// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "base/shared_memory.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "components/visitedlink/browser/visitedlink_delegate.h" #include "components/visitedlink/browser/visitedlink_event_listener.h" #include "components/visitedlink/browser/visitedlink_master.h" #include "components/visitedlink/common/visitedlink_messages.h" #include "components/visitedlink/renderer/visitedlink_slave.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h" #include "content/public/test/mock_render_process_host.h" #include "content/public/test/test_browser_context.h" #include "content/public/test/test_browser_thread_bundle.h" #include "content/public/test/test_renderer_host.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" using content::BrowserThread; using content::MockRenderProcessHost; using content::RenderViewHostTester; namespace visitedlink { namespace { typedef std::vector URLs; // a nice long URL that we can append numbers to to get new URLs const char g_test_prefix[] = "http://www.google.com/products/foo/index.html?id=45028640526508376&seq="; const int g_test_count = 1000; // Returns a test URL for index |i| GURL TestURL(int i) { return GURL(base::StringPrintf("%s%d", g_test_prefix, i)); } std::vector g_slaves; class TestVisitedLinkDelegate : public VisitedLinkDelegate { public: virtual void RebuildTable( const scoped_refptr& enumerator) OVERRIDE; void AddURLForRebuild(const GURL& url); private: URLs rebuild_urls_; }; void TestVisitedLinkDelegate::RebuildTable( const scoped_refptr& enumerator) { for (URLs::const_iterator itr = rebuild_urls_.begin(); itr != rebuild_urls_.end(); ++itr) enumerator->OnURL(*itr); enumerator->OnComplete(true); } void TestVisitedLinkDelegate::AddURLForRebuild(const GURL& url) { rebuild_urls_.push_back(url); } class TestURLIterator : public VisitedLinkMaster::URLIterator { public: explicit TestURLIterator(const URLs& urls); virtual const GURL& NextURL() OVERRIDE; virtual bool HasNextURL() const OVERRIDE; private: URLs::const_iterator iterator_; URLs::const_iterator end_; }; TestURLIterator::TestURLIterator(const URLs& urls) : iterator_(urls.begin()), end_(urls.end()) { } const GURL& TestURLIterator::NextURL() { return *(iterator_++); } bool TestURLIterator::HasNextURL() const { return iterator_ != end_; } } // namespace class TrackingVisitedLinkEventListener : public VisitedLinkMaster::Listener { public: TrackingVisitedLinkEventListener() : reset_count_(0), add_count_(0) {} virtual void NewTable(base::SharedMemory* table) OVERRIDE { if (table) { for (std::vector::size_type i = 0; i < g_slaves.size(); i++) { base::SharedMemoryHandle new_handle = base::SharedMemory::NULLHandle(); table->ShareToProcess(base::GetCurrentProcessHandle(), &new_handle); g_slaves[i]->OnUpdateVisitedLinks(new_handle); } } } virtual void Add(VisitedLinkCommon::Fingerprint) OVERRIDE { add_count_++; } virtual void Reset() OVERRIDE { reset_count_++; } void SetUp() { reset_count_ = 0; add_count_ = 0; } int reset_count() const { return reset_count_; } int add_count() const { return add_count_; } private: int reset_count_; int add_count_; }; class VisitedLinkTest : public testing::Test { protected: // Initializes the visited link objects. Pass in the size that you want a // freshly created table to be. 0 means use the default. // // |suppress_rebuild| is set when we're not testing rebuilding, see // the VisitedLinkMaster constructor. bool InitVisited(int initial_size, bool suppress_rebuild) { // Initialize the visited link system. master_.reset(new VisitedLinkMaster(new TrackingVisitedLinkEventListener(), &delegate_, true, suppress_rebuild, visited_file_, initial_size)); return master_->Init(); } // May be called multiple times (some tests will do this to clear things, // and TearDown will do this to make sure eveything is shiny