// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_android.h" #include "base/i18n/break_iterator.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_manager_android.h" #include "content/common/accessibility_messages.h" namespace { // These are enums from android.text.InputType in Java: enum { ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_NULL = 0, ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_DATETIME = 0x4, ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_DATETIME_DATE = 0x14, ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_DATETIME_TIME = 0x24, ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_NUMBER = 0x2, ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_PHONE = 0x3, ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_TEXT = 0x1, ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_TEXT_URI = 0x11, ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_TEXT_WEB_EDIT_TEXT = 0xa1, ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_TEXT_WEB_EMAIL = 0xd1, ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_TEXT_WEB_PASSWORD = 0xe1 }; // These are enums from android.view.View in Java: enum { ANDROID_VIEW_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_NONE = 0, ANDROID_VIEW_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_POLITE = 1, ANDROID_VIEW_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_ASSERTIVE = 2 }; // These are enums from // android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.RangeInfo in Java: enum { ANDROID_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_RANGE_TYPE_FLOAT = 1 }; } // namespace namespace content { // static BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::Create() { return new BrowserAccessibilityAndroid(); } BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::BrowserAccessibilityAndroid() { first_time_ = true; } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsNative() const { return true; } void BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::OnLocationChanged() { manager()->NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ui::AX_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGED, this); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::PlatformIsLeaf() const { if (InternalChildCount() == 0) return true; // Iframes are always allowed to contain children. if (IsIframe() || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_ROOT_WEB_AREA || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_WEB_AREA) { return false; } // If it has a focusable child, we definitely can't leave out children. if (HasFocusableChild()) return false; // Date and time controls should drop their children. if (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_DATE || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_INPUT_TIME) return true; BrowserAccessibilityManagerAndroid* manager_android = static_cast(manager()); if (manager_android->prune_tree_for_screen_reader()) { // Headings with text can drop their children. base::string16 name = GetText(); if (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_HEADING && !name.empty()) return true; // Focusable nodes with text can drop their children. if (HasState(ui::AX_STATE_FOCUSABLE) && !name.empty()) return true; // Nodes with only static text as children can drop their children. if (HasOnlyStaticTextChildren()) return true; } return BrowserAccessibility::PlatformIsLeaf(); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsCheckable() const { bool checkable = false; bool is_aria_pressed_defined; bool is_mixed; GetAriaTristate("aria-pressed", &is_aria_pressed_defined, &is_mixed); if (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_CHECK_BOX || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_RADIO_BUTTON || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_BOX || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_MENU_ITEM_RADIO || is_aria_pressed_defined) { checkable = true; } if (HasState(ui::AX_STATE_CHECKED)) checkable = true; return checkable; } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsChecked() const { return (HasState(ui::AX_STATE_CHECKED) || HasState(ui::AX_STATE_PRESSED)); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsClickable() const { if (!PlatformIsLeaf()) return false; return IsFocusable() || !GetText().empty(); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsCollection() const { return (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_GRID || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LIST || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LIST_BOX || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_LIST || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_TABLE || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_TREE); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsCollectionItem() const { return (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_CELL || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_COLUMN_HEADER || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_LIST_TERM || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LIST_BOX_OPTION || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LIST_ITEM || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_ROW_HEADER || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_TREE_ITEM); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsContentInvalid() const { std::string invalid; return GetHtmlAttribute("aria-invalid", &invalid); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsDismissable() const { return false; // No concept of "dismissable" on the web currently. } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsEditableText() const { return GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_TEXT_FIELD; } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsEnabled() const { return HasState(ui::AX_STATE_ENABLED); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsFocusable() const { bool focusable = HasState(ui::AX_STATE_FOCUSABLE); if (IsIframe() || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_WEB_AREA) { focusable = false; } return focusable; } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsFocused() const { return manager()->GetFocus(manager()->GetRoot()) == this; } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsHeading() const { BrowserAccessibilityAndroid* parent = static_cast(GetParent()); if (parent && parent->IsHeading()) return true; return (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_COLUMN_HEADER || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_HEADING || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_ROW_HEADER); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsHierarchical() const { return (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LIST || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_LIST || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_TREE); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsLink() const { return (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LINK || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_IMAGE_MAP_LINK); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsMultiLine() const { return HasState(ui::AX_STATE_MULTILINE); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsPassword() const { return HasState(ui::AX_STATE_PROTECTED); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsRangeType() const { return (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_PROGRESS_INDICATOR || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_METER || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_SCROLL_BAR || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_SLIDER); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsScrollable() const { return (HasIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_X_MAX) && GetRole() != ui::AX_ROLE_SCROLL_AREA); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsSelected() const { return HasState(ui::AX_STATE_SELECTED); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsSlider() const { return GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_SLIDER; } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsVisibleToUser() const { return !HasState(ui::AX_STATE_INVISIBLE); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::CanOpenPopup() const { return HasState(ui::AX_STATE_HASPOPUP); } const char* BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetClassName() const { const char* class_name = NULL; switch (GetRole()) { case ui::AX_ROLE_SEARCH_BOX: case ui::AX_ROLE_SPIN_BUTTON: case ui::AX_ROLE_TEXT_FIELD: class_name = "android.widget.EditText"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_SLIDER: class_name = "android.widget.SeekBar"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_COLOR_WELL: case ui::AX_ROLE_COMBO_BOX: case ui::AX_ROLE_DATE: case ui::AX_ROLE_POP_UP_BUTTON: case ui::AX_ROLE_INPUT_TIME: class_name = "android.widget.Spinner"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_BUTTON: case ui::AX_ROLE_MENU_BUTTON: class_name = "android.widget.Button"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_CHECK_BOX: case ui::AX_ROLE_SWITCH: class_name = "android.widget.CheckBox"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_RADIO_BUTTON: class_name = "android.widget.RadioButton"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON: class_name = "android.widget.ToggleButton"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_CANVAS: case ui::AX_ROLE_IMAGE: case ui::AX_ROLE_SVG_ROOT: class_name = "android.widget.Image"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_METER: case ui::AX_ROLE_PROGRESS_INDICATOR: class_name = "android.widget.ProgressBar"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_TAB_LIST: class_name = "android.widget.TabWidget"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_GRID: case ui::AX_ROLE_TABLE: class_name = "android.widget.GridView"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_LIST: case ui::AX_ROLE_LIST_BOX: case ui::AX_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_LIST: class_name = "android.widget.ListView"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_DIALOG: class_name = "android.app.Dialog"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_ROOT_WEB_AREA: class_name = "android.webkit.WebView"; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_MENU_ITEM: case ui::AX_ROLE_MENU_ITEM_CHECK_BOX: case ui::AX_ROLE_MENU_ITEM_RADIO: class_name = "android.view.MenuItem"; break; default: class_name = "android.view.View"; break; } return class_name; } base::string16 BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetText() const { if (IsIframe() || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_WEB_AREA) { return base::string16(); } // See comment in browser_accessibility_win.cc for details. // The difference here is that we can only expose one accessible // name on Android, not 2 or 3 like on Windows or Mac. // First, always return the |value| attribute if this is an // input field. base::string16 value = GetString16Attribute(ui::AX_ATTR_VALUE); if (!value.empty()) { if (HasState(ui::AX_STATE_EDITABLE)) return value; switch (GetRole()) { case ui::AX_ROLE_COMBO_BOX: case ui::AX_ROLE_POP_UP_BUTTON: case ui::AX_ROLE_TEXT_FIELD: return value; } } // For color wells, the