// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Description of the life cycle of a instance of MetricsService. // // OVERVIEW // // A MetricsService instance is typically created at application startup. It is // the central controller for the acquisition of log data, and the automatic // transmission of that log data to an external server. Its major job is to // manage logs, grouping them for transmission, and transmitting them. As part // of its grouping, MS finalizes logs by including some just-in-time gathered // memory statistics, snapshotting the current stats of numerous histograms, // closing the logs, translating to protocol buffer format, and compressing the // results for transmission. Transmission includes submitting a compressed log // as data in a URL-post, and retransmitting (or retaining at process // termination) if the attempted transmission failed. Retention across process // terminations is done using the the PrefServices facilities. The retained logs // (the ones that never got transmitted) are compressed and base64-encoded // before being persisted. // // Logs fall into one of two categories: "initial logs," and "ongoing logs." // There is at most one initial log sent for each complete run of Chrome (from // startup, to browser shutdown). An initial log is generally transmitted some // short time (1 minute?) after startup, and includes stats such as recent crash // info, the number and types of plugins, etc. The external server's response // to the initial log conceptually tells this MS if it should continue // transmitting logs (during this session). The server response can actually be // much more detailed, and always includes (at a minimum) how often additional // ongoing logs should be sent. // // After the above initial log, a series of ongoing logs will be transmitted. // The first ongoing log actually begins to accumulate information stating when // the MS was first constructed. Note that even though the initial log is // commonly sent a full minute after startup, the initial log does not include // much in the way of user stats. The most common interlog period (delay) // is 30 minutes. That time period starts when the first user action causes a // logging event. This means that if there is no user action, there may be long // periods without any (ongoing) log transmissions. Ongoing logs typically // contain very detailed records of user activities (ex: opened tab, closed // tab, fetched URL, maximized window, etc.) In addition, just before an // ongoing log is closed out, a call is made to gather memory statistics. Those // memory statistics are deposited into a histogram, and the log finalization // code is then called. In the finalization, a call to a Histogram server // acquires a list of all local histograms that have been flagged for upload // to the UMA server. The finalization also acquires the most recent number // of page loads, along with any counts of renderer or plugin crashes. // // When the browser shuts down, there will typically be a fragment of an ongoing // log that has not yet been transmitted. At shutdown time, that fragment is // closed (including snapshotting histograms), and persisted, for potential // transmission during a future run of the product. // // There are two slightly abnormal shutdown conditions. There is a // "disconnected scenario," and a "really fast startup and shutdown" scenario. // In the "never connected" situation, the user has (during the running of the // process) never established an internet connection. As a result, attempts to // transmit the initial log have failed, and a lot(?) of data has accumulated in // the ongoing log (which didn't yet get closed, because there was never even a // contemplation of sending it). There is also a kindred "lost connection" // situation, where a loss of connection prevented an ongoing log from being // transmitted, and a (still open) log was stuck accumulating a lot(?) of data, // while the earlier log retried its transmission. In both of these // disconnected situations, two logs need to be, and are, persistently stored // for future transmission. // // The other unusual shutdown condition, termed "really fast startup and // shutdown," involves the deliberate user termination of the process before // the initial log is even formed or transmitted. In that situation, no logging // is done, but the historical crash statistics remain (unlogged) for inclusion // in a future run's initial log. (i.e., we don't lose crash stats). // // With the above overview, we can now describe the state machine's various // states, based on the State enum specified in the state_ member. Those states // are: // // INITIALIZED, // Constructor was called. // INIT_TASK_SCHEDULED, // Waiting for deferred init tasks to finish. // INIT_TASK_DONE, // Waiting for timer to send initial log. // SENDING_INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG, // Initial stability log being sent. // SENDING_INITIAL_METRICS_LOG, // Initial metrics log being sent. // SENDING_OLD_LOGS, // Sending unsent logs from previous session. // SENDING_CURRENT_LOGS, // Sending ongoing logs as they acrue. // // In more detail, we have: // // INITIALIZED, // Constructor was called. // The MS has been constructed, but has taken no actions to compose the // initial