before quitting. void ClearDB() { if (master_.get()) master_.reset(NULL); // Wait for all pending file I/O to be completed. BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool()->FlushForTesting(); } // Loads the database from disk and makes sure that the same URLs are present // as were generated by TestIO_Create(). This also checks the URLs with a // slave to make sure it reads the data properly. void Reload() { // Clean up after our caller, who may have left the database open. ClearDB(); ASSERT_TRUE(InitVisited(0, true)); master_->DebugValidate(); // check that the table has the proper number of entries int used_count = master_->GetUsedCount(); ASSERT_EQ(used_count, g_test_count); // Create a slave database. VisitedLinkSlave slave; base::SharedMemoryHandle new_handle = base::SharedMemory::NULLHandle(); master_->shared_memory()->ShareToProcess( base::GetCurrentProcessHandle(), &new_handle); slave.OnUpdateVisitedLinks(new_handle); g_slaves.push_back(&slave); bool found; for (int i = 0; i < g_test_count; i++) { GURL cur = TestURL(i); found = master_->IsVisited(cur); EXPECT_TRUE(found) << "URL " << i << "not found in master."; found = slave.IsVisited(cur); EXPECT_TRUE(found) << "URL " << i << "not found in slave."; } // test some random URL so we know that it returns false sometimes too found = master_->IsVisited(GURL("http://unfound.site/")); ASSERT_FALSE(found); found = slave.IsVisited(GURL("http://unfound.site/")); ASSERT_FALSE(found); master_->DebugValidate(); g_slaves.clear(); } // testing::Test virtual void SetUp() { ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir()); history_dir_ = temp_dir_.path().AppendASCII("VisitedLinkTest"); ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::CreateDirectory(history_dir_)); visited_file_ = history_dir_.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("VisitedLinks")); } virtual void TearDown() { ClearDB(); } base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_; // Filenames for the services; base::FilePath history_dir_; base::FilePath visited_file_; scoped_ptr master_; TestVisitedLinkDelegate delegate_; content::TestBrowserThreadBundle thread_bundle_; }; // This test creates and reads some databases to make sure the data is // preserved throughout those operations. TEST_F(VisitedLinkTest, DatabaseIO) { ASSERT_TRUE(InitVisited(0, true)); for (int i = 0; i < g_test_count; i++) master_->AddURL(TestURL(i)); // Test that the database was written properly Reload(); } // Checks that we can delete things properly when there are collisions. TEST_F(VisitedLinkTest, Delete) { static const int32 kInitialSize = 17; ASSERT_TRUE(InitVisited(kInitialSize, true)); // Add a cluster from 14-17 wrapping around to 0. These will all hash to the // same value. const VisitedLinkCommon::Fingerprint kFingerprint0 = kInitialSize * 0 + 14; const VisitedLinkCommon::Fingerprint kFingerprint1 = kInitialSize * 1 + 14; const VisitedLinkCommon::Fingerprint kFingerprint2 = kInitialSize * 2 + 14; const VisitedLinkCommon::Fingerprint kFingerprint3 = kInitialSize * 3 + 14; const VisitedLinkCommon::Fingerprint kFingerprint4 = kInitialSize * 4 + 14; master_->AddFingerprint(kFingerprint0, false); // @14 master_->AddFingerprint(kFingerprint1, false); // @15 master_->AddFingerprint(kFingerprint2, false); // @16 master_->AddFingerprint(kFingerprint3, false); // @0 master_->AddFingerprint(kFingerprint4, false); // @1 // Deleting 14 should move the next value up one slot (we do not specify an // order). EXPECT_EQ(kFingerprint3, master_->hash_table_[0]); master_->DeleteFingerprint(kFingerprint3, false); VisitedLinkCommon::Fingerprint zero_fingerprint = 0; EXPECT_EQ(zero_fingerprint, master_->hash_table_[1]); EXPECT_NE(zero_fingerprint, master_->hash_table_[0]); // Deleting the other four should leave the table