color is stored in separate attributes. // Perhaps we could return color names in the future? if (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_COLOR_WELL) { int color = GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_COLOR_VALUE); int red = (color >> 16) & 0xFF; int green = (color >> 8) & 0xFF; int blue = color & 0xFF; return base::UTF8ToUTF16( base::StringPrintf("#%02X%02X%02X", red, green, blue)); } // Always prefer visible text if this is a link. Sites sometimes add // a "title" attribute to a link with more information, but we can't // lose the link text. base::string16 name = GetString16Attribute(ui::AX_ATTR_NAME); if (!name.empty() && GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LINK) return name; // If there's no text value, the basic rule is: prefer description // (aria-labelledby or aria-label), then help (title), then name // (inner text), then value (control value). However, if // title_elem_id is set, that means there's a label element // supplying the name and then name takes precedence over help. // TODO(dmazzoni): clean this up by providing more granular labels in // Blink, making the platform-specific mapping to accessible text simpler. base::string16 description = GetString16Attribute(ui::AX_ATTR_DESCRIPTION); base::string16 help = GetString16Attribute(ui::AX_ATTR_HELP); base::string16 placeholder; switch (GetRole()) { case ui::AX_ROLE_DATE: case ui::AX_ROLE_INPUT_TIME: case ui::AX_ROLE_TEXT_FIELD: GetHtmlAttribute("placeholder", &placeholder); } int title_elem_id = GetIntAttribute( ui::AX_ATTR_TITLE_UI_ELEMENT); base::string16 text; if (!description.empty()) text = description; else if (!name.empty()) { text = name; if (!help.empty()) { // TODO(vkuzkokov): This is not the best way to pass 2 texts but this is // how Blink seems to be doing it. text += base::ASCIIToUTF16(" "); text += help; } } else if (!help.empty()) text = help; else if (!placeholder.empty()) text = placeholder; else if (!value.empty()) text = value; else if (title_elem_id) { BrowserAccessibility* title_elem = manager()->GetFromID(title_elem_id); if (title_elem) text = static_cast(title_elem)->GetText(); } // This is called from PlatformIsLeaf, so don't call PlatformChildCount // from within this! if (text.empty() && (HasOnlyStaticTextChildren() || (IsFocusable() && HasOnlyTextAndImageChildren()))) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < InternalChildCount(); i++) { BrowserAccessibility* child = InternalGetChild(i); text += static_cast(child)->GetText(); } } if (text.empty() && (IsLink() || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_IMAGE)) { base::string16 url = GetString16Attribute(ui::AX_ATTR_URL); // Given a url like http://foo.com/bar/baz.png, just return the // base name, e.g., "baz". int trailing_slashes = 0; while (url.size() - trailing_slashes > 0 && url[url.size() - trailing_slashes - 1] == '/') { trailing_slashes++; } if (trailing_slashes) url = url.substr(0, url.size() - trailing_slashes); size_t slash_index = url.rfind('/'); if (slash_index != std::string::npos) url = url.substr(slash_index + 1); size_t dot_index = url.rfind('.'); if (dot_index != std::string::npos) url = url.substr(0, dot_index); text = url; } return text; } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetItemIndex() const { int index = 0; switch (GetRole()) { case ui::AX_ROLE_LIST_ITEM: case ui::AX_ROLE_LIST_BOX_OPTION: case ui::AX_ROLE_TREE_ITEM: index = GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_POS_IN_SET) - 1; break; case ui::AX_ROLE_SLIDER: case ui::AX_ROLE_PROGRESS_INDICATOR: { // Return a percentage here for live feedback in an AccessibilityEvent. // The exact value is returned in RangeCurrentValue. float min = GetFloatAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_MIN_VALUE_FOR_RANGE); float max = GetFloatAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_MAX_VALUE_FOR_RANGE); float value = GetFloatAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_VALUE_FOR_RANGE); if (max > min && value >= min && value <= max) index = static_cast(((value - min)) * 100 / (max - min)); break; } } return index; } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetItemCount() const { int count = 0; switch (GetRole()) { case ui::AX_ROLE_LIST: case ui::AX_ROLE_LIST_BOX: case ui::AX_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_LIST: count = PlatformChildCount(); break; case ui::AX_ROLE_SLIDER: case ui::AX_ROLE_PROGRESS_INDICATOR: // An AccessibilityEvent can only return integer information about a // seek control, so we return a percentage. The real range is returned // in RangeMin and RangeMax. count = 100; break; } return count; } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::CanScrollForward() const { if (IsSlider()) { float value = GetFloatAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_VALUE_FOR_RANGE); float max = GetFloatAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_MAX_VALUE_FOR_RANGE); return value < max; } else { return GetScrollX() < GetMaxScrollX() || GetScrollY() < GetMaxScrollY(); } } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::CanScrollBackward() const { if (IsSlider()) { float value = GetFloatAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_VALUE_FOR_RANGE); float min = GetFloatAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_MIN_VALUE_FOR_RANGE); return value > min; } else { return GetScrollX() > GetMinScrollX() || GetScrollY() > GetMinScrollY(); } } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::CanScrollUp() const { return GetScrollY() > GetMinScrollY(); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::CanScrollDown() const { return