<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_SUCCESS" desc="Message indicating a successful device management server call.">
    Request succeeded
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_REQUEST_INVALID" desc="Message indicating a bad request to the enterprise server.">
    Invalid request or request parameters
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_REQUEST_FAILED" desc="Message indicating the request to the enterprise server failed in the network.">
    Network error
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_TEMPORARY_UNAVAILABLE" desc="Message indicating a temporary problem on the enterprise server.">
    Temporary server error
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_HTTP_STATUS_ERROR" desc="Message indicating an abnormal response code from the enterprise server.">
    HTTP error
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_RESPONSE_DECODING_ERROR" desc="Message indicating a problem decoding a response from the enterprise server.">
    Failed to decode response
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED" desc="Message indicating that enterprise management is not applicable to the user/device.">
    Management not supported
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_SERVICE_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND" desc="Message indicating the enterprise server is missing a device record.">
    Missing device record
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN_INVALID" desc="Message indicating the token used to authenticate to the enterprise server is invalid.">
    Invalid device management token
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_SERVICE_ACTIVATION_PENDING" desc="Message indicating enterprise management must first be activated for this user/device.">
    Activation is pending on the server
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_SERVICE_INVALID_SERIAL_NUMBER" desc="Message indicating the provided device serial number is invalid.">
    Device serial number is invalid
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_SERVICE_DEVICE_ID_CONFLICT" desc="Message indicating the chosen device identifier is already used.">
    Conflicting device identifier
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_SERVICE_MISSING_LICENSES" desc="Message indicating the enterprise server doesn't have enough licenses to allow management.">
    Licenses exhausted
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_SERVICE_DEPROVISIONED" desc="Message indicating the administrator has deprovisioned this client on the server.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_SERVICE_POLICY_NOT_FOUND" desc="Message indicating that the enterprise server failed to find the policy to be applied to the device.">
    Policy not found
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR" desc="Message indicating an unknown error from the enterprise server.">
    Unknown error
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_SERVICE_DOMAIN_MISMATCH" desc="Message indicating this client cannot be registered with the specified domain.">
    Domain mismatch

  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALIDATION_OK" desc="Message indicating successful policy validation.">
    Validation successful
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALIDATION_BAD_INITIAL_SIGNATURE" desc="Message indicating a bad signature on policy validation using the initial key.">
    Bad intial signature
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALIDATION_BAD_SIGNATURE" desc="Message indicating a bad signature on policy validation.">
    Bad signature
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALIDATION_ERROR_CODE_PRESENT" desc="Message indicating policy validation failure due to an error code in the policy.">
    Error code present in the policy response
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALIDATION_PAYLOAD_PARSE_ERROR" desc="Message indicating a policy parse error during policy validation.">
    Error parsing policy
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALIDATION_WRONG_POLICY_TYPE" desc="Message indicating the policy did not have the expected type.">
    Wrong policy type
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALIDATION_WRONG_SETTINGS_ENTITY_ID" desc="Message indicating the policy did not have the expected entity identifier.">
    Wrong entity identifier
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALIDATION_BAD_TIMESTAMP" desc="Message indicating the policy timestamp is bad.">
    Bad policy timestamp
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALIDATION_WRONG_TOKEN" desc="Message indicating the policy token is different from the one expected.">
    Returned policy token doesn't match current token
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALIDATION_BAD_USERNAME" desc="Message indicating policy validation failed due to bad username/domain.">
    Wrong policy subject
