_str; path_.pop_back(); return true; } bool Validator::FieldExistsAndIsNotInRange(const base::DictionaryValue& object, const std::string& field_name, int lower_bound, int upper_bound) { int actual_value; if (!object.GetIntegerWithoutPathExpansion(field_name, &actual_value) || (lower_bound <= actual_value && actual_value <= upper_bound)) { return false; } error_or_warning_found_ = true; path_.push_back(field_name); LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << "Found value '" << actual_value << "', but expected a value in the range [" << lower_bound << ", " << upper_bound << "] (boundaries inclusive)"; path_.pop_back(); return true; } bool Validator::FieldExistsAndIsEmpty(const base::DictionaryValue& object, const std::string& field_name) { const base::Value* value = NULL; if (!object.GetWithoutPathExpansion(field_name, &value)) return false; std::string str; const base::ListValue* list = NULL; if (value->GetAsString(&str)) { if (!str.empty()) return false; } else if (value->GetAsList(&list)) { if (!list->empty()) return false; } else { NOTREACHED(); return false; } error_or_warning_found_ = true; path_.push_back(field_name); LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << "Found an empty string, but expected a " << "non-empty string."; path_.pop_back(); return true; } bool Validator::ValidateSSIDAndHexSSID(base::DictionaryValue* object) { // Check SSID validity. std::string ssid_string; if (object->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::wifi::kSSID, &ssid_string) && (ssid_string.size() <= 0 || ssid_string.size() > kMaximumSSIDLengthInBytes)) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; const std::string msg = MessageHeader() + ::onc::wifi::kSSID + " has an invalid length."; // If the HexSSID field is present, ignore errors in SSID because these // might be caused by the usage of a non-UTF-8 encoding when the SSID // field was automatically added (see FillInHexSSIDField). if (object->HasKey(::onc::wifi::kHexSSID)) { LOG(WARNING) << msg; } else { LOG(ERROR) << msg; return false; } } // Check HexSSID validity. std::string hex_ssid_string; if (object->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::wifi::kHexSSID, &hex_ssid_string)) { std::vector decoded_ssid; if (!base::HexStringToBytes(hex_ssid_string, &decoded_ssid)) { LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << "Field " << ::onc::wifi::kHexSSID << " is not a valid hex representation: \"" << hex_ssid_string << "\""; error_or_warning_found_ = true; return false; } if (decoded_ssid.size() <= 0 || decoded_ssid.size() > kMaximumSSIDLengthInBytes) { LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << ::onc::wifi::kHexSSID << " has an invalid length."; error_or_warning_found_ = true; return false; } // If both SSID and HexSSID are set, check whether they are consistent, i.e. // HexSSID contains the UTF-8 encoding of SSID. If not, remove the SSID // field. if (ssid_string.length() > 0) { std::string decoded_ssid_string( reinterpret_cast(&decoded_ssid[0]), decoded_ssid.size()); if (ssid_string != decoded_ssid_string) { LOG(WARNING) << MessageHeader() << "Fields " << ::onc::wifi::kSSID << " and " << ::onc::wifi::kHexSSID << " contain inconsistent values. Removing " << ::onc::wifi::kSSID << "."; error_or_warning_found_ = true; object->RemoveWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::wifi::kSSID, nullptr); } } } return true; } bool Validator::RequireField(const base::DictionaryValue& dict, const std::string& field_name) { if (dict.HasKey(field_name)) return true; std::string message = MessageHeader() + "The required field '" + field_name + "' is missing."; if (error_on_missing_field_) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; LOG(ERROR) << message; } else { VLOG(1) << message; } return false; } bool Validator::CheckGuidIsUniqueAndAddToSet(const base::DictionaryValue& dict, const std::string& key_guid, std::set *guids) { std::string guid; if (dict.GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(key_guid, &guid)) { if (guids->count(guid) != 0) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << "Found a duplicate GUID " << guid << "."; return false; } guids->insert(guid); } return true; } bool Validator::IsCertPatternInDevicePolicy(const std::string& cert_type) { if (cert_type == ::onc::client_cert::kPattern && onc_source_ == ::onc::ONC_SOURCE_DEVICE_POLICY) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << "Client certificate patterns are " << "prohibited in ONC device policies."; return true; } return false; } bool Validator::IsGlobalNetworkConfigInUserImport( const base::DictionaryValue& onc_object) { if (onc_source_ == ::onc::ONC_SOURCE_USER_IMPORT && onc_object.HasKey(::onc::toplevel_config::kGlobalNetworkConfiguration)) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << "GlobalNetworkConfiguration is prohibited " << "in ONC user imports"; return true; } return false; } bool Validator::ValidateToplevelConfiguration(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::toplevel_config; const char* const kValidTypes[] = {kUnencryptedConfiguration, kEncryptedConfiguration}; const