GetScrollY() < GetMaxScrollY(); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::CanScrollLeft() const { return GetScrollX() > GetMinScrollX(); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::CanScrollRight() const { return GetScrollX() < GetMaxScrollX(); } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetScrollX() const { int value = 0; GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_X, &value); return value; } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetScrollY() const { int value = 0; GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_Y, &value); return value; } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetMinScrollX() const { return GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_X_MIN); } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetMinScrollY() const { return GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_Y_MIN); } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetMaxScrollX() const { return GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_X_MAX); } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetMaxScrollY() const { return GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_Y_MAX); } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::Scroll(int direction) const { int x = GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_X); int x_min = GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_X_MIN); int x_max = GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_X_MAX); int y = GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_Y); int y_min = GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_Y_MIN); int y_max = GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_Y_MAX); // Figure out the bounding box of the visible portion of this scrollable // view so we know how much to scroll by. gfx::Rect bounds; if (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_ROOT_WEB_AREA) { // If this is the root web area, use the bounds of the view to determine // how big one page is. if (!manager()->delegate()) return false; bounds = manager()->delegate()->AccessibilityGetViewBounds(); } else if (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_WEB_AREA) { // If this is a web area inside of an iframe, try to use the bounds of // the containing element. BrowserAccessibility* parent = GetParent(); while (parent && (parent->GetLocation().width() == 0 || parent->GetLocation().height() == 0)) { parent = parent->GetParent(); } if (parent) bounds = parent->GetLocation(); else bounds = GetLocation(); } else { // Otherwise this is something like a scrollable div, just use the // bounds of this object itself. bounds = GetLocation(); } // Scroll by 80% of one page. int page_x = std::max(bounds.width() * 4 / 5, 1); int page_y = std::max(bounds.height() * 4 / 5, 1); if (direction == FORWARD) direction = y_max > y_min ? DOWN : RIGHT; if (direction == BACKWARD) direction = y_max > y_min ? UP : LEFT; switch (direction) { case UP: y = std::min(std::max(y - page_y, y_min), y_max); break; case DOWN: y = std::min(std::max(y + page_y, y_min), y_max); break; case LEFT: x = std::min(std::max(x - page_x, x_min), x_max); break; case RIGHT: x = std::min(std::max(x + page_x, x_min), x_max); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } manager()->SetScrollOffset(*this, gfx::Point(x, y)); return true; } // Given arbitrary old_value_ and new_value_, we must come up with reasonable // edit metrics. Although edits like "apple" > "apples" are typical, anything // is possible, such as "apple" > "applesauce", "apple" > "boot", or "" > // "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". So we consider old_value_ to be of the // form AXB and new_value_ to be of the form AYB, where X and Y are the pieces // that don't match. We take the X to be the "removed" characters and Y to be // the "added" characters. int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetTextChangeFromIndex() const { // This is len(A) return CommonPrefixLength(old_value_, new_value_); } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetTextChangeAddedCount() const { // This is len(AYB) - (len(A) + len(B)), or len(Y), the added characters. return new_value_.length() - CommonEndLengths(old_value_, new_value_); } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetTextChangeRemovedCount() const { // This is len(AXB) - (len(A) + len(B)), or len(X), the removed characters. return old_value_.length() - CommonEndLengths(old_value_, new_value_); } // static size_t BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::CommonPrefixLength( const base::string16 a, const base::string16 b) { size_t a_len = a.length(); size_t b_len = b.length(); size_t i = 0; while (i < a_len && i < b_len && a[i] == b[i]) { i++; } return i; } // static size_t BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::CommonSuffixLength( const base::string16 a, const base::string16 b) { size_t a_len = a.length(); size_t b_len = b.length(); size_t i = 0; while (i < a_len && i < b_len && a[a_len - i - 1] == b[b_len - i - 1]) { i++; } return i; } // static size_t BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::CommonEndLengths( const base::string16 a, const base::string16 b) { size_t prefix_len = CommonPrefixLength(a, b); // Remove the matching prefix before finding the suffix. Otherwise, if // old_value_ is "a" and new_value_ is "aa", "a" will be double-counted as // both a prefix and a suffix of "aa". base::string16 a_body = a.substr(prefix_len, std::string::npos); base::string16 b_body = b.substr(prefix_len, std::string::npos); size_t suffix_len = CommonSuffixLength(a_body, b_body); return prefix_len + suffix_len; } base::string16 BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetTextChangeBeforeText() const { return old_value_; } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetSelectionStart() const { int sel_start = 0; GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_TEXT_SEL_START, &sel_start); return sel_start; } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetSelectionEnd() const { int sel_end = 0; GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_TEXT_SEL_END, &sel_end); return sel_end; } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetEditableTextLength() const { base::string16 value = GetString16Attribute(ui::AX_ATTR_VALUE); return value.length(); } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::AndroidInputType() const { std::string html_tag = GetStringAttribute( ui::AX_ATTR_HTML_TAG); if (html_tag != "input") return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_NULL; std::string type; if (!GetHtmlAttribute("type", &type)) return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_TEXT; if (type.empty() || type == "text" || type == "search") return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_TEXT; else if (type == "date") return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_DATETIME_DATE; else if (type == "datetime" || type == "datetime-local") return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_DATETIME; else if (type == "email") return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_TEXT_WEB_EMAIL; else if (type == "month") return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_DATETIME_DATE; else if (type == "number") return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_NUMBER; else if (type == "password") return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_TEXT_WEB_PASSWORD; else if (type == "tel") return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_PHONE; else if (type == "time") return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_DATETIME_TIME; else if (type == "url") return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_TEXT_URI; else if (type == "week") return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_DATETIME; return ANDROID_TEXT_INPUTTYPE_TYPE_NULL; } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::AndroidLiveRegionType() const { std::string live = GetStringAttribute( ui::AX_ATTR_LIVE_STATUS); if (live == "polite") return ANDROID_VIEW_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_POLITE; else if (live == "assertive") return ANDROID_VIEW_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_ASSERTIVE; return ANDROID_VIEW_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_LIVE_REGION_NONE; } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::AndroidRangeType() const { return ANDROID_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_RANGE_TYPE_FLOAT; } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::RowCount() const { if (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_GRID || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_TABLE) { return CountChildrenWithRole(ui::AX_ROLE_ROW); } if (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LIST || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LIST_BOX || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_LIST || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_TREE) { return PlatformChildCount(); } return 0; } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::ColumnCount() const { if (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_GRID || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_TABLE) { return CountChildrenWithRole(ui::AX_ROLE_COLUMN); } return 0; } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::RowIndex() const { if (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LIST_ITEM || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LIST_BOX_OPTION || GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_TREE_ITEM) { return GetIndexInParent(); } return GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_TABLE_CELL_ROW_INDEX); } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::RowSpan() const { return GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_TABLE_CELL_ROW_SPAN); } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::ColumnIndex() const { return GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_TABLE_CELL_COLUMN_INDEX); } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::ColumnSpan() const { return GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_TABLE_CELL_COLUMN_SPAN); } float BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::RangeMin() const { return GetFloatAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_MIN_VALUE_FOR_RANGE); } float BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::RangeMax() const { return GetFloatAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_MAX_VALUE_FOR_RANGE); } float BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::RangeCurrentValue() const { return GetFloatAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_VALUE_FOR_RANGE); } void BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetGranularityBoundaries( int granularity, std::vector* starts, std::vector* ends, int offset) { switch (granularity) { case ANDROID_ACCESSIBILITY_NODE_INFO_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_LINE: GetLineBoundaries(starts, ends, offset); break; case ANDROID_ACCESSIBILITY_NODE_INFO_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_WORD: GetWordBoundaries(starts, ends, offset); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } } void BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetLineBoundaries( std::vector* line_starts, std::vector* line_ends, int offset) { // If this node has no children, treat it as all one line. if (GetText().size() > 0 && !InternalChildCount()) { line_starts->push_back(offset); line_ends->push_back(offset + GetText().size()); } // If this is a static text node, get the line boundaries from the // inline text boxes if possible. if (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_STATIC_TEXT) { int last_y = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < InternalChildCount(); i++) { BrowserAccessibilityAndroid* child = static_cast(InternalGetChild(i)); CHECK_EQ(ui::AX_ROLE_INLINE_TEXT_BOX, child->GetRole()); // TODO(dmazzoni): replace this with a proper API to determine // if two inline text boxes are on the same line. http://crbug.com/421771 int y = child->GetLocation().y(); if (i == 0) { line_starts->push_back(offset); } else if (y != last_y) { line_ends->push_back(offset); line_starts->push_back(offset); } offset += child->GetText().size(); last_y = y; } line_ends->push_back(offset); return; } // Otherwise, call GetLineBoundaries recursively on the children. for (uint32 i = 0; i < InternalChildCount(); i++) { BrowserAccessibilityAndroid* child = static_cast(InternalGetChild(i)); child->GetLineBoundaries(line_starts, line_ends, offset); offset += child->GetText().size(); } } void BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::GetWordBoundaries( std::vector* word_starts, std::vector* word_ends, int offset) { if (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_INLINE_TEXT_BOX) { const std::vector& starts = GetIntListAttribute( ui::AX_ATTR_WORD_STARTS); const std::vector& ends = GetIntListAttribute( ui::AX_ATTR_WORD_ENDS); for (size_t i = 0; i < starts.size(); ++i) { word_starts->push_back(offset + starts[i]); word_ends->push_back(offset + ends[i]); } return; } base::string16 concatenated_text; for (uint32 i = 0; i < InternalChildCount(); i++) { BrowserAccessibilityAndroid* child = static_cast(InternalGetChild(i)); base::string16 child_text = child->GetText(); concatenated_text += child->GetText(); } base::string16 text = GetText(); if (text.empty() || concatenated_text == text) { // Great - this node is just the concatenation of its children, so // we can get the word boundaries recursively. for (uint32 i = 0; i < InternalChildCount(); i++) { BrowserAccessibilityAndroid* child = static_cast(InternalGetChild(i)); child->GetWordBoundaries(word_starts, word_ends, offset); offset += child->GetText().size(); } } else { // This node has its own accessible text that doesn't match its // visible text - like alt text for an image or something with an // aria-label, so split the text into words locally. base::i18n::BreakIterator iter(text, base::i18n::BreakIterator::BREAK_WORD); if (!iter.Init()) return; while (iter.Advance()) { if (iter.IsWord()) { word_starts->push_back(iter.prev()); word_ends->push_back(iter.pos()); } } } } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::HasFocusableChild() const { // This is called from PlatformIsLeaf, so don't call PlatformChildCount // from within this! for (uint32 i = 0; i < InternalChildCount(); i++) { BrowserAccessibility* child = InternalGetChild(i); if (child->HasState(ui::AX_STATE_FOCUSABLE)) return true; if (static_cast(child)->HasFocusableChild()) return true; } return false; } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::HasOnlyStaticTextChildren() const { // This is called from PlatformIsLeaf, so don't call PlatformChildCount // from within this! for (uint32 i = 0; i < InternalChildCount(); i++) { BrowserAccessibility* child = InternalGetChild(i); if (child->GetRole() != ui::AX_ROLE_STATIC_TEXT) return false; } return true; } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::HasOnlyTextAndImageChildren() const { // This is called from PlatformIsLeaf, so don't call PlatformChildCount // from within this! for (uint32 i = 0; i < InternalChildCount(); i++) { BrowserAccessibility* child = InternalGetChild(i); if (child->GetRole() != ui::AX_ROLE_STATIC_TEXT && child->GetRole() != ui::AX_ROLE_IMAGE) { return false; } } return true; } bool BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::IsIframe() const { base::string16 html_tag = GetString16Attribute( ui::AX_ATTR_HTML_TAG); return html_tag == base::ASCIIToUTF16("iframe"); } void BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::OnDataChanged() { BrowserAccessibility::OnDataChanged(); if (IsEditableText()) { base::string16 value = GetString16Attribute(ui::AX_ATTR_VALUE); if (value != new_value_) { old_value_ = new_value_; new_value_ = value; } } if (GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_ALERT && first_time_) manager()->NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ui::AX_EVENT_ALERT, this); base::string16 live; if (GetString16Attribute( ui::AX_ATTR_CONTAINER_LIVE_STATUS, &live)) { NotifyLiveRegionUpdate(live); } first_time_ = false; } void BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::NotifyLiveRegionUpdate( base::string16& aria_live) { if (!base::EqualsASCII(aria_live, aria_strings::kAriaLivePolite) && !base::EqualsASCII(aria_live, aria_strings::kAriaLiveAssertive)) return; base::string16 text = GetText(); if (cached_text_ != text) { if (!text.empty()) { manager()->NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ui::AX_EVENT_SHOW, this); } cached_text_ = text; } } int BrowserAccessibilityAndroid::CountChildrenWithRole(ui::AXRole role) const { int count = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < PlatformChildCount(); i++) { if (PlatformGetChild(i)->GetRole() == role) count++; } return count; } } // namespace content