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALIDATION_POLICY_PARSE_ERROR" desc="Message indicating a parse error in policy.">
    Error parsing policy settings
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALIDATION_BAD_KEY_VERIFICATION_SIGNATURE" desc="Message indicating a policy key had an invalid verification signature.">
    Bad verification signature
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALIDATION_UNKNOWN_ERROR" desc="Message indicating unknown error in policy validation.">
    Unknown error

  <message name="IDS_POLICY_STORE_STATUS_OK" desc="Message indicating a healthy policy store.">
    Policy cache OK
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_STORE_STATUS_LOAD_ERROR" desc="Message indicating a failure to load policy.">
    Failed to load policy settings
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_STORE_STATUS_STORE_ERROR" desc="Message indicating a failure to store policy.">
    Failed to store policy settings
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_STORE_STATUS_PARSE_ERROR" desc="Message indicating a parse error on loading policy.">
    Policy parse error
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_STORE_STATUS_SERIALIZE_ERROR" desc="Message indicating an error preparing policy for storage.">
    Serialization error
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_STORE_STATUS_VALIDATION_ERROR" desc="Message indicating policy validation on store/load failed.">
    Validation error: <ph name="VALIDATION_ERROR">$1<ex>Bad signature</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_STORE_STATUS_BAD_STATE" desc="Message indicating policy cannot be stored/loaded due to the backend being in bad state.">
    Backing store in bad state
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_STORE_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR" desc="Message indicating an unknown error with the policy cache.">
    Unknown error

  <message name="IDS_POLICY_ASSOCIATION_STATE_ACTIVE" desc="Message indicating that the server actively manages the client.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_ASSOCIATION_STATE_UNMANAGED" desc="Message indicating that the server is currently not willing to manage this client.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_ASSOCIATION_STATE_DEPROVISIONED" desc="Message indicating that the server has deprovisioned the client.">

  <message name="IDS_POLICY_TYPE_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when a policy value has the wrong type.">
    Expected <ph name="VALUE_TYPE">$1<ex>boolean</ex></ph> value.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when a policy value is out of range.">
    Value is out of range <ph name="VALUE">$1<ex>10</ex></ph>.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALUE_FORMAT_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when a policy value doesn't match the expected format.">
    Value doesn't match format.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DEFAULT_SEARCH_DISABLED" desc="The text displayed in the status column when a policy value has been ignored because default search has been disabled.">
    Ignored because default search is disabled by policy.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_NOT_SPECIFIED_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when a policy value should have been specified but wasn't.">
    Must be specified.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_SUBKEY_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column for errors in a subkey of a policy.">
    Key "<ph name="SUBKEY">$1<ex>ProxyMode</ex></ph>": <ph name="ERROR">$2<ex>Must be specified.</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_LIST_ENTRY_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column for errors in list entry in a policy.">
    List entry "<ph name="ENTRY_INDEX">$1<ex>3</ex></ph>": <ph name="ERROR">$2<ex>Value is out of range.</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when the policy value doesn't conform to the policy schema.">
    Schema validation error at "<ph name="ERROR_PATH">$1<ex>AC.Delays.ScreenOff</ex></ph>": <ph name="ERROR">$2<ex>Value is out of range.</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_INVALID_SEARCH_URL_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when a the URL given for DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL is invalid.">
    Invalid search URL.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_INVALID_PROXY_MODE_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when the value for ProxyMode is invalid.">
    Invalid proxy mode.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_INVALID_UPDATE_URL_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when the update URL for given extension is invalid.">
    Invalid update URL for extension with ID "<ph name="EXTENSION_ID">$1<ex>abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop</ex></ph>".