std::vector valid_types(toVector(kValidTypes)); if (FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue(*result, kType, valid_types)) return false; if (IsGlobalNetworkConfigInUserImport(*result)) return false; return true; } bool Validator::ValidateNetworkConfiguration(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::network_config; const char* const kValidTypes[] = {::onc::network_type::kEthernet, ::onc::network_type::kVPN, ::onc::network_type::kWiFi, ::onc::network_type::kCellular, ::onc::network_type::kWimax}; const std::vector valid_types(toVector(kValidTypes)); const char* const kValidIPConfigTypes[] = {kIPConfigTypeDHCP, kIPConfigTypeStatic}; const std::vector valid_ipconfig_types( toVector(kValidIPConfigTypes)); if (FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue(*result, kType, valid_types) || FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue(*result, kIPAddressConfigType, valid_ipconfig_types) || FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue(*result, kNameServersConfigType, valid_ipconfig_types) || FieldExistsAndIsEmpty(*result, kGUID)) { return false; } if (!CheckGuidIsUniqueAndAddToSet(*result, kGUID, &network_guids_)) return false; bool all_required_exist = RequireField(*result, kGUID); bool remove = false; result->GetBooleanWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::kRemove, &remove); if (!remove) { all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kName) && RequireField(*result, kType); std::string ip_address_config_type, name_servers_config_type; result->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(kIPAddressConfigType, &ip_address_config_type); result->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(kNameServersConfigType, &name_servers_config_type); if (ip_address_config_type == kIPConfigTypeStatic || name_servers_config_type == kIPConfigTypeStatic) { // TODO(pneubeck): Add ValidateStaticIPConfig and confirm that the // correct properties are provided based on the config type. all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kStaticIPConfig); } std::string type; result->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(kType, &type); // Prohibit anything but WiFi and Ethernet for device-level policy (which // corresponds to shared networks). See also http://crosbug.com/28741. if (onc_source_ == ::onc::ONC_SOURCE_DEVICE_POLICY && !type.empty() && type != ::onc::network_type::kWiFi && type != ::onc::network_type::kEthernet) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << "Networks of type '" << type << "' are prohibited in ONC device policies."; return false; } if (type == ::onc::network_type::kWiFi) { all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, ::onc::network_config::kWiFi); } else if (type == ::onc::network_type::kEthernet) { all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, ::onc::network_config::kEthernet); } else if (type == ::onc::network_type::kCellular) { all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, ::onc::network_config::kCellular); } else if (type == ::onc::network_type::kWimax) { all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, ::onc::network_config::kWimax); } else if (type == ::onc::network_type::kVPN) { all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, ::onc::network_config::kVPN); } } return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } bool Validator::ValidateEthernet(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::ethernet; const char* const kValidAuthentications[] = {kAuthenticationNone, k8021X}; const std::vector valid_authentications( toVector(kValidAuthentications)); if (FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue( *result, kAuthentication, valid_authentications)) { return false; } bool all_required_exist = true; std::string auth; result->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(kAuthentication, &auth); if (auth == k8021X) all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kEAP); return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } bool Validator::ValidateIPConfig(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::ipconfig; const char* const kValidTypes[] = {kIPv4, kIPv6}; const std::vector valid_types(toVector(kValidTypes)); if (FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue( *result, ::onc::ipconfig::kType, valid_types)) return false; std::string type; result->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::ipconfig::kType, &type); int lower_bound = 1; // In case of missing type, choose higher upper_bound. int upper_bound = (type == kIPv4) ? 