// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This file contains UTF8 strings that we want as char arrays. To avoid // different compilers, we use a script to convert the UTF8 strings into // numeric literals (\x##). #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_regex_constants.h" namespace autofill { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // address_field.cc ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char kAttentionIgnoredRe[] = "attention|attn"; const char kRegionIgnoredRe[] = "province|region|other" "|provincia" // es "|bairro|suburb"; // pt-BR, pt-PT const char kAddressNameIgnoredRe[] = "address.*nickname|address.*label"; const char kCompanyRe[] = "company|business|organization|organisation" "|firma|firmenname" // de-DE "|empresa" // es "|societe|société" // fr-FR "|ragione.?sociale" // it-IT "|会社" // ja-JP "|название.?компании" // ru "|单位|公司" // zh-CN "|회사|직장"; // ko-KR const char kAddressLine1Re[] = "^address$|address[_-]?line(one)?|address1|addr1|street" "|(?:shipping|billing)address$" "|strasse|straße|hausnummer|housenumber" // de-DE "|house.?name" // en-GB "|direccion|dirección" // es "|adresse" // fr-FR "|indirizzo" // it-IT "|^住所$|住所1" // ja-JP "|morada|endereço" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|Адрес" // ru "|地址" // zh-CN "|^주소.?$|주소.?1"; // ko-KR const char kAddressLine1LabelRe[] = "address" "|adresse" // fr-FR "|indirizzo" // it-IT "|住所" // ja-JP "|地址" // zh-CN "|주소"; // ko-KR const char kAddressLine2Re[] = "address[_-]?line(2|two)|address2|addr2|street|suite|unit" "|adresszusatz|ergänzende.?angaben" // de-DE "|direccion2|colonia|adicional" // es "|addresssuppl|complementnom|appartement" // fr-FR "|indirizzo2" // it-IT "|住所2" // ja-JP "|complemento|addrcomplement" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|Улица" // ru "|地址2" // zh-CN "|주소.?2"; // ko-KR const char kAddressLine2LabelRe[] = "address|line" "|adresse" // fr-FR "|indirizzo" // it-IT "|地址" // zh-CN "|주소"; // ko-KR const char kAddressLinesExtraRe[] = "address.*line[3-9]|address[3-9]|addr[3-9]|street|line[3-9]" "|municipio" // es "|batiment|residence" // fr-FR "|indirizzo[3-9]"; // it-IT const char kAddressLookupRe[] = "lookup"; const char kCountryRe[] = "country|countries" "|país|pais" // es "|国" // ja-JP "|国家" // zh-CN "|국가|나라"; // ko-KR const char kCountryLocationRe[] = "location"; const char kZipCodeRe[] = "zip|postal|post.*code|pcode" "|pin.?code" // en-IN "|postleitzahl" // de-DE "|\\bcp\\b" // es "|\\bcdp\\b" // fr-FR "|\\bcap\\b" // it-IT "|郵便番号" // ja-JP "|codigo|codpos|\\bcep\\b" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|Почтовый.?Индекс" // ru "|邮政编码|邮编" // zh-CN "|郵遞區號" // zh-TW "|우편.?번호"; // ko-KR const char kZip4Re[] = "zip|^-$|post2" "|codpos2"; // pt-BR, pt-PT const char kCityRe[] = "city|town" "|\\bort\\b|stadt" // de-DE "|suburb" // en-AU "|ciudad|provincia|localidad|poblacion" // es "|ville|commune" // fr-FR "|localita" // it-IT "|市区町村" // ja-JP "|cidade" // pt-BR, pt-PT "|Город" // ru "|市" // zh-CN "|分區" // zh-TW "|^시[^도·・]|시[·・]?군[·・]?구"; // ko-KR const char kStateRe[] = "(?