empty. master_->DeleteFingerprint(kFingerprint0, false); master_->DeleteFingerprint(kFingerprint1, false); master_->DeleteFingerprint(kFingerprint2, false); master_->DeleteFingerprint(kFingerprint4, false); EXPECT_EQ(0, master_->used_items_); for (int i = 0; i < kInitialSize; i++) EXPECT_EQ(zero_fingerprint, master_->hash_table_[i]) << "Hash table has values in it."; } // When we delete more than kBigDeleteThreshold we trigger different behavior // where the entire file is rewritten. TEST_F(VisitedLinkTest, BigDelete) { ASSERT_TRUE(InitVisited(16381, true)); // Add the base set of URLs that won't be deleted. // Reload() will test for these. for (int32 i = 0; i < g_test_count; i++) master_->AddURL(TestURL(i)); // Add more URLs than necessary to trigger this case. const int kTestDeleteCount = VisitedLinkMaster::kBigDeleteThreshold + 2; URLs urls_to_delete; for (int32 i = g_test_count; i < g_test_count + kTestDeleteCount; i++) { GURL url(TestURL(i)); master_->AddURL(url); urls_to_delete.push_back(url); } TestURLIterator iterator(urls_to_delete); master_->DeleteURLs(&iterator); master_->DebugValidate(); Reload(); } TEST_F(VisitedLinkTest, DeleteAll) { ASSERT_TRUE(InitVisited(0, true)); { VisitedLinkSlave slave; base::SharedMemoryHandle new_handle = base::SharedMemory::NULLHandle(); master_->shared_memory()->ShareToProcess( base::GetCurrentProcessHandle(), &new_handle); slave.OnUpdateVisitedLinks(new_handle); g_slaves.push_back(&slave); // Add the test URLs. for (int i = 0; i < g_test_count; i++) { master_->AddURL(TestURL(i)); ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, master_->GetUsedCount()); } master_->DebugValidate(); // Make sure the slave picked up the adds. for (int i = 0; i < g_test_count; i++) EXPECT_TRUE(slave.IsVisited(TestURL(i))); // Clear the table and make sure the slave picked it up. master_->DeleteAllURLs(); EXPECT_EQ(0, master_->GetUsedCount()); for (int i = 0; i < g_test_count; i++) { EXPECT_FALSE(master_->IsVisited(TestURL(i))); EXPECT_FALSE(slave.IsVisited(TestURL(i))); } // Close the database. g_slaves.clear(); ClearDB(); } // Reopen and validate. ASSERT_TRUE(InitVisited(0, true)); master_->DebugValidate(); EXPECT_EQ(0, master_->GetUsedCount()); for (int i = 0; i < g_test_count; i++) EXPECT_FALSE(master_->IsVisited(TestURL(i))); } // This tests that the master correctly resizes its tables when it gets too // full, notifies its slaves of the change, and updates the disk. TEST_F(VisitedLinkTest, Resizing) { // Create a very small database. const int32 initial_size = 17; ASSERT_TRUE(InitVisited(initial_size, true)); // ...and a slave VisitedLinkSlave slave; base::SharedMemoryHandle new_handle = base::SharedMemory::NULLHandle(); master_->shared_memory()->ShareToProcess( base::GetCurrentProcessHandle(), &new_handle); slave.OnUpdateVisitedLinks(new_handle); g_slaves.push_back(&slave); int32 used_count = master_->GetUsedCount(); ASSERT_EQ(used_count, 0); for (int i = 0; i < g_test_count; i++) { master_->AddURL(TestURL(i)); used_count = master_->GetUsedCount(); ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, used_count); } // Verify that the table got resized sufficiently. int32 table_size; VisitedLinkCommon::Fingerprint* table; master_->GetUsageStatistics(&table_size, &table); used_count = master_->GetUsedCount(); ASSERT_GT(table_size, used_count); ASSERT_EQ(used_count, g_test_count) << "table count doesn't match the # of things we added"; // Verify that the slave got the resize message and has the same // table information. int32 child_table_size; VisitedLinkCommon::Fingerprint* child_table; slave.GetUsageStatistics(&child_table_size, &child_table); ASSERT_EQ(table_size, child_table_size); for (int32 i = 0; i < table_size; i++) { ASSERT_EQ(table[i], child_table[i]); } master_->DebugValidate(); g_slaves.clear(); // This tests that the file is written correctly by reading it in