log. // // INIT_TASK_SCHEDULED, // Waiting for deferred init tasks to finish. // Typically about 30 seconds after startup, a task is sent to a second thread // (the file thread) to perform deferred (lower priority and slower) // initialization steps such as getting the list of plugins. That task will // (when complete) make an async callback (via a Task) to indicate the // completion. // // INIT_TASK_DONE, // Waiting for timer to send initial log. // The callback has arrived, and it is now possible for an initial log to be // created. This callback typically arrives back less than one second after // the deferred init task is dispatched. // // SENDING_INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG, // Initial stability log being sent. // During initialization, if a crash occurred during the previous session, an // initial stability log will be generated and registered with the log manager. // This state will be entered if a stability log was prepared during metrics // service initialization (in InitializeMetricsRecordingState()) and is waiting // to be transmitted when it's time to send up the first log (per the reporting // scheduler). If there is no initial stability log (e.g. there was no previous // crash), then this state will be skipped and the state will advance to // SENDING_INITIAL_METRICS_LOG. // // SENDING_INITIAL_METRICS_LOG, // Initial metrics log being sent. // This state is entered after the initial metrics log has been composed, and // prepared for transmission. This happens after SENDING_INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG // if there was an initial stability log (see above). It is also the case that // any previously unsent logs have been loaded into instance variables for // possible transmission. // // SENDING_OLD_LOGS, // Sending unsent logs from previous session. // This state indicates that the initial log for this session has been // successfully sent and it is now time to send any logs that were // saved from previous sessions. All such logs will be transmitted before // exiting this state, and proceeding with ongoing logs from the current session // (see next state). // // SENDING_CURRENT_LOGS, // Sending standard current logs as they accrue. // Current logs are being accumulated. Typically every 20 minutes a log is // closed and finalized for transmission, at the same time as a new log is // started. // // The progression through the above states is simple, and sequential, in the // most common use cases. States proceed from INITIAL to SENDING_CURRENT_LOGS, // and remain in the latter until shutdown. // // The one unusual case is when the user asks that we stop logging. When that // happens, any staged (transmission in progress) log is persisted, and any log // that is currently accumulating is also finalized and persisted. We then // regress back to the SEND_OLD_LOGS state in case the user enables log // recording again during this session. This way anything we have persisted // will be sent automatically if/when we progress back to SENDING_CURRENT_LOG // state. // // Another similar case is on mobile, when the application is backgrounded and // then foregrounded again. Backgrounding created new "old" stored logs, so the // state drops back from SENDING_CURRENT_LOGS to SENDING_OLD_LOGS so those logs // will be sent. // // Also note that whenever we successfully send an old log, we mirror the list // of logs into the PrefService. This ensures that IF we crash, we won't start // up and retransmit our old logs again. // // Due to race conditions, it is always possible that a log file could be sent // twice. For example, if a log file is sent, but not yet acknowledged by // the external server, and the user shuts down, then a copy of the log may be // saved for re-transmission. These duplicates could be filtered out server // side, but are not expected to be a significant problem. // // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "components/metrics/metrics_service.h" #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram_base.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram_samples.h" #include "base/metrics/sparse_histogram.h" #include "base/metrics/statistics_recorder.h" #include "base/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h" #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h" #include "base/threading/thread.h" #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h" #include "base/tracked_objects.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "components/metrics/metrics_log.h" #include "components/metrics/metrics_log_manager.h" #include "components/metrics/metrics_log_uploader.h" #include "components/metrics/metrics_pref_names.h" #include "components/metrics/metrics_reporting_scheduler.h" #include "components/metrics/metrics_service_client.h" #include "components/metrics/metrics_state_manager.h" #include "components/variations/entropy_provider.h" using base::Time; using metrics::MetricsLogManager; namespace { // Check to see that we're being called on only one thread. bool IsSingleThreaded() { static base::PlatformThreadId thread_id = 0; if (!thread_id) thread_id = base::PlatformThread::CurrentId(); return base::PlatformThread::CurrentId() == thread_id; } // The delay, in seconds, after starting recording before doing expensive // initialization