32 : 128; if (FieldExistsAndIsNotInRange( *result, kRoutingPrefix, lower_bound, upper_bound)) { return false; } bool all_required_exist = RequireField(*result, kIPAddress) && RequireField(*result, ::onc::ipconfig::kType); if (result->HasKey(kIPAddress)) all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kRoutingPrefix); return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } bool Validator::ValidateWiFi(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::wifi; const char* const kValidSecurities[] = {kSecurityNone, kWEP_PSK, kWEP_8021X, kWPA_PSK, kWPA_EAP}; const std::vector valid_securities(toVector(kValidSecurities)); if (FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue(*result, kSecurity, valid_securities)) return false; if (!ValidateSSIDAndHexSSID(result)) return false; bool all_required_exist = RequireField(*result, kSecurity); // One of {kSSID, kHexSSID} must be present. if (!result->HasKey(kSSID)) all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kHexSSID); if (!result->HasKey(kHexSSID)) all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kSSID); std::string security; result->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(kSecurity, &security); if (security == kWEP_8021X || security == kWPA_EAP) all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kEAP); else if (security == kWEP_PSK || security == kWPA_PSK) all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kPassphrase); return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } bool Validator::ValidateVPN(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::vpn; const char* const kValidTypes[] = { kIPsec, kTypeL2TP_IPsec, kOpenVPN, kThirdPartyVpn}; const std::vector valid_types(toVector(kValidTypes)); if (FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue(*result, ::onc::vpn::kType, valid_types)) return false; bool all_required_exist = RequireField(*result, ::onc::vpn::kType); std::string type; result->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::vpn::kType, &type); if (type == kOpenVPN) { all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kOpenVPN); } else if (type == kIPsec) { all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kIPsec); } else if (type == kTypeL2TP_IPsec) { all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kIPsec) && RequireField(*result, kL2TP); } else if (type == kThirdPartyVpn) { all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kThirdPartyVpn); } return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } bool Validator::ValidateIPsec(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::ipsec; const char* const kValidAuthentications[] = {kPSK, kCert}; const std::vector valid_authentications( toVector(kValidAuthentications)); if (FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue( *result, kAuthenticationType, valid_authentications) || FieldExistsAndIsEmpty(*result, kServerCARefs)) { return false; } if (result->HasKey(kServerCARefs) && result->HasKey(kServerCARef)) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << "At most one of " << kServerCARefs << " and " << kServerCARef << " can be set."; return false; } if (!ValidateClientCertFields(false, // don't allow ClientCertType None result)) { return false; } bool all_required_exist = RequireField(*result, kAuthenticationType) && RequireField(*result, kIKEVersion); std::string auth; result->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(kAuthenticationType, &auth); bool has_server_ca_cert = result->HasKey(kServerCARefs) || result->HasKey(kServerCARef); if (auth == kCert) { all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, ::onc::client_cert::kClientCertType); if (!has_server_ca_cert) { all_required_exist = false; error_or_warning_found_ = true; std::string message = MessageHeader() + "The required field '" + kServerCARefs + "' is missing."; if (error_on_missing_field_) LOG(ERROR) << message; else LOG(WARNING) << message; } } else if (has_server_ca_cert) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << kServerCARefs << " (or " << kServerCARef << ") can only be set if " << kAuthenticationType << " is set to " << kCert << "."; return false; } return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } bool Validator::ValidateOpenVPN(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::openvpn; const char* const kValidAuthRetryValues[] = {::onc::openvpn::kNone, kInteract, kNoInteract}; const std::vector valid_auth_retry_values( toVector(kValidAuthRetryValues)); const char* const kValidCertTlsValues[] = {::onc::openvpn::kNone, ::onc::openvpn::kServer}; const std::vector valid_cert_tls_values( toVector(kValidCertTlsValues)); const char* const kValidUserAuthTypes[] = { ::onc::openvpn_user_auth_type::kNone, ::onc::openvpn_user_auth_type::kOTP, ::onc::openvpn_user_auth_type::kPassword, ::onc::openvpn_user_auth_type::kPasswordAndOTP}; const std::vector valid_user_auth_types( toVector(kValidUserAuthTypes)); if (FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue( *result, kAuthRetry, valid_auth_retry_values) || FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue( *result, kRemoteCertTLS, valid_cert_tls_values) || FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue( *result, kUserAuthenticationType, valid_user_auth_types) || FieldExistsAndIsEmpty(*result, kServerCARefs)) { return false; } if (result->HasKey(kServerCARefs) && result->HasKey(kServerCARef)) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << "At most one of " << kServerCARefs << " and " << kServerCARef << " can be set."; return false; } if (!ValidateClientCertFields(true /* allow ClientCertType None */, result)) return false; bool all_required_exist = RequireField(*result, ::onc::client_cert::kClientCertType); return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } bool Validator::ValidateThirdPartyVPN(base::DictionaryValue* result) { const bool all_required_exist = RequireField(*result, ::onc::third_party_vpn::kExtensionID); return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } bool Validator::ValidateVerifyX509(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::verify_x509; const char* const kValidTypes[] = {types::kName, types::kNamePrefix, types::kSubject}; const std::vector valid_types(toVector(kValidTypes)); if (FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue(*result, kType, valid_types)) return false; bool all_required_exist = RequireField(*result, kName); return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } bool Validator::ValidateCertificatePattern(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::client_cert; bool all_required_exist = true; if (!result->HasKey(kSubject) && !result->HasKey(kIssuer) && !result->HasKey(kIssuerCARef)) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; all_required_exist = false; std::string message = MessageHeader() + "None of the fields '" + kSubject + "', '" + kIssuer + "', and '" + kIssuerCARef + "' is present, but at least one is required."; if (error_on_missing_field_) LOG(ERROR) << message; else LOG(WARNING) << message; } return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } bool Validator::ValidateProxySettings(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::proxy; const char* const kValidTypes[] = {kDirect, kManual, kPAC, kWPAD}; const std::vector valid_types(toVector(kValidTypes)); if (FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue(*result, ::onc::proxy::kType, valid_types)) return false; bool all_required_exist = RequireField(*result, ::onc::proxy::kType); std::string type; result->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::proxy::kType, &type); if (type == kManual) all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kManual); else if (type == kPAC) all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kPAC); return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } bool Validator::ValidateProxyLocation(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::proxy; bool all_required_exist = RequireField(*result, kHost) && RequireField(*result, kPort); return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } bool Validator::ValidateEAP(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::eap; const char* const kValidInnerValues[] = { kAutomatic, kGTC, kMD5, kMSCHAPv2, kPAP}; const std::vector valid_inner_values( toVector(kValidInnerValues)); const char* const kValidOuterValues[] = { kPEAP, kEAP_TLS, kEAP_TTLS, kLEAP, kEAP_SIM, kEAP_FAST, kEAP_AKA}; const std::vector valid_outer_values( toVector(kValidOuterValues)); if (FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue(*result, kInner, valid_inner_values) || FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue(*result, kOuter, valid_outer_values) || FieldExistsAndIsEmpty(*result, kServerCARefs)) { return false; } if (result->HasKey(kServerCARefs) && result->HasKey(kServerCARef)) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << "At most one of " << kServerCARefs << " and " << kServerCARef << " can be set."; return false; } if (!ValidateClientCertFields(false, // don't allow ClientCertType None result)) { return false; } bool all_required_exist = RequireField(*result, kOuter); return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } bool Validator::ValidateCertificate(base::DictionaryValue* result) { using namespace ::onc::certificate; const char* const kValidTypes[] = {kClient, kServer, kAuthority}; const std::vector valid_types(toVector(kValidTypes)); if (FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue(*result, kType, valid_types) || FieldExistsAndIsEmpty(*result, kGUID)) { return false; } std::string type; result->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(kType, &type); if (onc_source_ == ::onc::ONC_SOURCE_DEVICE_POLICY && (type == kServer || type == kAuthority)) { error_or_warning_found_ = true; LOG(ERROR) << MessageHeader() << "Server and authority certificates are " << "prohibited in ONC device policies."; return false; } if (!CheckGuidIsUniqueAndAddToSet(*result, kGUID, &certificate_guids_)) return false; bool all_required_exist = RequireField(*result, kGUID); bool remove = false; result->GetBooleanWithoutPathExpansion(::onc::kRemove, &remove); if (!remove) { all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kType); if (type == kClient) all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kPKCS12); else if (type == kServer || type == kAuthority) all_required_exist &= RequireField(*result, kX509); } return !error_on_missing_field_ || all_required_exist; } std::string Validator::MessageHeader() { std::string path = path_.empty() ? "toplevel" : base::JoinString(path_, "."); std::string message = "At " + path + ": "; return message; } } // namespace onc } // namespace chromeos