using // a new database. Reload(); } // Tests that if the database doesn't exist, it will be rebuilt from history. TEST_F(VisitedLinkTest, Rebuild) { // Add half of our URLs to history. This needs to be done before we // initialize the visited link DB. int history_count = g_test_count / 2; for (int i = 0; i < history_count; i++) delegate_.AddURLForRebuild(TestURL(i)); // Initialize the visited link DB. Since the visited links file doesn't exist // and we don't suppress history rebuilding, this will load from history. ASSERT_TRUE(InitVisited(0, false)); // While the table is rebuilding, add the rest of the URLs to the visited // link system. This isn't guaranteed to happen during the rebuild, so we // can't be 100% sure we're testing the right thing, but in practice is. // All the adds above will generally take some time queuing up on the // history thread, and it will take a while to catch up to actually // processing the rebuild that has queued behind it. We will generally // finish adding all of the URLs before it has even found the first URL. for (int i = history_count; i < g_test_count; i++) master_->AddURL(TestURL(i)); // Add one more and then delete it. master_->AddURL(TestURL(g_test_count)); URLs urls_to_delete; urls_to_delete.push_back(TestURL(g_test_count)); TestURLIterator iterator(urls_to_delete); master_->DeleteURLs(&iterator); // Wait for the rebuild to complete. The task will terminate the message // loop when the rebuild is done. There's no chance that the rebuild will // complete before we set the task because the rebuild completion message // is posted to the message loop; until we Run() it, rebuild can not // complete. base::RunLoop run_loop; master_->set_rebuild_complete_task(run_loop.QuitClosure()); run_loop.Run(); // Test that all URLs were written to the database properly. Reload(); // Make sure the extra one was *not* written (Reload won't test this). EXPECT_FALSE(master_->IsVisited(TestURL(g_test_count))); } // Test that importing a large number of URLs will work TEST_F(VisitedLinkTest, BigImport) { ASSERT_TRUE(InitVisited(0, false)); // Before the table rebuilds, add a large number of URLs int total_count = VisitedLinkMaster::kDefaultTableSize + 10; for (int i = 0; i < total_count; i++) master_->AddURL(TestURL(i)); // Wait for the rebuild to complete. base::RunLoop run_loop; master_->set_rebuild_complete_task(run_loop.QuitClosure()); run_loop.Run(); // Ensure that the right number of URLs are present int used_count = master_->GetUsedCount(); ASSERT_EQ(used_count, total_count); } TEST_F(VisitedLinkTest, Listener) { ASSERT_TRUE(InitVisited(0, true)); // Add test URLs. for (int i = 0; i < g_test_count; i++) { master_->AddURL(TestURL(i)); ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, master_->GetUsedCount()); } // Delete an URL. URLs urls_to_delete; urls_to_delete.push_back(TestURL(0)); TestURLIterator iterator(urls_to_delete); master_->DeleteURLs(&iterator); // ... and all of the remaining ones. master_->DeleteAllURLs(); TrackingVisitedLinkEventListener* listener = static_cast(master_->GetListener()); // Verify that VisitedLinkMaster::Listener::Add was called for each added URL. EXPECT_EQ(g_test_count, listener->add_count()); // Verify that VisitedLinkMaster::Listener::Reset was called both when one and // all URLs are deleted. EXPECT_EQ(2, listener->reset_count()); } class VisitCountingContext : public content::TestBrowserContext { public: VisitCountingContext() : add_count_(0), add_event_count_(0), reset_event_count_(0), new_table_count_(0) {} void CountAddEvent(int by) { add_count_ += by; add_event_count_++; } void CountResetEvent() { reset_event_count_++; } void CountNewTable() { new_table_count_++; } int add_count() const { return add_count_; } int add_event_count() const { return add_event_count_; } int reset_event_count() const { return