work. #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) // On mobile devices, a significant portion of sessions last less than a minute. // Use a shorter timer on these platforms to avoid losing data. // TODO(dfalcantara): To avoid delaying startup, tighten up initialization so // that it occurs after the user gets their initial page. const int kInitializationDelaySeconds = 5; #else const int kInitializationDelaySeconds = 30; #endif // The maximum number of events in a log uploaded to the UMA server. const int kEventLimit = 2400; // If an upload fails, and the transmission was over this byte count, then we // will discard the log, and not try to retransmit it. We also don't persist // the log to the prefs for transmission during the next chrome session if this // limit is exceeded. const size_t kUploadLogAvoidRetransmitSize = 100 * 1024; // Interval, in minutes, between state saves. const int kSaveStateIntervalMinutes = 5; // The metrics server's URL. const char kServerUrl[] = "https://clients4.google.com/uma/v2"; // The MIME type for the uploaded metrics data. const char kMimeType[] = "application/vnd.chrome.uma"; enum ResponseStatus { UNKNOWN_FAILURE, SUCCESS, BAD_REQUEST, // Invalid syntax or log too large. NO_RESPONSE, NUM_RESPONSE_STATUSES }; ResponseStatus ResponseCodeToStatus(int response_code) { switch (response_code) { case -1: return NO_RESPONSE; case 200: return SUCCESS; case 400: return BAD_REQUEST; default: return UNKNOWN_FAILURE; } } void MarkAppCleanShutdownAndCommit(PrefService* local_state) { local_state->SetBoolean(metrics::prefs::kStabilityExitedCleanly, true); local_state->SetInteger(metrics::prefs::kStabilityExecutionPhase, MetricsService::SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE); // Start writing right away (write happens on a different thread). local_state->CommitPendingWrite(); } } // namespace SyntheticTrialGroup::SyntheticTrialGroup(uint32 trial, uint32 group) { id.name = trial; id.group = group; } SyntheticTrialGroup::~SyntheticTrialGroup() { } // static MetricsService::ShutdownCleanliness MetricsService::clean_shutdown_status_ = MetricsService::CLEANLY_SHUTDOWN; MetricsService::ExecutionPhase MetricsService::execution_phase_ = MetricsService::UNINITIALIZED_PHASE; // static void MetricsService::RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry) { DCHECK(IsSingleThreaded()); metrics::MetricsStateManager::RegisterPrefs(registry); MetricsLog::RegisterPrefs(registry); registry->RegisterInt64Pref(metrics::prefs::kStabilityLaunchTimeSec, 0); registry->RegisterInt64Pref(metrics::prefs::kStabilityLastTimestampSec, 0); registry->RegisterStringPref(metrics::prefs::kStabilityStatsVersion, std::string()); registry->RegisterInt64Pref(metrics::prefs::kStabilityStatsBuildTime, 0); registry->RegisterBooleanPref(metrics::prefs::kStabilityExitedCleanly, true); registry->RegisterIntegerPref(metrics::prefs::kStabilityExecutionPhase, UNINITIALIZED_PHASE); registry->RegisterBooleanPref(metrics::prefs::kStabilitySessionEndCompleted, true); registry->RegisterIntegerPref(metrics::prefs::kMetricsSessionID, -1); registry->RegisterListPref(metrics::prefs::kMetricsInitialLogs); registry->RegisterListPref(metrics::prefs::kMetricsOngoingLogs); registry->RegisterListPref(metrics::prefs::kMetricsInitialLogsOld); registry->RegisterListPref(metrics::prefs::kMetricsOngoingLogsOld); registry->RegisterInt64Pref(metrics::prefs::kUninstallLaunchCount, 0); registry->RegisterInt64Pref(metrics::prefs::kUninstallMetricsUptimeSec, 0); } MetricsService::MetricsService(metrics::MetricsStateManager* state_manager, metrics::MetricsServiceClient* client, PrefService* local_state) : log_manager_(local_state, kUploadLogAvoidRetransmitSize), histogram_snapshot_manager_(this), state_manager_(state_manager), client_(client), local_state_(local_state), recording_active_(false), reporting_active_(false), test_mode_active_(false), state_(INITIALIZED), has_initial_stability_log_(false), log_upload_in_progress_(false), idle_since_last_transmission_(false), session_id_(-1), self_ptr_factory_(this), state_saver_factory_(this) { DCHECK(IsSingleThreaded()); DCHECK(state_manager_); DCHECK(client_); DCHECK(local_state_); } MetricsService::~MetricsService() { DisableRecording(); } void MetricsService::InitializeMetricsRecordingState() { InitializeMetricsState(); base::Closure callback = base::Bind(&MetricsService::StartScheduledUpload, self_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); scheduler_.reset(new MetricsReportingScheduler(callback)); } void MetricsService::Start() { HandleIdleSinceLastTransmission(false); EnableRecording(); EnableReporting(); } bool MetricsService::StartIfMetricsReportingEnabled() { const bool enabled = state_manager_->IsMetricsReportingEnabled(); if (enabled) Start(); return enabled; } void MetricsService::StartRecordingForTests() { test_mode_active_ = true; EnableRecording(); DisableReporting(); } void MetricsService::Stop() { HandleIdleSinceLastTransmission(false); DisableReporting(); DisableRecording(); } void MetricsService::EnableReporting() { if (reporting_active_) return; reporting_active_ = true; StartSchedulerIfNecessary(); } void MetricsService::DisableReporting() { reporting_active_ = false; } std::string MetricsService::GetClientId() { return state_manager_->client_id(); } scoped_ptr