// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "components/audio_modem/modem_impl.h" #include #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "components/audio_modem/audio_modem_switches.h" #include "components/audio_modem/audio_player_impl.h" #include "components/audio_modem/audio_recorder_impl.h" #include "components/audio_modem/public/whispernet_client.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "media/audio/audio_manager.h" #include "media/audio/audio_manager_base.h" #include "media/base/audio_bus.h" #include "third_party/webrtc/common_audio/wav_file.h" namespace audio_modem { namespace { const int kMaxSamples = 10000; const int kTokenTimeoutMs = 2000; const int kMonoChannelCount = 1; // UrlSafe is defined as: // '/' represented by a '_' and '+' represented by a '-' // TODO(ckehoe): Move this to a central place. std::string FromUrlSafe(std::string token) { base::ReplaceChars(token, "-", "+", &token); base::ReplaceChars(token, "_", "/", &token); return token; } std::string ToUrlSafe(std::string token) { base::ReplaceChars(token, "+", "-", &token); base::ReplaceChars(token, "/", "_", &token); return token; } // TODO(ckehoe): Move this to a central place. std::string AudioTypeToString(AudioType audio_type) { if (audio_type == AUDIBLE) return "audible"; if (audio_type == INAUDIBLE) return "inaudible"; NOTREACHED() << "Got unexpected token type " << audio_type; return std::string(); } bool ReadBooleanFlag(const std::string& flag, bool default_value) { const std::string flag_value = base::ToLowerASCII( base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueASCII(flag)); if (flag_value == "true" || flag_value == "1") return true; if (flag_value == "false" || flag_value == "0") return false; LOG_IF(ERROR, !flag_value.empty()) << "Unrecognized value \"" << flag_value << " for flag " << flag << ". Defaulting to " << default_value; return default_value; } } // namespace // Public functions. ModemImpl::ModemImpl() : client_(nullptr), recorder_(nullptr) { // TODO(rkc): Move all of these into initializer lists once it is allowed. should_be_playing_[AUDIBLE] = false; should_be_playing_[INAUDIBLE] = false; should_be_recording_[AUDIBLE] = false; should_be_recording_[INAUDIBLE] = false; player_enabled_[AUDIBLE] = ReadBooleanFlag( switches::kAudioModemEnableAudibleBroadcast, true); player_enabled_[INAUDIBLE] = ReadBooleanFlag( switches::kAudioModemEnableInaudibleBroadcast, true); player_[AUDIBLE] = nullptr; player_[INAUDIBLE] = nullptr; samples_caches_.resize(2); samples_caches_[AUDIBLE] = new SamplesMap(kMaxSamples); samples_caches_[INAUDIBLE] = new SamplesMap(kMaxSamples); } void ModemImpl::Initialize(WhispernetClient* client, const TokensCallback& tokens_cb) { DCHECK(client); client_ = client; tokens_cb_ = tokens_cb; // These will be unregistered on destruction, so unretained is safe to use. client_->RegisterTokensCallback( base::Bind(&ModemImpl::OnTokensFound, base::Unretained(this))); client_->RegisterSamplesCallback( base::Bind(&ModemImpl::OnTokenEncoded, base::Unretained(this))); if (!player_[AUDIBLE]) player_[AUDIBLE] = new AudioPlayerImpl(); player_[AUDIBLE]->Initialize(); if (!player_[INAUDIBLE]) player_[INAUDIBLE] = new AudioPlayerImpl(); player_[INAUDIBLE]->Initialize(); decode_cancelable_cb_.Reset(base::Bind( &ModemImpl::DecodeSamplesConnector, base::Unretained(this))); if (!recorder_) recorder_ = new AudioRecorderImpl(); recorder_->Initialize(decode_cancelable_cb_.callback()); dump_tokens_dir_ = base::FilePath(base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess() ->GetSwitchValueNative(switches::kAudioModemDumpTokensToDir)); } ModemImpl::~ModemImpl() { if (player_[AUDIBLE]) player_[AUDIBLE]->Finalize(); if (player_[INAUDIBLE]) player_[INAUDIBLE]->Finalize(); if (recorder_) recorder_->Finalize(); // Whispernet initialization may never have completed. if (client_) { client_->RegisterTokensCallback(TokensCallback()); client_->RegisterSamplesCallback(SamplesCallback()); } } void ModemImpl::StartPlaying(AudioType type) { DCHECK(type == AUDIBLE || type == INAUDIBLE); should_be_playing_[type] = true; // If we don't have our token encoded yet, this check will be false, for now. // Once our token is encoded, OnTokenEncoded will call UpdateToken, which // will call this code again (if we're still supposed to be playing). SamplesMap::iterator samples = samples_caches_[type]->Get(playing_token_[type]); if (samples != samples_caches_[type]->end()) { DCHECK(!playing_token_[type].empty()); if (player_enabled_[type]) { started_playing_[type] = base::Time::Now(); player_[type]->Play(samples->second); // If we're playing, we always record to hear what we are playing. recorder_->Record(); } else { DVLOG(3) << "Skipping playback for disabled " << AudioTypeToString(type) << " player."; } } } void ModemImpl::StopPlaying(AudioType type) { DCHECK(type == AUDIBLE || type == INAUDIBLE); should_be_playing_[type] = false; player_[type]->Stop(); // If we were only recording to hear our own played tokens, stop. if (!should_be_recording_[AUDIBLE] && !should_be_recording_[INAUDIBLE]) recorder_->Stop(); playing_token_[type] = std::string(); } void ModemImpl::StartRecording(AudioType type) { DCHECK(type == AUDIBLE || type == INAUDIBLE); should_be_recording_[type] = true; recorder_->Record(); } void ModemImpl::StopRecording(AudioType type) { DCHECK(type == AUDIBLE || type == INAUDIBLE); should_be_recording_[type] = false; recorder_->Stop(); } void ModemImpl::SetToken(AudioType type, const std::string& url_safe_token) { DCHECK(type == AUDIBLE || type == INAUDIBLE); std::string token = FromUrlSafe(url_safe_token); if (samples_caches_[type]->Get(token) == samples_caches_[type]->end()) { client_->EncodeToken(token, type, token_params_); } else { UpdateToken(type, token); } } const std::string ModemImpl::GetToken(AudioType type) const { return playing_token_[type]; } bool ModemImpl::IsPlayingTokenHeard(AudioType type) const { base::TimeDelta tokenTimeout = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kTokenTimeoutMs); // This is a bit of a hack. If we haven't been playing long enough, // return true to avoid tripping an audio fail alarm. if (base::Time::Now() - started_playing_[type] < tokenTimeout) return true; return base::Time::Now() - heard_own_token_[type] < tokenTimeout; } void ModemImpl::SetTokenParams(AudioType type, const TokenParameters& params) { DCHECK_GT(params.length, 0u); token_params_[type] = params; // TODO(ckehoe): Make whispernet handle different token lengths // simultaneously without reinitializing the decoder over and over. } // static scoped_ptr Modem::Create() { return make_scoped_ptr(new ModemImpl); } // Private functions. void ModemImpl::OnTokenEncoded( AudioType type, const std::string& token, const scoped_refptr& samples) { samples_caches_[type]->Put(token, samples); DumpToken(type, token, samples.get()); UpdateToken(type, token); } void ModemImpl::OnTokensFound(const std::vector& tokens) { std::vector tokens_to_report; for (const auto& token : tokens) { AudioType type = token.audible ? AUDIBLE : INAUDIBLE; if (playing_token_[type] == token.token) heard_own_token_[type] = base::Time::Now(); if (should_be_recording_[AUDIBLE] && token.audible) { tokens_to_report.push_back(token); } else if (should_be_recording_[INAUDIBLE] && !token.audible) { tokens_to_report.push_back(token); } } if (!tokens_to_report.empty()) tokens_cb_.Run(tokens_to_report); } void ModemImpl::UpdateToken(AudioType type, const std::string& token) { DCHECK(type == AUDIBLE || type == INAUDIBLE); if (playing_token_[type] == token) return; // Update token. playing_token_[type] = token; // If we are supposed to be playing this token type at this moment, switch // out playback with the new samples. if (should_be_playing_[type]) RestartPlaying(type); } void ModemImpl::RestartPlaying(AudioType type) { DCHECK(type == AUDIBLE || type == INAUDIBLE); // We should already have this token in the cache. This function is not // called from anywhere except update token and only once we have our samples // in the cache. DCHECK(samples_caches_[type]->Get(playing_token_[type]) != samples_caches_[type]->end()); player_[type]->Stop(); StartPlaying(type); } void ModemImpl::DecodeSamplesConnector(const std::string& samples) { // If we are either supposed to be recording *or* playing, audible or // inaudible, we should be decoding that type. This is so that if we are // just playing, we will still decode our recorded token so we can check // if we heard our own token. Whether or not we report the token to the // server is checked for and handled in OnTokensFound. bool decode_audible = should_be_recording_[AUDIBLE] || should_be_playing_[AUDIBLE]; bool decode_inaudible = should_be_recording_[INAUDIBLE] || should_be_playing_[INAUDIBLE]; if (decode_audible && decode_inaudible) { client_->DecodeSamples(BOTH, samples, token_params_); } else if (decode_audible) { client_->DecodeSamples(AUDIBLE, samples, token_params_); } else if (decode_inaudible) { client_->DecodeSamples(INAUDIBLE, samples, token_params_); } } void ModemImpl::DumpToken(AudioType audio_type, const std::string& token, const media::AudioBus* samples) { if (dump_tokens_dir_.empty()) return; // Convert the samples to 16-bit integers. std::vector int_samples; int_samples.reserve(samples->frames()); for (int i = 0; i < samples->frames(); i++) { int_samples.push_back(round( samples->channel(0)[i] * std::numeric_limits::max())); } DCHECK_EQ(static_cast(int_samples.size()), samples->frames()); DCHECK_EQ(kMonoChannelCount, samples->channels()); const std::string filename = base::StringPrintf("%s %s.wav", AudioTypeToString(audio_type).c_str(), ToUrlSafe(token).c_str()); DVLOG(3) << "Dumping token " << filename; std::string file_str; #if defined(OS_WIN) base::FilePath file_path = dump_tokens_dir_.Append( base::SysNativeMBToWide(filename)); file_str = base::SysWideToNativeMB(file_path.value()); #else file_str = dump_tokens_dir_.Append(filename).value(); #endif webrtc::WavWriter writer(file_str, kDefaultSampleRate, kMonoChannelCount); writer.WriteSamples(int_samples.data(), int_samples.size()); } } // namespace audio_modem