// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef COMPONENTS_RAPPOR_RAPPOR_SERVICE_H_ #define COMPONENTS_RAPPOR_RAPPOR_SERVICE_H_ #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/timer/timer.h" #include "components/metrics/daily_event.h" #include "components/rappor/rappor_parameters.h" #include "components/rappor/sample.h" #include "components/rappor/sampler.h" class PrefRegistrySimple; class PrefService; namespace net { class URLRequestContextGetter; } namespace rappor { class LogUploaderInterface; class RapporMetric; class RapporReports; // The type of data stored in a metric. enum RapporType { // Generic metrics from UMA opt-in users. UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE = 0, // Generic metrics for SafeBrowsing users. COARSE_RAPPOR_TYPE, // Deprecated: Use UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE for new metrics ETLD_PLUS_ONE_RAPPOR_TYPE, NUM_RAPPOR_TYPES, }; // This class provides an interface for recording samples for rappor metrics, // and periodically generates and uploads reports based on the collected data. class RapporService { public: // Constructs a RapporService. // Calling code is responsible for ensuring that the lifetime of // |pref_service| is longer than the lifetime of RapporService. // |is_incognito_callback| will be called to test if incognito mode is active. RapporService(PrefService* pref_service, const base::Callback is_incognito_callback); virtual ~RapporService(); // Add an observer for collecting daily metrics. void AddDailyObserver(scoped_ptr observer); // Initializes the rappor service, including loading the cohort and secret // preferences from disk. void Initialize(net::URLRequestContextGetter* context); // Updates the settings for metric recording and uploading. // The RapporService must be initialized before this method is called. // If |recording_level| > REPORTING_DISABLED, periodic reports will be // generated and queued for upload. // If |may_upload| is true, reports will be uploaded from the queue. void Update(RecordingLevel recording_level, bool may_upload); // Constructs a Sample object for the caller to record fields in. scoped_ptr CreateSample(RapporType); // Records a Sample of rappor metric specified by |metric_name|. // // TODO(holte): Rename RecordSample to RecordString and then rename this // to RecordSample. // // example: // scoped_ptr sample = rappor_service->CreateSample(MY_METRIC_TYPE); // sample->SetStringField("Field1", "some string"); // sample->SetFlagsValue("Field2", SOME|FLAGS); // rappor_service->RecordSample("MyMetric", sample.Pass()); // // This will result in a report setting two metrics "MyMetric.Field1" and // "MyMetric.Field2", and they will both be generated from the same sample, // to allow for correllations to be computed. void RecordSampleObj(const std::string& metric_name, scoped_ptr sample); // Records a sample of the rappor metric specified by |metric_name|. // Creates and initializes the metric, if it doesn't yet exist. virtual void RecordSample(const std::string& metric_name, RapporType type, const std::string& sample); // Registers the names of all of the preferences used by RapporService in the // provided PrefRegistry. This should be called before calling Start(). static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry); protected: // Initializes the state of the RapporService. void InitializeInternal(scoped_ptr uploader, int32_t cohort, const std::string& secret); // Sets the recording level. void SetRecordingLevel(RecordingLevel parameters); // Cancels the next call to OnLogInterval. virtual void CancelNextLogRotation(); // Schedules the next call to OnLogInterval. virtual void ScheduleNextLogRotation(base::TimeDelta interval); // Logs all of the collected metrics to the reports proto message and clears // the internal map. Exposed for tests. Returns true if any metrics were // recorded. bool ExportMetrics(RapporReports* reports); private: // Records a sample of the rappor metric specified by |parameters|. // Creates and initializes the metric, if it doesn't yet exist. // Exposed for tests. void RecordSampleInternal(const std::string& metric_name, const RapporParameters& parameters, const std::string& sample); // Checks if the service has been started successfully. bool IsInitialized() const; // Called whenever the logging interval elapses to generate a new log of // reports and pass it to the uploader. void OnLogInterval(); // Finds a metric in the metrics_map_, creating it if it doesn't already // exist. RapporMetric* LookUpMetric(const std::string& metric_name, const RapporParameters& parameters); // A weak pointer to the PrefService used to read and write preferences. PrefService* pref_service_; // A callback for testing if incognito mode is active; const base::Callback is_incognito_callback_; // Client-side secret used to generate fake bits. std::string secret_; // The cohort this client is assigned to. -1 is uninitialized. int32_t cohort_; // Timer which schedules calls to OnLogInterval(). base::OneShotTimer log_rotation_timer_; // A daily event for collecting metrics once a day. metrics::DailyEvent daily_event_; // A private LogUploader instance for sending reports to the server. scoped_ptr uploader_; // What reporting level of metrics are being reported. RecordingLevel recording_level_; // We keep all registered metrics in a map, from name to metric. // The map owns the metrics it contains. std::map metrics_map_; internal::Sampler sampler_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RapporService); }; } // namespace rappor #endif // COMPONENTS_RAPPOR_RAPPOR_SERVICE_H_