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_PROXY_MODE_DISABLED_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when use of a proxy is disabled but a proxy configuration is given.">
    Use of a proxy is disabled but an explicit proxy configuration is specified.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_PROXY_MODE_AUTO_DETECT_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when the proxy is set to auto configured but a proxy configuration is given.">
    Proxy is set to auto configured.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_PROXY_MODE_PAC_URL_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when the proxy configuration is set to use a .pac script URL but policies only for fixed proxy servers are also specified.">
    Proxy configuration is set to use a .pac script URL, not fixed proxy servers.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_PROXY_MODE_FIXED_SERVERS_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when the proxy configuration is set to use fixed proxy servers but an alternate configuration is given.">
    Proxy is set to use fixed proxy servers, not a .pac script URL.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_PROXY_MODE_SYSTEM_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when the proxy configuration is set to use system settings but an alternate configuration is given.">
    System proxy settings are set to be used but an explicit proxy configuration is also specified.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_PROXY_BOTH_SPECIFIED_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when both fixed proxy servers and .pac url are specified.">
    Both fixed proxy servers and a .pac script URL are specified.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_PROXY_NEITHER_SPECIFIED_ERROR" desc="The text displayed in the status column when neither a fixed proxy servers or a .pac url are specified.">
    Neither fixed proxy servers nor a .pac script URL are specified.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_OVERRIDDEN" desc="The text displayed in the status column when the corresponding policy is being ignored because another policy is overriding it.">
    Ignored because it was overridden by <ph name="POLICY_NAME">$1<ex>ProxyMode</ex></ph>.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_DEPRECATED" desc="The text displayed in the status column when the corresponding policy is deprecated.">
    This policy has been deprecated.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_VALUE_DEPRECATED" desc="The text displayed in the status column when a specific value for a policy is deprecated.">
    This value is deprecated for this policy.
  <if expr="chromeos">
    <message name="IDS_POLICY_NETWORK_CONFIG_PARSE_FAILED" desc="The text displayed in the status column when the corresponding network configuration policy failed to parse.">
      Network configuration failed to be parsed.
    <message name="IDS_POLICY_NETWORK_CONFIG_IMPORT_PARTIAL" desc="The text displayed in the status column when the corresponding network configuration policy is not standard conform and was imported partially.">
      The network configuration doesn't comply to the ONC standard. Parts of the configuration may not be imported.
    <message name="IDS_POLICY_NETWORK_CONFIG_IMPORT_FAILED" desc="The text displayed in the status column when the corresponding network configuration policy is invalid.">
      The network configuration is invalid and couldn't be imported.
    <message name="IDS_POLICY_SCOPE_ERROR" desc="Text displayed in the status column when a policy is set in an unsupported scope.">
      Policy scope is not supported.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_LEVEL_ERROR" desc="Text displayed in the status column when a policy is set at an unsupported level.">
    Policy level is not supported.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_OK" desc="Text displayed in the status column when a valid value is set for a policy.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_UNSET" desc="Text displayed in the status column when no value is set for a policy.">
    Not set.
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_UNKNOWN" desc="Text displayed in the status column when a policy name is not recognized.">
    Unknown policy.

  <!-- chrome://policy -->
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_TITLE" desc="Page title and the title of the section that lists policies.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_FILTER_PLACEHOLDER" desc="Placeholder for the input field that lets the user filter policies by name.">
    Filter policies by name
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_RELOAD_POLICIES" desc="Label for the button that reloads policies.">
    Reload policies
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_STATUS" desc="Title of the status section.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_STATUS_DEVICE" desc="Title for the device policy status box.">
    Device policies
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_STATUS_USER" desc="Title for the user policy status box.">
    User policies
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_LABEL_DOMAIN" desc="Label for the enrollment domain in the device policy status box.">
    Enrollment domain:
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_LABEL_USERNAME" desc="Label for the username in the user policy status box.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_LABEL_CLIENT_ID" desc="Label for the client IDs in the policy status boxes.">
    Client ID:
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_LABEL_ASSET_ID" desc="Label for the asset ID in the device policy status box.">
    Asset ID:
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_LABEL_LOCATION" desc="Label for the device location in the device policy status box.">
    Assigned Location:
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_LABEL_DIRECTORY_API_ID" desc="Label for the directory API ID in the device policy status box.">
    Directory API ID:
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_LABEL_TIME_SINCE_LAST_REFRESH" desc="Label for the time since the last refresh in the policy status boxes.">
    Last fetched:
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_NOT_SPECIFIED" desc="Indicates if that device attribute has not specified yet.">
    Not Specified
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_NEVER_FETCHED" desc="Indicates that a policy fetch was never performed before.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_LABEL_REFRESH_INTERVAL" desc="Label for the refresh interval in the policy status boxes.">
    Fetch interval:
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_LABEL_STATUS" desc="Label for the actual status in the policy status boxes.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_SHOW_UNSET" desc="Label for the checkbox that determines whether policies whose value has not been set are shown.">
    Show policies with no value set
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_NO_POLICIES_SET" desc="Text displayed when none of the policies have been set.">
    No policies set
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_HEADER_SCOPE" desc="Table header for the column in the policy table that details whether a policy is a user or a device policy.">
    Applies to
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_HEADER_LEVEL" desc="Table header for the column in the policy table that details whether a policy is mandatory or recommended.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_HEADER_NAME" desc="Table header for the column in the policy table that contains the policy name.">
    Policy name
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_HEADER_VALUE" desc="Table header for the column in the policy table that contains the policy value.">
    Policy value
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_HEADER_STATUS" desc="Table header for the column in policy table that contains the policy status.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_HEADER_SOURCE" desc="Table header for the column in policy table that contains the policy source.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_SHOW_EXPANDED_VALUE" desc="Text for the link that shows the policy value. Used when the policy value is too long to be always visible.">
    Show value
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_HIDE_EXPANDED_VALUE" desc="Text for the link that hides the policy value. Used when the policy value is too long to be always visible.">
    Hide value
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_SCOPE_USER" desc="Text displayed in the Applies to column when a policy applies to the current user only.">
    Current user
  <if expr="not is_android and not chromeos">
    <message name="IDS_POLICY_SCOPE_DEVICE" desc="Text displayed in the Applies to column when a policy applies to everyone on the machine.">
  <if expr="chromeos or is_android">
    <message name="IDS_POLICY_SCOPE_DEVICE" desc="Mobile: Text displayed in the Applies To column when a policy applies to everyone on the device.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_LEVEL_RECOMMENDED" desc="Text displayed in the Level column when a policy is recommended.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_LEVEL_MANDATORY" desc="Text displayed in the Level column when a policy is mandatory.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_INVALID_BOOKMARK" desc="Text displayed in the status column when an entry of the ManagedBookmarks policy is not a valid bookmark.">
    Ignored invalid bookmark at index <ph name="ENTRY_INDEX">$1<ex>3</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_SOURCE_ENTERPRISE_DEFAULT" desc="Indicates that a policy is set by default in an enterprise environment and can be overridden (for Chrome OS only).">
    Enterprise default
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_SOURCE_CLOUD" desc="Indicates that the policy originates from the cloud.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_SOURCE_PLATFORM" desc="Indicates that the policy is obtained from the local OS.">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_SOURCE_PUBLIC_SESSION_OVERRIDE" desc="Indicates that the policy is set programmatically because of an active public session (for Chrome OS only). It could have overridden other sources that set this policy.">
    Public session override
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_RISK_TAG_FULL_ADMIN_ACCESS" desc="Title of a group/tag whose policies potentially allow the administrator to access all of a user's data.">
    Full Admin Access
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_RISK_TAG_SYSTEM_SECURITY" desc="Title of a group/tag whose policies might influence the system's security.">
    System Security
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_RISK_TAG_WEBSITE_SHARING" desc="Title of a group/tag whose policies might lead to information sharing with other websites.">
    Sharing with Websites
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_RISK_TAG_ADMIN_SHARING" desc="Title of a group/tag whose policies potentially allow sending information about the user (like activity times) to an administrator.">
    Sharing with Administrator
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_RISK_TAG_FILTERING" desc="Title of a group/tag whose policies might restrict web contents which would be visible otherwise (e.g. forced SafeSearch).">
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_RISK_TAG_LOCAL_DATA_ACCESS" desc="Title of a group/tag whose policies might allow storage of user data to local drives where others might access them.">
    Local Data Access
  <message name="IDS_POLICY_RISK_TAG_GOOGLE_SHARING" desc="Title of a group/tag whose policies enable functionality that might share user data with trusted Google services.">
    Sharing with Google