MetricsService::CreateEntropyProvider() { // TODO(asvitkine): Refactor the code so that MetricsService does not expose // this method. return state_manager_->CreateEntropyProvider(); } void MetricsService::EnableRecording() { DCHECK(IsSingleThreaded()); if (recording_active_) return; recording_active_ = true; state_manager_->ForceClientIdCreation(); client_->SetClientID(state_manager_->client_id()); if (!log_manager_.current_log()) OpenNewLog(); for (size_t i = 0; i < metrics_providers_.size(); ++i) metrics_providers_[i]->OnRecordingEnabled(); base::RemoveActionCallback(action_callback_); action_callback_ = base::Bind(&MetricsService::OnUserAction, base::Unretained(this)); base::AddActionCallback(action_callback_); } void MetricsService::DisableRecording() { DCHECK(IsSingleThreaded()); if (!recording_active_) return; recording_active_ = false; base::RemoveActionCallback(action_callback_); for (size_t i = 0; i < metrics_providers_.size(); ++i) metrics_providers_[i]->OnRecordingDisabled(); PushPendingLogsToPersistentStorage(); DCHECK(!log_manager_.has_staged_log()); } bool MetricsService::recording_active() const { DCHECK(IsSingleThreaded()); return recording_active_; } bool MetricsService::reporting_active() const { DCHECK(IsSingleThreaded()); return reporting_active_; } void MetricsService::RecordDelta(const base::HistogramBase& histogram, const base::HistogramSamples& snapshot) { log_manager_.current_log()->RecordHistogramDelta(histogram.histogram_name(), snapshot); } void MetricsService::InconsistencyDetected( base::HistogramBase::Inconsistency problem) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Histogram.InconsistenciesBrowser", problem, base::HistogramBase::NEVER_EXCEEDED_VALUE); } void MetricsService::UniqueInconsistencyDetected( base::HistogramBase::Inconsistency problem) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Histogram.InconsistenciesBrowserUnique", problem, base::HistogramBase::NEVER_EXCEEDED_VALUE); } void MetricsService::InconsistencyDetectedInLoggedCount(int amount) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Histogram.InconsistentSnapshotBrowser", std::abs(amount)); } void MetricsService::HandleIdleSinceLastTransmission(bool in_idle) { // If there wasn't a lot of action, maybe the computer was asleep, in which // case, the log transmissions should have stopped. Here we start them up // again. if (!in_idle && idle_since_last_transmission_) StartSchedulerIfNecessary(); idle_since_last_transmission_ = in_idle; } void MetricsService::OnApplicationNotIdle() { if (recording_active_) HandleIdleSinceLastTransmission(false); } void MetricsService::RecordStartOfSessionEnd() { LogCleanShutdown(); RecordBooleanPrefValue(metrics::prefs::kStabilitySessionEndCompleted, false); } void MetricsService::RecordCompletedSessionEnd() { LogCleanShutdown(); RecordBooleanPrefValue(metrics::prefs::kStabilitySessionEndCompleted, true); } #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) void MetricsService::OnAppEnterBackground() { scheduler_->Stop(); MarkAppCleanShutdownAndCommit(local_state_); // At this point, there's no way of knowing when the process will be // killed, so this has to be treated similar to a shutdown, closing and // persisting all logs. Unlinke a shutdown, the state is primed to be ready // to continue logging and uploading if the process does return. if (recording_active() && state_ >= SENDING_INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG) { PushPendingLogsToPersistentStorage(); // Persisting logs closes the current log, so start recording a new log // immediately to capture any background work that might be done before the // process is killed. OpenNewLog(); } } void MetricsService::OnAppEnterForeground() { local_state_->SetBoolean(metrics::prefs::kStabilityExitedCleanly, false); StartSchedulerIfNecessary(); } #else void MetricsService::LogNeedForCleanShutdown(PrefService* local_state) { local_state->SetBoolean(metrics::prefs::kStabilityExitedCleanly, false); // Redundant setting to be sure we call for a clean shutdown. clean_shutdown_status_ = NEED_TO_SHUTDOWN; } #endif // defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) // static void MetricsService::SetExecutionPhase(ExecutionPhase execution_phase, PrefService* local_state) { execution_phase_ = execution_phase; local_state->SetInteger(metrics::prefs::kStabilityExecutionPhase, execution_phase_); } void MetricsService::RecordBreakpadRegistration(bool success) { if (!success) IncrementPrefValue(metrics::prefs::kStabilityBreakpadRegistrationFail); else IncrementPrefValue(metrics::prefs::kStabilityBreakpadRegistrationSuccess); } void MetricsService::RecordBreakpadHasDebugger(bool has_debugger) { if (!has_debugger) IncrementPrefValue(metrics::prefs::kStabilityDebuggerNotPresent); else IncrementPrefValue(metrics::prefs::kStabilityDebuggerPresent); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // private methods //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Initialization methods void MetricsService::InitializeMetricsState() { local_state_->SetString(metrics::prefs::kStabilityStatsVersion, client_->GetVersionString()); local_state_->SetInt64(metrics::prefs::kStabilityStatsBuildTime, MetricsLog::GetBuildTime()); session_id_ = local_state_->GetInteger(metrics::prefs::kMetricsSessionID); if (!local_state_->GetBoolean(metrics::prefs::kStabilityExitedCleanly)) { IncrementPrefValue(metrics::prefs::kStabilityCrashCount); // Reset flag, and wait until we call LogNeedForCleanShutdown() before // monitoring. local_state_->SetBoolean(metrics::prefs::kStabilityExitedCleanly, true); // TODO(rtenneti): On windows, consider saving/getting execution_phase from // the registry. int execution_phase = local_state_->GetInteger(metrics::prefs::kStabilityExecutionPhase); UMA_HISTOGRAM_SPARSE_SLOWLY("Chrome.Browser.CrashedExecutionPhase", execution_phase); // If the previous session didn't exit cleanly, then prepare an initial // stability log if UMA is enabled. if (state_manager_->IsMetricsReportingEnabled()) PrepareInitialStabilityLog(); } // Update session ID. ++session_id_; local_state_->SetInteger(metrics::prefs::kMetricsSessionID, session_id_); // Stability bookkeeping IncrementPrefValue(metrics::prefs::kStabilityLaunchCount); DCHECK_EQ(UNINITIALIZED_PHASE, execution_phase_); SetExecutionPhase(START_METRICS_RECORDING, local_state_); if (!local_state_->GetBoolean( metrics::prefs::kStabilitySessionEndCompleted)) { IncrementPrefValue(metrics::prefs::kStabilityIncompleteSessionEndCount); // This is marked false when we get a WM_ENDSESSION. local_state_->SetBoolean(metrics::prefs::kStabilitySessionEndCompleted, true); } // Call GetUptimes() for the first time, thus allowing all later calls // to record incremental uptimes accurately. base::TimeDelta ignored_uptime_parameter; base::TimeDelta startup_uptime; GetUptimes(local_state_, &startup_uptime, &ignored_uptime_parameter); DCHECK_EQ(0, startup_uptime.InMicroseconds()); // For backwards compatibility, leave this intact in case Omaha is checking // them. metrics::prefs::kStabilityLastTimestampSec may also be useless now. // TODO(jar): Delete these if they have no uses. local_state_->SetInt64(metrics::prefs::kStabilityLaunchTimeSec, Time::Now().ToTimeT()); // Bookkeeping for the uninstall metrics. IncrementLongPrefsValue(metrics::prefs::kUninstallLaunchCount); // Kick off the process of saving the state (so the uptime numbers keep // getting updated) every n minutes. ScheduleNextStateSave(); } void MetricsService::OnUserAction(const std::string& action) { if (!ShouldLogEvents()) return; log_manager_.current_log()->RecordUserAction(action); HandleIdleSinceLastTransmission(false); } void MetricsService::FinishedGatheringInitialMetrics() { DCHECK_EQ(INIT_TASK_SCHEDULED, state_); state_ = INIT_TASK_DONE; // Create the initial log. if (!initial_metrics_log_.get()) { initial_metrics_log_ = CreateLog(MetricsLog::ONGOING_LOG); NotifyOnDidCreateMetricsLog(); } scheduler_->InitTaskComplete(); } void MetricsService::GetUptimes(PrefService* pref, base::TimeDelta* incremental_uptime, base::TimeDelta* uptime) { base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now(); // If this is the first call, init |first_updated_time_| and // |last_updated_time_|. if (last_updated_time_.is_null()) { first_updated_time_ = now; last_updated_time_ = now; } *incremental_uptime = now - last_updated_time_; *uptime = now - first_updated_time_; last_updated_time_ = now; const int64 incremental_time_secs = incremental_uptime->InSeconds(); if (incremental_time_secs > 0) { int64 metrics_uptime = pref->GetInt64(metrics::prefs::kUninstallMetricsUptimeSec); metrics_uptime += incremental_time_secs; pref->SetInt64(metrics::prefs::kUninstallMetricsUptimeSec, metrics_uptime); } } void MetricsService::AddObserver(MetricsServiceObserver* observer) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void MetricsService::RemoveObserver(MetricsServiceObserver* observer) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } void MetricsService::NotifyOnDidCreateMetricsLog() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER( MetricsServiceObserver, observers_, OnDidCreateMetricsLog()); for (size_t i = 0; i < metrics_providers_.size(); ++i) metrics_providers_[i]->OnDidCreateMetricsLog(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // State save methods void MetricsService::ScheduleNextStateSave() { state_saver_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MetricsService::SaveLocalState, state_saver_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(kSaveStateIntervalMinutes)); } void MetricsService::SaveLocalState() { RecordCurrentState(local_state_); // TODO(jar):110021 Does this run down the batteries???? ScheduleNextStateSave(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Recording control methods void MetricsService::OpenNewLog() { DCHECK(!log_manager_.current_log()); log_manager_.BeginLoggingWithLog(CreateLog(MetricsLog::ONGOING_LOG)); NotifyOnDidCreateMetricsLog(); if (state_ == INITIALIZED) { // We only need to schedule that run once. state_ = INIT_TASK_SCHEDULED; base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MetricsService::StartGatheringMetrics, self_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kInitializationDelaySeconds)); } } void MetricsService::StartGatheringMetrics() { client_->StartGatheringMetrics( base::Bind(&MetricsService::FinishedGatheringInitialMetrics, self_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } void MetricsService::CloseCurrentLog() { if (!log_manager_.current_log()) return; // TODO(jar): Integrate bounds on log recording more consistently, so that we // can stop recording logs that are too big much sooner. if (log_manager_.current_log()->num_events() > kEventLimit) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("UMA.Discarded Log Events", log_manager_.current_log()->num_events()); log_manager_.DiscardCurrentLog(); OpenNewLog(); // Start trivial log to hold our histograms. } // Put incremental data (histogram deltas, and realtime stats deltas) at the // end of all log transmissions (initial log handles this separately). // RecordIncrementalStabilityElements only exists on the derived // MetricsLog class. MetricsLog* current_log = static_cast(log_manager_.current_log()); DCHECK(current_log); std::vector synthetic_trials; GetCurrentSyntheticFieldTrials(&synthetic_trials); current_log->RecordEnvironment(metrics_providers_.get(), synthetic_trials); base::TimeDelta incremental_uptime; base::TimeDelta uptime; GetUptimes(local_state_, &incremental_uptime, &uptime); current_log->RecordStabilityMetrics(metrics_providers_.get(), incremental_uptime, uptime); RecordCurrentHistograms(); current_log->RecordGeneralMetrics(metrics_providers_.get()); log_manager_.FinishCurrentLog(); } void MetricsService::PushPendingLogsToPersistentStorage() { if (state_ < SENDING_INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG) return; // We didn't and still don't have time to get plugin list etc. if (log_manager_.has_staged_log()) { // We may race here, and send second copy of the log later. metrics::PersistedLogs::StoreType store_type; if (log_upload_in_progress_) store_type = metrics::PersistedLogs::PROVISIONAL_STORE; else store_type = metrics::PersistedLogs::NORMAL_STORE; log_manager_.StoreStagedLogAsUnsent(store_type); } DCHECK(!log_manager_.has_staged_log()); CloseCurrentLog(); log_manager_.PersistUnsentLogs(); // If there was a staged and/or current log, then there is now at least one // log waiting to be uploaded. if (log_manager_.has_unsent_logs()) state_ = SENDING_OLD_LOGS; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Transmission of logs methods void MetricsService::StartSchedulerIfNecessary() { // Never schedule cutting or uploading of logs in test mode. if (test_mode_active_) return; // Even if reporting is disabled, the scheduler is needed to trigger the // creation of the initial log, which must be done in order for any logs to be // persisted on shutdown or backgrounding. if (recording_active() && (reporting_active() || state_ < SENDING_INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG)) { scheduler_->Start(); } } void MetricsService::StartScheduledUpload() { // If we're getting no notifications, then the log won't have much in it, and // it's possible the computer is about to go to sleep, so don't upload and // stop the scheduler. // If recording has been turned off, the scheduler doesn't need to run. // If reporting is off, proceed if the initial log hasn't been created, since // that has to happen in order for logs to be cut and stored when persisting. // TODO(stuartmorgan): Call Stop() on the scheduler when reporting and/or // recording are turned off instead of letting it fire and then aborting. if (idle_since_last_transmission_ || !recording_active() || (!reporting_active() && state_ >= SENDING_INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG)) { scheduler_->Stop(); scheduler_->UploadCancelled(); return; } // If the callback was to upload an old log, but there no longer is one, // just report success back to the scheduler to begin the ongoing log // callbacks. // TODO(stuartmorgan): Consider removing the distinction between // SENDING_OLD_LOGS and SENDING_CURRENT_LOGS to simplify the state machine // now that the log upload flow is the same for both modes. if (state_ == SENDING_OLD_LOGS && !log_manager_.has_unsent_logs()) { state_ = SENDING_CURRENT_LOGS; scheduler_->UploadFinished(true /* healthy */, false /* no unsent logs */); return; } // If there are unsent logs, send the next one. If not, start the asynchronous // process of finalizing the current log for upload. if (state_ == SENDING_OLD_LOGS) { DCHECK(log_manager_.has_unsent_logs()); log_manager_.StageNextLogForUpload(); SendStagedLog(); } else { client_->CollectFinalMetrics( base::Bind(&MetricsService::OnFinalLogInfoCollectionDone, self_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } } void MetricsService::OnFinalLogInfoCollectionDone() { // If somehow there is a log upload in progress, we return and hope things // work out. The scheduler isn't informed since if this happens, the scheduler // will get a response from the upload. DCHECK(!log_upload_in_progress_); if (log_upload_in_progress_) return; // Abort if metrics were turned off during the final info gathering. if (!recording_active()) { scheduler_->Stop(); scheduler_->UploadCancelled(); return; } StageNewLog(); // If logs shouldn't be uploaded, stop here. It's important that this check // be after StageNewLog(), otherwise the previous logs will never be loaded, // and thus the open log won't be persisted. // TODO(stuartmorgan): This is unnecessarily complicated; restructure loading // of previous logs to not require running part of the upload logic. // http://crbug.com/157337 if (!reporting_active()) { scheduler_->Stop(); scheduler_->UploadCancelled(); return; } SendStagedLog(); } void MetricsService::StageNewLog() { if (log_manager_.has_staged_log()) return; switch (state_) { case INITIALIZED: case