reset_event_count_; } int new_table_count() const { return new_table_count_; } private: int add_count_; int add_event_count_; int reset_event_count_; int new_table_count_; }; // Stub out as little as possible, borrowing from RenderProcessHost. class VisitRelayingRenderProcessHost : public MockRenderProcessHost { public: explicit VisitRelayingRenderProcessHost( content::BrowserContext* browser_context) : MockRenderProcessHost(browser_context), widgets_(0) { content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( content::NOTIFICATION_RENDERER_PROCESS_CREATED, content::Source(this), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); } virtual ~VisitRelayingRenderProcessHost() { content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( content::NOTIFICATION_RENDERER_PROCESS_TERMINATED, content::Source(this), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); } virtual void WidgetRestored() OVERRIDE { widgets_++; } virtual void WidgetHidden() OVERRIDE { widgets_--; } virtual int VisibleWidgetCount() const OVERRIDE { return widgets_; } virtual bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) OVERRIDE { VisitCountingContext* counting_context = static_cast( GetBrowserContext()); if (msg->type() == ChromeViewMsg_VisitedLink_Add::ID) { PickleIterator iter(*msg); std::vector fingerprints; CHECK(IPC::ReadParam(msg, &iter, &fingerprints)); counting_context->CountAddEvent(fingerprints.size()); } else if (msg->type() == ChromeViewMsg_VisitedLink_Reset::ID) { counting_context->CountResetEvent(); } else if (msg->type() == ChromeViewMsg_VisitedLink_NewTable::ID) { counting_context->CountNewTable(); } delete msg; return true; } private: int widgets_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VisitRelayingRenderProcessHost); }; class VisitedLinkRenderProcessHostFactory : public content::RenderProcessHostFactory { public: VisitedLinkRenderProcessHostFactory() : content::RenderProcessHostFactory() {} virtual content::RenderProcessHost* CreateRenderProcessHost( content::BrowserContext* browser_context, content::SiteInstance* site_instance) const OVERRIDE { return new VisitRelayingRenderProcessHost(browser_context); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VisitedLinkRenderProcessHostFactory); }; class VisitedLinkEventsTest : public content::RenderViewHostTestHarness { public: virtual void SetUp() { browser_context_.reset(new VisitCountingContext()); master_.reset(new VisitedLinkMaster(context(), &delegate_, true)); master_->Init(); SetRenderProcessHostFactory(&vc_rph_factory_); content::RenderViewHostTestHarness::SetUp(); } VisitCountingContext* context() const { return static_cast(browser_context_.get()); } VisitedLinkMaster* master() const { return master_.get(); } void WaitForCoalescense() { // Let the timer fire. // // TODO(ajwong): This is horrid! What is the right synchronization method? base::RunLoop run_loop; base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, run_loop.QuitClosure(), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(110)); run_loop.Run(); } protected: VisitedLinkRenderProcessHostFactory vc_rph_factory_; private: TestVisitedLinkDelegate delegate_; scoped_ptr master_; }; TEST_F(VisitedLinkEventsTest, Coalescense) { // add some URLs to master. // Add a few URLs. master()->AddURL(GURL("http://acidtests.org/")); master()->AddURL(GURL("http://google.com/")); master()->AddURL(GURL("http://chromium.org/")); // Just for kicks, add a duplicate URL. This shouldn't increase the resulting master()->AddURL(GURL("http://acidtests.org/")); // Make sure that coalescing actually occurs. There should be no links or // events received by the renderer. EXPECT_EQ(0, context()->add_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, context()->add_event_count()); WaitForCoalescense(); // We now should have 3 entries added in 1 