// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/feedback/anonymizer_tool.h"
#include "third_party/re2/src/re2/re2.h"
using re2::RE2;
namespace feedback {
namespace {
// The |kCustomPatterns| array defines patterns to match and anonymize. Each
// pattern needs to define three capturing parentheses groups:
// - a group for the pattern before the identifier to be anonymized;
// - a group for the identifier to be anonymized;
// - a group for the pattern after the identifier to be anonymized.
// Every matched identifier (in the context of the whole pattern) is anonymized
// by replacing it with an incremental instance identifier. Every different
// pattern defines a separate instance identifier space. See the unit test for
// AnonymizerTool::AnonymizeCustomPattern for pattern anonymization examples.
// Useful regular expression syntax:
// +? is a non-greedy (lazy) +.
// \b matches a word boundary.
// (?i) turns on case insensitivy for the remainder of the regex.
// (?-s) turns off "dot matches newline" for the remainder of the regex.
// (?:regex) denotes non-capturing parentheses group.
const char* kCustomPatterns[] = {
"(\\bCell ID: ')([0-9a-fA-F]+)(')", // ModemManager
"(\\bLocation area code: ')([0-9a-fA-F]+)(')", // ModemManager
"(?i-s)(\\bssid[= ]')(.+)(')", // wpa_supplicant
"(?-s)(\\bSSID - hexdump\\(len=[0-9]+\\): )(.+)()", // wpa_supplicant
"(?-s)(\\[SSID=)(.+?)(\\])", // shill
} // namespace
: custom_patterns_(arraysize(kCustomPatterns)) {}
AnonymizerTool::~AnonymizerTool() {}
std::string AnonymizerTool::Anonymize(const std::string& input) {
std::string anonymized = AnonymizeMACAddresses(input);
anonymized = AnonymizeCustomPatterns(std::move(anonymized));
return anonymized;
std::string AnonymizerTool::AnonymizeMACAddresses(const std::string& input) {
// This regular expression finds the next MAC address. It splits the data into
// a section preceding the MAC address, an OUI (Organizationally Unique
// Identifier) part and a NIC (Network Interface Controller) specific part.
RE2::Options options;
// set_multiline of pcre is not supported by RE2, yet.
options.set_dot_nl(true); // Dot matches a new line.
RE2 mac_re(
std::string result;
// Keep consuming, building up a result string as we go.
re2::StringPiece text(input);
std::string pre_mac, oui, nic;
while (re2::RE2::Consume(&text, mac_re, RE2::Arg(&pre_mac), RE2::Arg(&oui),
RE2::Arg(&nic))) {
// Look up the MAC address in the hash.
oui = base::ToLowerASCII(oui);
nic = base::ToLowerASCII(nic);
std::string mac = oui + ":" + nic;
std::string replacement_mac = mac_addresses_[mac];
if (replacement_mac.empty()) {
// If not found, build up a replacement MAC address by generating a new
// NIC part.
int mac_id = mac_addresses_.size();
replacement_mac = base::StringPrintf(
"%s:%02x:%02x:%02x", oui.c_str(), (mac_id & 0x00ff0000) >> 16,
(mac_id & 0x0000ff00) >> 8, (mac_id & 0x000000ff));
mac_addresses_[mac] = replacement_mac;
result += pre_mac;
result += replacement_mac;
return result;
std::string AnonymizerTool::AnonymizeCustomPatterns(std::string input) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kCustomPatterns); i++) {
input =
AnonymizeCustomPattern(input, kCustomPatterns[i], &custom_patterns_[i]);
return input;
// static
std::string AnonymizerTool::AnonymizeCustomPattern(
const std::string& input,
const std::string& pattern,
std::map* identifier_space) {
RE2::Options options;
// set_multiline of pcre is not supported by RE2, yet.
options.set_dot_nl(true); // Dot matches a new line.
RE2 re("(.*?)" + pattern, options);
DCHECK_EQ(4, re.NumberOfCapturingGroups());
std::string result;
// Keep consuming, building up a result string as we go.
re2::StringPiece text(input);
std::string pre_match, pre_matched_id, matched_id, post_matched_id;
while (RE2::Consume(&text, re, RE2::Arg(&pre_match),
RE2::Arg(&pre_matched_id), RE2::Arg(&matched_id),
RE2::Arg(&post_matched_id))) {
std::string replacement_id = (*identifier_space)[matched_id];
if (replacement_id.empty()) {
replacement_id = base::IntToString(identifier_space->size());
(*identifier_space)[matched_id] = replacement_id;
result += pre_match;
result += pre_matched_id;
result += replacement_id;
result += post_matched_id;
return result;
} // namespace feedback