INIT_TASK_SCHEDULED: // We should be further along by now. NOTREACHED(); return; case INIT_TASK_DONE: if (has_initial_stability_log_) { // There's an initial stability log, ready to send. log_manager_.StageNextLogForUpload(); has_initial_stability_log_ = false; // Note: No need to call LoadPersistedUnsentLogs() here because unsent // logs have already been loaded by PrepareInitialStabilityLog(). state_ = SENDING_INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG; } else { PrepareInitialMetricsLog(); // Load unsent logs (if any) from local state. log_manager_.LoadPersistedUnsentLogs(); state_ = SENDING_INITIAL_METRICS_LOG; } break; case SENDING_OLD_LOGS: NOTREACHED(); // Shouldn't be staging a new log during old log sending. return; case SENDING_CURRENT_LOGS: CloseCurrentLog(); OpenNewLog(); log_manager_.StageNextLogForUpload(); break; default: NOTREACHED(); return; } DCHECK(log_manager_.has_staged_log()); } void MetricsService::PrepareInitialStabilityLog() { DCHECK_EQ(INITIALIZED, state_); DCHECK_NE(0, local_state_->GetInteger(metrics::prefs::kStabilityCrashCount)); scoped_ptr initial_stability_log( CreateLog(MetricsLog::INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG)); // Do not call NotifyOnDidCreateMetricsLog here because the stability // log describes stats from the _previous_ session. if (!initial_stability_log->LoadSavedEnvironmentFromPrefs()) return; log_manager_.LoadPersistedUnsentLogs(); log_manager_.PauseCurrentLog(); log_manager_.BeginLoggingWithLog(initial_stability_log.Pass()); // Note: Some stability providers may record stability stats via histograms, // so this call has to be after BeginLoggingWithLog(). log_manager_.current_log()->RecordStabilityMetrics( metrics_providers_.get(), base::TimeDelta(), base::TimeDelta()); RecordCurrentStabilityHistograms(); // Note: RecordGeneralMetrics() intentionally not called since this log is for // stability stats from a previous session only. log_manager_.FinishCurrentLog(); log_manager_.ResumePausedLog(); // Store unsent logs, including the stability log that was just saved, so // that they're not lost in case of a crash before upload time. log_manager_.PersistUnsentLogs(); has_initial_stability_log_ = true; } void MetricsService::PrepareInitialMetricsLog() { DCHECK(state_ == INIT_TASK_DONE || state_ == SENDING_INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG); std::vector synthetic_trials; GetCurrentSyntheticFieldTrials(&synthetic_trials); initial_metrics_log_->RecordEnvironment(metrics_providers_.get(), synthetic_trials); base::TimeDelta incremental_uptime; base::TimeDelta uptime; GetUptimes(local_state_, &incremental_uptime, &uptime); // Histograms only get written to the current log, so make the new log current // before writing them. log_manager_.PauseCurrentLog(); log_manager_.BeginLoggingWithLog(initial_metrics_log_.Pass()); // Note: Some stability providers may record stability stats via histograms, // so this call has to be after BeginLoggingWithLog(). MetricsLog* current_log = static_cast(log_manager_.current_log()); current_log->RecordStabilityMetrics(metrics_providers_.get(), base::TimeDelta(), base::TimeDelta()); RecordCurrentHistograms(); current_log->RecordGeneralMetrics(metrics_providers_.get()); log_manager_.FinishCurrentLog(); log_manager_.ResumePausedLog(); DCHECK(!log_manager_.has_staged_log()); log_manager_.StageNextLogForUpload(); } void MetricsService::SendStagedLog() { DCHECK(log_manager_.has_staged_log()); if (!log_manager_.has_staged_log()) return; DCHECK(!log_upload_in_progress_); log_upload_in_progress_ = true; if (!log_uploader_) { log_uploader_ = client_->CreateUploader( kServerUrl, kMimeType, base::Bind(&MetricsService::OnLogUploadComplete, self_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } const std::string hash = base::HexEncode(log_manager_.staged_log_hash().data(), log_manager_.staged_log_hash().size()); bool success = log_uploader_->UploadLog(log_manager_.staged_log(), hash); UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("UMA.UploadCreation", success); if (!success) { // Skip this upload and hope things work out next time. log_manager_.DiscardStagedLog(); scheduler_->UploadCancelled(); log_upload_in_progress_ = false; return; } HandleIdleSinceLastTransmission(true); } void MetricsService::OnLogUploadComplete(int response_code) { DCHECK(log_upload_in_progress_); log_upload_in_progress_ = false; // Log a histogram to track response success vs. failure rates. UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("UMA.UploadResponseStatus.Protobuf", ResponseCodeToStatus(response_code), NUM_RESPONSE_STATUSES); // If the upload was provisionally stored, drop it now that the upload is // known to have gone through. log_manager_.DiscardLastProvisionalStore(); bool upload_succeeded = response_code == 200; // Provide boolean for error recovery (allow us to ignore response_code). bool discard_log = false; const size_t log_size = log_manager_.staged_log().length(); if (!upload_succeeded && log_size > kUploadLogAvoidRetransmitSize) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("UMA.Large Rejected Log was Discarded", static_cast(log_size)); discard_log = true; } else if (response_code == 400) { // Bad syntax. Retransmission won't work. discard_log = true; } if (upload_succeeded || discard_log) log_manager_.DiscardStagedLog(); if (!log_manager_.has_staged_log()) { switch (state_) { case SENDING_INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG: // Store the updated list to disk now that the removed log is uploaded. log_manager_.PersistUnsentLogs(); PrepareInitialMetricsLog(); SendStagedLog(); state_ = SENDING_INITIAL_METRICS_LOG; break; case SENDING_INITIAL_METRICS_LOG: // The initial metrics log never gets persisted to local state, so it's // not necessary to call log_manager_.PersistUnsentLogs() here. // TODO(asvitkine): It should be persisted like the initial stability // log and old unsent logs. http://crbug.com/328417 state_ = log_manager_.has_unsent_logs() ? SENDING_OLD_LOGS : SENDING_CURRENT_LOGS; break; case SENDING_OLD_LOGS: // Store the updated list to disk now that the removed log is uploaded. log_manager_.PersistUnsentLogs(); if (!log_manager_.has_unsent_logs()) state_ = SENDING_CURRENT_LOGS; break; case SENDING_CURRENT_LOGS: break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } if (log_manager_.has_unsent_logs()) DCHECK_LT(state_, SENDING_CURRENT_LOGS); } // Error 400 indicates a problem with the log, not with the server, so // don't consider that a sign that the server is in trouble. bool server_is_healthy = upload_succeeded || response_code == 400; // Don't notify the scheduler that the upload is finished if we've only sent // the initial stability log, but not yet the initial metrics log (treat the // two as a single unit of work as far as the scheduler is concerned). if (state_ != SENDING_INITIAL_METRICS_LOG) { scheduler_->UploadFinished(server_is_healthy, log_manager_.has_unsent_logs()); } if (server_is_healthy) client_->OnLogUploadComplete(); } void MetricsService::IncrementPrefValue(const char* path) { int value = local_state_->GetInteger(path); local_state_->SetInteger(path, value + 1); } void MetricsService::IncrementLongPrefsValue(const char* path) { int64 value = local_state_->GetInt64(path); local_state_->SetInt64(path, value + 1); } bool MetricsService::UmaMetricsProperlyShutdown() { CHECK(clean_shutdown_status_ == CLEANLY_SHUTDOWN || clean_shutdown_status_ == NEED_TO_SHUTDOWN); return clean_shutdown_status_ == CLEANLY_SHUTDOWN; } void MetricsService::RegisterSyntheticFieldTrial( const SyntheticTrialGroup& trial) { for (size_t i = 0; i < synthetic_trial_groups_.size(); ++i) { if (synthetic_trial_groups_[i].id.name == trial.id.name) { if (synthetic_trial_groups_[i].id.group != trial.id.group) { synthetic_trial_groups_[i].id.group = trial.id.group; synthetic_trial_groups_[i].start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now(); } return; } } SyntheticTrialGroup trial_group = trial; trial_group.start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now(); synthetic_trial_groups_.push_back(trial_group); } void MetricsService::RegisterMetricsProvider( scoped_ptr provider) { DCHECK_EQ(INITIALIZED, state_); metrics_providers_.push_back(provider.release()); } void MetricsService::CheckForClonedInstall( scoped_refptr task_runner) { state_manager_->CheckForClonedInstall(task_runner); } void MetricsService::GetCurrentSyntheticFieldTrials( std::vector* synthetic_trials) { DCHECK(synthetic_trials); synthetic_trials->clear(); const MetricsLog* current_log = static_cast(log_manager_.current_log()); for (size_t i = 0; i < synthetic_trial_groups_.size(); ++i) { if (synthetic_trial_groups_[i].start_time <= current_log->creation_time()) synthetic_trials->push_back(synthetic_trial_groups_[i].id); } } scoped_ptr MetricsService::CreateLog(MetricsLog::LogType log_type) { return make_scoped_ptr(new MetricsLog(state_manager_->client_id(), session_id_, log_type, client_, local_state_)); } void MetricsService::RecordCurrentHistograms() { DCHECK(log_manager_.current_log()); histogram_snapshot_manager_.PrepareDeltas( base::Histogram::kNoFlags, base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); } void MetricsService::RecordCurrentStabilityHistograms() { DCHECK(log_manager_.current_log()); histogram_snapshot_manager_.PrepareDeltas( base::Histogram::kNoFlags, base::Histogram::kUmaStabilityHistogramFlag); } void MetricsService::LogCleanShutdown() { // Redundant hack to write pref ASAP. MarkAppCleanShutdownAndCommit(local_state_); // Redundant setting to assure that we always reset this value at shutdown // (and that we don't use some alternate path, and not call LogCleanShutdown). clean_shutdown_status_ = CLEANLY_SHUTDOWN; RecordBooleanPrefValue(metrics::prefs::kStabilityExitedCleanly, true); local_state_->SetInteger(metrics::prefs::kStabilityExecutionPhase, MetricsService::SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE); } bool MetricsService::ShouldLogEvents() { // We simply don't log events to UMA if there is a single incognito // session visible. The problem is that we always notify using the orginal // profile in order to simplify notification processing. return !client_->IsOffTheRecordSessionActive(); } void MetricsService::RecordBooleanPrefValue(const char* path, bool value) { DCHECK(IsSingleThreaded()); local_state_->SetBoolean(path, value); RecordCurrentState(local_state_); } void MetricsService::RecordCurrentState(PrefService* pref) { pref->SetInt64(metrics::prefs::kStabilityLastTimestampSec, Time::Now().ToTimeT()); for (size_t i = 0; i < metrics_providers_.size(); ++i) metrics_providers_[i]->RecordCurrentState(); }