event. EXPECT_EQ(3, context()->add_count()); EXPECT_EQ(1, context()->add_event_count()); // Test whether the coalescing continues by adding a few more URLs. master()->AddURL(GURL("http://google.com/chrome/")); master()->AddURL(GURL("http://webkit.org/")); master()->AddURL(GURL("http://acid3.acidtests.org/")); WaitForCoalescense(); // We should have 6 entries added in 2 events. EXPECT_EQ(6, context()->add_count()); EXPECT_EQ(2, context()->add_event_count()); // Test whether duplicate entries produce add events. master()->AddURL(GURL("http://acidtests.org/")); WaitForCoalescense(); // We should have no change in results. EXPECT_EQ(6, context()->add_count()); EXPECT_EQ(2, context()->add_event_count()); // Ensure that the coalescing does not resume after resetting. master()->AddURL(GURL("http://build.chromium.org/")); master()->DeleteAllURLs(); WaitForCoalescense(); // We should have no change in results except for one new reset event. EXPECT_EQ(6, context()->add_count()); EXPECT_EQ(2, context()->add_event_count()); EXPECT_EQ(1, context()->reset_event_count()); } TEST_F(VisitedLinkEventsTest, Basics) { RenderViewHostTester::For(rvh())->CreateRenderView(base::string16(), MSG_ROUTING_NONE, -1); // Add a few URLs. master()->AddURL(GURL("http://acidtests.org/")); master()->AddURL(GURL("http://google.com/")); master()->AddURL(GURL("http://chromium.org/")); WaitForCoalescense(); // We now should have 1 add event. EXPECT_EQ(1, context()->add_event_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, context()->reset_event_count()); master()->DeleteAllURLs(); WaitForCoalescense(); // We should have no change in add results, plus one new reset event. EXPECT_EQ(1, context()->add_event_count()); EXPECT_EQ(1, context()->reset_event_count()); } TEST_F(VisitedLinkEventsTest, TabVisibility) { RenderViewHostTester::For(rvh())->CreateRenderView(base::string16(), MSG_ROUTING_NONE, -1); // Simulate tab becoming inactive. RenderViewHostTester::For(rvh())->SimulateWasHidden(); // Add a few URLs. master()->AddURL(GURL("http://acidtests.org/")); master()->AddURL(GURL("http://google.com/")); master()->AddURL(GURL("http://chromium.org/")); WaitForCoalescense(); // We shouldn't have any events. EXPECT_EQ(0, context()->add_event_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, context()->reset_event_count()); // Simulate the tab becoming active. RenderViewHostTester::For(rvh())->SimulateWasShown(); // We should now have 3 add events, still no reset events. EXPECT_EQ(1, context()->add_event_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, context()->reset_event_count()); // Deactivate the tab again. RenderViewHostTester::For(rvh())->SimulateWasHidden(); // Add a bunch of URLs (over 50) to exhaust the link event buffer. for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) master()->AddURL(TestURL(i)); WaitForCoalescense(); // Again, no change in events until tab is active. EXPECT_EQ(1, context()->add_event_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, context()->reset_event_count()); // Activate the tab. RenderViewHostTester::For(rvh())->SimulateWasShown(); // We should have only one more reset event. EXPECT_EQ(1, context()->add_event_count()); EXPECT_EQ(1, context()->reset_event_count()); } // Tests that VisitedLink ignores renderer process creation notification for a // different context. TEST_F(VisitedLinkEventsTest, IgnoreRendererCreationFromDifferentContext) { VisitCountingContext different_context; VisitRelayingRenderProcessHost different_process_host(&different_context); content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( content::NOTIFICATION_RENDERER_PROCESS_CREATED, content::Source(&different_process_host), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); WaitForCoalescense(); EXPECT_EQ(0, different_context.new_table_count()); } } // namespace visitedlink