# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
  'variables': {
    'chromium_code': 1,

    'variables': {
      'version_py_path': '<(DEPTH)/build/util/version.py',
      'version_path': 'VERSION',
    'version_py_path': '<(version_py_path) -f',
    'version_path': '<(version_path)',
  'includes': [
  'targets': [
      # GN: Thes targets for this are split out depending on when the specific
      # .ver file is used. For example, see:
      # //cloud_print/sevice/win:exe_version
      'target_name': 'cloud_print_version_resources',
      'type': 'none',
      'variables': {
        'output_dir': 'cloud_print',
        'branding_path': '<(DEPTH)/chrome/app/theme/<(branding_path_component)/BRANDING',
        'template_input_path': '../chrome/app/chrome_version.rc.version',
        'extra_variable_files_arguments': [ '-f', 'BRANDING' ],
        'extra_variable_files': [ 'BRANDING' ], # NOTE: matches that above
      'direct_dependent_settings': {
        'include_dirs': [
      'sources': [
      'includes': [
      'target_name': 'cloud_print_version_header',
      'type': 'none',
      'hard_dependency': 1,
      'actions': [
          'action_name': 'version_header',
          'variables': {
            'branding_path': '<(DEPTH)/chrome/app/theme/<(branding_path_component)/BRANDING',
            'output_dir': 'cloud_print',
          'direct_dependent_settings': {
            'include_dirs': [
          'inputs': [
          'outputs': [
          'action': [
            '-f', '<(version_path)',
            '-f', '<(branding_path)',
            '-f', '<(lastchange_path)',
            '-f', 'BRANDING',
          'message': 'Generating version header file: <@(_outputs)',