# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/config/chrome_build.gni") import("//build/config/features.gni") import("//components/policy/resources/policy_templates.gni") import("//third_party/protobuf/proto_library.gni") import("//tools/grit/grit_rule.gni") # About the policy component: # # There should really be two components. One called "policy" that includes all # generated code, and one "policy/proto" like we have now. The proto needs to # be separate for cases like SesssionManagerClient which uses the protos to # communicate with the Chrome OS system layer, but doesn't need the rest of the # policy stuff). # # The reason the rest of the targets exist are artifacts of the way the GYP # build works. The current "policy" target which is really just some generated # code (which should be folded into the new "policy" component described above) # exists so code outside which depends on the generated headers can depend on # the hard policy target without having to make all policy targets hard # dependencies (GN will do the right thing without this extra target). if (is_component_build) { component("policy_component") { public_deps = [ "//components/policy/core/browser", "//components/policy/core/common", ] } group("policy_component_browser") { public_deps = [ ":policy_component", ] } group("policy_component_common") { public_deps = [ ":policy_component", ] } } else { # Compile to separate libraries. group("policy_component") { public_deps = [ ":policy_component_browser", ":policy_component_common", ] } component("policy_component_browser") { public_deps = [ "//components/policy/core/browser", ] } component("policy_component_common") { public_deps = [ "//components/policy/core/common", ] } } if (enable_configuration_policy) { # TODO(brettw) this component should use target_gen_dir instead but the GYP # build puts everything into the following directory. We do the same for now. policy_gen_dir = "$root_gen_dir/policy" # This protobuf is equivalent to chrome_settings.proto but shares messages # for policies of the same type, so that less classes have to be generated # and compiled. cloud_policy_proto_path = "$policy_gen_dir/cloud_policy.proto" # This is the "full" protobuf, which defines one protobuf message per # policy. It is also the format currently used by the server. chrome_settings_proto_path = "$policy_gen_dir/chrome_settings.proto" constants_header_path = "$policy_gen_dir/policy_constants.h" constants_source_path = "$policy_gen_dir/policy_constants.cc" protobuf_decoder_path = "$policy_gen_dir/cloud_policy_generated.cc" app_restrictions_path = "$policy_gen_dir/app_restrictions.xml" risk_tag_header_path = "$policy_gen_dir/risk_tag.h" action("cloud_policy_code_generate") { script = "tools/generate_policy_source.py" chrome_version_abspath = "//chrome/VERSION" chrome_version_path = rebase_path(chrome_version_abspath, root_build_dir) if (is_chromeos) { chromeos_flag = "1" } else { chromeos_flag = "0" } inputs = [ chrome_version_abspath, "resources/policy_templates.json", ] outputs = [ constants_header_path, constants_source_path, protobuf_decoder_path, chrome_settings_proto_path, cloud_policy_proto_path, app_restrictions_path, risk_tag_header_path, ] if (target_os != "android") { outputs -= [ app_restrictions_path ] } args = [ "--policy-constants-header=" + rebase_path(constants_header_path, root_build_dir), "--policy-constants-source=" + rebase_path(constants_source_path, root_build_dir), "--chrome-settings-protobuf=" + rebase_path(chrome_settings_proto_path, root_build_dir), "--cloud-policy-protobuf=" + rebase_path(cloud_policy_proto_path, root_build_dir), "--cloud-policy-decoder=" + rebase_path(protobuf_decoder_path, root_build_dir), "--app-restrictions-definition=" + rebase_path(app_restrictions_path, root_build_dir), "--risk-tag-header=" + rebase_path(risk_tag_header_path, root_build_dir), chrome_version_path, target_os, chromeos_flag, rebase_path("resources/policy_templates.json", root_build_dir), ] } grit("policy_templates") { source = "resources/policy_templates.grd" use_qualified_include = true output_dir = "$root_gen_dir/chrome" outputs = policy_templates_doc_outputs if (is_android) { outputs += policy_templates_android_outputs } if (is_linux) { outputs += policy_templates_linux_outputs } if (is_mac) { outputs += policy_templates_mac_outputs # TODO(knn) : Move this out once more targets use this. if (is_chrome_branded) { mac_bundle_id = "com.google.Chrome" } else { mac_bundle_id = "org.chromium.Chromium" } defines = [ "mac_bundle_id=$mac_bundle_id" ] } if (is_win) { outputs += policy_templates_windows_outputs } } # Run the proto compiler over the generated file and make it a component. component("cloud_policy_proto_generated_compile") { public_deps = [ ":cloud_policy_proto_generated_compile_proto", ] } proto_library("cloud_policy_proto_generated_compile_proto") { visibility = [ ":cloud_policy_proto_generated_compile" ] sources = [ cloud_policy_proto_path, ] proto_out_dir = "policy/proto" cc_generator_options = "dllexport_decl=POLICY_PROTO_EXPORT:" cc_include = "components/policy/policy_proto_export.h" defines = [ "POLICY_PROTO_COMPILATION" ] deps = [ ":cloud_policy_code_generate", ] } # This target builds the "full" protobuf, used for tests only. proto_library("chrome_settings_proto_generated_compile") { sources = [ chrome_settings_proto_path, ] proto_out_dir = "policy/proto" deps = [ ":cloud_policy_code_generate", ":cloud_policy_proto_generated_compile", ] } # The dependencies here are kind of messed up. # # //components/policy/core/browser and .../common depend on this target, # and require it to be compiled with POLICY_COMPONENT_IMPLEMENTATION to # export the necessary symbols in a component build. But other targets like # //chrome/browser also depend on this target, which in component build # ends up in another shared library, but with the IMPLEMENTATION flag set # incorrectly. # # This only reason this works is that this target is a shared library and # the compilation units that this depends on in policy/core/common happen to # not be brought in in the "bad" case. This needs serious untangling, maybe # these files can just be put into policy/core/common? static_library("policy") { sources = [ constants_header_path, constants_source_path, protobuf_decoder_path, risk_tag_header_path, ] defines = [ "POLICY_COMPONENT_IMPLEMENTATION" ] public_deps = [ ":cloud_policy_code_generate", ":cloud_policy_proto_generated_compile", "//base", "//third_party/protobuf:protobuf_lite", ] } group("test_support") { public_deps = [ ":chrome_settings_proto_generated_compile", ":policy_component", ] } source_set("policy_component_test_support") { testonly = true sources = [ "core/browser/configuration_policy_pref_store_test.cc", "core/browser/configuration_policy_pref_store_test.h", "core/common/cloud/mock_cloud_external_data_manager.cc", "core/common/cloud/mock_cloud_external_data_manager.h", "core/common/cloud/mock_cloud_policy_client.cc", "core/common/cloud/mock_cloud_policy_client.h", "core/common/cloud/mock_cloud_policy_store.cc", "core/common/cloud/mock_cloud_policy_store.h", "core/common/cloud/mock_device_management_service.cc", "core/common/cloud/mock_device_management_service.h", "core/common/cloud/mock_user_cloud_policy_store.cc", "core/common/cloud/mock_user_cloud_policy_store.h", "core/common/cloud/policy_builder.cc", "core/common/cloud/policy_builder.h", "core/common/configuration_policy_provider_test.cc", "core/common/configuration_policy_provider_test.h", "core/common/fake_async_policy_loader.cc", "core/common/fake_async_policy_loader.h", "core/common/mock_configuration_policy_provider.cc", "core/common/mock_configuration_policy_provider.h", "core/common/mock_policy_service.cc", "core/common/mock_policy_service.h", "core/common/policy_test_utils.cc", "core/common/policy_test_utils.h", "core/common/preferences_mock_mac.cc", "core/common/preferences_mock_mac.h", "core/common/remote_commands/test_remote_command_job.cc", "core/common/remote_commands/test_remote_command_job.h", "core/common/remote_commands/testing_remote_commands_server.cc", "core/common/remote_commands/testing_remote_commands_server.h", ] if (is_chromeos) { sources -= [ "core/common/cloud/mock_user_cloud_policy_store.cc", "core/common/cloud/mock_user_cloud_policy_store.h", ] } public_deps = [ ":policy_component", ":test_support", "//components/policy/proto", "//testing/gmock", "//testing/gtest", ] } if (is_android) { import("//build/config/android/rules.gni") resources_name = "app_restrictions_resources" resources_zip = "res.java/$resources_name.zip" generated_resources_dir = "$root_gen_dir/chrome/app/policy/android" consolidate_target_name = "${resources_name}__consolidate_resources" copy(consolidate_target_name) { sources = [ app_restrictions_path, ] outputs = [ "$generated_resources_dir/xml-v21/app_restrictions.xml", ] deps = [ ":cloud_policy_code_generate", ":policy_templates", ] } # TODO(471115): The write_build_config template is in # //build/config/android/internal_rules.gni and is not meant for external # use. The public rules (in rules.gni) should be updated to support what # we are doing here. build_config_target_name = "${resources_name}__build_config" write_build_config(build_config_target_name) { build_config = "$target_gen_dir/$resources_name.build_config" resources_zip = "$root_build_dir/$resources_zip" type = "android_resources" } zip_target_name = "${resources_name}__create_zip" action(zip_target_name) { script = "//build/android/gn/zip.py" outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/$resources_zip", ] generated_resources = get_target_outputs(":$consolidate_target_name") + policy_templates_android_outputs inputs = generated_resources rebased_inputs = rebase_path(generated_resources, root_build_dir) rebased_resources_dir = rebase_path(generated_resources_dir, root_build_dir) args = [ "--inputs=$rebased_inputs", "--output=$resources_zip", "--base-dir=$rebased_resources_dir", ] deps = [ ":$consolidate_target_name", ":policy_templates_grit", # For policy_templates_android_outputs. ] } group("app_restrictions_resources") { deps = [ ":$build_config_target_name", ":$zip_target_name", ] } } } #TODO(GYP) chrome_manifest_bundle